/* vi: set ts=2: * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include <config.h> #include <eressea.h> /* misc includes */ #include <attributes/key.h> #include <attributes/otherfaction.h> #include <modules/xecmd.h> #include <modules/autoseed.h> /* gamecode includes */ #include <gamecode/economy.h> #include <gamecode/monster.h> /* kernel includes */ #include <kernel/alchemy.h> #include <kernel/alliance.h> #include <kernel/border.h> #include <kernel/building.h> #include <kernel/faction.h> #include <kernel/item.h> #include <kernel/magic.h> #include <kernel/message.h> #include <kernel/movement.h> #include <kernel/names.h> #include <kernel/pathfinder.h> #include <kernel/plane.h> #include <kernel/pool.h> #include <kernel/race.h> #include <kernel/region.h> #include <kernel/reports.h> #include <kernel/resources.h> #include <kernel/ship.h> #include <kernel/skill.h> #include <kernel/spell.h> #include <kernel/study.h> #include <kernel/teleport.h> #include <kernel/unit.h> /* util includes */ #include <attrib.h> #include <language.h> #include <base36.h> #include <log.h> #include <cvector.h> #include <util/event.h> #include <goodies.h> #include <resolve.h> #include <sql.h> #include <vset.h> /* libc includes */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* attributes includes */ #include <attributes/targetregion.h> #include <attributes/key.h> #undef XMAS1999 #undef XMAS2000 #undef XMAS2001 #undef XMAS2002 extern void reorder_owners(struct region * r); extern int incomplete_data; static int curse_emptiness(void) { const curse_type * ct = ct_find("godcursezone"); region * r; for (r=regions;r!=NULL;r=r->next) { unit * u = r->units; if (r->land==NULL) continue; if (fval(r, RF_CHAOTIC)) continue; if (r->terrain==T_GLACIER) continue; if (r->age<=200) continue; if (get_curse(r->attribs, ct)) continue; while (u && u->faction->no==MONSTER_FACTION) u=u->next; if (u==NULL) fset(r, FL_MARK); } for (r=regions;r!=NULL;r=r->next) { if (fval(r, FL_MARK)) { direction_t d; for (d=0;d!=MAXDIRECTIONS;++d) { region * rn = rconnect(r,d); if (rn==NULL) continue; if (fval(rn, FL_MARK) || get_curse(rn->attribs, ct)) { break; } } if (d!=MAXDIRECTIONS) { curse * c = create_curse(NULL, &r->attribs, ct, 100, 100, 0, 0); curse_setflag(c, CURSE_ISNEW|CURSE_IMMUNE); } freset(r, FL_MARK); } } return 0; } void french_testers(void) { faction * f = factions; const struct locale * french = find_locale("fr"); while (f!=NULL) { if (f->locale==french) fset(f, FFL_NOTIMEOUT); f = f->next; } } static void verify_owners(boolean bOnce) { region * r; for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { unit * u; boolean bFail = false; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { if (u->building) { unit * bo = buildingowner(r, u->building); if (!fval(bo, UFL_OWNER)) { log_error(("[verify_owners] %u ist Besitzer von %s, hat aber UFL_OWNER nicht.\n", unitname(bo), buildingname(u->building))); bFail = true; if (bOnce) break; } if (bo!=u && fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { log_error(("[verify_owners] %u ist NICHT Besitzer von %s, hat aber UFL_OWNER.\n", unitname(u), buildingname(u->building))); bFail = true; if (bOnce) break; } } if (u->ship) { unit * bo = shipowner(u->ship); if (!fval(bo, UFL_OWNER)) { log_error(("[verify_owners] %u ist Besitzer von %s, hat aber UFL_OWNER nicht.\n", unitname(bo), shipname(u->ship))); bFail = true; if (bOnce) break; } if (bo!=u && fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { log_error(("[verify_owners] %u ist NICHT Besitzer von %s, hat aber UFL_OWNER.