forked from github/server
getting rid of the olditemtypes[] array
reduce use of statics reduce use of item_t enum
This commit is contained in:
25 changed files with 233 additions and 273 deletions
@ -1297,7 +1297,8 @@ static void allocate_resource(unit * u, const resource_type * rtype, int want)
allocation *al;
attrib *a = a_find(rtype->attribs, &at_resourcelimit);
resource_limit *rdata = (resource_limit *) a->data.v;
int amount, skill;
const resource_type *rring;
int amount, skill;
/* momentan kann man keine ressourcen abbauen, wenn man dafür
* Materialverbrauch hat: */
@ -1347,7 +1348,7 @@ static void allocate_resource(unit * u, const resource_type * rtype, int want)
* Als magische Wesen 'sehen' Bergwächter alles und werden durch
* Belagerung nicht aufgehalten. (Ansonsten wie oben bei Elfen anpassen).
if (itype == olditemtype[I_IRON] || itype == olditemtype[I_LAEN]) {
if (itype->rtype && (itype->rtype==get_resourcetype(R_IRON) || itype->rtype==rt_find("laen"))) {
unit *u2;
for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) {
if (is_guard(u, GUARD_MINING)
@ -1397,16 +1398,18 @@ static void allocate_resource(unit * u, const resource_type * rtype, int want)
/* nun ist amount die Gesamtproduktion der Einheit (in punkten) */
/* mit Flinkfingerring verzehnfacht sich die Produktion */
amount +=
skill * _min(u->number, get_item(u,
I_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER)) * (roqf_factor() - 1);
rring = get_resourcetype(R_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER);
if (rring) {
int dm = i_get(u->items, rring->itype);
amount += skill * _min(u->number, dm) * (roqf_factor() - 1);
/* Schaffenstrunk: */
if ((dm = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_DOMORE])) != 0) {
dm = _min(dm, u->number);
change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_DOMORE], -dm);
amount += dm * skill; /* dm Personen produzieren doppelt */
/* Schaffenstrunk: */
if ((dm = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_DOMORE])) != 0) {
dm = _min(dm, u->number);
change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_DOMORE], -dm);
amount += dm * skill; /* dm Personen produzieren doppelt */
amount /= itype->construction->minskill;
@ -2601,32 +2604,32 @@ static void breedtrees(region * r, unit * u, int raw)
/* züchte pferde */
static void breedhorses(region * r, unit * u)
int n, c;
int gezuechtet = 0;
struct building *b = inside_building(u);
const struct building_type *btype = b ? b->type : NULL;
int n, c, breed = 0;
struct building *b = inside_building(u);
const struct building_type *btype = b ? b->type : NULL;
const struct item_type *ihorse = it_find("horse");
if (btype != bt_find("stables")) {
cmistake(u, u->thisorder, 122, MSG_PRODUCE);
if (get_item(u, I_HORSE) < 2) {
cmistake(u, u->thisorder, 107, MSG_PRODUCE);
n = _min(u->number * eff_skill(u, SK_HORSE_TRAINING, r), get_item(u, I_HORSE));
for (c = 0; c < n; c++) {
if (rng_int() % 100 < eff_skill(u, SK_HORSE_TRAINING, r)) {
i_change(&u->items, olditemtype[I_HORSE], 1);
if (btype != bt_find("stables")) {
cmistake(u, u->thisorder, 122, MSG_PRODUCE);
if (i_get(u->items, ihorse) < 2) {
cmistake(u, u->thisorder, 107, MSG_PRODUCE);
n = _min(u->number * eff_skill(u, SK_HORSE_TRAINING, r), i_get(u->items, ihorse));
produceexp(u, SK_HORSE_TRAINING, u->number);
