diff --git a/res/core/messages.xml b/res/core/messages.xml index 52dab404c..c8eba5cfb 100644 --- a/res/core/messages.xml +++ b/res/core/messages.xml @@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ "$unit($mage) läßt einen Teil seiner selbst in die Erde fliessen. Die Bäume, die Transformation überlebt haben, erscheinen nun viel kräftiger." - "The power of $unit($mage) flows into the region and the trees which survived the spell appear stronger now." "The power of $unit($mage) flows into the ground and the trees which survived the spell appear much stronger now." @@ -351,7 +350,6 @@ "Eine Wolke negativer Energie liegt über der Region. ($int36($id))" - "A fog of negative energy enshrouds the region. ($int36($id))" "A fog of negative energy enshrouds the region. ($int36($id))" @@ -375,7 +373,6 @@ "$unit($unit) stürzt sich von einem amourösen Abenteuer ins nächste. ($int36($id))" - "$unit($unit) goes from one amourous adventure to another. ($int36($id))" "$unit($unit) goes from one amourous adventure to another. ($int36($id))" @@ -384,7 +381,6 @@ "$unit($unit) kann sich kaum konzentrieren. ($int36($id))" - "$unit($unit) can hardly focus on anything. ($int36($id))" "$unit($unit) can hardly focus on anything. ($int36($id))" @@ -393,7 +389,6 @@ "Die Ausrüstung von $unit($unit) scheint unsichtbar. ($int36($id))" - "$unit($unit)'s equipment is invisible. ($int36($id))" "$unit($unit)'s equipment is invisible. ($int36($id))" @@ -401,7 +396,6 @@ "Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung ist gestärkt. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "The magical resistance has been strengthened. ($int36($id))" @@ -409,7 +403,6 @@ "Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung bestimmter Einheiten in dieser Region wurde gestärkt. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "The magical resistance of some units in this region was boosted. ($int36($id))" @@ -418,7 +411,6 @@ "Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung bestimmter Einheiten in dieser Region wurde geschwächt. ($int36($id))" "The magical resistance of some units in this region was weakened. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" @@ -426,7 +418,6 @@ "Diese Mauern wirken, als wären sie direkt aus der Erde gewachsen und nicht erbaut. ($int36($id))" "These walls appear to have grown straight out of the earth. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" @@ -434,7 +425,6 @@ "Ein magischer Schimmer liegt auf diesen Mauern. ($int36($id))" "A magical shimmer lies on these walls. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" @@ -442,7 +432,6 @@ "Die Straßen sind erstaunlich trocken und gut begehbar, doch an manchen Stellen bilden sich wieder die erste Schlammlöcher. ($int36($id))" "The roads are extremely dry and well-kept, but some areas show the first signs of potholes reappearing. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" @@ -450,7 +439,6 @@ "Die Straßen sind erstaunlich trocken und gut begehbar. ($int36($id))" "The roads are extremely dry and well-kept. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" @@ -458,14 +446,12 @@ "Albträume plagen die Leute. ($int36($id))" "Nightmares plague the population. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "Die Leute haben schöne Träume. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "The people in this region have sweet dreams. ($int36($id))" @@ -473,7 +459,6 @@ "Diese Region wurde von den Göttern verflucht. Das Meer ist eine ekelige Brühe, braunschwarze, stinkende Gase steigen aus den unergründlichen Tiefen hervor, und untote Seeungeheuer, Schiffe zerfressend und giftige grüne Galle geifernd, sind der Schrecken aller Seeleute, die diese Gewässer durchqueren. Niemand kann hier lange überleben. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "This region was cursed by the gods. The sea is a foul cesspool, noxious gases rise from the deep, undead seamonsters attack all ships. Noone can live here for long. ($int36($id))" @@ -481,7 +466,6 @@ "Diese Region wurde von den Göttern verflucht. Stinkende Nebel ziehen über die tote Erde und furchtbare Kreaturen ziehen über das Land. Die Brunnen sind vergiftet, und die wenigen essbaren Früchte sind von einem rosa Pilz überzogen. Niemand kann hier lange überleben. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "This region was cursed by the gods. Stinking vapors billow over the dead ground and hideous creatures move about the country. The wells are poisened and the edible plants are covered by a pink fungus. Noone can live here for long. ($int36($id))" @@ -489,7 +473,6 @@ "Ein Schleier der Verwirrung liegt über der Region. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "A veil of confusion lies over the region. ($int36($id))" @@ -504,7 +487,6 @@ "Die ganze Region ist von einer friedlichen Stimmung erfasst. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "Everyone in this region seems to be in a peacful mood. ($int36($id))" @@ -512,7 +494,6 @@ "Es herrscht eine fröhliche und ausgelassene Stimmung. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "Everyone in this region seems to be having a very good time. ($int36($id))" @@ -520,7 +501,6 @@ "Die Bauern sind unzufrieden. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "The peasants are upset. ($int36($id))" @@ -528,7 +508,6 @@ "Alle Leute in der Region haben Schlafstörungen. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "People in this region suffer from insomnia. ($int36($id))" @@ -536,7 +515,6 @@ "In dieser Gegend herrscht eine Dürre. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "This region was hit by a drought. ($int36($id))" @@ -544,7 +522,6 @@ "In dieser Gegend steht das Korn besonders gut im Feld. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "The grain in this region is especially healthy. ($int36($id))" @@ -552,7 +529,6 @@ "Die Winde scheinen dieses Schiff besonders zu beguenstigen. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "The winds seem to favor this ship. ($int36($id))" @@ -560,7 +536,6 @@ "Untote schrecken vor dieser Region zurück. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "The undead turn away from this region. ($int36($id))" @@ -568,7 +543,6 @@ "Der Zahn der Zeit kann diesen Mauern nichts anhaben. ($int36($id))" - "($int36($id))" "Time cannot touch these walls. ($int36($id))" @@ -576,7 +550,6 @@ "Dichte Nebel bedecken diese Woche die Region. Keine Einheit schafft es, diese Nebel zu durchdringen und die Region zu verlassen. ($int36($id))" - "heavy fog makes it impossible to leave the region. ($int36($id))" "Heavy fog makes it impossible to leave the region. ($int36($id))" @@ -585,7 +558,6 @@ "$unit($unit) setzt ein Sonnensegel. Die Geschwindigkeit des Schiffes erhöht um $int($speed)." - "$unit($unit) sets a solar sail. The ship's speed is increased by $int($speed)." "$unit($unit) sets a solar sail. The ship's speed is increased by $int($speed)." @@ -612,7 +584,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier ist kein passendes Schloss." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No fitting lock can be found here." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No fitting lock can be found here." @@ -622,7 +593,6 @@ "$unit($unit) öffnet eines der Schlösser in $region($region) mit $if($eq($key,1),"dem Achatenen Schlüssel","dem Saphirnen Schlüssel")." - "$unit($unit) unlocks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),"the Agate Key","the Sapphire Key")." "$unit($unit) unlocks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),"the Agate Key","the Sapphire Key")." @@ -632,7 +602,6 @@ "$unit($unit) verschließt eines der Schlösser in $region($region) mit $if($eq($key,1),"dem Achatenen Schlüssel","dem Saphirnen Schlüssel")." - "$unit($unit) locks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),"the Agate Key","the Sapphire Key")." "$unit($unit) locks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),"the Agate Key","the Sapphire Key")." @@ -641,7 +610,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) verwandelt sich in ein Werwesen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region) becomes a lycantrope." "$unit($unit) in $region($region) becomes a lycantrope." @@ -650,7 +618,6 @@ "SIEG! $if($eq($n,1), "Die Partei $winners hat", "Die Parteien $winners haben") die Siegbedingung für die erforderliche Zeit erfüllt. Das Spiel ist damit beendet." - "VICTORY! $if($eq($n,1), "The faction $winners has", "The factions $winners have") fulfilled the victory condition for the necessary time. The game is over." "VICTORY! $if($eq($n,1), "The faction $winners has", "The factions $winners have") fulfilled the victory condition for the necessary time. The game is over." @@ -658,7 +625,6 @@ "Achtung: $faction($faction) hat die Siegbedingungen erfüllt und wird in $if($eq($remain,1),"einer Woche","$int($remain) Wochen") zum Sieger erklärt werden." - "Attention: $faction($faction) has fulfilled the victory condition and will be declared winner in $if($eq($remain,1),"one week","$int($remain) weeks")." "Attention: $faction($faction) has fulfilled the victory condition and will be declared winner in $if($eq($remain,1),"one week","$int($remain) weeks")." @@ -668,7 +634,6 @@ "$unit($unit) wurde in $region($region) von einem GM gelöscht: \"$string\"." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region) was removed by a GM: \"$string\"." "$unit($unit) in $region($region) was removed by a GM: \"$string\"." @@ -684,7 +649,6 @@ "Ein Hauch des Lebens liegt über der Welt und alle Wesen fühlen sich frisch und erholt." - "Life itself touches the world and all beings are healed." "Life itself touches the world and all beings are healed." @@ -694,7 +658,6 @@ "$unit($unit) hat Glück und findet einen Hort von $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount)." - "$unit($unit) luckily finds a cache of $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount)." "$unit($unit) luckily finds a cache of $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount)." @@ -702,7 +665,6 @@ "$unit($unit) brennt ein großes Feuerwerk ab und Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel." - "A large firework is visible all over the sky." "A large firework is visible all over the sky." @@ -711,7 +673,6 @@ "In $region($region) wird ein großes Feuerwerk abgebrannt, welches noch hier zu bewundern ist. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel." - "A large firework, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region)." "A large firework, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region)." @@ -720,7 +681,6 @@ "Zur Feier des Geburtstags von ${name} brennt $unit($unit) ein großes Feuerwerk ab. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel." - "A large firework in honor of ${name} is visible all over the sky." "A large firework in honor of ${name} is visible all over the sky." @@ -730,7 +690,6 @@ "Zur Feier des Geburtstags von ${name} wird in $region($region) ein großes Feuerwerk abgebrannt, welches noch hier zu bewundern ist. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel." - "A large firework in honor of ${name}, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region)." "A large firework in honor of ${name}, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region)." @@ -739,7 +698,6 @@ "$int36($unit.id($unit))/$int($index) erzielt einen kritischen Treffer." - "$int36($unit.id($unit))/$int($index) does critical damage." "$int36($unit.id($unit))/$int($index) does critical damage." @@ -750,7 +708,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) muß mindestens 2 Stufen besser sein als $unit($student)." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) needs to be at least 2 levels better than $unit($student)." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) needs to be at least 2 levels better than $unit($student)." @@ -761,7 +718,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($student) lernt nicht." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($student) is not learning." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($student) is not learning." @@ -772,7 +728,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dafür braucht die Einheit $resources($required)." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - For this, the unit needs $resources($required)." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - For this, the unit needs $resources($required)." @@ -903,7 +858,6 @@ "$resource($product,0) $int($price) Silber" - "$resource($product,0) for $int($price) silver" "$resource($product,0) for $int($price) silver" @@ -912,7 +866,6 @@ "Auf dem Markt wird für $resource($product,0) $int($price) Silber verlangt." - "Le marché local offre la $resource($product,0) au prix de $int($price) écus." "The local market offers $resource($product,0) at a price of $int($price) silver." @@ -942,8 +895,8 @@ - " Die Region ist im Besitz von $faction($faction)." - " The region is owned by $faction($faction)." + "Die Region ist im Besitz von $faction($faction)." + "The region is owned by $faction($faction)." @@ -967,7 +920,6 @@ "Dein Passwort lautet ${password}." - "Your password is ${password}." "Your password is ${password}." @@ -982,7 +934,6 @@ "$unit($unit) benutzt einen Talenttrunk und fühlt, wie sein Wissen zunimmt." - "$unit($unit) uses a potion of skills and feels his knowledge grow." "$unit($unit) uses a potion of skills and feels his knowledge grow." @@ -991,7 +942,6 @@ "$unit($unit) benutzt einen Astralkristall und gewinnt $int($aura) Aura hinzu." - "$unit($unit) uses an astralcrystal and gains $int($aura) aura." "$unit($unit) uses an astral crystal and gains $int($aura) aura." @@ -1001,7 +951,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Luxusgut wird hier nicht verkauft." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - These goods are not on sale here." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - These goods are not on sale here." @@ -1012,7 +961,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu benötigt man $resource($missing,0)." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires $resource($missing,0)." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires $resource($missing,0)." @@ -1023,7 +971,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) nehmen nichts an." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) will not accept anything." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) will not accept anything." @@ -1034,7 +981,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nicht neu gruppiert werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot be regrouped." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot be regrouped." @@ -1045,7 +991,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nichts stehelen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot steal anything." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot steal anything." @@ -1056,7 +1001,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) geben nichts weg." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) do not give things away." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) do not give things away." @@ -1117,7 +1061,6 @@ "In $region($region) stürzte $building($building) ein.$if($road," Beim Einsturz wurde die halbe Straße vernichtet.","")$if($opfer," $int($opfer) Opfer $if($eq($opfer,1),"ist","sind") zu beklagen.","")" - "$building($building) in $region($region) collapses.$if($opfer," There are $int($opfer) casualties.","")" "$building($building) in $region($region) collapses.