\n", unitname(u), shipname(u->ship))); bFail = true; if (bOnce) break; } } } if (bFail) reorder_owners(r); } } /* make sure that this is done only once! */ #define do_once(magic, fun) \ { \ attrib * a = find_key(global.attribs, atoi36(magic)); \ if (!a) { \ log_warning(("[do_once] a unique fix %d=\"%s\" was applied.\n", atoi36(magic), magic)); \ if (fun == 0) a_add(&global.attribs, make_key(atoi36(magic))); \ } \ } int warn_items(void) { boolean found = 0; region * r; const item_type * it_money = it_find("money"); for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { unit * u; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { item * itm; for (itm=u->items;itm;itm=itm->next) { if (itm->number>100000 && itm->type!=it_money) { found = 1; log_error(("Einheit %s hat %u %s\n", unitid(u), itm->number, resourcename(itm->type->rtype, 0))); } } } } return found; } static boolean kor_teure_talente(unit *u) { if(effskill(u, SK_TACTICS) >= 1 || effskill(u, SK_MAGIC) >= 1 || effskill(u, SK_ALCHEMY) >= 1 || effskill(u, SK_HERBALISM) >= 1 || effskill(u, SK_SPY) >= 1) { return true; } return false; } static void no_teurefremde(boolean convert) { const curse_type * slave_ct = ct_find("slavery"); region *r; for(r=regions;r;r=r->next) { unit *u; for(u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { if (u->faction->no != MONSTER_FACTION && playerrace(u->faction->race) && is_migrant(u) && kor_teure_talente(u)) { if (slave_ct && curse_active(get_curse(u->attribs, slave_ct))) continue; log_warning(("Teurer Migrant: %s, Partei %s\n", unitname(u), factionname(u->faction))); if (convert) { u->race = u->faction->race; u->irace = u->faction->race; u->faction->num_migrants -= u->number; sprintf(buf, "Die Götter segnen %s mit der richtigen Rasse", unitname(u)); addmessage(0, u->faction, buf, MSG_MESSAGE, ML_IMPORTANT); } } } } } attrib_type at_roadfix = { "roadfix", DEFAULT_INIT, DEFAULT_FINALIZE, DEFAULT_AGE, #if RELEASE_VERSION<DISABLE_ROADFIX DEFAULT_WRITE, #else NULL, /* disable writing them so they will disappear */ #endif DEFAULT_READ, ATF_UNIQUE }; /* ************************************************************ */ /* GANZ WICHTIG! ALLE GEÄNDERTEN SPRÜCHE NEU ANZEIGEN */ /* GANZ WICHTIG! FÜGT AUCH NEUE ZAUBER IN DIE LISTE DER BEKANNTEN EIN */ /* ************************************************************ */ static void show_newspells(void) { region *r; /* Alle geänderten Zauber in das array newspellids[]. mit SPL_NOSPELL * terminieren */ spellid_t newspellids[] = { SPL_NOSPELL }; /* die id's der neuen oder veränderten Sprüche werden in newspellids[] * abgelegt */ for(r=regions; r; r=r->next) { unit *u; for(u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { sc_mage *m = get_mage(u); if (u->faction->no == MONSTER_FACTION) continue; if (m != NULL) { int i; if (m->magietyp == M_GRAU) continue; for (i = 0; newspellids[i] != SPL_NOSPELL; i++) { spell *sp = find_spellbyid(newspellids[i]); if (!sp) continue; if (m->magietyp == sp->magietyp || has_spell(u, sp)) { attrib * a = a_find(u->faction->attribs, &at_reportspell); while (a && a->data.i != sp->id) a = a->nexttype; if (!a) { /* spell is not being shown yet. if seen before, remove to show again */ a = a_find(u->faction->attribs, &at_seenspell); while (a && a->data.i != sp->id) a = a->nexttype; if (a) a_remove(&u->faction->attribs, a); } } } } } } } extern plane * arena; static void fix_age(void) { faction * f; const race * oldorc = rc_find("orc"); const race * uruk = rc_find("uruk"); for (f=factions;f;f=f->next) { if (f->no!=MONSTER_FACTION && playerrace(f->race)) continue; if (f->race==oldorc) f->race= uruk; else if (f->age!=turn) { log_printf("Alter von Partei %s auf %d angepasst.