From 35c3d4cda0be599f84d21bdc57029331c0c87791 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Enno Rehling Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 10:43:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] export messages and strings into separate .po files commit the exported files. --- res/translations/ | 5595 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ res/translations/messages.en.po | 5595 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ res/translations/ | 6312 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ res/translations/strings.en.po | 5601 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/bindings.c | 9 +- src/util/nrmessage.c | 4 +- src/util/nrmessage.h | 9 +- 7 files changed, 23113 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) create mode 100644 res/translations/ create mode 100644 res/translations/messages.en.po create mode 100644 res/translations/ create mode 100644 res/translations/strings.en.po diff --git a/res/translations/ b/res/translations/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a9ee2ed0 --- /dev/null +++ b/res/translations/ @@ -0,0 +1,5595 @@ +msgid "homestone_effect" +msgstr "\"A magic ritual by $unit($mage) binds magic energies to the walls of $building($building).\"" + +msgid "homestone_effect" +msgstr "\"Mit einem Ritual bindet $unit($mage) die magischen Kräfte der Erde in die Mauern von $building($building).\"" + +msgid "nogive_reserved" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit has this item, but all $int($reservation) $resource($resource,$reservation) are reserved.\"" + +msgid "nogive_reserved" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diesen Gegenstand zwar, aber sämtliche $int($reservation) $resource($resource,$reservation) sind reserviert.\"" + +msgid "recruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) recruits $int($amount) of $int($want) people.\"" + +msgid "recruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) rekrutiert $int($amount) von $int($want) Personen.\"" + +msgid "sp_dreamreading_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) is lost in the dreams of $unit($unit) and gets a glimps into $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_dreamreading_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verliert sich in die Träume von $unit($unit) und erhält einen Eindruck von $region($region).\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $ship($ship) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for, about $int($months) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $ship($ship) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is haunted by terrbile nightmares. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird von bösen Alpträumen geplagt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "absorbpeasants" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) peasants become $race($race,0) and join the ranks of $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "absorbpeasants" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) Bauern werden zu $race($race,0) und schliessen sich $unit($unit) an.\"" + +msgid "unholypower_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) tranforms $unit($target) to $race($race,0).\"" + +msgid "unholypower_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verwandelt $unit($target) in $race($race,0).\"" + +msgid "give_person" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transfers $int($amount) person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"s\") to $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "give_person" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) übergibt $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"en\") an $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls forth a terrible torment over the enemy. The magical rain makes all iron rusty.\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft ein fürchterliches Unwetter über seine Feinde. Der magischen Regen lässt alles Eisen rosten.\"" + +msgid "heroes_maxed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction already has $int($count) of $int($max) heroes.\"" + +msgid "heroes_maxed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat bereits $int($count) von $int($max) Helden.\"" + +msgid "error_build_skill_low" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires a skill of at least $int($value) to build.\"" + +msgid "error_build_skill_low" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um das zu bauen, braucht man ein Talent von mindestens $int($value).\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $building($building) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for about $int($months) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $building($building) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::auraboost_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) finds it difficult to gather its magical energies. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::auraboost_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat Schwierigkeiten seine magischen Energien zu sammeln. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "harbor_trade" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) received $resources($items) from the $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "harbor_trade" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erhielt $resources($items) von der $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "reduce_spell" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), anti-magic from $unit($self) reduces the effect of $unit($mage)'s spell.\"" + +msgid "reduce_spell" +msgstr "\"$unit($self) schwächt in $region($region) einen Zauber von $unit.dative($mage) durch Antimagie ab.\"" + +msgid "raised" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) horses.\"" + +msgid "raised" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) züchtet $int($amount) Pferde.\"" + +msgid "speed_time_effect" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) bends time for $int($amount) men.\"" + +msgid "speed_time_effect" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) dehnt $unit($unit) die Zeit für $int($amount) Personen.\"" + +msgid "error199" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician already has a familiar.\"" + +msgid "error199" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier hat bereits einen Vertrauten.\"" + +msgid "error195" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no route leading there.\"" + +msgid "error195" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin führt kein Weg.\"" + +msgid "healall" +msgstr "\"Life itself touches the world and all beings are healed.\"" + +msgid "healall" +msgstr "\"Ein Hauch des Lebens liegt über der Welt und alle Wesen fühlen sich frisch und erholt.\"" + +msgid "build_required" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - For this, the unit needs $resources($required).\"" + +msgid "build_required" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dafür braucht die Einheit $resources($required).\"" + +msgid "newbie_immunity_error" +msgstr "\"A faction must be at least $int($turns) weeks old before it can be attacked or stolen from.\"" + +msgid "newbie_immunity_error" +msgstr "\"Eine Partei muß mindestens $int($turns) Wochen alt sein, bevor sie angegriffen oder bestohlen werden kann.\"" + +msgid "error191" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell works only in forests.\"" + +msgid "error191" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber funktioniert nur in Wäldern.\"" + +msgid "error156" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Too many alchemists in the faction.\"" + +msgid "error156" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zuviele Alchemisten in der Partei.\"" + +msgid "error266" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This item only functions in the entry hall.\"" + +msgid "error266" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Gegenstand funktioniert nur in der Eingangshalle.\"" + +msgid "error81" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit must first guard the region.\"" + +msgid "error81" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit muß zuerst die Region bewachen.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_u_nosuccess" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No region could be pacified.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_u_nosuccess" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keine Region konnte befriedet werden.\"" + +msgid "error70" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This region is guarded by a non-allied faction.\"" + +msgid "error70" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region wird von Nichtalliierten bewacht.\"" + +msgid "error92" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no normal forest in this region.\"" + +msgid "error92" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keinen normalen Wald.\"" + +msgid "error262" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction cannot have any more wyrms.\"" + +msgid "error262" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei kann keine weiteren Wyrme besitzen.\"" + +msgid "massive_overload" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) is massively overloaded and is damaged heavily.\"" + +msgid "massive_overload" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) ist zu stark überladen und wird stark beschädigt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipspeedup" +msgstr "\"The winds seem to favor this ship. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipspeedup" +msgstr "\"Die Winde scheinen dieses Schiff besonders zu beguenstigen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error152" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit jumps over board and drowns.\"" + +msgid "error152" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit springt über Bord und ertrinkt.\"" + +msgid "error108" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No herbs could be found.\"" + +msgid "error108" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es sind keine Kräuter zu finden.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::contact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit $unit($target) did not contact us.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::contact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen.\"" + +msgid "error214" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unit is not a magician.\"" + +msgid "error214" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit ist kein Magier.\"" + +msgid "patzer6" +msgstr "\"A message from $unit($unit) in $region($region): 'Oops! Croak, Croak!'\"" + +msgid "patzer6" +msgstr "\"Eine Botschaft von $unit.dative($unit) in $region($region): 'Ups! Quack, Quack!'\"" + +msgid "lucky_item" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) luckily finds a cache of $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "lucky_item" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat Glück und findet einen Hort von $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "error104" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This metal can be excavated only in a mine.\"" + +msgid "error104" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Metall kann nur in einem Bergwerk abgebaut werden.\"" + +msgid "error100" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody here is a skilled ship builder.\"" + +msgid "error100" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keiner hier ist gelernter Schiffbauer.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::gooddream" +msgstr "\"The people in this region have sweet dreams. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::gooddream" +msgstr "\"Die Leute haben schöne Träume. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot guard off shore.\"" + +msgid "error2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf hoher See kann man nicht bewachen.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_maxentertainment" +msgstr "\"entertainment: max. $int($max) silver\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_maxentertainment" +msgstr "\"Unterhaltung: max. $int($max) Silber\"" + +msgid "blessedstonecircle_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) blesses $building($building).\"" + +msgid "blessedstonecircle_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) weiht $building($building).\"" + +msgid "income_tax_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) collects taxes of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" only\") $int($amount) silver$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" instead of $int($wanted) silver\") \") in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_tax_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) treibt in $region($region) Steuern in Höhe von $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber ein.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::holyground" +msgstr "\"The undead turn away from this region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::holyground" +msgstr "\"Untote schrecken vor dieser Region zurück. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "changemail" +msgstr "\"Address has been changed to '$value'.\"" + +msgid "changemail" +msgstr "\"Die Reportadresse wurde auf ${value} geändert.\"" + +msgid "song_of_peace_effect_0" +msgstr "\"The marvelous singing of $unit($mage) enchants the public. The song's peaceful melody makes several listeners drop their weapons.\"" + +msgid "song_of_peace_effect_0" +msgstr "\"Die Gesangskunst von $unit($mage) begeistert die Leute. Die friedfertige Stimmung des Lieds überträgt sich auf alle Zuhörer. Einige werfen ihre Waffen weg.\"" + +msgid "emptyeog" +msgstr "\"There is no more laen left in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "emptyeog" +msgstr "\"Die Laenader in $region($region) ist erschöpft.\"" + +msgid "entrise" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), the Lords of the Trees have risen.\"" + +msgid "entrise" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erschienen die Herren der Bäume.\"" + +msgid "victory_murder_cfulfilled" +msgstr "\"Attention: $faction($faction) has fulfilled the victory condition and will be declared winner in $if($eq($remain,1),\"one week\",\"$int($remain) weeks\").\"" + +msgid "victory_murder_cfulfilled" +msgstr "\"Achtung: $faction($faction) hat die Siegbedingungen erfüllt und wird in $if($eq($remain,1),\"einer Woche\",\"$int($remain) Wochen\") zum Sieger erklärt werden.\"" + +msgid "headache_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) has a splitting headache and can hardly remember last week. Except that it all started in the tavern...\"" + +msgid "headache_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat höllische Kopfschmerzen und kann sich an die vergangene Woche nicht mehr erinnern. Nur noch daran, wie alles mit einer fröhlichen Feier in irgendeiner Taverne anfing....\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) did not contact us.\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen.\"" + +msgid "sailforbiddendir" +msgstr "\"The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "sailforbiddendir" +msgstr "\"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu reisen.\"" + +msgid "receive" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) receives $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) from $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "receive" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) erhält $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) von $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "missing_feedback" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Internal Error: Message '$name' is undefined.\"" + +msgid "missing_feedback" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Interner Fehler: Meldung '$name' nicht definiert.\"" + +msgid "thiefdiscover" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) caught $unit($unit) in attempted theft.\"" + +msgid "thiefdiscover" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) ertappte $unit($unit) beim versuchten Diebstahl.\"" + +msgid "museumgiveback" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) received $resources($items) from $unit($sender)\"" + +msgid "museumgiveback" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erhielt $unit($unit) von $unit.dative($sender) $resources($items)\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_17" +msgstr "\"A dark and mysterious fairy appears before $unit($unit). She is of bewitching beauty. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_17" +msgstr "\"Eine dunkle Fee erscheint $unit($unit) im Schlaf. Sie ist von schauriger Schönheit. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "caldera_handle_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) jumps into the eternal flame of the caldera.\"" + +msgid "caldera_handle_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) springt in die ewigen Feuer des Kraters.\"" + +msgid "researchherb_none" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not find any herbs in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "researchherb_none" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) kann keine Kräuter finden.\"" + +msgid "moveblockedbyguard" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) was kept in $region($region) by $unit($guard).\"" + +msgid "moveblockedbyguard" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde in $region($region) von $unit.dative($guard) aufgehalten.\"" + +msgid "cast_frighten_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were intimidated.\"" + +msgid "cast_frighten_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden eingeschüchtert.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::Feuerwand" +msgstr "A wall of fire blocks entry and exit. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::Feuerwand" +msgstr "Eine Feuerwand blockiert die Ein- und Ausreise. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "renamed_building_notseen" +msgstr "\"$building($building) in $region($region) received a nickname.\"" + +msgid "renamed_building_notseen" +msgstr "\"$building($building) in $region($region) bekommt einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "heroes_race" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot be heroes.\"" + +msgid "heroes_race" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können keine Helden erwählen.\"" + +msgid "summon_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons $int($amount) $race($race,$amount).\"" + +msgid "summon_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört $int($amount) $race($race,$amount).\"" + +msgid "error28" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The peasant morale is low.\"" + +msgid "error28" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Bauern sind schlecht gelaunt.\"" + +msgid "error39" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit has not yet learned espionage.\"" + +msgid "error39" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat keine Spionage gelernt.\"" + +msgid "destroy_magic_noeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician could not destroy any curse.\"" + +msgid "destroy_magic_noeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier konnte keinen Fluch zerstören.\"" + +msgid "cast_auraleak_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) in $region($region) caused a tear in the fabric of magic, that sucked all magical energies out of the region.\"" + +msgid "cast_auraleak_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) rief in $region($region) einen Riss in dem Gefüge der Magie hervor, der alle magische Kraft aus der Region riss.\"" + +msgid "newbie_info_game" +msgstr "Remember to send your orders to $email with the subject ${subject}." + +msgid "newbie_info_game" +msgstr "Bitte denke daran, deine Befehle mit dem Betreff $subject an $email zu senden." + +msgid "mob_warning" +msgstr "\"An angry mob forms and hunts practitioners of the dark arts.\"" + +msgid "mob_warning" +msgstr "\"Ein Bauernmob erhebt sich und macht Jagd auf Schwarzmagier.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) disappeared in the night.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),\"verschwand\", \"verschwanden\") über Nacht.\"" + +msgid "fleescared" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) peasants fled in fear of $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "fleescared" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) Bauern flohen aus Furcht vor $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). The crops wither, horses die of thirst. A famine claims the lives of many peasants. The trees die and their bald branches cannot protect from the torrid sun that mercilessly burns the grounds. The drought permanently alters the region.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Die Felder verdorren und Pferde verdursten. Die Hungersnot kostet vielen Bauern das Leben. Vertrocknete Bäume recken ihre kahlen Zweige in den blauen Himmel, von dem erbarmungslos die sengende Sonne brennt. Die Dürre verändert die Region für immer.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_pump" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Despite intense questioning, $unit($target) did not have anything to tell about $region($tregion).\"" + +msgid "spellfail_pump" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) wusste trotz intensivem Verhör nichts über $region($tregion) zu berichten.\"" + +msgid "maintenance_nowork" +msgstr "\"$building($building) was nonfunctional because upkeep could not be paid at the beginning of the week.\"" + +msgid "maintenance_nowork" +msgstr "\"$building($building) hat diese Woche nicht funktioniert, da zu Beginn der Woche der Unterhalt nicht gezahlt werden konnte.\"" + +msgid "error_spell_on_flying_ship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - It is far too dangerous to put this spell on the flying ship $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "error_spell_on_flying_ship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es ist zu gefährlich, diesen Zauber auf das fliegende Schiff $ship($ship) zu legen.\"" + +msgid "error275" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Buildings cannot be built here.\"" + +msgid "error275" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man keine Gebäude errichten.\"" + +msgid "error165" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The potion does not agree with the unit.\"" + +msgid "error165" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Trank bekommt der Einheit nicht.\"" + +msgid "siege_catapults" +msgstr "\"$building($building) is under siege by $unit($unit). During siege, catapults caused $int($destruction) points destruction.\"" + +msgid "siege_catapults" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) belagert $building($building). Dabei richten die Katapulte Zerstörungen von $int($destruction) Größenpunkten an.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicstreet" +msgstr "\"The roads are extremely dry and well-kept. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicstreet" +msgstr "\"Die Straßen sind erstaunlich trocken und gut begehbar. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_13" +msgstr "\"A group of vultures circles above $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_13" +msgstr "\"Über $unit($unit) zieht eine Gruppe Geier ihre Kreise. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error161" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this potion.\"" + +msgid "error161" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit besitzt den Trank nicht.\"" + +msgid "error271" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot attack here.