Fehlermeldung für Doppelspieler

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Enno Rehling 2002-04-07 09:08:19 +00:00
parent 2d986dd5d7
commit fcef0c7821

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def SendPass(email):
Display('<div align="center">Beim Versenden des Passwortes ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.<br>Eventuell ist die email-Adresse unbekannt</div>', 'Kundendaten für '+email)
def ShowInfo(custid, Password):
global Errors
db = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbname)
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def ShowInfo(custid, Password):
output = '<div align=center>Letzter Buchungstag: '+str(lastdate)[0:10]+'</div><form action="'+scripturl+'" method=post><div align=center><table bgcolor="#e0e0e0" width=80% border>\n'
query = "SELECT sum(balance) from transactions where user="+str(custid)
transactions = cursor.execute(query)
balance = 0.00
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ def ShowInfo(custid, Password):
"from races, games, subscriptions s "+
"where s.race=races.race and s.game="+str(int(gid))+" and s.game=games.id "+
"and s.user="+str(custid)+" ")
fcursor = db.cursor()
results = fcursor.execute(query)
if results>0:
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ def ShowInfo(custid, Password):
query="select date, balance, text from transactions, descriptions where descriptions.handle=transactions.description and user="+str(custid)+" ORDER BY date"
results = cursor.execute(query);
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ def ShowInfo(custid, Password):
line = line + "</tr>\n"
output=output+'<div align=center><p><input name="save" type="submit" value="Speichern"></div>'
output=output+'<input type="hidden" name="user" value="'+str(custid)+'"></div>'
output=output+'<input type="hidden" name="pass" value="'+Password+'"></div>'
@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ def TransferFaction(sid, faction, newuser, game):
def Save(custid, Password):
global Errors
for key in Form.keys():
@ -268,12 +269,16 @@ def Save(custid, Password):
TransferFaction(sid, faction, newuser, game)
nfactions = nfactions - 1
nfactions = cursor.execute("select g.name, s.id, faction from games g, subscriptions s where s.status='TRANSFERED' and s.user="+str(custid) + " and s.game=g.id")
nfactions = cursor.execute("select g.id, g.name, s.id, faction from games g, subscriptions s where s.status='TRANSFERED' and s.user="+str(custid) + " and s.game=g.id")
while nfactions > 0:
game, sid, faction = cursor.fetchone()
gid, game, sid, faction = cursor.fetchone()
if Form.has_key("accept_"+faction):
update = db.cursor()
update.execute("UPDATE subscriptions set status='ACTIVE' where id="+str(int(sid)))
i = update.execute("SELECT count(*) from subscriptions where status='ACTIVE' and game="+str(int(gid)))
if i==0:
update.execute("UPDATE subscriptions set status='ACTIVE' where id="+str(int(sid)))
Errors=Errors+"Du hast bereits eine Aktive Partei in "+game+"<br>
nfactions = nfactions - 1
nfactions = cursor.execute("select g.name, s.id, faction from games g, subscriptions s where s.status='CANCELLED' and s.user="+str(custid) + " and s.game=g.id")