forked from github/server
Unicode WIP:
- sinking ships i18n
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 154 additions and 65 deletions
@ -184,11 +184,12 @@ spy_message(int spy, const unit *u, const unit *target)
/* spion ist gleich gut wie Wahrnehmung Opfer */
/* spion ist schlechter als Wahrnehmung Opfer */
{ /* immer */
const xmlChar * str;
scat("Kampfstatus: ");
scat(report_kampfstatus(target, u->faction->locale));
c = locale_string(u->faction->locale, hp_status(target));
if (c && strlen(c))
sprintf(buf, "%s (%s)", buf, c);
str = locale_string(u->faction->locale, hp_status(target));
if (str && str[0])
sprintf(buf, "%s (%s)", buf, str);
@ -297,7 +298,7 @@ setwere_cmd(unit *u, struct order * ord)
setstealth_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord)
const char *s;
const xmlChar *s;
char level;
const race * trace;
@ -359,11 +360,11 @@ setstealth_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord)
} else if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_NOT) {
} else if (findkeyword(s, u->faction->locale) == K_NUMBER) {
const char *s2 = getstrtoken();
const xmlChar *s2 = getstrtoken();
int nr = -1;
if(s2) nr = atoi36(s2);
if(!s2 || *s2 == 0 || nr == u->faction->no) {
if (s2) nr = atoi36(s2);
if (!s2 || *s2 == 0 || nr == u->faction->no) {
a_removeall(&u->attribs, &at_otherfaction);
} else {
struct faction * f = findfaction(nr);
@ -450,8 +451,7 @@ setstealth_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord)
/* Tarnungslevel setzen */
level = (char) atoip(s);
if (level > effskill(u, SK_STEALTH)) {
sprintf(buf, "%s kann sich nicht so gut tarnen.", unitname(u));
mistake(u, ord, buf, MSG_EVENT);
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_lowstealth", ""));
return 0;
u_seteffstealth(u, level);
@ -493,42 +493,36 @@ crew_skill(region * r, faction * f, ship * sh, skill_t sk)
static int
try_destruction(unit * u, unit * u2, const char *name, int skilldiff)
try_destruction(unit * u, unit * u2, const ship *sh, int skilldiff)
const char *destruction_success_msg = "%s wurde von %s zerstoert.";
const char *destruction_failed_msg = "%s konnte %s nicht zerstoeren.";
const char *destruction_detected_msg = "%s wurde beim Versuch, %s zu zerstoeren, entdeckt.";
const char *detect_failure_msg = "Es wurde versucht, %s zu zerstoeren.";
const char *object_destroyed_msg = "%s wurde zerstoert.";
const char *destruction_success_msg = "destroy_ship_0";
const char *destruction_failed_msg = "destroy_ship_1";
const char *destruction_detected_msg = "destroy_ship_2";
const char *detect_failure_msg = "destroy_ship_3";
const char *object_destroyed_msg = "destroy_ship_4";
if (skilldiff == 0) {
/* tell the unit that the attempt failed: */
sprintf(buf, destruction_failed_msg, unitname(u), name);
addmessage(0, u->faction, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_WARN);
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message(destruction_failed_msg, "ship unit", sh, u));
/* tell the enemy about the attempt: */
if (u2) {
sprintf(buf, detect_failure_msg, name);
addmessage(0, u2->faction, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_IMPORTANT);
ADDMSG(&u2->faction->msgs, msg_message(detect_failure_msg, "ship", sh));
return 0;
if (skilldiff < 0) {
} else if (skilldiff < 0) {
/* tell the unit that the attempt was detected: */
sprintf(buf, destruction_detected_msg, unitname(u), name);
addmessage(0, u->faction, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_WARN);
ADDMSG(&u2->faction->msgs, msg_message(destruction_detected_msg, "ship unit", sh, u));
/* tell the enemy whodunit: */
if (u2) {
sprintf(buf, detect_failure_msg, unitname(u2), unitname(u), name);
addmessage(0, u2->faction, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_IMPORTANT);
ADDMSG(&u2->faction->msgs, msg_message(detect_failure_msg, "ship unit", sh, u));
return 0;
} else {
/* tell the unit that the attempt succeeded */
sprintf(buf, destruction_success_msg, name, unitname(u));
addmessage(0, u->faction, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_INFO);
if (u2) {