\"" + +msgid "error271" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man niemanden angreifen.\"" + +msgid "renamed_faction_notseen" +msgstr "\"Your faction received a nickname.\"" + +msgid "renamed_faction_notseen" +msgstr "\"Die Partei bekommt einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "error227" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A herbalism skill of 7 or higher is required.\"" + +msgid "error227" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dafür braucht ein Einheit mindestens Kräuterkunde 7.\"" + +msgid "error117" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This race cannot produce that.\"" + +msgid "error117" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Rasse kann das nicht herstellen.\"" + +msgid "sp_depression_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) causes great sadness among the peasants of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_depression_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sorgt in $region($region) für Trübsal unter den Bauern.\"" + +msgid "sp_mindblast_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell). $int($amount) warriors lose their memories, $int($dead) were killed.\"" + +msgid "sp_mindblast_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell). $int($amount) Krieger verloren Erinnerungen, $int($dead) wurden getötet.\"" + +msgid "error113" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Item to be handed over was not supplied.\"" + +msgid "error113" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nichts angegeben, was wir übergeben sollen.\"" + +msgid "undeadrise" +msgstr "\"The dead rise from their graves in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "undeadrise" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erhoben sich die Toten aus den Gräbern.\"" + +msgid "reanimate_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) begins a ritual of resurrection. $int($amount) warriors rise from the dead.\"" + +msgid "reanimate_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beginnt ein Ritual der Wiederbelebung. $int($amount) Krieger stehen von den Toten auf.\"" + +msgid "error223" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot guard.\"" + +msgid "error223" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Einheiten können nicht bewachen.\"" + +msgid "sp_confusion_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) begins a mysterious chant. Great confusion sweeps through the ranks of the enemy.\"" + +msgid "sp_confusion_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) stimmt einen seltsamen Gesang an. Ein plötzlicher Tumult entsteht und bringt die Kampfaufstellung durcheinander.\"" + +msgid "itemcloak" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) shrouds the equipment of $unit($target) in shadows.\"" + +msgid "itemcloak" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) legt einen Schleier um die Ausrüstung von $unit.dative($target).\"" + +msgid "error5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not ours.\"" + +msgid "error5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude gehört uns nicht.\"" + +msgid "tactics_lost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) lured the enemy into an ambush.\"" + +msgid "tactics_lost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte dem Gegner eine Falle stellen.\"" + +msgid "error_lowstealth" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' -The unit cannot hide that well.\"" + +msgid "error_lowstealth" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann sich nicht so gut tarnen.\"" + +msgid "chaosgate_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) opens a chaos gate.\"" + +msgid "chaosgate_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) öffnet ein Chaostor.\"" + +msgid "shipsail" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) sails from $region($from) to $region($to).\"" + +msgid "shipsail" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) segelt von $region($from) nach $region($to).\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_unit" +msgstr "\"The magical resistance has been strengthened. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_unit" +msgstr "\"Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung ist gestärkt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "destroy_partial" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) tears down parts of $building($building).\"" + +msgid "destroy_partial" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) reißt einen Teil von $building($building) ein.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_morale" +msgstr "\"peasant morale: $int($morale)\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_morale" +msgstr "\"Moral der Bauern: $int($morale)\"" + +msgid "changemail_invalid" +msgstr "\"Address not changed, '$value' is an invalid email.\"" + +msgid "changemail_invalid" +msgstr "\"Die Reportadresse wurde nicht geändert, '${value}' ist keine gültige email.\"" + +msgid "block_spell" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), anti-magic from $unit($self) blocks the spell of $unit($mage).\"" + +msgid "block_spell" +msgstr "\"Antimagie von $unit.dative($self) blockiert in $region($region) einen Zauber von $unit.dative($mage).\"" + +msgid "enter_overload" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot go aboard, the ship would be overloaded.\"" + +msgid "enter_overload" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit darf nicht an Bord kommen, da sie das Schiff überladen würde.\"" + +msgid "herbfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) finds $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount).\"" + +msgid "herbfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) findet $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount).\"" + +msgid "maintenance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) pays the maintenance for $building($building).\"" + +msgid "maintenance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) bezahlt den Unterhalt von $building($building).\"" + +msgid "heroes_cost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit has $int($have) of $int($cost) silver required.\"" + +msgid "heroes_cost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nur $int($have) von $int($cost) benötigtem Silber.\"" + +msgid "error36" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this item.\"" + +msgid "error36" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diesen Gegenstand nicht.\"" + +msgid "error58" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know how to entertain.\"" + +msgid "error58" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit weiß nicht, wie man gaukelt.\"" + +msgid "magiccreate_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) creates $int($amount) ${object}.\"" + +msgid "magiccreate_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) erschafft $int($amount) ${object}.\"" + +msgid "error25" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A curse prevents this from happening.\"" + +msgid "error25" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Fluch verhindert das.\"" + +msgid "error47" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is one of our allies.\"" + +msgid "error47" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist mit uns alliiert.\"" + +msgid "error69" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The region is guarded.\"" + +msgid "error69" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region wird bewacht.\"" + +msgid "overrun_by_iceberg" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) has been damaged by a collision with an iceberg.\"" + +msgid "overrun_by_iceberg" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) wird bei einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg beschädigt.\"" + +msgid "song_of_peace_effect_1" +msgstr "\"A wondrous song fills the air and enchants the public. The song's peaceful melody makes several listeners drop their weapons.\"" + +msgid "song_of_peace_effect_1" +msgstr "\"In der Luft liegt ein wunderschönes Lied, dessen friedfertiger Stimmung sich niemand entziehen kann. Einige Leute werfen sogar ihre Waffen weg.\"" + +msgid "error99" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not want to be transported.\"" + +msgid "error99" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit will nicht transportiert werden.\"" + +msgid "disrupt_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is sent from the astral plain to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "disrupt_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird aus der astralen Ebene nach $region($region) geschleudert.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::badmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "\"The magical resistance of some units in this region was weakened. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::badmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "\"Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung bestimmter Einheiten in dieser Region wurde geschwächt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error288" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - How much shall we tear down?\"" + +msgid "error288" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wieviel sollen wir einreißen?\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::badlearn" +msgstr "\"People in this region suffer from insomnia. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::badlearn" +msgstr "\"Alle Leute in der Region haben Schlafstörungen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error_nopeasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are no peasants in this region.\"" + +msgid "error_nopeasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keine Bauern.\"" + +msgid "spellregionresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The region could not be charmed.\"" + +msgid "spellregionresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region konnte nicht verzaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::calmmonster" +msgstr "This enchantment appears to make the unit well-disposed towards a particular faction. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::calmmonster" +msgstr "Dieser Beeinflussungszauber scheint die Einheit einem ganz bestimmten Volk wohlgesonnen zu machen. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "error169" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know this spell.\"" + +msgid "error169" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Zauber kennt die Einheit nicht.\"" + +msgid "error174" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell only makes sense in combat.\"" + +msgid "error174" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber ist nur im Kampf sinnvoll.\"" + +msgid "error284" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Undead can only be affected once by this spell.\"" + +msgid "error284" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur noch nicht gestärkte Untote können das Ziel dieses Zaubers sein.\"" + +msgid "growtree_effect" +msgstr "$if($isnull($mage),\"An unknown magician\",$unit($mage)) created a holy forest of $int($amount) young trees." + +msgid "growtree_effect" +msgstr "$if($isnull($mage),\"Ein unentdeckter Magier\",$unit($mage)) erschuf einen heiligen Hain von $int($amount) Schößlingen." + +msgid "error280" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu muss erst die Spezialeigenschaft erworben werden.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipnodrift_0" +msgstr "\"A silvery shimmer surrounds the $ship($ship). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipnodrift_0" +msgstr "\"Ein silberner Schimmer umgibt die $ship($ship). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error170" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The peasants did not accept this gracious gift.\"" + +msgid "error170" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Bauern nehmen dieses großzügige Geschenk nicht an.\"" + +msgid "dumbeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) eats a duncebuns and forgets $int($weeks) weeks worth of $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "dumbeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) vergisst durch Dumpfbackenbrot $int($weeks) Wochen des Talentes $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "renamed_ship_seen" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) in $region($region) received a nickname from $unit($renamer).\"" + +msgid "renamed_ship_seen" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) in $region($region) bekommt von $unit.dative($renamer) einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "error126" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot sell this.\"" + +msgid "error126" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht verkaufen.\"" + +msgid "error236" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not finished yet.\"" + +msgid "error236" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude ist noch nicht fertig gebaut.\"" + +msgid "error_unit_size" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units may not have more than $int($maxsize) members.\"" + +msgid "error_unit_size" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten dürfen nicht mehr als $int($maxsize) Personen enthalten.\"" + +msgid "error232" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This type of unit cannot enter a building.\"" + +msgid "error232" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Typ Einheit kann keine Gebäude betreten.\"" + +msgid "error122" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You can only breed horses in a stable.\"" + +msgid "error122" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pferde kann man nur in einer Pferdezucht züchten.\"" + +msgid "error307" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - We snotlings is too stupid fer dat!\"" + +msgid "error307" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Snotlinge sind zu dumm, um auf den Feldern zu arbeiten.\"" + +msgid "godcurse_destroy_ship" +msgstr "\"Her sailors sick from the poisened ocean, planks, rudder und sails corroded by the waters of the cursed ocean, the $ship($ship) finally succumbs to her destiny and sinks.\"" + +msgid "godcurse_destroy_ship" +msgstr "\"Die Mannschaft krank vom vergifteten Wasser, Planken, Ruder und Segel zerfressen von den Wassern des verfluchten Meeres, ergibt sich die $ship($ship) in ihr Schicksal und sinkt.\"" + +msgid "too_many_units_in_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A faction may not consist of more than $int($allowed) units.\"" + +msgid "too_many_units_in_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Partei darf nicht aus mehr als $int($allowed) Einheiten bestehen.\"" + +msgid "entermaelstrom" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) sails into the maelstrom of $region($region) and takes $int($damage) damage$if($sink,\". The ship sinks\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "entermaelstrom" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) fährt in den Mahlstrom von $region($region) und nimmt $int($damage) Schaden$if($sink,\" und sinkt\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "error303" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No trade is possible in this region.\"" + +msgid "error303" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Region kann man nichts verkaufen.\"" + +msgid "patzer3" +msgstr "\"When $unit($unit) in $region($region) tries to cast $spell($spell), a sudden disturbance ripples through the magical realm and a terrible force attempts to drag the magician to another dimension. However, with a final effort of strength, $unit($unit) manages to save himself.\"" + +msgid "patzer3" +msgstr "\"Als $unit($unit) in $region($region) versucht, $spell($spell) zu zaubern, scheint plötzlich ein Beben durch die magische Essenz zu laufen und ein furchtbarer Sog versucht $unit($unit) in eine andere Dimension zu ziehen. Mit letzter Kraft gelingt es $unit($unit) sich zu retten.\"" + +msgid "heat_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) puts protection from cold on $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "heat_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) belegt $unit($target) mit einem Kälteschutz.\"" + +msgid "gbdream_noteach" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is an active spell in this region that prevents this.\"" + +msgid "gbdream_noteach" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Zauber in dieser Region verhindert das.\"" + +msgid "path_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) creates dry and well-repaired roads in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "path_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sorgt für trockene Straßen in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "summonshadow_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons $int($number) demons from the realm of shadows.\"" + +msgid "summonshadow_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört $int($number) Dämonen aus dem Reich der Schatten.\"" + +msgid "error8" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That is useless.\"" + +msgid "error8" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das ist sinnlos.\"" + +msgid "eathorse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ate $int($amount) horses.\"" + +msgid "eathorse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verspeiste $int($amount) Pferde.\"" + +msgid "confusion_result" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons a fog of confusion.\"" + +msgid "confusion_result" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört einen Schleier der Verwirrung.\"" + +msgid "resource_missing" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires $resource($missing,0).\"" + +msgid "resource_missing" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu benötigt man $resource($missing,0).\"" + +msgid "give_person_peasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transfers $int($amount) person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"s\") to the local peasants.\"" + +msgid "give_person_peasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) übergibt $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"en\") an die Bauern.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicwalls" +msgstr "\"These walls appear to have grown straight out of the earth. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicwalls" +msgstr "\"Diese Mauern wirken, als wären sie direkt aus der Erde gewachsen und nicht erbaut. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "sp_clone_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) creates a clone.\"" + +msgid "sp_clone_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erschafft einen Klon.\"" + +msgid "enemy_discovers_spy_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) was spotted sinking $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "enemy_discovers_spy_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde beim versenken von $ship($ship) entdeckt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::nocostbuilding" +msgstr "\"Time cannot touch these walls. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::nocostbuilding" +msgstr "\"Der Zahn der Zeit kann diesen Mauern nichts anhaben. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "income_fishing" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) catches fish worth $int($amount) silver.\"" + +msgid "income_fishing" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fängt in $region($region) Fische im Wert von $int($amount) Silber.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $unit($unit) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for centuries.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $unit($unit) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben.\"" + +msgid "buildingcrash" +msgstr "\"$building($building) in $region($region) collapses.$if($road,\" The collapse ruined half of the road.\",\"\")$if($opfer,\" There are $int($opfer) casualties.\",\"\")\"" + +msgid "buildingcrash" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) stürzte $building($building) ein.$if($road,\" Beim Einsturz wurde die halbe Straße vernichtet.\",\"\")$if($opfer,\" $int($opfer) Opfer $if($eq($opfer,1),\"ist\",\"sind\") zu beklagen.\",\"\")\"" + +msgid "alliance::kickattempt" +msgstr "\"$int($votes) members of $alliance($alliance) tried to kick you out of the alliance.\"" + +msgid "alliance::kickattempt" +msgstr "\"$int($votes) Mitglieder von $alliance($alliance) haben versucht, Deine Partei aus der Allianz auszuschliessen.\"" + +msgid "becomewyrm" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) turns into a wyrm.\"" + +msgid "becomewyrm" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verwandelt sich in einen Wyrm.\"" + +msgid "casualties" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) lost $int($fallen) people$if($alive,\", $int($alive) survived\",\"\")$if($run,\" and $int($run) fled$if($isnull($runto),\"\",\" to $region($runto)\")\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "casualties" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verlor $int($fallen) Personen$if($alive,\", $int($alive) überlebten\",\"\")$if($run,\" und $int($run) flohen$if($isnull($runto),\"\",\" nach $region($runto)\")\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "lineup_battle" +msgstr "\"Units before turn $int($turn):\"" + +msgid "lineup_battle" +msgstr "\"Einheiten vor der $int($turn). Runde:\"" + +msgid "feedback_give_forbidden" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot give anything to this unit.\"" + +msgid "feedback_give_forbidden" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Einheit kann nichts gegeben werden.\"" + +msgid "babbler_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) spent the evening carousing in the tavern. In addition to a terrible headache, there remains this feeling of having told everyone the story of his entire life.\"" + +msgid "babbler_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat einen feuchtfröhlichen Abend in der Taverne verbracht. Ausser einem fürchterlichen Brummschädel ist da auch noch das dumme Gefühl die ganze Taverne mit seiner Lebensgeschichte unterhalten zu haben.\"" + +msgid "babbler_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) spent the evening carousing in the tavern. In addition to a terrible headache, there remains this feeling of having told $unit($mage) the story of his entire life.\"" + +msgid "babbler_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat einen feuchtfröhlichen Abend in der Taverne verbracht. Ausser einem fürchterlichen Brummschädel ist da auch noch das dumme Gefühl $unit($mage) seine ganze Lebensgeschichte erzählt zu haben.\"" + +msgid "tidalwave_kill" +msgstr "\"A tidal wave wipes out $region($region) and kills $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "tidalwave_kill" +msgstr "\"Eine gewaltige Flutwelle verschlingt $unit($unit) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "error14" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is off shore.\"" + +msgid "error14" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist auf hoher See.\"" + +msgid "renamed_notseen" +msgstr "\"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) received a nickname.\"" + +msgid "renamed_notseen" +msgstr "\"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) bekommt einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::goodmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "\"The magical resistance of some units in this region was boosted. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::goodmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "\"Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung bestimmter Einheiten in dieser Region wurde gestärkt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error66" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction could not be found.