\n", factionid(f), turn); f->age = turn; } } } static void fix_firewalls(void) { region * r = regions; while (r) { direction_t d; for (d=0;d!=MAXDIRECTIONS;++d) { region * r2 = rconnect(r, d); if (r2) { border * b = get_borders(r, r2); while (b) { if (b->type==&bt_firewall) { attrib * a = a_find(b->attribs, &at_countdown); if (a==NULL || a->data.i <= 0) { erase_border(b); log_warning(("firewall between regions %s and %s was bugged. removed.\n", regionname(r, NULL), regionname(r2, NULL))); b = get_borders(r, r2); } else { b = b->next; } } else { b = b->next; } } } } r = r->next; } } static void fix_otherfaction(void) { int count = 0; region * r; for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { unit * u; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_otherfaction); if (a!=NULL) { faction * f = (faction*)a->data.v; if (f==u->faction) { a_remove(&u->attribs, a); ++count; } } } } if (count) log_warning(("%u units had otherfaction=own faction.\n", count)); } extern attrib * make_atgmcreate(const struct item_type * itype); extern attrib * make_atpermissions(void); extern struct attrib_type at_permissions; extern struct attrib_type at_gmcreate; static void update_gms(void) { faction * f; for (f=factions;f;f=f->next) { attrib * permissions = a_find(f->attribs, &at_permissions); if (permissions) { const char * keys[] = { "gmgate", "gmmsgr", "gmkill", "gmmsgu", NULL }; int k; item_t i; for (k=0;keys[k];++k) { add_key((attrib**)&permissions->data.v, atoi36(keys[k])); } for (i=I_GREATSWORD;i!=I_KEKS;++i) { attrib * a = a_find((attrib*)permissions->data.v, &at_gmcreate); while (a && a->data.v!=(void*)olditemtype[i]) a=a->nexttype; if (!a) a_add((attrib**)&permissions->data.v, make_atgmcreate(olditemtype[i])); } } } } static int fix_demands(void) { region *r; for (r=regions; r; r=r->next) { if (r->land!=NULL && r->land->demands==NULL) { fix_demand(r); } } return 0; } #include "group.h" static void fix_allies(void) { faction * f; for (f=factions;f;f=f->next) { group * g; for (g=f->groups;g;g=g->next) { ally ** ap=&g->allies; while (*ap) { ally * an, * a = *ap; for (an = a->next;an;an=an->next) { if (a->faction==an->faction) { *ap = a->next; free(a); break; } } if (an==NULL) ap = &(*ap)->next; } } } } #ifdef FUZZY_BASE36 extern boolean enable_fuzzy; #endif static void fix_icastles(void) { region * r; for (r=regions; r; r=r->next) { building * b; for (b=r->buildings; b; b=b->next) { attrib * a; const building_type * btype = bt_find("castle"); icastle_data * data; a = a_find(b->attribs, &at_icastle); if (b->type!=bt_find("illusion") && !a) continue; if (!a) { /* attribut hat gefehle */ a = a_add(&b->attribs, a_new(&at_icastle)); } if (b->type!=bt_find("illusion")) { /* gebäudetyp war falsch */ btype = b->type; b->type = bt_find("illusion"); } data = (icastle_data*)a->data.v; if (data->time<=0) { /* zeit war kaputt oder abgelaufen */ data->time = 1; } if (!data->type) { /* typ muss gesetzt werden, weil er nicht geladen wurde */ data->type = btype; } if (data->building!=b) { /* rückwärtszeiger auf das gebäude reparieren */ data->building=b; } } } } #if 0 static void fix_herbs(void) { const char * plain_herbs[] = {"Flachwurz", "Würziger Wagemut", "Eulenauge", "Grüner Spinnerich", "Blauer Baumringel", "Elfenlieb"}; const herb_type * htypes[6]; int herbs[6]; int hneed[6]; region *r; int i, hsum = 0, left = 0; for (i=0;i!=6;++i) { htypes[i] = resource2herb(finditemtype(plain_herbs[i], NULL)->rtype); herbs[i] = 0; } for (r=regions; r; r=r->next) if (rterrain(r) == T_PLAIN) { const herb_type *htype = rherbtype(r); if (htype==NULL) { htype = htypes[i]; rsetherbtype(r, htype); } for (i=0;i!