for (c = 0; c < n; c++) {
if (rng_int() % 100 < eff_skill(u, SK_HORSE_TRAINING, r)) {
i_change(&u->items, ihorse, 1);
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("raised",
"unit amount", u, gezuechtet));
produceexp(u, SK_HORSE_TRAINING, u->number);
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("raised", "unit amount", u, breed));
static void breed_cmd(unit * u, struct order *ord)
@ -2753,6 +2756,7 @@ static int max_skill(region * r, faction * f, skill_t sk)
static void steal_cmd(unit * u, struct order *ord, request ** stealorders)
const resource_type *rring = get_resourcetype(R_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER);
int n, i, id;
bool goblin = false;
request *o;
@ -2842,7 +2846,7 @@ static void steal_cmd(unit * u, struct order *ord, request ** stealorders)
i = _min(u->number, get_item(u, I_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER));
i = _min(u->number, i_get(u->items, rring->itype));
if (i > 0) {
n *= STEALINCOME * (u->number + i * (roqf_factor() - 1));
} else {
@ -839,15 +839,17 @@ static const armor_type *select_armor(troop t, bool shield)
* - Artefakt I_TROLLBELT gibt Rüstung +1
* - Zauber Rindenhaut gibt Rüstung +3
static int trollbelts(const unit *u) {
const struct item_type *belt = it_find("trollbelt");
return belt ? i_get(u->items, belt) : 0;
int select_magicarmor(troop t)
unit *u = t.fighter->unit;
int geschuetzt = 0;
int ma = 0;
geschuetzt = _min(get_item(u, I_TROLLBELT), u->number);
if (geschuetzt > t.index) /* unser Kandidat wird geschuetzt */
if (trollbelts(u) > t.index) /* unser Kandidat wird geschuetzt */
ma += 1;
return ma;
@ -3252,7 +3254,7 @@ fighter *make_fighter(battle * b, unit * u, side * s1, bool attack)
/* change_effect wird in ageing gemacht */
/* Effekte von Artefakten */
strongmen = _min(fig->unit->number, get_item(u, I_TROLLBELT));
strongmen = _min(fig->unit->number, trollbelts(u));
/* Hitpoints, Attack- und Defence-Boni für alle Personen */
for (i = 0; i < fig->alive; i++) {
@ -3371,15 +3373,15 @@ fighter *make_fighter(battle * b, unit * u, side * s1, bool attack)
fig->horses = fig->unit->number;
fig->elvenhorses = 0;
} else {
static const item_type *it_charger = 0;
if (it_charger == 0) {
it_charger = it_find("charger");
if (!it_charger) {
it_charger = it_find("horse");
const item_type *it_horse = 0;
const item_type *it_elvenhorse = 0;
it_elvenhorse = it_find("elvenhorse");
it_horse = it_find("charger");
if (!it_horse) {
it_horse = it_find("horse");
fig->horses = i_get(u->items, it_charger);
fig->elvenhorses = get_item(u, I_ELVENHORSE);
fig->horses = i_get(u->items, it_horse);
fig->elvenhorses = i_get(u->items, it_elvenhorse);
if (u_race(u)->battle_flags & BF_EQUIPMENT) {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ static void test_make_fighter(CuTest * tc)
set_level(au, SK_MAGIC, 3);
set_level(au, SK_RIDING, 3);
au->status = ST_BEHIND;
set_item(au, I_HORSE, 1);
i_change(&au->items, it_find("horse"), 1);
b = make_battle(r);
as = make_side(b, au->faction, 0, 0, 0);
@ -326,7 +326,8 @@ void build_road(region * r, unit * u, int size, direction_t d)
/* n = maximum by skill. try to maximize it */
n = u->number * eff_skill(u, SK_ROAD_BUILDING, r);
if (n < left) {
item *itm = *i_find(&u->items, olditemtype[I_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER]);