\"" + +msgid "error66" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error88" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is lacking materials for building the ship.\"" + +msgid "error88" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genügend Materialien für den Schiffbau.\"" + +msgid "error55" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot move.\"" + +msgid "error55" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann sich nicht fortbewegen.\"" + +msgid "error77" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The skill could not be recognized.\"" + +msgid "error77" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Talent wurde nicht erkannt.\"" + +msgid "error178" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No magic sphere was supplied.\"" + +msgid "error178" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Magiegebiet angegeben.\"" + +msgid "error297" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Buildings on the ocean may not be entered.\"" + +msgid "error297" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gebäude auf dem Ozean können nicht betreten werden.\"" + +msgid "generous_effect_1" +msgstr "\"A touring minstrel entertains the locals. The joyous and generous disposition of his songs prove infectious.\"" + +msgid "generous_effect_1" +msgstr "\"Die Darbietungen eines fahrenden Gauklers begeistern die Leute. Die fröhliche und ausgelassene Stimmung seiner Lieder überträgt sich auf alle Zuhörer.\"" + +msgid "unit_unarmed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not armed and ready to fight.\"" + +msgid "unit_unarmed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht bewaffnet und kampffähig.\"" + +msgid "error293" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Verbände können nur zwischen Einheiten derselben Partei gebildet werden.\"" + +msgid "error183" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician is not on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error183" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier befindet sich nicht auf einem Schiff.\"" + +msgid "error_nograves" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are no graves in $region($target).\"" + +msgid "error_nograves" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In $region($target) sind keine Gräber.\"" + +msgid "error139" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Different types do not mix.\"" + +msgid "error139" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unterschiedliche Typen können nicht gemischt werden.\"" + +msgid "error249" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship cannot sail into the open seas.\"" + +msgid "error249" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff kann nicht aufs offene Meer hinaus segeln.\"" + +msgid "killedbygm" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) was removed by a GM: \\\"$string\\\".\"" + +msgid "killedbygm" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde in $region($region) von einem GM gelöscht: \\\"$string\\\".\"" + +msgid "spellfail_distance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That region is too far away.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_distance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region ist zu weit entfernt.\"" + +msgid "error245" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already named.\"" + +msgid "error245" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff hat schon einen Namen.\"" + +msgid "sp_chaosrow_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) mumbles arcane words. There is a sudden hubbub, but order is restored quickly.\"" + +msgid "sp_chaosrow_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) murmelt eine düster klingende Formel. Ein plötzlicher Tumult entsteht, der sich jedoch schnell wieder legt.\"" + +msgid "error135" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown option.\"" + +msgid "error135" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannte Option.\"" + +msgid "error131" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You must build a tunnel before building roads through glaciers.\"" + +msgid "error131" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um in Gletschern Straßen bauen zu können, muß zuerst ein Tunnel errichtet werden.\"" + +msgid "error241" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction must be at least 81 weeks old to restart with a new race.\"" + +msgid "error241" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei muß mindestens 81 Wochen alt sein, um einen Neustart mit einer anderen Rasse zu versuchen.\"" + +msgid "feedback_unit_not_found" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit could not be found.\"" + +msgid "feedback_unit_not_found" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error206" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is alrady a spell on that building.\"" + +msgid "error206" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf dem Gebäude liegt bereits so ein Zauber.\"" + +msgid "error316" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Without ingredients an alchemist can not produce anything.\"" + +msgid "error316" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ohne Zutaten kann ein Alchemist nichts herstellen.\"" + +msgid "error312" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes may not be mixed with normal people.\"" + +msgid "error312" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Werwesen können nicht mit anderen Personen gemischt werden.\"" + +msgid "mallorn_effect" +msgstr "\"The power of $unit($mage) flows into the ground and the trees which survived the spell appear much stronger now.\"" + +msgid "mallorn_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) läßt einen Teil seiner selbst in die Erde fliessen. Die Bäume, die Transformation überlebt haben, erscheinen nun viel kräftiger.\"" + +msgid "useflamingsword" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) fighters of $unit($unit) are using their flaming sword.\"" + +msgid "useflamingsword" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) Krieger von $unit($unit) benutzen ihre Flammenschwerter.\"" + +msgid "error202" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This is not a valid race.\"" + +msgid "error202" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das ist keine gültige Rasse.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicrunes_building" +msgstr "\"The walls of $building($building) are inscribed with strange runes. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicrunes_building" +msgstr "\"Auf den Mauern von $building($building) erkennt man seltsame Runen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_fail" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($unit) is charmed, but no details have been revealed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass $unit($unit) verzaubert ist, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden.\"" + +msgid "spellunitresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) resists the spell.\"" + +msgid "spellunitresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) widersteht dem Zauber.\"" + +msgid "give_peasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gives $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) to the local peasants.\"" + +msgid "give_peasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) übergibt $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) an die Bauern.\"" + +msgid "leftship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) has just landed and cannot continue moving to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "leftship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ist in dieser Runde gelandet und kann nicht weiter ins Landesinnere nach $region($region) vorstossen.\"" + +msgid "astral_appear" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) appears.\"" + +msgid "astral_appear" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erscheint plötzlich.\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is briefly surrounded by a magical light.\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird kurz von einem magischen Licht umhüllt.\"" + +msgid "siege" +msgstr "\"$building($building) is under siege by $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "siege" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) belagert $building($building).\"" + +msgid "missing_force" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) cannot muster enough energy to cast $spell($spell) on level $int($level).\"" + +msgid "missing_force" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) schafft es nicht, genug Kraft aufzubringen, um $spell($spell) auf Stufe $int($level) zu zaubern.\"" + +msgid "shipdestroy_partial" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) damages the $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "shipdestroy_partial" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) beschädigt die $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "forget" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) forgets $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "forget" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) vergisst $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "spell_astral_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell can only be cast on the astral plane.\"" + +msgid "spell_astral_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nur im Astralraum gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_fail_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The elemental is too small to carry the building.\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_fail_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Elementar ist zu klein, um das Gebäude zu tragen.\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls $int($amount) undead from their graves in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erweckt in $region($region) $int($amount) Untote aus ihren Gräbern.\"" + +msgid "drown" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) drowns in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "drown" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ertrinkt in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "travel" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),\"rides\", \"walks\") from $region($start) to $region($end)$if($isnull($regions),\"\",\" by way of $trail($regions)\").\"" + +msgid "travel" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),\"reitet\", \"wandert\") von $region($start) nach $region($end).$if($isnull($regions),\"\",\" Dabei wurde $trail($regions) durchquert.\")\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::skill_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is incredibly skilled at $skill($skill). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::skill_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ist ungewöhnlich geschickt in $skill($skill). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error11" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is still off shore.\"" + +msgid "error11" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff befindet sich auf hoher See.\"" + +msgid "error33" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in our castle.\"" + +msgid "error33" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit befindet sich nicht in unserer Burg.\"" + +msgid "error22" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown command.\"" + +msgid "error22" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Befehl wurde nicht erkannt.\"" + +msgid "error44" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is off shore.\"" + +msgid "error44" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist auf hoher See.\"" + +msgid "spydetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) feels watched$if($isnull($spy),\"\",\" by $unit($spy)\").\"" + +msgid "spydetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) fühlt sich $if($isnull($spy),\"\",\"durch $unit($spy) \")beobachtet.\"" + +msgid "income_trade" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) earned $int($amount) silver in $region($region) by selling luxury items.\"" + +msgid "income_trade" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch den Verkauf von Luxusgütern.\"" + +msgid "error74" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit cannot give anybody away.\"" + +msgid "error74" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit kann niemanden weggeben.\"" + +msgid "error96" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody in this unit can be transferred.\"" + +msgid "error96" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Einheit gibt es niemanden, den man transferieren könnte.\"" + +msgid "error187" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot execute this command because it has moved.\"" + +msgid "error187" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann den Befehl in dieser Runde nicht ausführen, da sie sich bewegt hat.\"" + +msgid "error85" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No email address was supplied.\"" + +msgid "error85" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde keine Emailadresse angegeben.\"" + +msgid "starvation" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) loses $int($dead) of $int($add($live,$dead)) people due to starvation in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "starvation" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verliert in $region($region) $int($dead) von $int($add($live,$dead)) Personen durch Unterernährung.\"" + +msgid "error258" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The target unit is invalid.\"" + +msgid "error258" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Zieleinheit ist ungültig.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::fogtrap" +msgstr "\"Heavy fog makes it impossible to leave the region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::fogtrap" +msgstr "\"Dichte Nebel bedecken diese Woche die Region. Keine Einheit schafft es, diese Nebel zu durchdringen und die Region zu verlassen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error148" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in command of a castle.\"" + +msgid "error148" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht der Burgherr.\"" + +msgid "poison_damage" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is taking poison damage in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "poison_damage" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) nimmt Schaden durch den Giftelementar in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "error144" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error144" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist auf keinem Schiff.\"" + +msgid "magicboost_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The Spheres of Chaos return a part of his power to the magician.\"" + +msgid "magicboost_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Sphären des Chaos geben dem Magier einen Teil ihrer Kraft.\"" + +msgid "error254" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid aura specification or not enough aura.\"" + +msgid "error254" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auraangabe fehlerhaft oder zuwenig Aura.\"" + +msgid "error250" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Not enough karma.\"" + +msgid "error250" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nicht genug Karma.\"" + +msgid "error140" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is neither in a castle nor on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error140" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit befindet sich weder in einer Burg noch auf einem Schiff.\"" + +msgid "error215" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot reach the astral plane from here.\"" + +msgid "error215" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Von hier aus kann man die astrale Ebene nicht erreichen.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_4" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) wurde zerstört.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_4" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) was destroyed.\"" + +msgid "error211" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already under this spell.\"" + +msgid "error211" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf dem Schiff liegt bereits so ein Zauber.\"" + +msgid "forestfire_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) creates a flaming inferno in $region($region). $int($amount) trees fall victim to the flames.\"" + +msgid "forestfire_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erschafft in $region($region) eine verheerende Feuersbrunst. $int($amount) Bäume fallen den Flammen zum Opfer.\"" + +msgid "error101" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody here can construct a building.\"" + +msgid "error101" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keiner hier kann ein Gebäude errichten.\"" + +msgid "orcgrowth" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) new $race($race,$amount).\"" + +msgid "orcgrowth" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) vermehrt sich um $int($amount) $race($race,$amount).\"" + +msgid "sp_wolfhowl_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls for the help of $int($amount) $race($race, $amount).\"" + +msgid "sp_wolfhowl_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft $int($amount) $race($race, $amount) zu Hilfe.\"" + +msgid "tidalwave" +msgstr "\"A tidal wave wipes out $region($region) and all who lived there.\"" + +msgid "tidalwave" +msgstr "\"Eine gewaltige Flutwelle verschlingt $region($region) und alle Bewohner.\"" + +msgid "cast_hero_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters had their moral boosted.\"" + +msgid "cast_hero_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden moralisch gestärkt.\"" + +msgid "detectforbidden" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) refuses to travel to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "detectforbidden" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) weigert sich, nach $region($region) zu reisen.\"" + +msgid "parse_error" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit): '$command' - Parse error, unknown command.\"" + +msgid "parse_error" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit): '$command' - Dieser Befehl ist unbekannt.\"" + +msgid "fogblock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not travel $direction($direction) from $region($region), the fog was too dense.\"" + +msgid "fogblock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte von $region($region) nicht nach $direction($direction) ausreisen, der Nebel war zu dicht.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::antimagiczone" +msgstr "\"Dieser Zauber scheint magische Energien irgendwie abzuleiten und so alle in der Region gezauberten Sprüche in ihrer Wirkung zu schwächen oder ganz zu verhindern. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::antimagiczone" +msgstr "\"A spell is deflecting magical energies and weakening all other spells cast in the region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "nr_market_sale" +msgstr "\"The local market offers $resource($product,0) at a price of $int($price) silver.\"" + +msgid "nr_market_sale" +msgstr "\"Auf dem Markt wird für $resource($product,0) $int($price) Silber verlangt.\"" + +msgid "stealfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not sneak close enough to $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "stealfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gelang es nicht, sich nahe genug an $unit($target) heranzuschleichen.\"" + +msgid "section_battle" +msgstr "\"\"" + +msgid "section_battle" +msgstr "\"\"" + +msgid "sp_disturbingdreams_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) disturbs everyone's dreams in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_disturbingdreams_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sorgt für schlechten Schlaf in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "spy_discovered_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) caught $unit($saboteur) trying to sink $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "spy_discovered_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) entdeckte $unit($saboteur) beim Versenken von $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "wrongpasswd" +msgstr "\"Your orders had the wrong password (${password}).\"" + +msgid "wrongpasswd" +msgstr "\"Deine Befehle hatten ein falsches Passwort (${password}).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_9" +msgstr "\"A large green snake offers $unit($unit) a fine-looking apple. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_9" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) bekommt von einer Schlange einen Apfel angeboten. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_noname" +msgstr "\"A large firework, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_noname" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) wird ein großes Feuerwerk abgebrannt, welches noch hier zu bewundern ist. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel.\"" + +msgid "skill_needed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires the skill $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "skill_needed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu braucht man das Talent $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "renamed_seen" +msgstr "\"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) received a nickname from $unit($renamer).\"" + +msgid "renamed_seen" +msgstr "\"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) bekommt von $unit.dative($renamer) einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_nospell" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($target) is not charmed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_nospell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $unit($target) kein Zauber liegt.\"" + +msgid "army_report" +msgstr "\"Army $int($index)($abbrev): $int($dead) dead, $int($fled) fled, $int($survived) survivors.\"" + +msgid "army_report" +msgstr "\"Heer $int($index)($abbrev): $int($dead) Tote, $int($fled) Geflohene, $int($survived) Überlebende.\"" + +msgid "receive_person" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) receives $int($amount) person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"s\") from $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "receive_person" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) erhält $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"en\") von $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "donation" +msgstr "\"$faction($from) donates $int($amount) silver to $faction($to).\"" + +msgid "donation" +msgstr "\"$faction($from) gibt ein Almosen von $int($amount) Silber an $faction($to).\"" + +msgid "scunicorn" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) $resource($rtype,$amount) $if($eq($amount,1),\"joins\",\"join\") $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "scunicorn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) $if($eq($amount,1),\"schließt\",\"schließen\") sich $int($amount) $resource($rtype,$amount) an.\"" + +msgid "try_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) tried but failed to send $unit($target) to another world.\"" + +msgid "try_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) versuchte erfolglos, $unit($target) in eine andere Welt zu schleudern.\"" + +msgid "error196" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This is not a forest region.