$if($road," The collapse ruined half of the road.","")$if($opfer," There are $int($opfer) casualties.","")" @@ -1247,7 +1190,6 @@ "$int($amount) Personen in $unit($unit) in $region($region) ertrinken." - "$int($amount) people in $unit($unit) in $region($region) drown." "$int($amount) people in $unit($unit) in $region($region) drown." @@ -1256,7 +1198,6 @@ "$unit($unit) nimmt Schaden auf dem Wasser in $region($region)." - "$unit($unit) is taking damage on the water." "$unit($unit) is taking damage on the water." @@ -1632,7 +1573,6 @@ "Der Eisberg $region($region) schmilzt." - "The iceberg $region($region) melts." "The iceberg $region($region) melts." @@ -1640,7 +1580,6 @@ "Der Gletscher von $region($region) bricht und treibt davon." - "The glacier in $region($region) breaks up and drifts away." "The glacier in $region($region) breaks up and drifts away." @@ -1648,7 +1587,6 @@ "Der Eisberg $region($region) treibt an eine Küste." - "The iceberg $region($region) drifts onto a coast." "The iceberg $region($region) drifts onto a coast." @@ -1656,7 +1594,6 @@ "Die $ship($ship) wird bei einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg zerstört." - "The $ship($ship) has been destroyed by a collision with an iceberg." "The $ship($ship) has been destroyed by a collision with an iceberg." @@ -1664,7 +1601,6 @@ "Die $ship($ship) wird bei einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg beschädigt." - "The $ship($ship) has been damaged by a collision with an iceberg." "The $ship($ship) has been damaged by a collision with an iceberg." @@ -1673,7 +1609,6 @@ "Die $ship($ship) treibt nach $direction($dir)." - "The ship $ship($ship) drifts to the $direction($dir)." "The ship $ship($ship) drifts to the $direction($dir)." @@ -1682,7 +1617,6 @@ "Der Eisberg $region($region) treibt nach $direction($dir)." - "The iceberg $region($region) drifts $direction($dir)." "The iceberg $region($region) drifts $direction($dir)." @@ -1697,7 +1631,6 @@ "Die Götter erhören $unit($unit)." - "The Gods have listened to $unit($unit)." "The Gods have listened to $unit($unit)." @@ -1706,7 +1639,6 @@ "Die Götter gewähren uns die Kraft eines $special($int($level))." - "The Gods grant us the powers of $special ($int($level))." "The Gods grant us the powers of $special ($int($level))." @@ -1714,7 +1646,6 @@ "Die Götter gewähren uns die Kraft eines ${special}." - "The Gods grant us the powers of ${special}." "The Gods grant us the powers of ${special}." @@ -1735,7 +1666,6 @@ "$unit($unit) erzielte $int($hits) Treffer und tötete $int($kills) Gegner." - "$unit($unit) hit $int($hits) times and killed $int($kills) enemies." "$unit($unit) hit $int($hits) times and killed $int($kills) enemies." @@ -1820,7 +1750,6 @@ "$unit($mage) erschafft in $region($region) eine Wand aus Feuer." - "$unit($mage) creates a wall of fire in $region($region)." "$unit($mage) creates a wall of fire in $region($region)." @@ -1933,7 +1862,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) erschafft $int($amount) ${object}." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) creates $int($amount) ${object}." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) creates $int($amount) ${object}." @@ -2126,7 +2054,6 @@ "$unit($unit) transferiert $int($aura) Aura auf $unit($target)." - "$unit($unit) transfers $int($aura) Aura to $unit($target)." "$unit($unit) transfers $int($aura) aura to $unit($target)." @@ -2252,7 +2179,6 @@ "$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $ship($ship) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden." - "It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is charmed, but no details have been revealed." "It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is charmed, but no details have been revealed." @@ -2261,7 +2187,6 @@ "$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $building($building) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden." - "It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is charmed, but no details have been revealed." "It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is charmed, but no details have been revealed." @@ -2270,7 +2195,6 @@ "$unit($mage) meint, dass $unit($unit) verzaubert ist, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden." - "It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($unit) is charmed, but no details have been revealed." "It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($unit) is charmed, but no details have been revealed." @@ -2279,7 +2203,6 @@ "$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $region($region) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden." - "It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is charmed, but no details have been revealed." "It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is charmed, but no details have been revealed." @@ -2288,7 +2211,6 @@ "$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $ship($ship) kein Zauber liegt." - "It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is not charmed." "It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is not charmed." @@ -2297,7 +2219,6 @@ "$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $building($building) kein Zauber liegt." - "It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is not charmed." "It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is not charmed." @@ -2306,7 +2227,6 @@ "$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $unit($target) kein Zauber liegt." - "It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($target) is not charmed." "It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($target) is not charmed." @@ -2315,7 +2235,6 @@ "$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $region($region) kein Zauber liegt." - "It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is not charmed." "It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is not charmed." @@ -2325,7 +2244,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region konnte nicht verzaubert werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The region could not be charmed." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The region could not be charmed." @@ -2336,7 +2254,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) widersteht dem Zauber." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) resists the spell." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) resists the spell." @@ -2347,7 +2264,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gebäude $int36($id) konnte nicht verzaubert werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be charmed." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be charmed." @@ -2358,7 +2274,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) widersteht dem Zauber." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) resists the spell." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) resists the spell." @@ -2369,7 +2284,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Schiff $int36($id) wurde nicht gefunden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ship $int36($id) could not be located." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ship $int36($id) could not be located." @@ -2380,7 +2294,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gebäude $int36($id) wurde nicht gefunden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be located." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be located." @@ -2391,7 +2304,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit $id wurde nicht gefunden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unit $id could not be located." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unit $id could not be located." @@ -2623,7 +2535,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) regeneriert $int($amount) Aura." - "$unit($unit) régénère $int($amount) aura en $region($region)." "$unit($unit) regenerates $int($amount) aura in $region($region)." @@ -2641,7 +2552,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) verbraucht $int($cost) Silber für das Studium von $skill($skill)." - "$unit($unit) dépense $int($cost) écus en $region($region) pour apprendre $skill($skill)." "$unit($unit) spends $int($cost) silver in $region($region) to study $skill($skill)." @@ -2660,7 +2570,6 @@ "$unit($teacher) lehrt $unit($student) $skill($skill) auf Stufe $int($level)." - "$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill) to level $int($level)." "$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill) to level $int($level)." @@ -2670,7 +2579,6 @@ "$unit($teacher) lehrt $unit($student) $skill($skill)." - "$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill)." "$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill)." @@ -2687,7 +2595,6 @@ "$unit($unit) verkauft $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)." - "$unit($unit) sells $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)." "$unit($unit) sells $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)." @@ -2697,7 +2604,6 @@ "$unit($unit) kauft $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)." - "$unit($unit) buys $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)." "$unit($unit) buys $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)." @@ -2706,7 +2612,6 @@ "$unit($unit) bezahlt $int($money) Silber für den Kauf von Luxusgütern." - "$unit($unit) pays $int($money) silver for luxury items." "$unit($unit) pays $int($money) silver for luxury items." @@ -2716,7 +2621,6 @@ "$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch den Verkauf von Luxusgütern." - "$unit($unit) earned $int($amount) silver in $region($region) by selling luxury items." "$unit($unit) earned $int($amount) silver in $region($region) by selling luxury items." @@ -2727,7 +2631,6 @@ "$unit($unit) arbeitet in $region($region) für einen Lohn von $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," statt $int($wanted)") Silber." - "$unit($unit) works in $region($region) for a wage of $int($amount) $if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," out of $int($wanted)") silver." "$unit($unit) works in $region($region) for a wage of $int($amount) $if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," out of $int($wanted)") silver." @@ -2765,7 +2668,6 @@ "$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch Unterhaltung." - "$unit($unit) earns $int($amount) in $region($region) with entertainment." "$unit($unit) earns $int($amount) in $region($region) with entertainment." @@ -2795,7 +2697,6 @@ "$unit($unit) klaut in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," statt $int($wanted)") Silber." - "$unit($unit) steals only $int($amount) silver instead of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") ") in $region($region)." "$unit($unit) steals only $int($amount) silver instead of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") ") in $region($region)." @@ -2845,7 +2746,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) findet $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount)." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region) finds $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount)." "$unit($unit) in $region($region) finds $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount)." @@ -2854,7 +2754,6 @@ "$unit($unit) züchtet $int($amount) Pferde." - "$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) horses." "$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) horses." @@ -2865,7 +2764,6 @@ "$unit($unit) pflanzt in $region($region) $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount)." - "$unit($unit) plants $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount) in $region($region)." "$unit($unit) plants $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount) in $region($region)." @@ -2890,7 +2788,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) hat ein zu niedriges Talent, um $resource($resource,0) abzubauen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region) is not proficient enough to produce $resource($resource,0)." "$unit($unit) in $region($region) is not proficient enough to produce $resource($resource,0)." @@ -2902,7 +2799,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) produziert $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," von $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$wanted)." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region) produces $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$amount)." "$unit($unit) in $region($region) produces $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$amount)." @@ -2914,7 +2810,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) produziert $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," von $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$wanted)." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region) produces $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$amount)." "$unit($unit) in $region($region) produces $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$amount)." @@ -2924,7 +2819,6 @@ "$unit($unit) baut für $int($size) an $building($building) weiter." - "$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $building($building)." "$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $building($building)." @@ -2934,7 +2828,6 @@ "$unit($unit) baut für $int($size) an $ship($ship) weiter." - "$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $ship($ship)." "$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $ship($ship)." @@ -2950,7 +2843,6 @@ "$unit($unit) stirbt beim Versuch, die Feuerwand nach $region($region) zu durchqueren." - "$unit($unit) dies trying to cross the wall of fire into $region($region)." "$unit($unit) dies trying to cross the wall of fire into $region($region)." @@ -2959,7 +2851,6 @@ "$unit($unit) erleidet beim Durchqueren der Feuerwand nach $region($region) schwere Verbrennungen." - "$unit($unit) steps through the wall of fire into $region($region) and receives severe burn damage." "$unit($unit) steps through the wall of fire into $region($region) and receives severe burn damage." @@ -2970,7 +2861,6 @@ "$unit($unit) transportiert $unit($target) von $region($start) nach $region($end)." - "$unit($unit) transported $unit($target) from $region($start) to $region($end)." "$unit($unit) transported $unit($target) from $region($start) to $region($end)." @@ -2982,7 +2872,6 @@ "$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),"reitet", "wandert") von $region($start) nach $region($end).$if($isnull($regions),""," Dabei wurde $trail($regions) durchquert.")" - "$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),"chevauche", "marche") de $region($start) vers $region($end) trans $trail($regions)" "$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),"rides", "walks") from $region($start) to $region($end)$if($isnull($regions),""," by way of $trail($regions)")." @@ -2991,7 +2880,6 @@ "$unit($unit) entdeckt dass im $direction($direction) $terrain($region) ist." - "$unit($unit) discovered that an ocean lies in the $direction($direction)." "$unit($unit) discovered that $terrain($region) lies in the $direction($direction)." @@ -3000,7 +2888,6 @@ "$unit($unit) entdeckt, dass $region($region) $terrain($region) ist." - "$unit($unit) discovered that $region($region) is $terrain($region)." "$unit($unit) discovered that $region($region) is $terrain($region)." @@ -3009,7 +2896,6 @@ "$unit($unit) ist in dieser Runde gelandet und kann nicht weiter ins Landesinnere nach $region($region) vorstossen." - "$unit($unit) has just landed and cannot continue moving to $region($region)." "$unit($unit) has just landed and cannot continue moving to $region($region)." @@ -3018,7 +2904,6 @@ "Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) kann in letzter Sekunde verhindern, dass das Schiff in $region($region) auf Land aufläuft." - "At the very last moment, the crew of the $ship($ship) saved the ship from running aground in $region($region)." "At the very last moment, the crew of the $ship($ship) saved the ship from running aground in $region($region)." @@ -3027,7 +2912,6 @@ "Die $ship($ship) konnte in $region($region) nicht einreisen, die Küste ist zu gefährlich für das Schiff." - "The $ship($ship) could not berth in $region($region). The coast is too dangerous for the vessel." "The $ship($ship) could not berth in $region($region). The coast is too dangerous for the vessel." @@ -3036,8 +2920,7 @@ "Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu reisen." - " The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)." - " The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)." + "The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)." @@ -3045,7 +2928,6 @@ "Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) weigert sich, nach $region($region) zu reisen." - "The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to $region($region)." "The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to $region($region)." @@ -3054,7 +2936,6 @@ "$unit($unit) weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu reisen." - "$unit($unit) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)." "$unit($unit) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)." @@ -3063,7 +2944,6 @@ "$unit($unit) weigert sich, nach $region($region) zu reisen." - "$unit($unit) refuses to travel to $region($region)." "$unit($unit) refuses to travel to $region($region)." @@ -3072,7 +2952,6 @@ "Die $ship($ship) konnte $region($region) nicht verlassen." - "The $ship($ship) could not leave $region($region)." "The $ship($ship) could not leave $region($region)." @@ -3082,7 +2961,6 @@ "$unit($unit) wurde in $region($region) von $unit.dative($guard) aufgehalten." - "$unit($unit) was kept in $region($region) by $unit($guard)." "$unit($unit) was kept in $region($region) by $unit($guard)." @@ -3090,7 +2968,6 @@ "Wir