sprintf(buf, object_destroyed_msg, name);
addmessage(0, u2->faction, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_IMPORTANT);
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message(destruction_success_msg, "ship unit", sh, u));
if (u2) {
ADDMSG(&u2->faction->msgs, msg_message(object_destroyed_msg, "ship", sh));
return 1; /* success */
@ -536,23 +530,16 @@ try_destruction(unit * u, unit * u2, const char *name, int skilldiff)
static void
sink_ship(region * r, ship * sh, const char *name, char spy, unit * saboteur)
const char *person_lost_msg = "- %d Person von %s ertrinkt; %s.";
const char *persons_lost_msg = "- %d Personen von %s ertrinken; %s.";
const char *unit_dies_msg = "Die Einheit wird ausgeloescht";
const char *unit_lives_msg = "Die Einheit rettet sich nach ";
const char *unit_intact_msg = "%s ueberlebt unbeschadet und rettet sich nach %s.";
const char *ship_sinks_msg = "%s versinkt im Ozean.";
const char *enemy_discovers_spy_msg = "%s wurde beim versenken von %s entdeckt.";
const char *spy_discovered_msg = "%s entdeckte %s beim versenken von %s.";
unit **ui;
region *safety = r;
int i;
direction_t d;
unsigned int index;
double probability = 0.0;
char buffer[DISPLAYSIZE + 1];
vset informed;
vset survivors;
message * sink_msg = NULL;
message * enemy_discovers_spy_msg = NULL;
@ -577,6 +564,7 @@ sink_ship(region * r, ship * sh, const char *name, char spy, unit * saboteur)
vset_add(&informed, u->faction);
if (u->ship == sh) {
int dead = 0;
message * msg;
/* if this fails, I misunderstood something: */
for (i = 0; i != u->number; ++i)
@ -588,22 +576,24 @@ sink_ship(region * r, ship * sh, const char *name, char spy, unit * saboteur)
vset_add(&survivors, u);
if (dead > 0) {
strcat(strcpy(buffer, unit_lives_msg), regionname(safety, u->faction));
sprintf(buf, (dead == 1) ? person_lost_msg : persons_lost_msg,
dead, unitname(u), buffer);
} else
sprintf(buf, unit_intact_msg, unitname(u), regionname(safety, u->faction));
addmessage(0, u->faction, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_WARN);
msg = msg_message("sink_lost_msg", "dead region unit", dead, safety, u);
} else {
msg = msg_message("sink_saved_msg", "region unit", safety, u);
set_leftship(u, u->ship);
u->ship = 0;
if (r != safety)
if (r != safety) {
setguard(u, GUARD_NONE);
while (u->items) i_remove(&u->items, u->items);
while (u->items) {
i_remove(&u->items, u->items);
move_unit(u, safety, NULL);
} else {
sprintf(buf, (dead == 1) ? person_lost_msg : persons_lost_msg,
dead, unitname(u), unit_dies_msg);
msg = msg_message("sink_lost_msg", "dead region unit", dead, NULL, u);
add_message(&u->faction->msgs, msg);
if (dead == u->number) {
/* the poor creature, she dies */
*ui = u->next;
@ -644,18 +634,22 @@ sink_ship(region * r, ship * sh, const char *name, char spy, unit * saboteur)
/* finally, report to this faction that the ship sank: */
sprintf(buf, ship_sinks_msg, name);
addmessage(0, f, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_WARN);
if (sink_msg==NULL) {
sink_msg = msg_message("sink_msg", "ship region", sh, r);
add_message(&f->msgs, sink_msg);
vset_erase(&informed, f);
if (spy == 1 && f != saboteur->faction &&
faction_skill(r, f, SK_OBSERVATION) - eff_skill(saboteur, SK_STEALTH, r) > 0) {
/* the unit is discovered */
sprintf(buf, spy_discovered_msg, lastunit, unitname(saboteur), name);
addmessage(0, f, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_IMPORTANT);
sprintf(buf, enemy_discovers_spy_msg, unitname(saboteur), name);
addmessage(0, saboteur->faction, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_MISTAKE);
if (spy == 1 && f != saboteur->faction && faction_skill(r, f, SK_OBSERVATION) - eff_skill(saboteur, SK_STEALTH, r) > 0) {
/* the unit is discovered */
ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("spy_discovered_msg", "unit saboteur ship", lastunit, saboteur, sh));
if (enemy_discovers_spy_msg==NULL) {
enemy_discovers_spy_msg = msg_message("enemy_discovers_spy_msg", "unit ship", saboteur, sh);
add_message(&saboteur->faction->msgs, sink_msg);
if (enemy_discovers_spy_msg) msg_release(enemy_discovers_spy_msg);