\"" + +msgid "error196" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das ist keine Waldregion.\"" + +msgid "objmagic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) puts a spell on ${target}.\"" + +msgid "objmagic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) verzaubert ${target}.\"" + +msgid "puttorest" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) redeems the tormented souls of the dead.\"" + +msgid "puttorest" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erlöst die gequälten Seelen der Toten.\"" + +msgid "error41" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver.\"" + +msgid "error41" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genug Silber.\"" + +msgid "error30" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The message does not contain text.\"" + +msgid "error30" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Botschaft enthält keinen Text.\"" + +msgid "error52" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot execute more long orders.\"" + +msgid "error52" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann keine weiteren langen Befehle ausführen.\"" + +msgid "recruit_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) managed to recruit $int($amount) $if($eq($amount,1),\"peasant\",\"peasants\").\"" + +msgid "recruit_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) konnte $int($amount) $if($eq($amount,1),\"Bauer\",\"Bauern\") anwerben.\"" + +msgid "spell_failed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) tries to cast $spell($spell), but the spell fails!\"" + +msgid "spell_failed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) versucht $spell($spell) zu zaubern, doch der Zauber schlägt fehl!\"" + +msgid "error157" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has a different magic sphere.\"" + +msgid "error157" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat ein anderes Magiegebiet.\"" + +msgid "auratransfer_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transfers $int($aura) aura to $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "auratransfer_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transferiert $int($aura) Aura auf $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "error267" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only a single person can use the ticket.\"" + +msgid "error267" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur eine Einzelperson kann das Ticket benutzen.\"" + +msgid "error263" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This good is not produced here.\"" + +msgid "error263" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Gut wird hier produziert.\"" + +msgid "error153" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit joins the local peasants.\"" + +msgid "error153" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit schließt sich den Bauern an.\"" + +msgid "error_onlandonly" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit must be on land.\"" + +msgid "error_onlandonly" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit muß sich an Land befinden.\"" + +msgid "error_herorecruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Heroes cannot recruit.\"" + +msgid "error_herorecruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Helden können nicht rekrutieren.\"" + +msgid "error109" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Specify if a castle, a ship, a region, or a unit is supposed to be named.\"" + +msgid "error109" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man muß angeben, ob eine Burg, ein Schiff, eine Einheit, eine Region oder eine Partei benannt werden soll.\"" + +msgid "msg_event" +msgstr "\"$string\"" + +msgid "msg_event" +msgstr "\"$string\"" + +msgid "error224" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot cast spells.\"" + +msgid "error224" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Einheiten können nicht zaubern.\"" + +msgid "piratesawvictim" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($ship),\"$unit($unit)\",\"The $ship($ship)\") in $region($region) made $direction($dir) a target.\"" + +msgid "piratesawvictim" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($ship),\"$unit($unit)\",\"Die $ship($ship)\") in $region($region) entdeckt ein Opfer im $direction($dir).\"" + +msgid "spyreport_items" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) carries $resources($items)\"" + +msgid "spyreport_items" +msgstr "\"Im Gepäck von $unit($target) sind $resources($items).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipnodrift_1" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) is blessed with favourable winds$if($lt($duration,3),\", but the spell is starting to wear thin\",\"\"). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipnodrift_1" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) ist mit gutem Wind gesegnet$if($lt($duration,3),\", doch der Zauber beginnt sich bereits aufzulösen\",\"\"). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error105" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Empty units can not be handed over.\"" + +msgid "error105" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Leere Einheiten können nicht übergeben werden.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_7" +msgstr "\"The women of the nearby village cast furtive looks at $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_7" +msgstr "\"Die Frauen des nahegelegenen Dorfes bewundern $unit($unit) verstohlen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error110" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Specify if description is for a castle, a ship, a region, or a unit.\"" + +msgid "error110" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man muß angeben, ob eine Burg, ein Schiff, eine Region oder eine Einheit beschrieben werden soll.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_18" +msgstr "\"The stench of decay is poring from all the orifices of $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_18" +msgstr "\"Fäulnisgeruch dringt $unit($unit) aus allen Körperöffnungen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error_captain_skill_low" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The captain needs a sailing skill of at least $int($value), to command $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "error_captain_skill_low" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Kapitän muß ein Segeltalent von mindestens $int($value) haben, um $ship($ship) zu befehligen.\"" + +msgid "error220" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No one could be seen in the astral fog.\"" + +msgid "error220" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Im astralen Nebel konnte niemand entdeckt werden.\"" + +msgid "arena_enter" +msgstr "\"A portal opens in $region($region). A voice calls: 'Welcome to the Plane of Challenge'. $unit($unit) walks through the gate to another world.\"" + +msgid "arena_enter" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) öffnet sich ein Portal. Eine Stimme ertönt, und spricht: 'Willkommen in der Ebene der Herausforderung'. $unit($unit) durchschreitet das Tor zu einer anderen Welt.\"" + +msgid "stealfatal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) was caught by $unit($target) in attempted theft.\"" + +msgid "stealfatal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde von $unit.dative($target) beim versuchten Diebstahl ertappt.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $unit($unit) is charmed with '$curse($curse)' that will last for about $int($months) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $unit($unit) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt.\"" + +msgid "sp_permtransfer_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sacrifices $int($amount) aura for $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "sp_permtransfer_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) opfert $unit($target) $int($amount) Aura.\"" + +msgid "shipfly" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) flies from $region($from) to $region($to).\"" + +msgid "shipfly" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) fliegt von $region($from) nach $region($to).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::unit_unknown" +msgstr "\"An unknown spell lies on this unit. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::unit_unknown" +msgstr "\"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf der Einheit. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "force_leave_ship" +msgstr "$unit($owner) asks $unit($unit) to leave $ship($ship)." + +msgid "force_leave_ship" +msgstr "$unit($owner) bittet $unit($unit), $ship($ship) zu verlassen." + +msgid "dissolve_units_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) returned to the fields.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),\"kehrte auf seine\", \"kehrten auf ihre\") Felder zurück.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_r_nosuccess" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) blows the Horn of Dancing, but nobody here gets into the mood.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_r_nosuccess" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) bläst das Horn des Tanzes, doch niemand hier lässt sich von Stimmung anstecken.\"" + +msgid "malnourish" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is weakened due to malnourishment.\"" + +msgid "malnourish" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) wird durch unzureichende Nahrung geschwächt.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_land" +msgstr "\"The iceberg $region($region) drifts onto a coast.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_land" +msgstr "\"Der Eisberg $region($region) treibt an eine Küste.\"" + +msgid "produce_lowskill" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) is not proficient enough to produce $resource($resource,0).\"" + +msgid "produce_lowskill" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) hat ein zu niedriges Talent, um $resource($resource,0) abzubauen.\"" + +msgid "income_steal_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) steals only $int($amount) silver instead of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of $int($wanted)\") \") in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_steal_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) klaut in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber.\"" + +msgid "error_cannotmake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot produce this.\"" + +msgid "error_cannotmake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht machen.\"" + +msgid "meow" +msgstr "\"Meeoooooow...\"" + +msgid "meow" +msgstr "\"Miiauuuuuu...\"" + +msgid "spelltargetnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell could not find a target.\"" + +msgid "spelltargetnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Ziel gefunden.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::fumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) can hardly focus on anything. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::fumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) kann sich kaum konzentrieren. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_14" +msgstr "\"The head of $unit($unit) has turned into a madly grinning skull. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_14" +msgstr "\"Der Kopf von $unit($unit) hat sich in einen grinsenden Totenschädel verwandelt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "reanimate_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) begins a ritual of resurrection augmented by a $resource($item,1). $int($amount) warriors rise from the dead.\"" + +msgid "reanimate_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beginnt ein Ritual der Wiederbelebung und benutzt ein $resource($item,1), um den Zauber zu verstärken. $int($amount) Krieger stehen von den Toten auf.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_nospell" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is not charmed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_nospell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $building($building) kein Zauber liegt.\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_building" +msgstr "\"The magical resistance has been strengthened. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_building" +msgstr "\"Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung ist gestärkt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "race_notake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) will not accept anything.\"" + +msgid "race_notake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) nehmen nichts an.\"" + +msgid "cast_drainlife_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters had their life energy drained.\"" + +msgid "cast_drainlife_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Kriegern wurde ihre Lebenskraft entzogen.\"" + +msgid "headache_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) invites $unit($unit) for a few too many drinks and a massive hangover.\"" + +msgid "headache_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verschafft $unit($unit) einige feuchtfröhliche Stunden mit heftigen Nachwirkungen.\"" + +msgid "unholypower_limitedeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) transforms $int($amount) from $unit($target) into $race($race,0).\"" + +msgid "unholypower_limitedeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verwandelt $int($amount) aus $unit($target) in $race($race,0).\"" + +msgid "income_work_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) works in $region($region) for a wage of $int($amount) $if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" out of $int($wanted)\") silver.\"" + +msgid "income_work_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) arbeitet in $region($region) für einen Lohn von $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber.\"" + +msgid "maintenancespecialfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) lacks $resource($item,0) to operate $building($building).\"" + +msgid "maintenancespecialfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fehlen $resource($item,0) für den Betrieb von $building($building).\"" + +msgid "healing_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sees after the wounded and heals $int($amount). A $resource($item,1) improves the spell.\"" + +msgid "healing_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) kümmert sich um die Verletzten und benutzt ein $resource($item,1), um den Zauber zu verstärken. $int($amount) Verwundete werden geheilt.\"" + +msgid "error276" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ships cannot be built here.\"" + +msgid "error276" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man keine Schiffe bauen.\"" + +msgid "error166" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This race cannot besiege a castle.\"" + +msgid "error166" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Rasse kann eine Burg nicht belagern.\"" + +msgid "chaosgate_effect_2" +msgstr "\"A vortex of blinding light appears.\"" + +msgid "chaosgate_effect_2" +msgstr "\"Ein Wirbel aus blendendem Licht erscheint.\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_local" +msgstr "\"A large firework in honor of ${name} is visible all over the sky.\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_local" +msgstr "\"Zur Feier des Geburtstags von ${name} brennt $unit($unit) ein großes Feuerwerk ab. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_u_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $int($pacified) regions have been pacified.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_u_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $int($pacified) Regionen wurden befriedet.\"" + +msgid "error71" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The given direction was not recognized.\"" + +msgid "error71" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Richtung wurde nicht erkannt.\"" + +msgid "error93" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is already a port in this region.\"" + +msgid "error93" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es schon einen Hafen.\"" + +msgid "no_attack_after_advance" +msgstr "\"'$order($command)' - $unit($unit) marched into $region($region) during the last turn and is too exhausted to attack.\"" + +msgid "no_attack_after_advance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist noch zu erschöpft vom Einmarsch um zu attackieren.\"" + +msgid "error82" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no agreement with this number.\"" + +msgid "error82" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es gibt keine Abstimmung mit dieser Nummer.\"" + +msgid "error60" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is under siege.\"" + +msgid "error60" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit wird belagert.\"" + +msgid "error162" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This healing potion will be automatically used when needed.\"" + +msgid "error162" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Heiltrank wird automatisch bei Bedarf benutzt.\"" + +msgid "error272" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Horses are not allowed inside.\"" + +msgid "error272" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pferde müssen leider draußen bleiben.\"" + +msgid "warn_dropout" +msgstr "\"Warning: $faction($faction) has not been sending in orders for $int($turns) turns and may be leaving the game soon.\"" + +msgid "warn_dropout" +msgstr "\"Achtung: $faction($faction) hat seit $int($turns) Wochen keine Züge eingeschickt und könnte dadurch in Kürze aus dem Spiel ausscheiden.\"" + +msgid "arena_leave_fail" +msgstr "\"The attempt to use wings of the gryphon failed. $unit($unit) could not leave the Plane of Challenge.\"" + +msgid "arena_leave_fail" +msgstr "\"Der Versuch, die Greifenschwingen zu benutzen, schlug fehl. $unit($unit) konnte die Ebene der Herausforderung nicht verlassen.\"" + +msgid "battle_critical" +msgstr "\"$int36($$unit))/$int($index) does critical damage.\"" + +msgid "battle_critical" +msgstr "\"$int36($$unit))/$int($index) erzielt einen kritischen Treffer.\"" + +msgid "error_spell_on_ship_already" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is already a spell on $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "error_spell_on_ship_already" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf $ship($ship) liegt beeits ein Zauber.\"" + +msgid "error228" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only normal characters can collect taxes.\"" + +msgid "error228" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur normale Personen können Steuern eintreiben.\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_noname_local" +msgstr "\"A large firework is visible all over the sky.\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_noname_local" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) brennt ein großes Feuerwerk ab und Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel.\"" + +msgid "error118" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit cannot produce that.\"" + +msgid "error118" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Gegenstand kann die Einheit nicht herstellen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_10" +msgstr "\"A unicorn touches $unit($unit) with its horn and vanishes into the forest quickly after. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_10" +msgstr "\"Ein Einhorn berührt $unit($unit) mit seinem Horn und verschwindet kurz darauf im Unterholz. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error114" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Number is not valid.\"" + +msgid "error114" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nummer ist nicht im gültigen Bereich.\"" + +msgid "error233" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Swimmers cannot enter ships.\"" + +msgid "error233" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Typ Einheit kann keine Schiffe betreten.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_create" +msgstr "\"The glacier in $region($region) breaks up and drifts away.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_create" +msgstr "\"Der Gletscher von $region($region) bricht und treibt davon.\"" + +msgid "chaos_disease" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is stricken by a strange disease.\"" + +msgid "chaos_disease" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) scheint von einer seltsamen Krankheit befallen.\"" + +msgid "error1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are not enough experienced sailors on board the ship.\"" + +msgid "error1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf dem Schiff befinden sich zuwenig erfahrene Seeleute.\"" + +msgid "sp_icastle_effect" +msgstr "\"Flabbergasted, the peasants of $region($region) behold a new building.\"" + +msgid "sp_icastle_effect" +msgstr "\"Verwundert blicken die Bauern von $region($region) auf ein neues Gebäude.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::godcurse" +msgstr "\"This region was cursed by the gods. Stinking vapors billow over the dead ground and hideous creatures move about the country. The wells are poisened and the edible plants are covered by a pink fungus. Noone can live here for long. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::godcurse" +msgstr "\"Diese Region wurde von den Göttern verflucht. Stinkende Nebel ziehen über die tote Erde und furchtbare Kreaturen ziehen über das Land. Die Brunnen sind vergiftet, und die wenigen essbaren Früchte sind von einem rosa Pilz überzogen. Niemand kann hier lange überleben. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "recruit_archetype" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) recruits $int($amount) $localize($archetype).\"" + +msgid "recruit_archetype" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) rekrutiert $int($amount) $localize($archetype).\"" + +msgid "tactics_won" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) surprises the enemies.\"" + +msgid "tactics_won" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) überrascht den Gegner.\"" + +msgid "raindance_effect" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($mage),\"an unseen magician\",$unit($mage)) dances a strange dance. Shortly after, rain begins to fall on the fields.\"" + +msgid "raindance_effect" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($mage),\"Ein unentdeckter Magier\",$unit($mage)) führt einen sonderbaren Tanz auf. Kurz darauf beginnt es zu regnen.\"" + +msgid "mistake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - ${error}.\"" + +msgid "mistake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - ${error}.\"" + +msgid "income_tax" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) collects taxes of $int($amount) silver in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_tax" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) treibt in $region($region) Steuern in Höhe von $int($amount) Silber ein.\"" + +msgid "give_person_ocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) drowns $int($amount).\"" + +msgid "give_person_ocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ertränkt $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"en\").\"" + +msgid "error_no_tax_skill" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not now how to tax.\"" + +msgid "error_no_tax_skill" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht geschult im Eintreiben von Steuern.\"" + +msgid "sparkle_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) puts a spell on $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "sparkle_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) belegt $unit($target) mit einem Zauber.