=6;++i) if (htypes[i]==htype) break; assert(i!=6); herbs[i]++; hsum++; } for (i=0;i!=6;++i) { int hwant = hsum / (6-i); hneed[i] = hwant - herbs[i]; if (hneed[i]>0) left += hneed[i]; hsum -= hwant; } for (r=regions; r; r=r->next) if (rterrain(r) == T_PLAIN) { const herb_type *htype = rherbtype(r); assert(htype); for (i=0;i!=6;++i) if (htypes[i]==htype) break; assert(i!=6); if (hneed[i]<0) { int p; int k = rand() % left; for (p=0;p!=6;++p) if (hneed[p]>0) { k-=hneed[p]; if (k<0) break; } assert(p!=6); hneed[p]--; hneed[i]++; left--; rsetherbtype(r, htypes[p]); } hsum++; } for (i=0;i!=6;++i) herbs[i] = 0; for (r=regions; r; r=r->next) if (rterrain(r) == T_PLAIN) { const herb_type *htype = rherbtype(r); assert(htype); for (i=0;i!=6;++i) if (htypes[i]==htype) break; assert(i!=6); herbs[i]++; } for (i=0;i!=6;++i) { fprintf(stderr, "%s : %d\n", locale_string(NULL, resourcename(htypes[i]->itype->rtype, 0)), herbs[i]); } } #endif #include <triggers/timeout.h> #include <triggers/changerace.h> #include <triggers/changefaction.h> #include <triggers/createcurse.h> #include <triggers/createunit.h> #include <triggers/killunit.h> #include <triggers/giveitem.h> typedef struct handler_info { char * event; trigger * triggers; } handler_info; typedef struct timeout_data { trigger * triggers; int timer; variant trigger_data; } timeout_data; trigger * get_timeout(trigger * td, trigger * tfind) { trigger * t = td; while (t) { if (t->type==&tt_timeout) { timeout_data * tdata = (timeout_data *)t->data.v; trigger * tr = tdata->triggers; while (tr) { if (tr==tfind) break; tr=tr->next; } if (tr==tfind) break; } t=t->next; } return t; } #include <modules/gmcmd.h> static int secondfaction(faction * pf) { unit * u = findunit(atoi36("5q9w")); if (u!=NULL) { plane * p = rplane(u->region); if (p!=NULL) { region * center = findregion((p->maxx-p->minx)/2, (p->maxy-p->miny)/2); if (center!=NULL) { gm_addfaction(pf->email, p, center); return 0; } } } return -1; } static void update_gmquests(void) { faction * f = findfaction(atoi36("gm04")); if (f) { unit * u = f->units; potion_t p; attrib * permissions = a_find(f->attribs, &at_permissions); if (u!=NULL) { plane * p = rplane(u->region); /* gm04 will keine Orks */ if (p!=NULL) p->flags |= PFL_NOORCGROWTH; /* gm04 will keine Monster */ if (p!=NULL) p->flags |= PFL_NOMONSTERS; } for (p=0;p!=MAX_POTIONS;++p) { attrib * a = a_find((attrib*)permissions->data.v, &at_gmcreate); while (a && a->data.v!=(void*)oldpotiontype[p]->itype) a=a->nexttype; if (!a) a_add((attrib**)&permissions->data.v, make_atgmcreate(oldpotiontype[p]->itype)); } do_once("et02", secondfaction(f)); } } #define TEST_LOCALES 0 #if TEST_LOCALES static void setup_locales(void) { locale * lang = find_locale("en"); faction * f = factions; while (f) { f->locale = lang; f = f->next; } } #endif #include <triggers/shock.h> #include <triggers/killunit.h> #if RESOURCE_CONVERSION extern struct attrib_type at_resources; void init_resourcefix(void) { at_register(&at_resources); } #endif #if GROWING_TREES int growing_trees(void) { region *r; for(r=regions; r; r=r->next) { if(rtrees(r, 2)) { rsettrees(r, 1, rtrees(r, 2)/4); rsettrees(r, 0, rtrees(r, 2)/2); } } return 0; } #endif #include <triggers/gate.h> #include <triggers/unguard.h> typedef struct gate_data { struct building * gate; struct region * target; } gate_data; static void fix_gates(void) { region * r; for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { unit * u; building * b; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { trigger ** triggers = get_triggers(u->attribs, "timer"); if (triggers) { trigger * t = *triggers; while (t && t->type!