if (sink_msg) msg_release(sink_msg);
/* finally, get rid of the ship */
@ -665,12 +659,13 @@ sink_ship(region * r, ship * sh, const char *name, char spy, unit * saboteur)
sabotage_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord)
const char *s;
const xmlChar *s;
int i;
ship *sh;
unit *u2;
char buffer[DISPLAYSIZE];
region * r = u->region;
int skdiff;
@ -686,9 +681,8 @@ sabotage_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord)
return 0;
u2 = shipowner(sh);
strcat(strcpy(buffer, shipname(sh)), sh->type->name[0]);
if (try_destruction(u, u2, buffer, eff_skill(u, SK_SPY, r)
- crew_skill(r, u2->faction, sh, SK_OBSERVATION))) {
skdiff = eff_skill(u, SK_SPY, r)-crew_skill(r, u2->faction, sh, SK_OBSERVATION);
if (try_destruction(u, u2, sh, skdiff)) {
sink_ship(r, sh, buffer, 1, u);
@ -1014,16 +1014,111 @@
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot recruit in this plane."</text>
<message name="error_lowstealth" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
<arg name="command" type="order"/>
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die einheit kann sich nicht so gut tarnen."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' -The unit cannot hide that well."</text>
<message name="destroy_ship_0" section="events">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<text locale="en">"$ship($ship) was destroyed by $unit($unit)."</text>
<text locale="de">"$ship($ship) wurde von $unit($unit) zerstört."</text>
<message name="destroy_ship_1" section="events">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could not destroy $ship($ship)."</text>
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte $ship($ship) nicht zerstören."</text>
<message name="destroy_ship_2" section="events">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) was detected while trying to destroy $ship($ship)."</text>
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wurde beim Versuch $ship($ship) zu zerstören entdeckt."</text>
<message name="destroy_ship_3" section="events">
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<text locale="en">"Somebody attempted to destroy $ship($ship)."</text>
<text locale="de">"Es wurde versucht, $ship($ship) zu zerstören."</text>
<message name="destroy_ship_4" section="events">
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<text locale="en">"$ship($ship) was destroyed."</text>
<text locale="de">"$ship($ship) wurde zerstört."</text>
<message name="sink_lost_msg" section="events">
<arg name="dead" type="int"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<text locale="de">"$int($amount) Personen von $unit($unit) ertrinken.$if($isnull($region),""," Die Einheit rettet sich nach $region($region).")"</text>
<message name="sink_saved_msg" section="events">
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) ueberlebt unbeschadet und rettet sich nach $region($region)."</text>
<message name="sink_msg" section="events">
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
<text locale="de">"$ship($ship) versinkt in den Fluten von $region($region)."</text>
<message name="enemy_discovers_spy_msg" section="events">
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wurde beim versenken von $ship($ship) entdeckt."</text>
<message name="spy_discovered_msg" section="events">
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="saboteur" type="unit"/>
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) entdeckte $unit($saboteur) beim versenken von $ship($ship)."</text>
<message name="drown" section="events">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) ertrinkt in $region($region)."</text>
<text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) drowns in in $region($region)."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) drowns in in $region($region)."</text>
<message name="drown_amphibian_dead" section="events">
<message name="drown_amphibian_dead" section="events">
<arg name="amount" type="int"/>
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
Reference in a new issue