oldrace young dragon had another space.

updated todo-file
some indentation in battle.c
This commit is contained in:
Enno Rehling 2005-08-22 20:14:42 +00:00
parent a3bef667d1
commit 951ad4a615
3 changed files with 23 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ race_compat(void)
const char * oldracenames[MAXRACES] = {
"dwarf", "elf", "orc", "goblin", "human", "troll", "demon", "insect",
"halfling", "cat", "aquarian", "uruk", "snotling", "undead", "illusion",
"young dragon", "dragon", "wyrm", "ent", "catdragon", "dracoid",
"youngdragon", "dragon", "wyrm", "ent", "catdragon", "dracoid",
"special", "spell", "irongolem", "stonegolem", "shadowdemon",
"shadowmaster", "mountainguard", "alp", "toad", "braineater", "peasant",
"wolf", "lynx", "tunnelworm", "eagle", "rat", "songdragon", "nymph",

View file

@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
Gletscherauflösung 4./5. welt
make sure every faction has a unique subscription.
curse type should contain effect-type
ITF_NOLOOT für sonnensegel
format=flowed annahme, eressea
eressea (b/g)zip reports?
itemtypes auslagern
readline implementieren
sk_ prefixes entfernen
XUL for Eressea
[11:01] <Enno`> am besten wäre, wenn mailit nur die optionen, nicht das ganze script enthielte