const resource_type *ring = get_resourcetype(R_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER);
item *itm = ring ? *i_find(&u->items, ring->itype) : 0;
if (itm != NULL && itm->number > 0) {
int rings = _min(u->number, itm->number);
n = n * ((roqf_factor() - 1) * rings + u->number) / u->number;
@ -516,10 +517,9 @@ int build(unit * u, const construction * ctype, int completed, int want)
/* Flinkfingerring wirkt nicht auf Mengenbegrenzte (magische)
* Talente */
if (skill_limit(u->faction, type->skill) == INT_MAX) {
int i = 0;
item *itm = *i_find(&u->items, olditemtype[I_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER]);
if (itm != NULL)
i = itm->number;
const resource_type *ring = get_resourcetype(R_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER);
item *itm = ring ? *i_find(&u->items, ring->itype) : 0;
int i = itm ? itm->number : 0;
if (i > 0) {
int rings = _min(u->number, i);
n = n * ((roqf_factor() - 1) * rings + u->number) / u->number;
@ -2120,7 +2120,7 @@ int weight(const unit * u)
n += u->number * u_race(u)->weight;
w = get_item(u, I_BAG_OF_HOLDING) * BAGCAPACITY;
w = i_get(u->items, it_find("magicbag")) * BAGCAPACITY;
if (w > in_bag)
w = in_bag;
n -= w;
@ -99,6 +99,12 @@ void free_faction(faction * f)
void set_show_item(faction * f, const struct item_type *itype)
attrib *a = a_add(&f->attribs, a_new(&at_showitem));
a->data.v = (void *)itype;
faction *get_monsters(void)
static faction *monsters;
@ -54,10 +54,9 @@ extern "C" {
struct faction *get_monsters(void);
#define is_monsters(f) ((f)->flags&FFL_NPC)
typedef struct faction {
typedef struct faction {
struct faction *next;
struct faction *nexthash;
@ -110,20 +109,21 @@ extern "C" {
struct item *items; /* items this faction can claim */
struct seen_region **seen;
struct quicklist *seen_factions;
} faction;
} faction;
extern struct faction *factions;
extern struct faction *factions;
int max_magicians(const faction * f);
struct faction *get_monsters(void);
int max_magicians(const faction * f);
void set_show_item(faction * f, const struct item_type *itype);
extern const struct unit *random_unit_in_faction(const struct faction *f);
extern const char *factionname(const struct faction *f);
extern struct unit *addplayer(struct region *r, faction * f);
extern struct faction *addfaction(const char *email, const char *password,
const struct unit *random_unit_in_faction(const struct faction *f);
const char *factionname(const struct faction *f);
struct unit *addplayer(struct region *r, faction * f);
struct faction *addfaction(const char *email, const char *password,
const struct race *frace, const struct locale *loc, int subscription);
extern bool checkpasswd(const faction * f, const char *passwd,
bool shortp);
extern void destroyfaction(faction * f);
bool checkpasswd(const faction * f, const char *passwd, bool shortp);
void destroyfaction(faction * f);
extern void set_alliance(struct faction *a, struct faction *b, int status);
extern int get_alliance(const struct faction *a, const struct faction *b);
@ -399,12 +399,12 @@ item **i_find(item ** i, const item_type * it)
return i;
item *const *i_findc(item * const *i, const item_type * it)
item *const* i_findc(item *const* iter, const item_type * it)