\"" + +msgid "error18" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is too heavily loaded to sail.\"" + +msgid "error18" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist zu schwer beladen, um in See zu stechen.\"" + +msgid "sp_raisepeasants_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) incites a revolt among $int($amount) peasants of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_raisepeasants_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) wiegelt in $region($region) $int($amount) Bauern zum Aufstand auf.\"" + +msgid "pump_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) questions $unit($unit) about $region($tregion).\"" + +msgid "pump_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) horcht $unit($unit) über $region($tregion) aus.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_5" +msgstr "\"A haunting melody fills the air, and $unit($unit) dances until late into the night. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_5" +msgstr "\"Eine Melodie erklingt, und $unit($unit) tanzt bis spät in die Nacht hinein. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "dragon_growl" +msgstr "\"$unit($dragon): \\\"$localize($growl) $if($eq($number,1), \"I smell\", \"We smell\") something in $region($target)\\\".\"" + +msgid "dragon_growl" +msgstr "\"$unit($dragon): \\\"$localize($growl) $if($eq($number,1), \"Ich rieche\", \"Wir riechen\") etwas in $region($target)\\\".\"" + +msgid "produce" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) produces $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of $int($wanted)\") $resource($resource,$amount).\"" + +msgid "produce" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) produziert $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" von $int($wanted)\") $resource($resource,$wanted).\"" + +msgid "income_work" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) works for a wage of $int($amount) silver.\"" + +msgid "income_work" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) arbeitet in $region($region) für einen Lohn von $int($amount) Silber.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_people" +msgstr "\"people: $int($max)\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_people" +msgstr "\"Personen: $int($max)\"" + +msgid "destroy_curse_noeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell is not strong enough to destroy the curse ($id) on ${target}.\"" + +msgid "destroy_curse_noeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber ist nicht stark genug, um den Fluch ($id) auf ${target} zu zerstören.\"" + +msgid "detectocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) discovered that $region($region) is $localize($terrain).\"" + +msgid "detectocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) entdeckt, dass $region($region) $localize($terrain) ist.\"" + +msgid "spell_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) manages to cast $spell($spell), but the spell seems to have no effect.\"" + +msgid "spell_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gelingt es $spell($spell) zu zaubern, doch der Spruch zeigt keine Wirkung.\"" + +msgid "shipdestroy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) sunk $ship($ship) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "shipdestroy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) versenkt die $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_3" +msgstr "\"Es wurde versucht, $ship($ship) zu zerstören.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_3" +msgstr "\"Somebody attempted to destroy $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "error289" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - What should we disguise as?\"" + +msgid "error289" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wie sollen wir uns tarnen?\"" + +msgid "spellbuildingnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be located.\"" + +msgid "spellbuildingnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gebäude $int36($id) wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error179" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot learn this magic sphere.\"" + +msgid "error179" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Magiegebiet kann die Einheit nicht lernen.\"" + +msgid "sp_migranten" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) has become one of our kind.\"" + +msgid "sp_migranten" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) wird von uns aufgenommen.\"" + +msgid "error175" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell while standing on a moving ship.\"" + +msgid "error175" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Spruch kann man nicht auf einem sich bewegenden Schiff stehend zaubern.\"" + +msgid "error285" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit knows no recipes for potions.\"" + +msgid "error285" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit kennt keine Trankrezepte.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_4" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) turned to dust.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_4" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),\"zerfiel\", \"zerfielen\") zu Staub.\"" + +msgid "error281" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - What race did you want the jihad to be against?\"" + +msgid "error281" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gegen welche Rasse soll der Jihad ausgerufen werden?\"" + +msgid "error171" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This combat spell does not exist.\"" + +msgid "error171" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Kampfzauber gibt es nicht.\"" + +msgid "astral_disappear" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) disappears.\"" + +msgid "astral_disappear" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird durchscheinend und verschwindet.\"" + +msgid "error127" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction cannot hire so many strangers.\"" + +msgid "error127" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Fremde kann Deine Partei nicht aufnehmen.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). The crops wither, horses die of thirst. A famine claims the lives of many peasants. The trees die and their bald branches cannot protect from the torrid sun that mercilessly burns the grounds.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Die Felder verdorren und Pferde verdursten. Die Hungersnot kostet vielen Bauern das Leben. Vertrocknete Bäume recken ihre kahlen Zweige in den blauen Himmel, von dem erbarmungslos die sengende Sonne brennt.\"" + +msgid "usepotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses $resource($potion,1).\"" + +msgid "usepotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt $resource($potion,1).\"" + +msgid "error237" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are riots in this region.\"" + +msgid "error237" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region befindet sich in Aufruhr.\"" + +msgid "error90" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have travel with us.\"" + +msgid "error90" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit fährt nicht mit uns.\"" + +msgid "orcified" +msgstr "\"People in $region($region) flee because of too many orcs.\"" + +msgid "orcified" +msgstr "\"Vor den vielen Orks in $region($region) fliehen die anderen Einwohner.\"" + +msgid "plant_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - At least $skill($skill) $int($minskill) is needed for planting $resource($product,0).\"" + +msgid "plant_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man benötigt mindestens $int($minskill) $skill($skill), um $resource($product,0) zu pflanzen.\"" + +msgid "renamed_ship_notseen" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) in $region($region) received a nickname.\"" + +msgid "renamed_ship_notseen" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) in $region($region) bekommt einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "error123" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have such a thing.\"" + +msgid "error123" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas hat die Einheit nicht.\"" + +msgid "error308" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This skill cannot be raised any higher.\"" + +msgid "error308" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Talent kann nicht höher gelernt werden.\"" + +msgid "spyreport_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) belongs to $faction($faction).\"" + +msgid "spyreport_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) gehört der Partei $faction($faction) an.\"" + +msgid "ship_drift" +msgstr "\"The ship $ship($ship) drifts to the $direction($dir).\"" + +msgid "ship_drift" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) treibt nach $direction($dir).\"" + +msgid "error_max_magicians" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There may not be more than $int($amount) magicians in your faction.\"" + +msgid "error_max_magicians" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es kann maximal $int($amount) Magier pro Partei geben.\"" + +msgid "error304" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units of a faction that can't be attacked may not guard.\"" + +msgid "error304" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten einer Partei, die noch immun gegen Angriffe ist, dürfen nicht bewachen.\"" + +msgid "error300" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid synonym.\"" + +msgid "error300" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ungültiges Synonym.\"" + +msgid "error4" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is already completed.\"" + +msgid "error4" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude ist bereits fertig.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicstreetwarn" +msgstr "\"The roads are extremely dry and well-kept, but some areas show the first signs of potholes reappearing. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicstreetwarn" +msgstr "\"Die Straßen sind erstaunlich trocken und gut begehbar, doch an manchen Stellen bilden sich wieder die erste Schlammlöcher. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "moveblocked" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) discovers that there is no route going $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "moveblocked" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) entdeckt, dass es keinen Weg nach $direction($direction) gibt.\"" + +msgid "nr_market_info_p" +msgstr "\"The local market offers $resource($p1,0) and $resource($p2,0).\"" + +msgid "nr_market_info_p" +msgstr "\"Auf dem Markt werden $resource($p1,0) und $resource($p2,0) feilgeboten.\"" + +msgid "stealeffect" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), thieves stole $int($amount) silver from $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "stealeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurden in $region($region) $int($amount) Silberstücke geklaut.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::calm_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) likes $faction($faction). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::calm_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) scheint $faction($faction) zu mögen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "plant" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) plants $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "plant" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) pflanzt in $region($region) $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount).\"" + +msgid "nr_region_owner" +msgstr "\"The region is owned by $faction($faction).\"" + +msgid "nr_region_owner" +msgstr "\"Die Region ist im Besitz von $faction($faction).\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_nospell" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is not charmed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_nospell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $region($region) kein Zauber liegt.\"" + +msgid "one_circle_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has already chosen a magical school.\"" + +msgid "one_circle_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat bereits ein Magiegebiet.\"" + +msgid "race_nosteal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot steal anything.\"" + +msgid "race_nosteal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nichts stehelen.\"" + +msgid "error26" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The amount of items to buy is missing.\"" + +msgid "error26" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Anzahl zu kaufender Produkte fehlt.\"" + +msgid "error48" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not armed and ready to fight.\"" + +msgid "error48" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht bewaffnet und kampffähig.\"" + +msgid "sailfail" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) could not leave $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sailfail" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) konnte $region($region) nicht verlassen.\"" + +msgid "error15" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship has not yet been completed.\"" + +msgid "error15" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist noch nicht fertig gebaut.\"" + +msgid "error37" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this potion.\"" + +msgid "error37" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diesen Trank nicht.\"" + +msgid "error59" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know anything about herbalism.\"" + +msgid "error59" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit weiß nichts über Botanik.\"" + +msgid "ent_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) animates $int($amount) trees.\"" + +msgid "ent_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) belebt $int($amount) Bäume.\"" + +msgid "error89" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Money offer is missing.\"" + +msgid "error89" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Geldgebot fehlt.\"" + +msgid "nr_header_date" +msgstr "\"Report for $game, $date\"" + +msgid "nr_header_date" +msgstr "\"Report für $game, $date\"" + +msgid "error188" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell in a swamp.\"" + +msgid "error188" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht im Sumpf gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "error298" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician already has a clone.\"" + +msgid "error298" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier hat bereits einen Klon.\"" + +msgid "fail_tooheavy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) is too heavy.\"" + +msgid "fail_tooheavy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) ist zu schwer.\"" + +msgid "familiar_farcast" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) cannot direct spells that are channeled through $unit($unit) into distant regions.\"" + +msgid "familiar_farcast" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) kann Zauber, die durch $unit($unit) gewirkt werden, nicht zusätzlich in die Ferne richten.\"" + +msgid "error184" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not move.\"" + +msgid "error184" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit bewegt sich nicht.\"" + +msgid "income_entertainment" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) earns $int($amount) in $region($region) with entertainment.\"" + +msgid "income_entertainment" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch Unterhaltung.\"" + +msgid "error180" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell fails.\"" + +msgid "error180" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber schlägt fehl.\"" + +msgid "sp_shapeshift_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) cannot take the form of $race($race,1).\"" + +msgid "sp_shapeshift_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) kann nicht $race($race,1) werden.\"" + +msgid "error290" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Einheit kann nur in einem Verband Mitglied sein.\"" + +msgid "cast_rally_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) quells the uprising in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "cast_rally_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) besänftigt den Bauernaufstand in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "error246" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is already named.\"" + +msgid "error246" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude hat schon einen Namen.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not draw aura from $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "stealaura_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte $unit($target) keine Aura entziehen.\"" + +msgid "nmr_warning" +msgstr "No orders were received for your faction!" + +msgid "nmr_warning" +msgstr "Deine Partei hat letzte Runde keinen Zug abgegeben!" + +msgid "destroy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) destroys $building($building).\"" + +msgid "destroy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) zerstört $building($building).\"" + +msgid "volcanooutbreaknn" +msgstr "\"The volcano in $region($region) erupts.\"" + +msgid "volcanooutbreaknn" +msgstr "\"Der Vulkan in $region($region) bricht aus.\"" + +msgid "error132" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You must build a dam before building roads through swamps.\"" + +msgid "error132" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um in Sümpfen Straßen bauen zu können, muß zuerst ein Damm errichtet werden.\"" + +msgid "error251" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Even the gods cannot improve this power.\"" + +msgid "error251" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Kraft können selbst die Götter nicht mehr mächtiger machen.\"" + +msgid "error207" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot transfer aura to this unit.\"" + +msgid "error207" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zu dieser Einheit kann keine Aura übertragen werden.\"" + +msgid "error317" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This object is indestructible.\"" + +msgid "error317" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Objekt ist unzerstörbar.\"" + +msgid "error_different_magic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) does not understand our kind of magic.\"" + +msgid "error_different_magic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) versteht unsere Art von Magie nicht.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is surrounded by a shower of glittering sparkles. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird von einem glitzernden Funkenregen umgeben. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error313" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes don't work.\"" + +msgid "error313" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Werwesen können nicht arbeiten.\"" + +msgid "mail_result" +msgstr "\"A message from $unit($unit): '$message'\"" + +msgid "mail_result" +msgstr "\"Eine Botschaft von $unit($unit): '$message'\"" + +msgid "error203" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No target has been supplied.\"" + +msgid "error203" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Ziel wurde vergessen.\"" + +msgid "cast_storm_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): Strong stormwinds are blowing and the archers are having a hard time aiming.\"" + +msgid "cast_storm_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): Ein Sturm kommt auf und die Schützen können kaum noch zielen.\"" + +msgid "patzer4" +msgstr "\"When $unit($unit) in $region($region) tries to cast $spell($spell), strong winds suddenly rise. Bizarre ghostlike creatures circle around the magician and seem to be leeching magical energy. However, with a final effort of strength, $unit($unit) manages to complete the spell.\"" + +msgid "patzer4" +msgstr "\"Als $unit($unit) in $region($region) versucht, $spell($spell) zu zaubern erhebt sich plötzlich ein dunkler Wind. Bizarre geisterhafte Gestalten kreisen um den Magier und scheinen sich von den magischen Energien des Zaubers zu ernähren. Mit letzter Kraft gelingt es $unit($unit) dennoch den Spruch zu zaubern.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicrunes_ship" +msgstr "\"The plank of $ship($ship) are inscribed with strange runes. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicrunes_ship" +msgstr "\"Auf den Planken von $ship($ship) erkennt man seltsame Runen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "santa_f" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' A fat little gnome Gnom on a sled pulled by 8 young dragons flies through the stary night and presents your faction with a $resource($item,1)." + +msgid "santa_f" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' Ein dicker Gnom fliegt auf einem von 8 Jungdrachen gezogenen Schlitten durch die Nacht und vermacht Deiner Partei eine $resource($item,1). (Um diesen Gegenstand einer Einheit zu geben, gib ihr den Befehl 'BEANSPRUCHE 1 $resource($item,1)')." + +msgid "cast_spell_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell).\"" + +msgid "cast_spell_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::disorientationzone" +msgstr "\"A veil of confusion lies over the region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::disorientationzone" +msgstr "\"Ein Schleier der Verwirrung liegt über der Region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "calm_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calms $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "calm_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) besänftigt $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "error7" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This is no longer possible.\"" + +msgid "error7" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das geht nicht mehr.\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) communicates with the dead in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) stört in $region($region) die Ruhe der Toten.\"" + +msgid "generous_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) entertains the locals. The joyous and generous disposition of his songs prove infectious.\"" + +msgid "generous_effect_0" +msgstr "\"Die Darbietungen von $unit($mage) begeistern die Leute. Die fröhliche und ausgelassene Stimmung seiner Lieder überträgt sich auf alle Zuhörer.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::generous" +msgstr "\"Everyone in this region seems to be having a very good time. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::generous" +msgstr "\"Es herrscht eine fröhliche und ausgelassene Stimmung. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "buildroad" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) extends the road network in $region($region) by $int($size).\"" + +msgid "buildroad" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erweitert in $region($region) das Straßennetz um $int($size).\"" + +msgid "nr_borderlist_postfix" +msgstr "\"$if($transparent,\" there is\",\" sight is blocked by \") ${object}.\"" + +msgid "nr_borderlist_postfix" +msgstr "\"$if($transparent,\" befindet sich\",\" versperrt\") ${object}$if($transparent,\"\",\" die Sicht\").\"" + +msgid "effectstrength" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) increases the strength of $unit($target) dramatically.\"" + +msgid "effectstrength" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erhöht die Körperkraft von $unit.dative($target) beträchtlich.\"" + +msgid "wormhole_appear" +msgstr "\"A wormhole appears in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "wormhole_appear" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erscheint ein Wurmloch.