= &tt_gate) t=t->next; if (t!=NULL) { gate_data * gd = (gate_data*)t->data.v; struct building * b = gd->gate; struct region * rtarget = gd->target; if (r!=b->region) { add_trigger(&b->attribs, "timer", trigger_gate(b, rtarget)); add_trigger(&b->attribs, "create", trigger_unguard(b)); fset(b, BLD_UNGUARDED); } } remove_triggers(&u->attribs, "timer", &tt_gate); remove_triggers(&u->attribs, "create", &tt_unguard); } } for (b=r->buildings;b;b=b->next) { trigger ** triggers = get_triggers(b->attribs, "timer"); if (triggers) { trigger * t = *triggers; while (t && t->type!= &tt_gate) t=t->next; if (t!=NULL) { gate_data * gd = (gate_data*)t->data.v; struct building * b = gd->gate; struct region * rtarget = gd->target; remove_triggers(&b->attribs, "timer", &tt_gate); remove_triggers(&b->attribs, "create", &tt_unguard); if (r!=b->region) { add_trigger(&b->attribs, "timer", trigger_gate(b, rtarget)); add_trigger(&b->attribs, "create", trigger_unguard(b)); fset(b, BLD_UNGUARDED); } } } } } } static int fix_astralplane(void) { plane * astralplane = get_astralplane(); region * r; region_list * rlist = NULL; faction * monsters = findfaction(MONSTER_FACTION); if (astralplane==NULL || monsters==NULL) return 0; freset(astralplane, PFL_NOCOORDS); freset(astralplane, PFL_NOFEED); set_ursprung(monsters, astralplane->id, 0, 0); for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) if (rplane(r)==astralplane) { region * ra = r_standard_to_astral(r); if (ra==NULL) continue; if (r->terrain!=T_FIREWALL) continue; if (ra->terrain==T_ASTRALB) continue; if (ra->units!=NULL) { add_regionlist(&rlist, ra); } log_printf("protecting firewall in %s by blocking astral space in %s.\n", regionname(r, NULL), regionname(ra, NULL)); terraform(ra, T_ASTRALB); } while (rlist!=NULL) { region_list * rnew = rlist; region * r = rnew->data; direction_t dir; rlist = rlist->next; for (dir=0;dir!=MAXDIRECTIONS;++dir) { region * rnext = rconnect(r, dir); if (rnext==NULL) continue; if (rnext->terrain!=T_ASTRAL) continue; while (r->units) { unit * u = r->units; move_unit(u, rnext, NULL); if (u->faction->no==MONSTER_FACTION) { set_number(u, 0); } } break; } if (r->units!=NULL) { unit * u; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { if (u->faction->no!=MONSTER_FACTION) { log_error(("Einheit %s in %u, %u steckt im Nebel fest.\n", unitname(u), r->x, r->y)); } } } free(rnew); } return 0; } static int warn_password(void) { faction * f = factions; while (f) { boolean pwok = true; const char * c = f->passw; while (*c) { if (!isalnum((unsigned char)*c)) pwok = false; c++; } if (pwok == false) { ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("msg_errors", "string", "Dein Passwort enthält Zeichen, die bei der Nachsendung " "von Reports Probleme bereiten können. Bitte wähle ein neues " "Passwort, bevorzugt nur aus Buchstaben und Zahlen bestehend.")); } f = f->next; } return 0; } extern border *borders[]; static void fix_road_borders(void) { #define MAXDEL 10000 border *deleted[MAXDEL]; int hash; int i = 0; if (incomplete_data) return; for(hash=0; hash<BMAXHASH && i!=MAXDEL; hash++) { border * bhash; for (bhash=borders[hash];bhash && i!=MAXDEL;bhash=bhash->nexthash) { border * b; for (b=bhash;b && i!