while (*i && (*i)->type != it) {
i = &(*i)->next;
while (*iter && (*iter)->type != it) {
iter = &(*iter)->next;
return i;
return iter;
int i_get(const item * i, const item_type * it)
@ -597,7 +597,6 @@ give_money(unit * s, unit * d, const item_type * itype, int n,
const item_type *olditemtype[MAXITEMS + 1];
const potion_type *oldpotiontype[MAXPOTIONS + 1];
/*** alte items ***/
@ -607,7 +606,7 @@ const char *itemnames[MAX_RESOURCES] = {
"aots", "roi", "rop", "ao_chastity",
"laen", "fairyboot", "aoc", "pegasus",
"elvenhorse", "dolphin", "roqf", "trollbelt",
"presspass", "aurafocus", "sphereofinv", "magicbag",
"aurafocus", "sphereofinv", "magicbag",
"magicherbbag", "dreameye", "money", "aura", "permaura"
@ -616,24 +615,21 @@ const resource_type *get_resourcetype(resource_t type) {
return rtype;
int get_item(const unit * u, item_t it)
int get_item(const unit * u, const item_type *itype)
const item_type *type = olditemtype[it];
const item *i = *i_findc(&u->items, type);
if (i)
assert(i->number >= 0);
const item *i = *i_findc(&u->items, itype);
assert(!i || i->number >= 0);
return i ? i->number : 0;
int set_item(unit * u, item_t it, int value)
int set_item(unit * u, const item_type *itype, int value)
const item_type *type = olditemtype[it];
item *i;
i = *i_find(&u->items, type);
i = *i_find(&u->items, itype);
if (!i) {
i = i_add(&u->items, i_new(type, value));
i = i_add(&u->items, i_new(itype, value));
} else {
i->number = value;
assert(i->number >= 0);
@ -731,20 +727,6 @@ mod_dwarves_only(const unit * u, const region * r, skill_t sk, int value)
return -118;
static void init_olditems(void)
item_t i;
for (i = 0; i != MAXITEMS; ++i) {
/* item is defined in XML file, but IT_XYZ enum still in use */
const item_type *itype = it_find(itemnames[i]);
if (itype) {
olditemtype[i] = itype;
static int heal(unit * user, int effect)
int req = unit_max_hp(user) * user->number - user->hp;
@ -1006,7 +988,6 @@ void init_resources(void)
/* alte typen registrieren: */
@ -1211,7 +1192,6 @@ void test_clear_resources(void)
int i;
memset((void *)olditemtype, 0, sizeof(olditemtype));
memset((void *)oldpotiontype, 0, sizeof(oldpotiontype));
cb_foreach(&cb_items, "", 0, free_itype_cb, 0);
@ -291,7 +291,6 @@ extern "C" {
@ -318,7 +317,6 @@ extern "C" {
@ -335,11 +333,7 @@ extern "C" {
} resource_t;
extern const struct potion_type *oldpotiontype[];
extern const struct item_type *olditemtype[];
const struct resource_type *get_resourcetype(resource_t type);
int get_item(const struct unit *, item_t);
int set_item(struct unit *, item_t, int);
const struct resource_type *get_resourcetype(resource_t rt);
int get_money(const struct unit *);
int set_money(struct unit *, int);
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void test_change_item(CuTest * tc)
u = test_create_unit(0, 0);
test_uchange(tc, u, olditemtype[I_IRON]->rtype);
test_uchange(tc, u, get_resourcetype(R_IRON));
void test_change_person(CuTest * tc)
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ int max_spellpoints(const region * r, const unit * u)
sk = eff_skill(u, SK_MAGIC, r);
msp = u_race(u)->maxaura * (pow(sk, potenz) / divisor + 1) + get_spchange(u);
if (get_item(u, I_AURAKULUM) > 0) {
if (i_get(u->items, it_find("aurafocus")) > 0) {
msp += use_item_aura(r, u);
n = get_curseeffect(u->attribs, C_AURA, 0);