\"" + +msgid "givecommand" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gave control to $unit($recipient).\"" + +msgid "givecommand" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gibt das Kommando an $unit($recipient).\"" + +msgid "sink_msg" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) disappears in the depths of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sink_msg" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) versinkt in den Fluten von $region($region).\"" + +msgid "force_leave_building" +msgstr "$unit($owner) asks $unit($unit) to leave $building($building)." + +msgid "force_leave_building" +msgstr "$unit($owner) bittet $unit($unit), $building($building) zu verlassen." + +msgid "hero_promotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses $int($cost) silber for a promotion.\"" + +msgid "hero_promotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird mit $int($cost) Silber zum Helden ernannt.\"" + +msgid "renumber_inuse" +msgstr "\"NUMBER FACTION $int36($id): This number is being used by another faction.\"" + +msgid "renumber_inuse" +msgstr "\"NUMMER PARTEI $int36($id): Diese Nummer wird von einer anderen Partei benutzt.\"" + +msgid "firewall_death" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) dies trying to cross the wall of fire into $region($region).\"" + +msgid "firewall_death" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) stirbt beim Versuch, die Feuerwand nach $region($region) zu durchqueren.\"" + +msgid "skillpotion_use" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses a potion of skills and feels his knowledge grow.\"" + +msgid "skillpotion_use" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt einen Talenttrunk und fühlt, wie sein Wissen zunimmt.\"" + +msgid "drown_on_ship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) drowns when $ship($ship) in $region($region) sinks.\"" + +msgid "drown_on_ship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ertrinkt beim Untergang der $ship($ship) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::riotzone" +msgstr "\"A fog of negative energy enshrouds the region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::riotzone" +msgstr "\"Eine Wolke negativer Energie liegt über der Region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "send_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) sends $unit($target) to another world.\"" + +msgid "send_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) wird von $unit($unit) in eine andere Welt geschleudert.\"" + +msgid "earthquake_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) makes the earth shake in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "earthquake_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) läßt die Erde in $region($region) erzittern.\"" + +msgid "error56" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot tame that many horses.\"" + +msgid "error56" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann soviele Pferde nicht bändigen.\"" + +msgid "error78" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A curse prevented the transfer from happening.\"" + +msgid "error78" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Fluch verhindert die Übergabe.\"" + +msgid "questportal_lock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) locks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),\"the Agate Key\",\"the Sapphire Key\").\"" + +msgid "questportal_lock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verschließt eines der Schlösser in $region($region) mit $if($eq($key,1),\"dem Achatenen Schlüssel\",\"dem Saphirnen Schlüssel\").\"" + +msgid "error45" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is one of our own.\"" + +msgid "error45" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist eine der unsrigen.\"" + +msgid "error67" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The horses would drown.\"" + +msgid "error67" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Pferde würden ertrinken.\"" + +msgid "detectforbiddendir" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "detectforbiddendir" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu reisen.\"" + +msgid "error197" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician has to be in a castle to create a homestone.\"" + +msgid "error197" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um einen Heimstein zu erschaffen, muß der Zauberer in einer Burg sein.\"" + +msgid "sp_flee_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were consumed by fear.\"" + +msgid "sp_flee_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden von Furcht gepackt.\"" + +msgid "overrun_by_iceberg_des" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) has been destroyed by a collision with an iceberg.\"" + +msgid "overrun_by_iceberg_des" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) wird bei einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg zerstört.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::region_unknown" +msgstr "\"An unknown spell lies on this region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::region_unknown" +msgstr "\"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf der Region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "nr_market_price" +msgstr "\"$resource($product,0) for $int($price) silver\"" + +msgid "nr_market_price" +msgstr "\"$resource($product,0) $int($price) Silber\"" + +msgid "error259" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That order only applies to units in the same building or ship.\"" + +msgid "error259" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Befehl ist nur auf Einheiten innerhalb des selben Gebäudes oder Schiffes anwendbar.\"" + +msgid "building_needed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit must be in a $localize($building) to produce this.\"" + +msgid "building_needed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit steht nicht im benötigten Gebäude, $localize($building).\"" + +msgid "error149" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Who is supposed to get this message?\"" + +msgid "error149" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wohin soll die Botschaft gehen?\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::building_unknown" +msgstr "\"An unknown spell lies on this building. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::building_unknown" +msgstr "\"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf dem Gebäude. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error145" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in a castle.\"" + +msgid "error145" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist in keiner Burg.\"" + +msgid "piratenovictim" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($ship),\"$unit($unit)\",\"The $ship($ship)\") could not capture other ships in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "piratenovictim" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($ship),\"$unit($unit)\",\"Die $ship($ship)\") in $region($region) kann keine Schiffe aufbringen.\"" + +msgid "questportal_unlock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) unlocks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),\"the Agate Key\",\"the Sapphire Key\").\"" + +msgid "questportal_unlock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) öffnet eines der Schlösser in $region($region) mit $if($eq($key,1),\"dem Achatenen Schlüssel\",\"dem Saphirnen Schlüssel\").\"" + +msgid "error255" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot sacrifice this.\"" + +msgid "error255" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht opfern.\"" + +msgid "entrance_besieged" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) is under siege.\"" + +msgid "entrance_besieged" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) wird belagert.\"" + +msgid "error260" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The owner of a ship or a building cannot be sorted.\"" + +msgid "error260" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Besitzer eines Schiffes oder Gebäudes kann nicht neu sortiert werden.\"" + +msgid "nr_market_info_s" +msgstr "\"The local market offers $resource($p1,0).\"" + +msgid "nr_market_info_s" +msgstr "\"Auf dem Markt wird $resource($p1,0) feilgeboten.\"" + +msgid "error141" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough crystals left for this many people.\"" + +msgid "error141" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht mehr genug Kristalle für so viele Personen.\"" + +msgid "error106" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - When studying, magicians need to be alone.\"" + +msgid "error106" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magier müssen zum studieren allein sein.\"" + +msgid "race_no_attack" +msgstr "\"'$order($command)' - $race($race,0) are peace-loving and will not attack anyone.\"" + +msgid "race_no_attack" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) sind friedliebend und attackieren niemand.\"" + +msgid "error216" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no connection to the astral plane here.\"" + +msgid "error216" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keine Verbindung zur astralen Welt.\"" + +msgid "error771" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot learn this skill.\"" + +msgid "error771" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Talent kann die Einheit nicht lernen.\"" + +msgid "error212" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician is not on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error212" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier befindet sich nicht auf einem Schiff.\"" + +msgid "stormwinds_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) calls up a magical storm that whips the ship over the waters.\"" + +msgid "stormwinds_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) beschwört einen magischen Wind, der die Schiffe über das Wasser treibt.\"" + +msgid "error102" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot trade any more goods.\"" + +msgid "error102" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann keine weiteren Güter handeln.\"" + +msgid "sp_drought_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) puts a curse on the lands of $region($region) and a drought sets in.\"" + +msgid "sp_drought_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verflucht das Land in $region($region), und eine Dürreperiode beginnt.\"" + +msgid "error_giveeye" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A higher power prevents $unit($unit) from giving the object away. 'IT IS YOURS MY CHILD. ONLY YOURS.'.\"" + +msgid "error_giveeye" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine höhere Macht hindert $unit($unit) daran, das Objekt zu übergeben. 'ES IST DEINS, MEIN KIND. DEINS GANZ ALLEIN'.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::buildingunknown" +msgstr "\"A magical shimmer lies on these walls. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::buildingunknown" +msgstr "\"Ein magischer Schimmer liegt auf diesen Mauern. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "changebanner" +msgstr "\"Banner has been changed to '$value'.\"" + +msgid "changebanner" +msgstr "\"Das Banner wurde auf '$value' geändert.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::skill_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) has some troubles with $skill($skill). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::skill_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ist ungewöhnlich ungeschickt in $skill($skill). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "spellfail::noway" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no route leading there.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::noway" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin führt kein Weg.\"" + +msgid "spellbuildingresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be charmed.\"" + +msgid "spellbuildingresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gebäude $int36($id) konnte nicht verzaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "after_battle" +msgstr "\"Units after the battle:\"" + +msgid "after_battle" +msgstr "\"Einheiten nach dem Kampf:\"" + +msgid "nr_claims" +msgstr "\"Units can claim the following items: $resources($items)\"" + +msgid "nr_claims" +msgstr "\"Einheiten können die folgenden Gegenstände beanspruchen: $resources($items)\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde beim Versuch $ship($ship) zu zerstören entdeckt.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) was detected while trying to destroy $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "destroy_magic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician destroys $int($succ) spells on ${target}.\"" + +msgid "destroy_magic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier zerstört $int($succ) Flüche auf ${target}.\"" + +msgid "battle_row" +msgstr "\"... in combat rank $int($row):\"" + +msgid "battle_row" +msgstr "\"... in der $int($row). Kampflinie:\"" + +msgid "renamed_faction_seen" +msgstr "\"Your faction received a nickname from $unit($unit) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "renamed_faction_seen" +msgstr "\"Die Partei bekommt von $unit.dative($unit) in $region($region) einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "error_not_on_undead" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast upon undead.\"" + +msgid "error_not_on_undead" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf Untote gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_melt" +msgstr "\"The iceberg $region($region) melts.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_melt" +msgstr "\"Der Eisberg $region($region) schmilzt.\"" + +msgid "cast_berserk_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters went into a mindless rage.\"" + +msgid "cast_berserk_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden in einen Blutrausch versetzt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_1" +msgstr "\"In a dream, a fairy appears to $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ist im Traum eine Fee erschienen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls forth a terrible torment over the enemy side, but there was nobody who could be affected by it.\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft ein fürchterliches Unwetter über seine Feinde, doch es gab niemanden mehr, den dies treffen konnte.\"" + +msgid "error1222" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not ours.\"" + +msgid "error1222" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude gehört uns nicht.\"" + +msgid "header_battle" +msgstr "\"There is a battle in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "header_battle" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) findet ein Kampf statt.\"" + +msgid "wormhole_dissolve" +msgstr "\"The wormhole in $region($region) disappears.\"" + +msgid "wormhole_dissolve" +msgstr "\"Das Wurmloch in $region($region) schließt sich.\"" + +msgid "error23" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Contact was not possible due to siege.\"" + +msgid "error23" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Belagerungszustand macht die Kontaktaufnahme unmöglich.\"" + +msgid "error12" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is not ours.\"" + +msgid "error12" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff gehört uns nicht.\"" + +msgid "error34" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit has no permission to come on board.\"" + +msgid "error34" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit darf nicht an Bord kommen.\"" + +msgid "income_steal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) steals $int($amount) silver in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_steal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) klaut in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber.\"" + +msgid "itemcrumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount) turn to dust.\"" + +msgid "itemcrumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount) zerfallen zu Staub.\"" + +msgid "error86" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wrong password.\"" + +msgid "error86" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Falsches Passwort.\"" + +msgid "luxury_notsold" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - These goods are not on sale here.\"" + +msgid "luxury_notsold" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Luxusgut wird hier nicht verkauft.\"" + +msgid "error75" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit does not accept anybody.\"" + +msgid "error75" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit nimmt niemanden an.\"" + +msgid "error97" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Insects cannot be recruited in glacier regions.\"" + +msgid "error97" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In Gletschern können keine Insekten rekrutiert werden.\"" + +msgid "regionmagic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) puts a spell on the region.\"" + +msgid "regionmagic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) gelingt es die Region zu verzaubern.\"" + +msgid "error158" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magicians always work alone!\"" + +msgid "error158" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magier arbeiten grundsätzlich nur alleine!\"" + +msgid "spyreport_mage" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) is a ${type}-magician\"" + +msgid "spyreport_mage" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) ist ein ${type}-Magier.\"" + +msgid "error268" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot transfer items here.\"" + +msgid "error268" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man nichts übergeben.\"" + +msgid "error264" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this good.\"" + +msgid "error264" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Gut hat die Einheit nicht.\"" + +msgid "battle_army" +msgstr "\"Army $int($index): $name\"" + +msgid "battle_army" +msgstr "\"Heer $int($index): $name\"" + +msgid "error154" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Highly qualified people refuse to work for other parties.\"" + +msgid "error154" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hochqualifizierte Personen weigern sich, für andere Parteien zu arbeiten.\"" + +msgid "error_notstonecircle" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) is not a stone circle.\"" + +msgid "error_notstonecircle" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) ist kein Steinkreis.\"" + +msgid "error150" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The owner must first LEAVE the building.\"" + +msgid "error150" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Besitzer muss das Gebäude zuerst verlassen.\"" + +msgid "error229" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A familiar is summoned, but it disappears again when it cannot get in contact with its natural element.\"" + +msgid "error229" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Vertrauter wird beschworen, verschwindet jedoch wieder, als er keine Verbindung zu seinem Element herstellen kann.\"" + +msgid "error_migrants_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Migrants cannot study this.\"" + +msgid "error_migrants_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Migranten können keine kostenpflichtigen Talente lernen.\"" + +msgid "error225" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units do not fight.\"" + +msgid "error225" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Soldaten kämpfen nicht.\"" + +msgid "error115" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Number is already in use.\"" + +msgid "error115" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nummer ist schon belegt.\"" + +msgid "spell_out_of_range" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell), but nobody was in range.\"" + +msgid "spell_out_of_range" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell), aber niemand war in Reichweite.\"" + +msgid "error111" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Message has been cut (too long).\"" + +msgid "error111" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nachricht zu lang - gekürzt.\"" + +msgid "error221" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot build this here.\"" + +msgid "error221" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man hier nicht bauen.\"" + +msgid "error_race_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot study.\"" + +msgid "error_race_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nichts lernen.\"" + +msgid "buy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) pays $int($money) silver for luxury items.\"" + +msgid "buy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) bezahlt $int($money) Silber für den Kauf von Luxusgütern.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_15" +msgstr "\"Rats follow $unit($unit)'s every step. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_15" +msgstr "\"Ratten folgen $unit($unit) auf Schritt und Tritt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "arena_enter_fail" +msgstr "\"$region($region) reverberates from the voice of the gate keeper: 'Only those who forgo material riches and who are willing to learn my enter the Plane of Challenge. And don't forget about my tip!'. $unit($unit) was not admitted.\"" + +msgid "arena_enter_fail" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erklingt die Stimme des Torwächters: 'Nur wer ohne materielle Güter und noch lernbegierig ist, der darf die Ebene der Herausforderung betreten. Und vergiß nicht mein Trinkgeld.'. $unit($unit) erhielt keinen Einlaß.\"" + +msgid "aurapotion50" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The mage is magically invigorated.\"" + +msgid "aurapotion50" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier fühlt sich durch den Trank magische gestärkt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::deathcloud" +msgstr "\"A poison elemental is spreading pestilence and death. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::deathcloud" +msgstr "\"In der Region treibt ein Giftelementar sein Unwesen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "income" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) earns $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of $int($wanted)\") in $region($region) $if($eq($mode,1),\" by entertainment\",$if($eq($mode,2),\" by taxes\",$if($eq($mode,3),\" by trade\",$if($eq($mode,5),\" by stealing\",$if($eq($mode,6),\" by magic\",$if($eq($mode,7),\" by pillaging\",\"\")))))).\"" + +msgid "income" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient$if($eq($mode,4),\" am Handel\",\"\") in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber$if($eq($mode,1),\" durch Unterhaltung\",$if($eq($mode,2),\" durch Steuern\",$if($eq($mode,3),\" durch Handel\",$if($eq($mode,5),\" durch Diebstahl\",$if($eq($mode,6),\" durch Zauberei\",$if($eq($mode,7),\" durch Plündern\",\"\")))))).\"" + +msgid "researchherb" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) discovers that $localize($amount) $resource($herb,0) grow in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "researchherb" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) stellt fest, dass es hier $localize($amount) $resource($herb,0) gibt.\"" + +msgid "poison_death" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) dies from poison damage taken in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "poison_death" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) stirbt am Schaden durch den Giftelementar in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "error_notcomplete" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) has to be complete before it can be blessed.