eliminate bsdstring from reports.c

add missing period at end of region info.
This commit is contained in:
Enno Rehling 2018-11-24 21:25:46 +01:00
parent 26205094dd
commit c757f83a71
4 changed files with 35 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -1183,14 +1183,14 @@ void report_region(struct stream *out, const region * r, faction * f)
if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes) != 0)
bytes = (int)str_strlcpy(bufp, "\")", size);
if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes) != 0)
bytes = (int)str_strlcpy(bufp, ".", size);
if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes) != 0)
dh = 1;
bytes = (int)str_strlcpy(bufp, ".", size);
if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes) != 0)
*bufp = 0;
paragraph(out, buf, 0, 0, 0);

View File

/* util includes */
#include "kernel/attrib.h"
#include "util/base36.h"
#include "util/bsdstring.h"
#include "util/functions.h"
#include "util/goodies.h"
#include "util/language.h"
@ -2209,41 +2208,49 @@ const char *get_mailcmd(const struct locale *loc)
return result;
static void print_trail(const faction *f, const region *r,
const struct locale *lang, struct sbstring *sbp)
char buf[64];
const char *trail = trailinto(r, lang);
const char *rn = f_regionid_s(r, f);
if (snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), trail, rn) != 0) {
sbs_strcat(sbp, buf);
static void eval_trail(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata)
{ /* order -> string */
const faction *report = (const faction *)userdata;
const struct locale *lang = report ? report->locale : default_locale;
const arg_regions *aregs = (const arg_regions *)opop(stack).v;
char buf[512];
size_t size = sizeof(buf) - 1;
variant var;
char *bufp = buf;
sbstring sbs;
/* stupid MS broke snprintf */
/* MSVC touches errno in snprintf */
int eold = errno;
sbs_init(&sbs, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (aregs != NULL) {
int i, handle_end = 0, begin = 0;
handle_end = aregs->nregions;
for (i = begin; i < handle_end; ++i) {
region *r = aregs->regions[i];
const char *trail = trailinto(r, lang);
const char *rn = f_regionid_s(r, report);
sbs_strcat(&sbs, ", ");
if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, snprintf(bufp, size, trail, rn)) != 0)
print_trail(report, r, lang, &sbs);
if (i + 2 < handle_end) {
bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size);
sbs_strcat(&sbs, ", ");
else if (i + 1 < handle_end) {
bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, LOC(lang, "list_and"), size);
sbs_strcat(&sbs, LOC(lang, "list_and"));
*bufp = 0;
var.v = strcpy(balloc((size_t)(bufp - buf + 1)), buf);
var.v = strcpy(balloc(sbs_length(&sbs)), buf);
opush(stack, var);
if (errno == ERANGE) {
@ -2252,11 +2259,9 @@ static void eval_trail(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata)
void report_race_skills(const race *rc, char *zText, size_t length, const struct locale *lang)
void report_race_skills(const race *rc, const struct locale *lang, sbstring *sbp)
size_t size = length - 1;
int dh = 0, dh1 = 0, sk;
char *bufp = zText;
for (sk = 0; sk < MAXSKILLS; ++sk) {
if (skill_enabled(sk) && rc->bonus[sk] > -5)
@ -2265,27 +2270,28 @@ void report_race_skills(const race *rc, char *zText, size_t length, const struct
for (sk = 0; sk < MAXSKILLS; sk++) {
if (skill_enabled(sk) && rc->bonus[sk] > -5) {
size_t bytes;
if (dh1 == 0) {
dh1 = 1;
else {
if (dh == 0) {
bytes = str_strlcpy(bufp, LOC(lang, "list_and"), size);
sbs_strcat(sbp, LOC(lang, "list_and"));
else {
bytes = str_strlcpy(bufp, ", ", size);
assert(bytes <= INT_MAX);
BUFFER_STRCAT(bufp, size, bytes);
bytes = str_strlcpy(bufp, skillname((skill_t)sk, lang),
assert(bytes <= INT_MAX);
BUFFER_STRCAT(bufp, size, (int)bytes);
sbs_strcat(sbp, ", ");
sbs_strcat(sbp, skillname((skill_t)sk, lang));
void report_race_skills_depr(const race *rc, char *zText, size_t length, const struct locale *lang)
sbstring sbs;
sbs_init(&sbs, zText, length);
report_race_skills(rc, lang, &sbs);
static void eval_direction(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata)

View File

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ extern "C" {
const struct unit *owner, const struct faction *viewer);
void report_warnings(struct faction *f, int now);
void report_raceinfo(const struct race *rc, const struct locale *lang, struct sbstring *sbp);
void report_race_skills(const struct race *rc, char *zText, size_t length, const struct locale *lang);
void report_race_skills_depr(const struct race *rc, char *zText, size_t length, const struct locale *lang);
void report_item(const struct unit *owner, const struct item *i,
const struct faction *viewer, const char **name, const char **basename,
int *number, bool singular);

View File

@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ static int sp_summon_familiar(castorder * co)
make_familiar(caster, r, rc, zText);
report_race_skills(rc, zText, sizeof(zText), caster->faction->locale);
report_race_skills_depr(rc, zText, sizeof(zText), caster->faction->locale);
ADDMSG(&caster->faction->msgs, msg_message("familiar_describe",
"mage race skills", caster, rc, zText));
return cast_level;