@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ spellpower(region * r, unit * u, const spell * sp, int cast_level,
if (get_item(u, I_RING_OF_POWER) > 0)
if (i_get(u->items, it_find("rop")) > 0)
if (elf_power < 0) {
elf_power = get_param_int(global.parameters, "rules.magic.elfpower", 0);
@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ double magic_resistance(unit * target)
/* Unicorn +10 */
n = get_item(target, I_ELVENHORSE);
n = i_get(target->items, it_find("elvenhorse"));
if (n)
probability += n * 0.1 / target->number;
@ -270,10 +270,12 @@ static int ridingcapacity(unit * u)
int walkingcapacity(const struct unit *u)
int n, tmp, people, pferde_fuer_wagen;
int n, people, pferde_fuer_wagen;
int wagen_ohne_pferde, wagen_mit_pferden, wagen_mit_trollen;
int vehicles = 0, vcap = 0;
int animals = 0, acap = 0;
const struct item_type *ihorse = it_find("horse");
const struct item_type *ibelt = it_find("trollbelt");
get_transporters(u->items, &animals, &acap, &vehicles, &vcap);
@ -309,16 +311,20 @@ int walkingcapacity(const struct unit *u)
n += animals * acap;
n += people * personcapacity(u);
/* Goliathwasser */
tmp = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_STRONG]);
if (tmp > 0) {
int horsecap = olditemtype[I_HORSE]->capacity;
if (tmp > people)
tmp = people;
n += tmp * (horsecap - personcapacity(u));
if (ihorse) {
int tmp = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_STRONG]);
if (tmp > 0) {
int horsecap = ihorse->capacity;
if (tmp > people) {
tmp = people;
n += tmp * (horsecap - personcapacity(u));
if (ibelt) {
int tmp = i_get(u->items, ibelt);
n += _min(people, tmp) * (STRENGTHMULTIPLIER - 1) * personcapacity(u);
/* change_effect wird in ageing gemacht */
tmp = get_item(u, I_TROLLBELT);
n += _min(people, tmp) * (STRENGTHMULTIPLIER - 1) * personcapacity(u);
return n;
@ -372,7 +378,7 @@ static int canwalk(unit * u)
bool canfly(unit * u)
if (get_item(u, I_PEGASUS) >= u->number && effskill(u, SK_RIDING) >= 4)
if (i_get(u->items, it_find("pegasus")) >= u->number && effskill(u, SK_RIDING) >= 4)
return true;
if (fval(u_race(u), RCF_FLY))
@ -386,7 +392,7 @@ bool canfly(unit * u)
bool canswim(unit * u)
if (get_item(u, I_DOLPHIN) >= u->number && effskill(u, SK_RIDING) >= 4)
if (i_get(u->items, it_find("dolphin")) >= u->number && effskill(u, SK_RIDING) >= 4)
return true;
if (u_race(u)->flags & RCF_FLY)
@ -860,7 +866,7 @@ static unit *bewegung_blockiert_von(unit * reisender, region * r)
if (!contact && guard) {
double prob = 0.3; /* 30% base chance */
prob += 0.1 * (perception - eff_stealth(reisender, r));
prob += 0.1 * _min(guard->number, get_item(guard, I_AMULET_OF_TRUE_SEEING));
prob += 0.1 * _min(guard->number, i_get(guard->items, it_find("aots")));
if (chance(prob)) {
return guard;
@ -1375,7 +1381,7 @@ static int movement_speed(unit * u)
/* unicorn in inventory */
if (u->number <= get_item(u, I_FEENSTIEFEL)) {
if (u->number <= i_get(u->items, it_find("fairyboot"))) {
mp *= 2;
int get_resource(const unit * u, const resource_type * rtype)
const item_type *itype = resource2item(rtype);
if (rtype->uget) {
/* this resource is probably special */
@ -54,16 +52,13 @@ int get_resource(const unit * u, const resource_type * rtype)
if (i >= 0)
return i;
if (itype != NULL) {