\"" + +msgid "error_notcomplete" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) muss vor der Weihe fertiggestellt sein.\"" + +msgid "regenaura" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) regenerates $int($amount) aura in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "regenaura" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) regeneriert $int($amount) Aura.\"" + +msgid "regionmagic_patzer" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) manages to put a spell on the region, but something went wrong nonetheless.\"" + +msgid "regionmagic_patzer" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) gelingt es zwar die Region zu verzaubern, aber irgendwas ging schief.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_11" +msgstr "\"Bird songs follow $unit($unit) on all his travels. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_11" +msgstr "\"Vogelzwitschern begleitet $unit($unit) auf all seinen Wegen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "wdw_pyramidspell_notfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No pyramids may be build in this region. The closest region to build a pyramid in is between $int($mindist) and $int($maxdist) regions away.\"" + +msgid "wdw_pyramidspell_notfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Region können keine Pyramiden gebaut werden. Die nächste Pyramidenregion ist zwischen $int($mindist) und $int($maxdist) Regionen entfernt.\"" + +msgid "sailforbidden" +msgstr "\"The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sailforbidden" +msgstr "\"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) weigert sich, nach $region($region) zu reisen.\"" + +msgid "sp_raisepeasantmob_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) incites a revolt among the peasants of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_raisepeasantmob_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) wiegelt in $region($region) die Bauern zum Aufstand auf.\"" + +msgid "error31" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The castle could not be found.\"" + +msgid "error31" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Burg wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error53" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot make potions.\"" + +msgid "error53" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann keine Tränke herstellen.\"" + +msgid "error20" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship could not be found.\"" + +msgid "error20" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error42" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough coachmen or has too much freights to lad the wagons.\"" + +msgid "error42" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genug Wagenlenker oder zuviel andere Fracht, um die Wagen aufzuladen.\"" + +msgid "error64" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) is not sufficiently stealthy.\"" + +msgid "error64" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) ist nicht ausreichend getarnt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::itemcloak" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit)'s equipment is invisible. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::itemcloak" +msgstr "\"Die Ausrüstung von $unit($unit) scheint unsichtbar. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error277" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot do this.\"" + +msgid "error277" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das kann die Einheit nicht.\"" + +msgid "error94" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot build a road here.\"" + +msgid "error94" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man keine Straße bauen.\"" + +msgid "error167" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not go to the peasants.\"" + +msgid "error167" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit geht nicht zu den Bauern.\"" + +msgid "use_realworld_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This object can only be used in the real world.\"" + +msgid "use_realworld_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Gegenstand kann nur in der realen Welt benutzt werden.\"" + +msgid "error163" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This potion can only be used by insects.\"" + +msgid "error163" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Nestwärme kann nur von Insektenvölkern benutzt werden.\"" + +msgid "error273" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot teach here.\"" + +msgid "error273" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man nicht unterrichten.\"" + +msgid "error238" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You can recruit only orcs here.\"" + +msgid "error238" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier können nur Orks rekrutiert werden.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::nocontact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $region($target) could not be contacted.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::nocontact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zu $region($target) kann kein Kontakt hergestellt werden.\"" + +msgid "error119" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no marketplace without at least a tradepost.\"" + +msgid "error119" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ohne einen Handelsposten gibt es keinen Markt.\"" + +msgid "error124" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot buy that on a market place.\"" + +msgid "error124" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht auf dem Markt kaufen.\"" + +msgid "santa_m" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' A fat little gnome Gnom on a sled pulled by 8 young dragons flies through the stary night and presents your faction with a $resource($item,1)." + +msgid "santa_m" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' Ein dicker Gnom fliegt auf einem von 8 Jungdrachen gezogenen Schlitten durch die Nacht und vermacht Deiner Partei einen $resource($item,1). (Um diesen Gegenstand einer Einheit zu geben, gib ihr den Befehl 'BEANSPRUCHE 1 $resource($item,1)')." + +msgid "error234" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is busy disembarking.\"" + +msgid "error234" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist mit Ausschiffen beschäftigt..\"" + +msgid "spellfail::nolevel" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast with variable level.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::nolevel" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht mit Stufenangabe gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "nr_score" +msgstr "\"Your faction has a score of ${score}. The average score for similar factions is ${average}.\"" + +msgid "nr_score" +msgstr "\"Deine Partei hat ${score} Punkte. Der Durchschnitt für Parteien ähnlichen Alters ist ${average} Punkte.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::ship_unknown" +msgstr "\"An unknown spell lies on this ship. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::ship_unknown" +msgstr "\"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf dem Schiff. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "alliance::kickedout" +msgstr "\"$faction($member) was kicked from $alliance($alliance) by $int($votes) of the alliance's members.\"" + +msgid "alliance::kickedout" +msgstr "\"$faction($member) ist mit $int($votes) Stimmen aus $alliance($alliance) ausgeschlossen worden.\"" + +msgid "error230" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot transport us to this place.\"" + +msgid "error230" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin kann die Einheit uns nicht transportieren.\"" + +msgid "error120" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Characters can be given only to human parties.\"" + +msgid "error120" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Personen können nur an Menschen übergeben werden.\"" + +msgid "error_max_alchemists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There may not be more tha $int($amount) alchemists in your faction.\"" + +msgid "error_max_alchemists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es kann maximal $int($amount) Alchemisten pro Partei geben.\"" + +msgid "error305" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Options ZIP and BZIP2 can only be switched, not turned off.\"" + +msgid "error305" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Optionen ZIP und BZIP2 können nur um-, nicht ausgeschaltet werden.\"" + +msgid "error301" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym missing.\"" + +msgid "error301" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Kein Synonym angegeben.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_drift" +msgstr "\"The iceberg $region($region) drifts $direction($dir).\"" + +msgid "iceberg_drift" +msgstr "\"Der Eisberg $region($region) treibt nach $direction($dir).\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_r_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) blows the Horn of Dancing. Peaceful harmony spreads over the region.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_r_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) bläst das Horn des Tanzes. In der ganzen Region breitet sich eine friedliche Feststimmmung aus.\"" + +msgid "nr_vicinitystart" +msgstr "\"To the $direction($dir) lies $trailto($region)\"" + +msgid "nr_vicinitystart" +msgstr "\"Im $direction($dir) der Region liegt $trailto($region)\"" + +msgid "giverestriction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction must be at least $int($turns) weeks old to give something to another faction.\"" + +msgid "giverestriction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Deine Partei muss mindestens $int($turns) alt sein, um etwas an andere Parteien übergeben zu können.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::depression" +msgstr "\"The peasants are upset. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::depression" +msgstr "\"Die Bauern sind unzufrieden. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "patzer" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fumbles while casting $spell($spell) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "patzer" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) unterläuft in $region($region) beim Zaubern von $spell($spell) ein Patzer.\"" + +msgid "potionsave" +msgstr "\"A fighter of $unit($unit) was saved by a healing potion.\"" + +msgid "potionsave" +msgstr "\"Eine Person von $unit($unit) konnte durch einen Heiltrank überleben.\"" + +msgid "storm" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) in $region($region) gets off course in heavy storm$if($sink,\" and sinks\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "storm" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) wird in $region($region) von Stürmen abgetrieben$if($sink,\" und sinkt\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "nr_insectwinter" +msgstr "It is winter, and insects can only recruit in deserts or with the aid of nestwarmth potions." + +msgid "nr_insectwinter" +msgstr "Es ist Winter, und Insekten können nur in Wüsten oder mit Hilfe des Nestwärme-Tranks Personen rekrutieren." + +msgid "spellfail_nomonsters" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast on monsters.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_nomonsters" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf Monster gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear_region" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) plays the bagpipe. Stricken with fear the peasants give $int($money) silver.\"" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear_region" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) spielt einen Dudelsack. Ausser sich vor Furcht geben die Bauern $int($money) Silber.\"" + +msgid "sp_chaosrow_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) mumbles arcane words. There is a sudden hubbub and the battle order is disturbed.\"" + +msgid "sp_chaosrow_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) murmelt eine düster klingende Formel. Ein plötzlicher Tumult entsteht und bringt die Kampfaufstellung durcheinander.\"" + +msgid "use_item" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "use_item" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_effect" +msgstr "\"An tremor shakes $building($building). Many little pseudopods lift up the building and carry it to $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_effect" +msgstr "\"Ein Beben erschüttert $building($building). Viele kleine Pseudopodien erheben das Gebäude und tragen es in Richtung $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) did not contact us, and resists the spell.\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen und widersteht dem Zauber.\"" + +msgid "error176" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell on a distant target.\"" + +msgid "error176" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Spruch kann man nicht in die Ferne richten.\"" + +msgid "error286" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not transporting us.\"" + +msgid "error286" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit transportiert uns nicht.\"" + +msgid "error83" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No peasant could be caught.\"" + +msgid "error83" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnte kein Bauer gefangen werden.\"" + +msgid "error50" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not experienced enough to do this.\"" + +msgid "error50" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht erfahren genug dafür.\"" + +msgid "error282" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot start a jihad against this race.\"" + +msgid "error282" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gegen diese Rasse kann kein Jihad ausgerufen werden.\"" + +msgid "nmr_warning_final" +msgstr "\"Please send in orders for the next turn if you want to continue playing.\"" + +msgid "nmr_warning_final" +msgstr "\"Bitte sende die Befehle nächste Runde ein, wenn du weiterspielen möchtest.\"" + +msgid "error172" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There was no spell supplied.\"" + +msgid "error172" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Zauber angegeben.\"" + +msgid "entrance_denied" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Entrance to $building($building) was denied.\"" + +msgid "entrance_denied" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Eintritt in $building($building) wurde verwehrt.\"" + +msgid "maelstrom_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons the power of the seas and a giant maelstrom forms.\"" + +msgid "maelstrom_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört die Mächte des Wassers und ein gigantischer Strudel bildet sich.\"" + +msgid "displayitem" +msgstr "\"$resource($item,1) (weight: $weight($weight)): $description\"" + +msgid "displayitem" +msgstr "\"$resource($item,1) (Gewicht: $weight($weight)): $description\"" + +msgid "error128" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction cannot hire so many strangers.\"" + +msgid "error128" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Fremde kann die Partei nicht aufnehmen.\"" + +msgid "error247" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction is already named.\"" + +msgid "error247" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat schon einen Namen.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_generous" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The mood in this region is so bad that nobody reacts to the spell.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_generous" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Stimmung in der Region ist so schlecht, dass niemand auf den Zauber reagiert.\"" + +msgid "healing_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sees after the wounded and heals $int($amount).\"" + +msgid "healing_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) kümmert sich um die Verletzten und heilt $int($amount) Verwundete.\"" + +msgid "use_questkey_wrongregion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No fitting lock can be found here.\"" + +msgid "use_questkey_wrongregion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier ist kein passendes Schloss.\"" + +msgid "error243" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You did not specify a valid race.\"" + +msgid "error243" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keine gültige Rasse angegeben.\"" + +msgid "error133" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You must build a caravansary before building roads through deserts.\"" + +msgid "error133" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um in Wüsten Straßen bauen zu können, muß zuerst eine Karawanserei errichtet werden.\"" + +msgid "changepasswd" +msgstr "\"The password of this faction is '$value'.\"" + +msgid "changepasswd" +msgstr "\"Das Passwort für diese Partei lautet ${value}.\"" + +msgid "cast_combatspell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($dead) $if($eq($dead,1),\"enemy was\", \"enemies were\") killed.\"" + +msgid "cast_combatspell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($dead) $if($eq($dead,1),\"Krieger wurde\", \"Krieger wurden\") getötet.\"" + +msgid "cast_petrify_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were petrified.\"" + +msgid "cast_petrify_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Kriegern wurden versteinert.\"" + +msgid "error309" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit already assumed lycantropic form.\"" + +msgid "error309" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit ist schon ein Werwesen.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_salary_new" +msgstr "\"peasant wages: $int($max) silver\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_salary_new" +msgstr "\"Bauerneinnahmen: $int($max) Silber\"" + +msgid "income_magic_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) earns $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" instead of $int($wanted)\") silver through magic.\"" + +msgid "income_magic_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber durch Zauberei.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte $ship($ship) nicht zerstören.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not destroy $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "error314" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Restart can only be used once.\"" + +msgid "error314" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Partei kann nur einmal neu starten.\"" + +msgid "error310" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is not in lycantropic form.\"" + +msgid "error310" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit ist kein Werwesen.\"" + +msgid "error_pflnorecruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot recruit in this plane.\"" + +msgid "error_pflnorecruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In der Ebene der Herausforderung kann niemand rekrutiert werden.\"" + +msgid "sp_mindblast_temp_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell). $int($amount) fighters are temporarily losing some of their memories.\"" + +msgid "sp_mindblast_temp_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell). $int($amount) Krieger verloren kurzzeitig ihr Gedächtnis.\"" + +msgid "buildbuilding" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $building($building).\"" + +msgid "buildbuilding" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) baut für $int($size) an $building($building) weiter.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_astralblock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The paths to the spirit world seem to be blocked.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_astralblock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Wege zwischen Geisterwelt und Realität scheinen blockiert zu sein.\"" + +msgid "familiar_toofar" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) cannot raise enough energy to channel the spell through $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "familiar_toofar" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) kann nicht genug Energie aufbringen, um diesen Spruch durch $unit($unit) zu wirken.\"" + +msgid "wdw_pyramidspell_found" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pyramids may be build in this region.\"" + +msgid "wdw_pyramidspell_found" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Regione können Pyramiden gebaut werden.\"" + +msgid "deorcified" +msgstr "\"Little by little, people return to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "deorcified" +msgstr "\"Langsam kehren andere Völker nach $region($region) zurück.\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_fail_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The elemental refuses to go $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_fail_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Elementar weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu gehen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::strength" +msgstr "\"Testosterone levels are at an all-time high. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::strength" +msgstr "\"Die Leute strotzen nur so vor Kraft. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "magic_fumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician is caught in their own spell.\"" + +msgid "magic_fumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier verfängt sich im eigenen Zauber.\"" + +msgid "teach_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($student) is not learning.\"" + +msgid "teach_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($student) lernt nicht.\"" + +msgid "regionowned" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not travel from $region($region) to $region($target) because the owner denied entrance.\"" + +msgid "regionowned" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte nicht von $region($region) nach $region($target) reisen, da der Besitzer der Region es verhinderte.\"" + +msgid "income_tradetax" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) collected $int($amount) silver trade tax in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_tradetax" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient am Handel in $region($region) Steuern in Höhe von $int($amount) Silber.\"" + +msgid "error19" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - First you have to leave the ship.\"" + +msgid "error19" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff muß erst verlassen werden.\"" + +msgid "buyamount" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) buys $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount).\"" + +msgid "buyamount" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) kauft $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount).\"" + +msgid "fumblecurse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) was cursed by an unknown magician.\"" + +msgid "fumblecurse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) wird von einem Unbekannten verflucht.\"" + +msgid "regionmessage" +msgstr "\"A message by $unit($sender) from $region($region): '$string'\"" + +msgid "regionmessage" +msgstr "\"Eine Botschaft von $unit.dative($sender) aus $region($region): '$string'\"" + +msgid "spellfail_noundead" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast on undead.