=MAXDEL;b=b->next) { if (b->type == &bt_road) { int x1, x2, y1, y2; region *r1, *r2; x1 = b->from->x; y1 = b->from->y; x2 = b->to->x; y2 = b->to->y; r1 = findregion(x1, y1); r2 = findregion(x2, y2); if (r1->land == NULL || r2->land == NULL || terrain[r1->terrain].roadreq == 0 || terrain[r2->terrain].roadreq == 0) { deleted[i++] = b; } } } } } while (i>0) { i--; erase_border(deleted[i]); } } #ifdef WDW_PHOENIX static region * random_land_region(void) { region *r; int c = 0; /* count the available regions */ for(r=regions; r; r=r->next) { if (r->land && rplane(r)==NULL) ++c; } /* choose one */ c = rand()%c; /* this is a bit obfuscated, but should be correct */ for(r=regions; c > 0; r=r->next) { if (r->land && rplane(r)==NULL) --c; } return(r); } static void check_phoenix(void) { const race * phoenix_race = rc_find("phoenix"); unit * phoenix; region * r; faction *f; /* check if there is a phoenix in the world */ for(f=factions; f; f=f->next) { unit *u; for(u=f->units; u; u=u->nextF) { if(u->race == phoenix_race) { return; } } } f = findfaction(MONSTER_FACTION); if (f==NULL) return; /* it is not, so we create it */ r = random_land_region(); phoenix = createunit(r, f, 1, phoenix_race); phoenix->name = strdup("Der Phönix"); /* TODO: generate an appropriate region message */ } #endif static void fix_dissolve(unit * u, int value, char mode) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_unitdissolve); if (a!=NULL) return; a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_unitdissolve)); a->data.ca[0] = mode; a->data.ca[1] = (char)value; log_warning(("unit %s has race %s and no dissolve-attrib\n", unitname(u), rc_name(u->race, 0))); } static void check_dissolve(void) { region * r; for (r=regions;r!=NULL;r=r->next) { unit * u; for (u=r->units;u!=NULL;u=u->next) if (u->faction->no!=MONSTER_FACTION) { if (u->race==new_race[RC_STONEGOLEM]) { fix_dissolve(u, STONEGOLEM_CRUMBLE, 0); continue; } if (u->race==new_race[RC_IRONGOLEM]) { fix_dissolve(u, IRONGOLEM_CRUMBLE, 0); continue; } if (u->race==new_race[RC_PEASANT]) { fix_dissolve(u, 15, 1); continue; } if (u->race==new_race[RC_TREEMAN]) { fix_dissolve(u, 5, 2); continue; } } } } static int fix_familiars(void) { const struct locale * lang = find_locale("en"); region * r; for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { unit * u; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) if (u->faction->no!=MONSTER_FACTION) { if (u->race->init_familiar && u->race->maintenance==0) { /* this is a familiar */ unit * mage = get_familiar_mage(u); if (mage==0) { log_error(("%s is a %s familiar with no mage for faction %s\n", unitid(u), racename(lang, u, u->race), factionid(u->faction))); } else if (!is_mage(mage)) { log_error(("%s is a %s familiar, but %s is not a mage for faction %s\n", unitid(u), racename(lang, u, u->race), unitid(mage), factionid(u->faction))); } } } } return 0; } void korrektur(void) { check_dissolve(); french_testers(); #if TEST_LOCALES setup_locales(); #endif fix_astralplane(); fix_firewalls(); fix_gates(); update_gms(); verify_owners(false); /* fix_herbtypes(); */ /* In Vin 3+ können Parteien komplett übergeben werden. */ if (!ExpensiveMigrants()) { no_teurefremde(true); } fix_allies(); update_gmquests(); /* test gm quests */ /* fix_unitrefs(); */ warn_password(); fix_road_borders(); if (turn>1000) curse_emptiness(); /*** disabled ***/ /* seems something fishy is going on, do this just * to be on the safe side: */ fix_demands(); fix_otherfaction(); fix_familiars(); /* trade_orders(); */ /* immer ausführen, wenn neue Sprüche dazugekommen sind, oder sich * Beschreibungen geändert haben */ show_newspells(); fix_age(); /* Immer ausführen! Erschafft neue Teleport-Regionen, wenn nötig */ create_teleport_plane(); #ifdef WDW_PHOENIX check_phoenix(); #endif if (global.data_version<TYPES_VERSION) fix_icastles(); #ifdef FUZZY_BASE36 enable_fuzzy = true; #endif } void korrektur_end(void) { } void init_conversion(void) { }