if (itype == olditemtype[R_STONE] && (u_race(u)->flags & RCF_STONEGOLEM)) {
if (rtype->itype) {
if (rtype == rt_find("stone") && (u_race(u)->flags & RCF_STONEGOLEM)) {
return u->number * GOLEM_STONE;
} else if (itype == olditemtype[R_IRON] && (u_race(u)->flags & RCF_IRONGOLEM)) {
} else if (rtype->itype == it_find("iron") && (u_race(u)->flags & RCF_IRONGOLEM)) {
return u->number * GOLEM_IRON;
} else {
const item *i = *i_findc(&u->items, itype);
if (i)
return i->number;
return 0;
return i_get(u->items, rtype->itype);
if (rtype == get_resourcetype(R_AURA))
@ -193,12 +193,6 @@ extern void add_raceprefix(const char *prefix)
/* "den Zwergen", "Halblingsparteien" */
void set_show_item(faction * f, item_t i)
attrib *a = a_add(&f->attribs, a_new(&at_showitem));
a->data.v = (void *)olditemtype[i];
bool r_insectstalled(const region * r)
return fval(r->terrain, ARCTIC_REGION);
@ -57,10 +57,6 @@ extern "C" {
extern const struct unit *ucansee(const struct faction *f,
const struct unit *u, const struct unit *x);
int hat_in_region(item_t itm, struct region *r, struct faction *f);
/* für fast_region und neuen CR: */
enum {
@ -131,9 +131,6 @@ typedef enum {
@ -303,13 +303,14 @@ int gift_items(unit * u, int flags)
if (flags & GIFT_PEASANTS) {
if (!fval(u->region->terrain, SEA_REGION)) {
if (itm->type == olditemtype[I_HORSE]) {
rsethorses(r, rhorses(r) + itm->number);
itm->number = 0;
} else if (itm->type == i_silver) {
if (itm->type == i_silver) {
rsetmoney(r, rmoney(r) + itm->number);
itm->number = 0;
else if (itm->type == it_find("horse")) {
rsethorses(r, rhorses(r) + itm->number);
itm->number = 0;
if (itm->number > 0 && (itm->type->flags & ITF_NOTLOST)) {
@ -1210,23 +1211,17 @@ bool has_skill(const unit * u, skill_t sk)
static int item_modification(const unit * u, skill_t sk, int val)
/* Presseausweis: *2 Spionage, 0 Tarnung */
if (sk == SK_SPY && get_item(u, I_PRESSCARD) >= u->number) {
val = val * 2;
} else if (sk == SK_STEALTH) {
if (sk == SK_STEALTH) {
#if NEWATSROI == 1
if (get_item(u, I_RING_OF_INVISIBILITY)
+ 100 * get_item(u, I_SPHERE_OF_INVISIBILITY) >= u->number) {
if (i_get(u->items, it_find("roi"))
+ 100 * i_get(u->items, it_find("sphereofinv")) >= u->number) {
val += ROIBONUS;
if (get_item(u, I_PRESSCARD) >= u->number) {
val = 0;
#if NEWATSROI == 1
if (sk == SK_PERCEPTION) {
if (get_item(u, I_AMULET_OF_TRUE_SEEING) >= u->number) {
if (i_get(u->items, it_find("aots")) >= u->number) {
val += ATSBONUS;
@ -1364,12 +1359,13 @@ int invisible(const unit * target, const unit * viewer)
return 0;
else {
int hidden =
get_item(target, I_RING_OF_INVISIBILITY) + 100 * get_item(target,
i_get(target->items, it_find("roi")) + 100 * i_get(target->items,
if (hidden) {
hidden = _min(hidden, target->number);
if (viewer)
hidden -= get_item(viewer, I_AMULET_OF_TRUE_SEEING);
if (viewer) {
hidden -= i_get(viewer->items, it_find("aots"));
return hidden;
@ -3257,6 +3257,7 @@ static building *age_building(building * b)
const struct building_type *bt_blessed;
const struct curse_type *ct_astralblock;
const struct item_type *itype = it_find("elvenhorse");
bt_blessed = bt_find("blessedstonecircle");
ct_astralblock = ct_find("astralblock");
@ -3268,7 +3269,7 @@ static building *age_building(building * b)
* TODO: this would be nicer in a btype->age function, but we don't have it.