haben den Krieg mit $faction($faction) beendet." - "We declared peace with $faction($faction)." "We declared peace with $faction($faction)." @@ -3098,7 +2975,6 @@ "$faction($faction) hat den Krieg mit uns beendet." - "$faction($faction) has declared peace with us." "$faction($faction) has declared peace with us." @@ -3106,7 +2982,6 @@ "Wir haben $faction($faction) den Krieg erklärt." - "We declared war on $faction($faction)." "We declared war on $faction($faction)." @@ -3114,7 +2989,6 @@ "$faction($faction) hat uns den Krieg erklärt." - "$faction($faction) has declared war on us." "$faction($faction) has declared war on us." @@ -3132,7 +3006,6 @@ "$unit($unit) konnte aus $region($region) nicht ausreisen." - "$unit($unit) could not leave $region($region)." "$unit($unit) could not leave $region($region)." @@ -3141,7 +3014,6 @@ "$unit($follower) ist $unit($unit) gefolgt." - "$unit($follower) followed $unit($unit)." "$unit($follower) followed $unit($unit)." @@ -3150,7 +3022,6 @@ "$unit($follower) konnte $unit($unit) nicht folgen." - "$unit($follower) could not follow $unit($unit)." "$unit($follower) could not follow $unit($unit)." @@ -3159,7 +3030,6 @@ "$unit($unit) entdeckt, dass es keinen Weg nach $direction($direction) gibt." - "$unit($unit) discovers that there is no route going $direction($direction)." "$unit($unit) discovers that there is no route going $direction($direction)." @@ -3183,7 +3053,6 @@ "In $region($region) erschienen die Herren der Bäume." - "In $region($region), the lords of the trees have risen." "In $region($region), the Lords of the Trees have risen." @@ -3200,7 +3069,6 @@ "$unit($unit) vermehrt sich um $int($amount) $race($race,$amount)." - "$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) new $race($race,$amount)." "$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) new $race($race,$amount)." @@ -3280,7 +3148,6 @@ "Der Vulkan in $region($region) bricht aus." - "The volcano in $region($region) erupts." "The volcano in $region($region) erupts." @@ -3289,7 +3156,6 @@ "Der Vulkan in $region($regionv) bricht aus. Die Lavamassen verwüsten $region($regionn)." - "The volcano in $region($regionv) breaks out. The lava devastates $region($region)." "The volcano in $region($regionv) erupts. The lava devastates $region($region)." @@ -3299,7 +3165,6 @@ "Beim Vulkanausbruch in $region($region) sterben $int($dead) Personen in $unit($unit)." - "$int($dead) people in $unit($unit) perish when the volcano in $region($region) breaks out." "$int($dead) people in $unit($unit) perish when the volcano in $region($region) erupts." @@ -3307,7 +3172,6 @@ "Aus dem Vulkankrater von $region($region) steigt kein Rauch mehr." - "The volcano of $region($region) stops releasing smoke." "The volcano of $region($region) stops releasing smoke." @@ -3315,7 +3179,6 @@ "Aus dem Vulkankrater von $region($region) steigt plötzlich Rauch." - "Columns of smoke are released by the volcano of $region($region)." "Columns of smoke are released by the volcano of $region($region)." @@ -3324,7 +3187,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) desertiert." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region) abandons your cause." "$unit($unit) in $region($region) abandons your cause." @@ -3334,7 +3196,6 @@ "$unit($unit) reißt die Straße zwischen $region($from) und $region($to) ein." - "$unit($unit) demolishes the road between $region($from) and $region($to)." "$unit($unit) demolishes the road between $region($from) and $region($to)." @@ -3343,7 +3204,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) kann keine Kräuter finden." - "$unit($unit) could not find any herbs in $region($region)." "$unit($unit) could not find any herbs in $region($region)." @@ -3370,7 +3230,6 @@ "$unit($unit) zerstört $building($building)." - "$unit($unit) destroys $building($building)." "$unit($unit) destroys $building($building)." @@ -3380,7 +3239,6 @@ "$unit($unit) erweitert in $region($region) das Straßennetz um $int($size)." - "$unit($unit) extends the road network in $region($region) by $int($size)." "$unit($unit) extends the road network in $region($region) by $int($size)." @@ -3407,7 +3265,6 @@ "Die $ship($ship) in $region($region) entdeckt ein Opfer im $direction($dir)." - "The $ship($ship) in $region($region) made $direction($dir) a target." "The $ship($ship) in $region($region) made $direction($dir) a target." @@ -3416,7 +3273,6 @@ "Die $ship($ship) in $region($region) kann keine Schiffe aufbringen." - "The $ship($ship) could not capture other ships in $region($region)." "The $ship($ship) could not capture other ships in $region($region)." @@ -3424,7 +3280,6 @@ "Langsam kehren andere Völker nach $region($region) zurück." - "Little by little, people return to $region($region)." "Little by little, people return to $region($region)." @@ -3432,7 +3287,6 @@ "Vor den vielen Orks in $region($region) fliehen die anderen Einwohner." - "People in $region($region) flee because of too many orcs." "People in $region($region) flee because of too many orcs." @@ -3451,7 +3305,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) versenkt die $ship($ship)." - "$unit($unit) sunk $ship($ship) in $region($region)." "$unit($unit) sunk $ship($ship) in $region($region)." @@ -3466,7 +3319,6 @@ "$unit($unit) hat sich unbemerkt verflüchtigt." - "$unit($unit) has dissolved without a trace." "$unit($unit) has dissolved without a trace." @@ -3474,7 +3326,6 @@ "$unit($unit) wird sich bald verflüchtigen." - "$unit($unit) will dissolve soon." "$unit($unit) will dissolve soon." @@ -3483,7 +3334,6 @@ "$int($amount) Bauern flohen aus Furcht vor $unit($unit)." - "$int($amount) peasants fled in fear of $unit($unit)." "$int($amount) peasants fled in fear of $unit($unit)." @@ -3509,7 +3359,6 @@ "$unit($unit) verspeiste $int($amount) Bauern." - "$unit($unit) ate $int($amount) peasants." "$unit($unit) ate $int($amount) peasants." @@ -3525,7 +3374,6 @@ "Das Passwort für diese Partei lautet ${value}." - "Le mot de passe de cette faction est '${value}'" "The password of this faction is '$value'." @@ -3533,23 +3381,20 @@ "Die Reportadresse wurde nicht geändert, '${value}' ist keine gültige email." - " Address not changed, '$value' is an invalid email." - " Address not changed, '$value' is an invalid email." + "Address not changed, '$value' is an invalid email." "Die Reportadresse wurde auf ${value} geändert." - " Address has been changed to '$value'." - " Address has been changed to '$value'." + "Address has been changed to '$value'." "Das Banner wurde auf '$value' geändert." - "Banner has been changed to '$value'." "Banner has been changed to '$value'." @@ -3569,7 +3414,6 @@ "$unit($unit) wurden in $region($region) $int($amount) Silberstücke geklaut." - "In $region($region), thieves stole $int($amount) silver from $unit($unit)." "In $region($region), thieves stole $int($amount) silver from $unit($unit)." @@ -3578,7 +3422,6 @@ "$unit($target) ertappte $unit($unit) beim versuchten Diebstahl." - "$unit($target) caught $unit($unit) in attempted theft." "$unit($target) caught $unit($unit) in attempted theft." @@ -3587,7 +3430,6 @@ "$unit($unit) wurde von $unit.dative($target) beim versuchten Diebstahl ertappt." - "$unit($unit) was caught by $unit($target) in attempted theft." "$unit($unit) was caught by $unit($target) in attempted theft." @@ -3595,7 +3437,6 @@ "$unit($unit) fühlt sich beobachtet." - "$unit($unit) feels watched." "$unit($unit) feels watched." @@ -3604,7 +3445,6 @@ "$unit($unit) gelang es nicht, sich nahe genug an $unit($target) heranzuschleichen." - "$unit($unit) could not sneak close enough to $unit($target)." "$unit($unit) could not sneak close enough to $unit($target)." @@ -3613,7 +3453,6 @@ "$unit($spy) gelang es nicht, etwas über $unit($target) herauszufinden." - "$unit($spy) could not find out anything about $unit($target)." "$unit($spy) could not find out anything about $unit($target)." @@ -3664,7 +3503,6 @@ "$unit($target) fühlt sich $if($isnull($spy),"","durch $unit($spy) ")beobachtet." - "$unit($target) feels watched by $unit($spy)." "$unit($target) feels watched$if($isnull($spy),""," by $unit($spy)")." @@ -3674,7 +3512,6 @@ "$faction($from) gibt ein Almosen von $int($amount) Silber an $faction($to)." - "$faction($from) donates $int($amount) silver to $faction($to)." "$faction($from) donates $int($amount) silver to $faction($to)." @@ -3684,7 +3521,6 @@ "$unit($unit) vergisst durch Dumpfbackenbrot $int($weeks) Wochen des Talentes $skill($skill)." - "$unit($unit) eats a duncebuns and forgets $int($weeks) weeks worth of $skill($skill)." "$unit($unit) eats a duncebuns and forgets $int($weeks) weeks worth of $skill($skill)." @@ -3693,7 +3529,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region) wird durch unzureichende Nahrung geschwächt." - "$unit($unit) is weakened due to malnourishment." "$unit($unit) is weakened due to malnourishment." @@ -3704,7 +3539,6 @@ "$unit($unit) verliert in $region($region) $int($dead) von $int($add($live,$dead)) Personen durch Unterernährung." - "$unit($unit) loses $int($dead) of $int($add($live,$dead)) people due to starvation in $region($region)." "$unit($unit) loses $int($dead) of $int($add($live,$dead)) people due to starvation in $region($region)." @@ -3714,7 +3548,6 @@ "$unit($unit): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit benutzt bereits $resource($using,0)." - "$unit($unit): '$order($command)' - The unit already uses $resource($using,0)." "$unit($unit): '$order($command)' - The unit already uses $resource($using,0)." @@ -3729,7 +3562,6 @@ "Die $ship($ship) ist zu stark beschädigt und sinkt." - "The $ship($ship) suffers too heavy damage and sinks." "The $ship($ship) has suffered too much damage and sinks." @@ -3765,7 +3597,6 @@ "Die $ship($ship) wird in $region($region) von Stürmen abgetrieben$if($sink," und sinkt","")." - "The $ship($ship) in $region($region) drifts in heavy storm$if($sink," and sinks","")." "The $ship($ship) in $region($region) gets off course in heavy storm$if($sink," and sinks","")." @@ -3784,7 +3615,6 @@ "$unit($unit) vergisst $skill($skill)." - "$unit($unit) forgets $skill($skill)." "$unit($unit) forgets $skill($skill)." @@ -3793,7 +3623,6 @@ "$unit($unit) gibt das Kommando an $unit($recipient)." - "$unit($unit) gave control to $unit($recipient)." "$unit($unit) gave control to $unit($recipient)." @@ -3822,7 +3651,6 @@ "$unit($unit) belagert $building($building). Dabei richten die Katapulte Zerstörungen von $int($destruction) Größenpunkten an." - "$building($building) is under siege by $unit($unit). During siege, catapults caused $int($destruction) points destruction." "$building($building) is under siege by $unit($unit). During siege, catapults caused $int($destruction) points destruction." @@ -3840,7 +3668,6 @@ "$unit($unit) ertrinkt beim Untergang der $ship($ship) in $region($region)." - "$unit($unit) drowns when $ship($ship) in $region($region) sinks." "$unit($unit) drowns when $ship($ship) in $region($region) sinks." @@ -3892,7 +3719,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ohne Zutaten kann ein Alchemist nichts herstellen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ohne Zutaten kann ein Alchemist nichts herstellen." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Without ingredients an alchemist can not produce anything." @@ -3902,7 +3728,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nicht alle Zutaten vorhanden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nicht alle Zutaten vorhanden." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Not all ingredients present." @@ -3912,7 +3737,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Partei kann nur einmal neu starten." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Restart can only be used once." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Restart can only be used once." @@ -3922,7 +3746,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Werwesen können nicht arbeiten." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes don't work." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes don't work." @@ -3932,7 +3755,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Werwesen können nicht mit anderen Personen gemischt werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes may not be mixed with normal people." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes may not be mixed with normal people." @@ -3942,7 +3764,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann sich nicht verwandeln." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit can not change shape." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit can not change shape." @@ -3952,7 +3773,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit ist kein Werwesen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is not in lycantropic form." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is not in lycantropic form." @@ -3962,7 +3782,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit ist schon ein Werwesen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit already assumed lycantropic form." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit already assumed lycantropic form." @@ -3999,7 +3818,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Optionen ZIP und BZIP2 können nur um-, nicht ausgeschaltet werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Options ZIP and BZIP2 can only be switched, not turned off." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Options ZIP and BZIP2 can only be switched, not turned off." @@ -4009,7 +3827,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten einer Partei, die noch immun gegen Angriffe ist, dürfen nicht bewachen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units of a faction that can't be attacked may not guard." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units of a faction that can't be attacked may not guard." @@ -4028,7 +3845,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Bereits ein Synonym gesetzt." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym already set." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym already set." @@ -4038,7 +3854,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Kein Synonym angegeben." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym missing." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym missing." @@ -4048,7 +3863,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ungültiges Synonym." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid synonym." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid synonym." @@ -4058,7 +3872,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ungültiges Prefix." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid prefix." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid prefix." @@ -4077,7 +3890,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gebäude auf dem Ozean können nicht betreten werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Buildings on the ocean may not be entered." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Buildings on the ocean may not be entered." @@ -4087,7 +3899,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier werden niemals Bäume wachsen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Trees won't grow here." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Trees won't grow here." @@ -4488,7 +4299,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei muß mindestens 10 Runden alt sein." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has to be 10 turns old." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has to be 10 turns old." @@ -4498,7 +4308,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat schon einen Namen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction is already named." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction is already named." @@ -4508,7 +4317,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude hat schon einen Namen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is already named." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is already named." @@ -4518,7 +4326,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff hat schon einen Namen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already named." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already named." @@ -4528,7 +4335,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat schon einen Namen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is already named." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is already named." @@ -4598,7 +4404,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Soll eine Einheit oder ein Schiff verfolgt werden?" - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is this unit or ship supposed to be followed?" "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is a unit or a ship supposed to be followed?" @@ -4608,7 +4413,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Soll eine Einheit oder ein Schiff eine neue Nummer bekommen?" - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is this unit or ship supposed to get a new number?" "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is a unit or a ship supposed to get a new number?" @@ -4618,7 +4422,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier können nur Orks rekrutiert werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You can recruit only Orcs here." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You can recruit only orcs here." @@ -4637,7 +4440,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude ist noch nicht fertig gebaut." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not finished yet." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not finished yet." @@ -4647,7 +4449,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Für das Gebäude wurde noch kein Unterhalt bezahlt." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Maintenance has not been paid yet." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Maintenance has not been paid yet." @@ -4657,7 +4458,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist mit Ausschiffen beschäftigt.." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is busy disembarking." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is busy disembarking." @@ -4667,7 +4467,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Typ Einheit kann keine Schiffe betreten." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Swimmers cannot enter ships." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Swimmers cannot enter ships." @@ -4677,7 +4476,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Typ Einheit kann keine Gebäude betreten." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This type of unit cannot enter a building." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This type of unit cannot enter a building." @@ -4687,7 +4485,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit oder ihre Tiere würden dort nicht überleben." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit or its animals would not survive there." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit or its animals would not survive there." @@ -4697,7 +4494,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin kann die Einheit uns nicht transportieren." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot transport us to this place." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot transport us to this place." @@ -4736,7 +4532,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur normale Personen können Steuern eintreiben." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only normal characters can collect taxes." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only normal characters can collect taxes." @@ -4746,7 +4541,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dafür braucht ein Einheit mindestens Kräuterkunde 7." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A skill of herbalism 7 or higher is required." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A herbalism skill of 7 or higher is required." @@ -4756,7 +4550,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten in den hinteren Reihen können nicht angreifen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units cannot attack from the second row." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units from the backmost rows cannot attack." @@ -4794,7 +4587,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nicht arbeiten." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot work." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot work." @@ -4804,7 +4596,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Soldaten kämpfen nicht." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units do not fight." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units do not fight." @@ -4814,7 +4605,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Einheiten können nicht zaubern." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot cast spells." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot cast spells." @@ -4824,7 +4614,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Einheiten können nicht bewachen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot guard." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot guard." @@ -4834,7 +4623,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zeige alle was?" - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Show all what?" "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Show all what?" @@ -4862,7 +4650,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Zauber in dieser Region verhindert das." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is an active spell in this region that prevents this." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is an active spell in this region that prevents this." @@ -6322,7 +6109,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Pferde würden ertrinken." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The horses would drown." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The horses would drown." @@ -6332,7 +6118,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei wurde nicht gefunden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction could not be found." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction could not be found." @@ -6342,7 +6127,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Lernkosten können nicht bezahlt werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Tuition was too high to be paid." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Tuition was too high to be paid." @@ -6352,7 +6136,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Gegenstand kann nur in der realen Welt benutzt werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This object can only be used in the real world." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This object can only be used in the real world." @@ -6362,7 +6145,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) ist nicht ausreichend getarnt." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) is not sufficiently stealthy." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) is not sufficiently stealthy." @@ -6372,7 +6154,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit wurde nicht gefunden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit could not be found." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit could not be found." @@ -6480,7 +6261,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit weiß nichts über Botanik." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know anything about herbalism." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know anything about herbalism." @@ -6490,7 +6270,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit weiß nicht, wie man gaukelt." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know how to entertain." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know how to entertain." @@ -6554,7 +6333,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genug Silber." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver." @@ -7009,7 +6787,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude gehört uns nicht." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not ours." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not ours." @@ -7037,7 +6814,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Beschreibung zu lang - gekürzt." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Description has been cut (too long)." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Description has been cut (too long)." @@ -7047,7 +6823,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf hoher See kann man nicht bewachen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot guard off shore." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot guard off shore." @@ -7057,7 +6832,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf dem Schiff befinden sich zuwenig erfahrene Seeleute." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are not enough experienced sailors on board the ship." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are not enough experienced sailors on board the ship." @@ -7076,7 +6850,6 @@ "$unit($unit) benutzt ein $resource($item,1)." - "$unit($unit) uses a $resource($item,1)." "$unit($unit) uses a $resource($item,1)." @@ -7087,7 +6860,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $resource($item,0) können nur von Ein-Personen Einheiten benutzt werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $resource($item,0) can only be used by single-person units." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $resource($item,0) can only be used by single-person units." @@ -7097,7 +6869,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist noch zu erschöpft vom Einmarsch um zu attackieren." - "'$order($command)' - $unit($unit) marched into $region($region) during the last turn and is too exhausted to attack." "'$order($command)' - $unit($unit) marched into $region($region) during the last turn and is too exhausted to attack." @@ -7108,7 +6879,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) sind friedliebend und attackieren niemand." - "'$order($command)' - $race($race,0) are peace-loving and will not attack anyone." "'$order($command)' - $race($race,0) are peace-loving and will not attack anyone." @@ -7141,7 +6911,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man benötigt mindestens $int($minskill) $skill($skill), um $resource($product,0) zu pflanzen." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - At least $skill($skill) $int($minskill) is needed for planting $resource($product,0)." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - At least $skill($skill) $int($minskill) is needed for planting $resource($product,0)." @@ -7243,7 +7012,6 @@ "$unit($unit) bezahlt den Unterhalt von $building($building)." - "$unit($unit) pays the maintenance for $building($building)." "$unit($unit) pays the maintenance for $building($building)." @@ -7284,7 +7052,6 @@ "$unit($unit) verdient am Handel in $region($region) Steuern in Höhe von $int($amount) Silber." - "$unit($unit) collected $int($amount) silver trade tax in $region($region)." "$unit($unit) collected $int($amount) silver trade tax in $region($region)." @@ -7293,7 +7060,6 @@ "$unit($unit) benutzt $resource($potion,1)." - "$unit($unit) uses $resource($potion,1)." "$unit($unit) uses $resource($potion,1)." @@ -7301,7 +7067,6 @@ "Hier wütete die Pest, und $int($dead) Bauern starben." - "The region is visited by the plague and $int($dead) peasants died." "The region is visited by the plague and $int($dead) peasants died." @@ -7311,7 +7076,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um in Gletschern Straßen bauen zu können, muß zuerst ein Tunnel errichtet werden." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You've got to build a tunnel before building roads through glaciers." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You must build a tunnel before building roads through glaciers." @@ -7321,7 +7085,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax: MAGIEGEBIET [1-5]." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax: MAGIC SPHERE [1-5]." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax: MAGIC SPHERE [1-5]." @@ -7332,7 +7095,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Deine Partei muss mindestens $int($turns) alt sein, um etwas an andere Parteien übergeben zu können." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction must be at least $int($turns) weeks old to give something to another faction." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction must be at least $int($turns) weeks old to give something to another faction." @@ -7340,7 +7102,6 @@ "Bitte sende die Befehle nächste Runde ein, wenn du weiterspielen möchtest." - "Merci d'envoyer vos ordres pour le tour suivant si vous désirez continuer à jouer." "Please send in orders for the next turn if you want to continue playing." @@ -7349,7 +7110,6 @@ "Deine Partei ist noch $int($turns) Wochen immun gegen Angriffe." - "Votre faction est immunisée contre les agressions durant $int($turns) semaines encore." "Your faction is immune against assaults for $int($turns) more weeks." @@ -7359,7 +7119,6 @@ "$faction($member) ist mit $int($votes) Stimmen aus $alliance($alliance) ausgeschlossen worden." - "$faction($member) was kicked from $alliance($alliance) by $int($votes) of the alliance's members." "$faction($member) was kicked from $alliance($alliance) by $int($votes) of the alliance's members." @@ -7367,7 +7126,6 @@ "$alliance($alliance) scheidet aus dem Spiel aus, nachdem alle Tempel verloren gingen." - "$alliance($alliance) has to leave the game after all their temples were lost." "$alliance($alliance) has to leave the game after all their temples were lost." @@ -7376,7 +7134,6 @@ "$int($votes) Mitglieder von $alliance($alliance) haben versucht, Deine Partei aus der Allianz auszuschliessen." - "$int($votes) members of $alliance($alliance) tried to kick you out of the alliance." "$int($votes) members of $alliance($alliance) tried to kick you out of the alliance." @@ -7387,7 +7144,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Regione können Pyramiden gebaut werden." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pyramids may be build in this region." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pyramids may be build in this region." @@ -7422,7 +7178,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Region können keine Pyramiden gebaut werden. Die nächste Pyramidenregion ist zwischen $int($mindist) und $int($maxdist) Regionen entfernt." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No pyramids may be build in this region. The closest region to build a pyramid in is between $int($mindist) and $int($maxdist) regions away." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No pyramids may be build in this region. The closest region to build a pyramid in is between $int($mindist) and $int($maxdist) regions away." @@ -7431,7 +7186,6 @@ "$unit($unit) kann in $region($region) nicht durch das Wurmloch reisen, da die Einheit entweder zu gross ist oder teure Talente besitzt." - "$unit($unit) cannot travel through the wormhole in $region($region) because the unit is either too big or has restricted skills." "$unit($unit) cannot travel through the wormhole in $region($region) because the unit is either too big or has restricted skills." @@ -7440,7 +7194,6 @@ "$unit($unit) reist durch ein Wurmloch nach $region($region)." - "$unit($unit) travels through a wormhole to $region($region)." "$unit($unit) travels through a wormhole to $region($region)." @@ -7448,7 +7201,6 @@ "In $region($region) erscheint ein Wurmloch." - "A wormhole appears in $region($region)." "A wormhole appears in $region($region)." @@ -7456,7 +7208,6 @@ "Das Wurmloch in $region($region) schließt sich." - "The wormhole in $region($region) disappears." "The wormhole in $region($region) disappears." @@ -8305,7 +8056,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Kompassnadel springt wild hin und her und es lässt sich keine Richtung erkennen." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The needle jumps wildly and there is no specific direction recognizable." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The needle jumps wildly and there is no specific direction recognizable." @@ -8317,7 +8067,6 @@ "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Kompassnadel zeigt nach $direction($dir)." "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The needle points $direction($dir)." - "$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The needle points $direction($dir)." @@ -8327,7 +8076,6 @@ "$unit($unit) wird aus der astralen Ebene nach $region($region) geschleudert." "$unit($unit) is sent from the astral plain to $region($region)." - "$unit($unit) is sent from the astral plain to $region($region)." @@ -8337,7 +8085,6 @@ "$unit($target) wird von $unit($unit) in eine andere Welt geschleudert." "$unit($unit) sends $unit($target) to another world." - "$unit($unit) sends $unit($target) to another world." @@ -8347,7 +8094,6 @@ "$unit($unit) versuchte erfolglos, $unit($target) in eine andere Welt zu schleudern." "$unit($unit) tried but failed to send $unit($target) to another world." - "$unit($unit) tried but failed to send $unit($target) to another world."