if (ct_astralblock && bt_blessed && b->type == bt_blessed) {
if (itype && ct_astralblock && bt_blessed && b->type == bt_blessed) {
region *r = b->region;
region *rt = r_standard_to_astral(r);
unit *u, *mage = NULL;
@ -3281,13 +3282,13 @@ static building *age_building(building * b)
int n, unicorns = 0;
for (n = 0; n != u->number; ++n) {
if (chance(0.02)) {
i_change(&u->items, olditemtype[I_ELVENHORSE], 1);
i_change(&u->items, itype, 1);
if (unicorns) {
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("scunicorn",
"unit amount rtype",
u, unicorns, olditemtype[I_ELVENHORSE]->rtype));
u, unicorns, itype->rtype));
@ -78,47 +78,46 @@ bool monster_is_waiting(const unit * u)
static void eaten_by_monster(unit * u)
/* adjustment for smaller worlds */
static double multi = 0.0;
int n = 0;
int horse = 0;
if (multi == 0.0) {
multi = RESOURCE_QUANTITY * newterrain(T_PLAIN)->size / 10000.0;
switch (old_race(u_race(u))) {
n = rng_int() % 80 * u->number;
horse = get_item(u, I_HORSE);
n = rng_int() % 200 * u->number;
horse = get_item(u, I_HORSE);
case RC_WYRM:
n = rng_int() % 500 * u->number;
horse = get_item(u, I_HORSE);
n = rng_int() % (u->number / 20 + 1);
n = (int)(n * multi);
if (n > 0) {
n = lovar(n);
n = _min(rpeasants(u->region), n);
if (n > 0) {
deathcounts(u->region, n);
rsetpeasants(u->region, rpeasants(u->region) - n);
ADDMSG(&u->region->msgs, msg_message("eatpeasants", "unit amount", u, n));
/* adjustment for smaller worlds */
static double multi = 0.0;
int n = 0;
int horse = -1;
if (multi == 0.0) {
multi = RESOURCE_QUANTITY * newterrain(T_PLAIN)->size / 10000.0;
switch (old_race(u_race(u))) {
n = rng_int() % 80 * u->number;
n = rng_int() % 200 * u->number;
case RC_WYRM:
n = rng_int() % 500 * u->number;
n = rng_int() % (u->number / 20 + 1);
horse = 0;
horse = horse ? i_get(u->items, it_find("horse")) : 0;
n = (int)(n * multi);
if (n > 0) {
n = lovar(n);
n = _min(rpeasants(u->region), n);
if (n > 0) {
deathcounts(u->region, n);
rsetpeasants(u->region, rpeasants(u->region) - n);
ADDMSG(&u->region->msgs, msg_message("eatpeasants", "unit amount", u, n));
if (horse > 0) {
i_change(&u->items, it_find("horse"), -horse);
ADDMSG(&u->region->msgs, msg_message("eathorse", "unit amount", u, horse));
if (horse > 0) {
set_item(u, I_HORSE, 0);
ADDMSG(&u->region->msgs, msg_message("eathorse", "unit amount", u, horse));
static void absorbed_by_monster(unit * u)
@ -48,22 +48,16 @@ static void oldfamiliars(unit * u)
equip_unit(u, get_equipment(fname));
static void set_show_item(faction * f, item_t i)
attrib *a = a_add(&f->attribs, a_new(&at_showitem));
a->data.v = (void *)olditemtype[i];
static void equip_newunits(const struct equipment *eq, struct unit *u)
struct region *r = u->region;
switch (old_race(u_race(u))) {
case RC_ELF:
set_show_item(u->faction, I_FEENSTIEFEL);
set_show_item(u->faction, it_find("fairyboot"));
set_show_item(u->faction, I_RING_OF_INVISIBILITY);
set_show_item(u->faction, it_find("roi"));
set_number(u, 10);
case RC_HUMAN:
@ -78,7 +72,7 @@ static void equip_newunits(const struct equipment *eq, struct unit *u)
case RC_CAT:
set_show_item(u->faction, I_RING_OF_INVISIBILITY);
set_show_item(u->faction, it_find("roi"));
@ -1079,8 +1079,12 @@ static void orc_growth(void)
int increase = 0;
int num = get_cursedmen(u, c);
double prob = curse_geteffect(c);
const item_type * it_chastity = it_find("ao_chastity");
for (n = (num - get_item(u, I_CHASTITY_BELT)); n > 0; n--) {
if (it_chastity) {
num -= i_get(u->items, it_chastity);
for (n = num; n > 0; n--) {
if (chance(prob)) {
@ -1169,41 +1173,41 @@ static void icebergs(void)
#ifdef HERBS_ROT
static void rotting_herbs(void)
static int rule_rot = -1;
region *r;
static int rule_rot = -1;
region *r;
if (rule_rot < 0) {
rule_rot =
get_param_int(global.parameters, "rules.economy.herbrot", HERBROTCHANCE);
if (rule_rot == 0)
for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) {
unit *u;
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
item **itmp = &u->items;
item *hbag = *i_find(itmp, olditemtype[I_SACK_OF_CONSERVATION]);
int rot_chance = rule_rot;
if (hbag)
rot_chance = (rot_chance * 2) / 5;
while (*itmp) {
item *itm = *itmp;
int n = itm->number;
double k = n * rot_chance / 100.0;
if (fval(itm->type, ITF_HERB)) {
double nv = normalvariate(k, k / 4);
int inv = (int)nv;
int delta = _min(n, inv);
if (i_change(itmp, itm->type, -delta) == NULL) {
itmp = &itm->next;
if (rule_rot < 0) {
rule_rot =
get_param_int(global.parameters, "rules.economy.herbrot", HERBROTCHANCE);
if (rule_rot == 0) return;
for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) {
unit *u;
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
const struct item_type *it_bag = it_find("magicherbbag");
item **itmp = &u->items;
int rot_chance = rule_rot;
if (it_bag && *i_find(itmp, it_bag)) {
rot_chance = (rot_chance * 2) / 5;
while (*itmp) {
item *itm = *itmp;
int n = itm->number;
double k = n * rot_chance / 100.0;
if (fval(itm->type, ITF_HERB)) {
double nv = normalvariate(k, k / 4);
int inv = (int)nv;
int delta = _min(n, inv);
if (!i_change(itmp, itm->type, -delta)) {
itmp = &itm->next;
@ -547,18 +547,6 @@ void sparagraph(strlist ** SP, const char *s, int indent, char mark)
int hat_in_region(item_t it, region * r, faction * f)
unit *u;
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->faction == f && get_item(u, it) > 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
static void
nr_curses(FILE * F, const faction * viewer, const void *obj, objtype_t typ,
int indent)
@ -1527,6 +1527,10 @@ static int count_healable(battle * b, fighter * df)
return healable;
static bool has_ao_healing(const unit *u) {
item *const* iter = i_findc(&u->items, it_find("ao_healing"));
return (*iter && (*iter)->number>0);
/* wiederbeleben */
int sp_reanimate(struct castorder * co)
@ -1539,7 +1543,7 @@ int sp_reanimate(struct castorder * co)
int healable, j = 0;
double c = 0.50 + 0.02 * power;
double k = EFFECT_HEALING_SPELL * power;
bool use_item = get_item(mage, I_AMULET_OF_HEALING) > 0;
bool use_item = has_ao_healing(mage);
message *msg;
if (use_item) {
@ -1658,7 +1662,7 @@ int sp_healing(struct castorder * co)
int healhp = (int)power * 200;
quicklist *fgs;
message *msg;
bool use_item = get_item(mage, I_AMULET_OF_HEALING) > 0;
bool use_item = has_ao_healing(mage);
/* bis zu 11 Personen pro Stufe (einen HP müssen sie ja noch
* haben, sonst wären sie tot) können geheilt werden */
@ -310,10 +310,11 @@ void report_summary(summary * s, summary * o, bool full)
summary *make_summary(void)
faction *f;
region *r;
unit *u;
summary *s = calloc(1, sizeof(summary));
faction *f;
region *r;
unit *u;
summary *s = calloc(1, sizeof(summary));
const struct item_type *ihorse = it_find("horse");
for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) {
const struct locale *lang = f->locale;
@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ summary *make_summary(void)
if (u->flags & UFL_HERO) {
s->heroes += u->number;
s->spielerpferde += get_item(u, I_HORSE);
s->spielerpferde += i_get(u->items, ihorse);
s->playermoney += get_money(u);
s->armed_men += armedmen(u, true);
for (itm = u->items; itm; itm = itm->next) {
@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ summary *make_summary(void)
s->spielerpferde += get_item(u, I_HORSE);
s->spielerpferde += i_get(u->items, ihorse);
for (sv = u->skills; sv != u->skills + u->skill_size; ++sv) {
skill_t sk = sv->id;
@ -136,11 +136,10 @@ void test_create_world(void)
olditemtype[I_HORSE] = test_create_itemtype(names+0);
olditemtype[I_IRON] = test_create_itemtype(names+4);
olditemtype[I_STONE] = test_create_itemtype(names+6);
t_plain = test_create_terrain("plain", LAND_REGION | FOREST_REGION | WALK_INTO | CAVALRY_REGION);
t_plain->size = 1000;
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