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_noundead" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf Untote gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "studycost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) spends $int($cost) silver in $region($region) to study $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "studycost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) verbraucht $int($cost) Silber für das Studium von $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "flying_ship_result" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons a wind spirit that lifts the $ship($ship) into the clouds.\"" + +msgid "flying_ship_result" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört einen Luftgeist, der die $ship($ship) in die Wolken hebt.\"" + +msgid "forestfire_spread" +msgstr "\"The fire in $region($region) spread to $region($next) and $int($trees) were burned.\"" + +msgid "forestfire_spread" +msgstr "\"Der Waldbrand in $region($region) griff auch auf $region($next) über, und $int($trees) verbrannten.\"" + +msgid "maintenancefail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) cannot pay the maintenance for $building($building).\"" + +msgid "maintenancefail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) kann den Unterhalt von $building($building) nicht bezahlen.\"" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Stricken with fear the peasants give the bard $int($money) silver.\"" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ausser sich vor Furcht geben die Bauern dem Barden $int($money) Silber.\"" + +msgid "unitmessage" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) received a message by $unit($sender): '$string'\"" + +msgid "unitmessage" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erhielt $unit($unit) eine Botschaft von $unit.dative($sender): '$string'\"" + +msgid "error189" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Even the gods cannot dry out an entire ocean.\"" + +msgid "error189" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Selbst der mächtigste Magier der Welt könnte keinen Ozean austrocknen lassen.\"" + +msgid "teach_student" +msgstr "\"$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "teach_student" +msgstr "\"$unit($teacher) lehrt $unit($student) $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::astralblock" +msgstr "\"Powerful magic disrupts our contact with reality. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::astralblock" +msgstr "\"Mächtige Magie verhindert den Kontakt zur Realität. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error299" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid prefix.\"" + +msgid "error299" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ungültiges Prefix.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::baddream" +msgstr "\"Nightmares plague the population. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::baddream" +msgstr "\"Albträume plagen die Leute. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error295" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only mages may use an astralcrystal.\"" + +msgid "error295" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur ein Magier kann einen Astralkristall benutzen.\"" + +msgid "error185" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell seems exceptionally weak. Something has interfred with the magical energies.\"" + +msgid "error185" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber scheint ungewöhnlich schwach zu sein. Irgendetwas hat die magischen Energien abgeleitet.\"" + +msgid "error181" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - To do this, the magician has to be in a castle or on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error181" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu muß sich der Magier in der Burg oder an Bord des Schiffes befinden.\"" + +msgid "error291" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist in keinem Verband.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::calm_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) seems to like $race($race, 0). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::calm_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) scheint $race($race, 0) zu mögen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error256" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot pray for this.\"" + +msgid "error256" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um so etwas kann man nicht beten.\"" + +msgid "desertion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) abandons your cause.\"" + +msgid "desertion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) desertiert.\"" + +msgid "error91" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are no mallorn trees here.\"" + +msgid "error91" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keine Mallornbäume.\"" + +msgid "error137" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown help mode.\"" + +msgid "error137" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannter Hilfe-Modus.\"" + +msgid "error80" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not armed and ready to fight.\"" + +msgid "error80" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit ist nicht bewaffnet und kampffähig.\"" + +msgid "error142" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver for recruiting.\"" + +msgid "error142" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat zuwenig Silber, um zu rekrutieren.\"" + +msgid "rust_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) puts a spell of rust on $unit($target) but it found nothing to consume.\"" + +msgid "rust_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) legt einen Rosthauch auf $unit($target), doch der Rosthauch fand keine Nahrung.\"" + +msgid "error252" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - What and how much should be sacrificed?\"" + +msgid "error252" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Was und wieviel soll geopfert werden?\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) whithered and died.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),\"verfaulte\", \"verfaulten\").\"" + +msgid "trappedairelemental_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The $ship($ship) will now be faster.\"" + +msgid "trappedairelemental_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die $ship($ship) wird jetzt schneller ihr Ziel erreichen.\"" + +msgid "error208" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wrong aura values.\"" + +msgid "error208" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auraangabe fehlerhaft.\"" + +msgid "error318" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building can be expanded only once per turn.\"" + +msgid "error318" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude kann nur einmal pro Runde erweitert werden.\"" + +msgid "teach_asgood" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) needs to be at least 2 levels better than $unit($student).\"" + +msgid "teach_asgood" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) muß mindestens 2 Stufen besser sein als $unit($student).\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). Ice melts and turns the lands into swamps. Powerful rivers wash away the fertile soil and drown people and animals alike. What buildings have not succumbed to the floods sink into the mire. The torrid sun changes the region forever.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Eis schmilzt und verwandelt sich in Morast. Reißende Ströme spülen die mageren Felder weg und ersäufen Mensch und Tier. Was an Bauten nicht den Fluten zum Opfer fiel, verschlingt der Morast. Die sengende Hitze verändert die Region für immer.\"" + +msgid "error204" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell in a region without trees.\"" + +msgid "error204" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In einer Region ohne Bäume kann man diesen Zauber nicht wirken.\"" + +msgid "patzer5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) feels far more exhausted than he should after casting $spell($spell) and assumes that any following spells will cost far more energy than usual.\"" + +msgid "patzer5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt sich nach dem Zaubern von $spell($spell) viel erschöpfter als sonst und hat das Gefühl, dass alle weiteren Zauber deutlich mehr Kraft als normalerweise kosten werden.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $region($region) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for about $int($months) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $region($region) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt.\"" + +msgid "plague_spell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sends the plague on $region($region).\"" + +msgid "plague_spell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft in $region($region) eine Pest hervor.\"" + +msgid "error200" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magician's maximum aura is not high enough for this spell.\"" + +msgid "error200" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die maximale Aura reicht nicht für diesen Zauber.\"" + +msgid "shipnoshore" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) discovers that $region($region) is dry land.\"" + +msgid "shipnoshore" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) entdeckt, dass $region($region) Festland ist.\"" + +msgid "sp_sweetdreams_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) causes $unit($unit) to have a wonderful night in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_sweetdreams_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verschafft $unit($unit) ein schönes Nachtleben in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "error3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Description has been cut (too long).\"" + +msgid "error3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Beschreibung zu lang - gekürzt.\"" + +msgid "charming_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) chamrs $unit($unit). $unit($unit) will obey our orders for approximatley $int($duration) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "charming_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) gelingt es $unit($unit) zu verzaubern. $unit($unit) wird für etwa $int($duration) Wochen unseren Befehlen gehorchen.\"" + +msgid "target_region_invalid" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - invalid target region.\"" + +msgid "target_region_invalid" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ungültige Zielregion.\"" + +msgid "nr_heroes" +msgstr "\"Your faction has promoted $int($units) heroes out of a possible total of $int($maxunits).\"" + +msgid "nr_heroes" +msgstr "\"Deine Partei hat $int($units) Helden und kann maximal $int($maxunits) Helden ernennen.\"" + +msgid "cast_tired_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters had trouble staying awake.\"" + +msgid "cast_tired_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger schleppten sich müde in den Kampf.\"" + +msgid "caldera_handle_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) jumps into the eternal flame of the caldera.\"" + +msgid "caldera_handle_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) springt in die ewigen Feuer des Kraters.\"" + +msgid "weakmagic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell of $unit($unit) was way to weak and its magic dissolves immediately.\"" + +msgid "weakmagic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber von $unit.dative($unit) war viel zu schwach und löst sich gleich wieder auf.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_fail" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is charmed, but no details have been revealed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $building($building) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_toomanytargets" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This many people exceed the powers of the magician.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_toomanytargets" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Persoenen übersteigen die Kräfte des Magiers.\"" + +msgid "harvest_effect" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($mage),\"An unseen magician\",$unit($mage)) blesses the fields in a short ritual.\"" + +msgid "harvest_effect" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($mage),\"Ein unentdeckter Magier\",$unit($mage)) segnet in einem kurzen Ritual die Felder.\"" + +msgid "buildship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "buildship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) baut für $int($size) an $ship($ship) weiter.\"" + +msgid "spellshipnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ship $int36($id) could not be located.\"" + +msgid "spellshipnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Schiff $int36($id) wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "unveileog" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) discovers laen in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "unveileog" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) entdeckt eine Laenader.\"" + +msgid "error_roads_finished" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The roads and bridges in that direction are complete.\"" + +msgid "error_roads_finished" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Richtung gibt es keine Brücken und Straßen mehr zu bauen.\"" + +msgid "item_create_spell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) creates $int($number) $resource($item,$number).\"" + +msgid "item_create_spell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erschafft $int($number) $resource($item,$number).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::slavery" +msgstr "This powerful curse appears to rob the unit of its free will. As long as the curse is active, it will only obey the orders of its new lord. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::slavery" +msgstr "Dieser mächtige Bann scheint die Einheit ihres freien Willens zu berauben. Solange der Zauber wirkt, wird sie nur den Befehlen ihres neuen Herrn gehorchen. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "start_battle" +msgstr "\"The battle was initiated by ${factions}.\"" + +msgid "start_battle" +msgstr "\"Der Kampf wurde ausgelöst von ${factions}.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_fail_detect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt strangely weakened.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_fail_detect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt sich einen Moment seltsam geschwächt.\"" + +msgid "battle_msg" +msgstr "\"$string\"" + +msgid "battle_msg" +msgstr "\"$string\"" + +msgid "error16" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already completed.\"" + +msgid "error16" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist schon fertig.\"" + +msgid "error38" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have any herbs.\"" + +msgid "error38" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat keine Kräuter.\"" + +msgid "volcano_dead" +msgstr "\"$int($dead) people in $unit($unit) perish when the volcano in $region($region) erupts.\"" + +msgid "volcano_dead" +msgstr "\"Beim Vulkanausbruch in $region($region) sterben $int($dead) Personen in $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::warmth_1" +msgstr "\"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), \"member\", \"members\") of $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), \"is\", \"are\") protected from the cold. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::warmth_1" +msgstr "\"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), \"Person\", \"Personen\") von $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), \"fühlt\", \"fühlen\") sich vor Kälte geschützt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "maintenance_noowner" +msgstr "\"The upkeep for $building($building) was not paid, the building was not operational this week.\"" + +msgid "maintenance_noowner" +msgstr "\"Der Unterhalt von $building($building) konnte nicht gezahlt werden, das Gebäude war diese Woche nicht funktionstüchtig.\"" + +msgid "error27" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The amount of items for sale is missing.\"" + +msgid "error27" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Anzahl zu verkaufender Produkte fehlt.\"" + +msgid "error49" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not the owner.\"" + +msgid "error49" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht der Eigentümer.\"" + +msgid "missing_components" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) has insufficient components to cast $spell($spell) on level $int($level).\"" + +msgid "missing_components" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat nicht genügend Komponenten um $spell($spell) auf Stufe $int($level) zu zaubern.\"" + +msgid "seduce_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gambles for high stakes and loses almost everything.\"" + +msgid "seduce_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verfiel dem Glücksspiel und hat fast sein ganzes Hab und gut verspielt.\"" + +msgid "xmastree_effect" +msgstr "\"At night, colourful lights can be seen in this region, bells are a-ringing and the laughter of happy children seems to be everywhere in the forests.\"" + +msgid "xmastree_effect" +msgstr "\"In der Region erstrahlen des Nachts bunte Lichter, Gloeckchen klingeln und frohes Kindergelaechter klingt durch den Wald.\"" + +msgid "cast_sleep_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters have fallen asleep.\"" + +msgid "cast_sleep_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden in Schlaf versetzt.\"" + +msgid "nr_alliance" +msgstr "\"Member of '$name ($int36($id))' for $int($age) weeks, led by $faction($leader).\"" + +msgid "nr_alliance" +msgstr "\"Seit $int($age) Wochen Mitglied der Allianz '$name ($int36($id))', angeführt von $faction($leader).\"" + +msgid "deathcloud_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons a poison elemental in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "deathcloud_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört einen Giftelementar in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "nr_building_besieged" +msgstr "\", besieged by $int($soldiers) soldiers$if($lt($diff,0),\"\",\" (cut off)\")\"" + +msgid "nr_building_besieged" +msgstr "\", belagert von $int($soldiers) Personen$if($lt($diff,0),\"\",\" (abgeschnitten)\")\"" + +msgid "nr_population" +msgstr "\"Your faction has $int($population) people in $int($units) of $int($limit) possible units.\"" + +msgid "nr_population" +msgstr "\"Deine Partei hat $int($population) Personen in $int($units) von maximal $int($limit) Einheiten.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipdisorientation" +msgstr "This ship has lost its path. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipdisorientation" +msgstr "Dieses Schiff hat sich verfahren. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "error198" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The flames find no kindling. The fire dies quickly, causing no damage whatsoever.\"" + +msgid "error198" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Flammen finden keine Nahrung. Das Feuer erlischt, ohne Schaden anzurichten.\"" + +msgid "error194" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Target region was supplied incorrectly.\"" + +msgid "error194" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Zielregion wurde nicht korrekt angegeben.\"" + +msgid "illusionantimagic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) walks into an antimagical zone and dissolves.\"" + +msgid "illusionantimagic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) marschiert in eine Antimagiezone und löst sich auf.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_8" +msgstr "\"A group of passing miners makes passes at $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_8" +msgstr "\"Eine Gruppe vorbeiziehender Bergarbeiter rufen $unit($unit) eindeutig Zweideutiges nach. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "too_many_units_in_alliance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - An alliance may not consist of more than $int($allowed) units.\"" + +msgid "too_many_units_in_alliance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Allianz darf aus nicht mehr als $int($allowed) Einheiten bestehen.\"" + +msgid "error190" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell works only in the material world.\"" + +msgid "error190" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber funktioniert nur in der materiellen Welt.\"" + +msgid "sp_flee_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell), but nobody is affected.\"" + +msgid "sp_flee_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell), aber es gab niemanden, der beeinflusst werden konnte.\"" + +msgid "error146" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not captain of a ship.\"" + +msgid "error146" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht der Kapitän des Schiffes.\"" + +msgid "error265" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This item only works in the normal world.\"" + +msgid "error265" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Gegenstand funktioniert nur in der normalen Welt.\"" + +msgid "error261" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot sort before the owner of a ship or a building.\"" + +msgid "error261" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Vor den Besitzer eines Schiffes oder Gebäudes kann nicht sortiert werden.\"" + +msgid "icastle_dissolve" +msgstr "\"$building($building) suddenly dissolves into small pink clouds.\"" + +msgid "icastle_dissolve" +msgstr "\"Plötzlich löst sich $building($building) in kleine Traumwolken auf.\"" + +msgid "error151" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You need stones to build a road.\"" + +msgid "error151" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zum Straßenbau braucht man Steine.\"" + +msgid "slave_active" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit will not fight.\"" + +msgid "slave_active" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit kämpft nicht.\"" + +msgid "error107" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You need at least two horses to breed more.\"" + +msgid "error107" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man braucht mindestens zwei Pferde, um sie zu züchten.\"" + +msgid "error213" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Incorrect parameter.\"" + +msgid "error213" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Parameter nicht korrekt angegeben.\"" + +msgid "error103" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody here can build roads.\"" + +msgid "error103" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keiner hier kann Straßen bauen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::slave_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) will be under our influence for $int($duration) more $if($eq($duration,1), \"week\", \"weeks\"). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::slave_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird noch $int($duration) $if($eq($duration,1), \"Woche\", \"Wochen\") unter unserem Bann stehen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "alliance::lost" +msgstr "\"$alliance($alliance) has to leave the game after all their temples were lost.\"" + +msgid "alliance::lost" +msgstr "\"$alliance($alliance) scheidet aus dem Spiel aus, nachdem alle Tempel verloren gingen.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_salary" +msgstr "\"worker salary: $int($max) silver\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_salary" +msgstr "\"Lohn für Arbeit: $int($max) Silber\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_luxuries" +msgstr "\"luxury goods at this price: $int($max)\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_luxuries" +msgstr "\"Luxusgüter zum angegebenen Preis: $int($max)\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::flyingship" +msgstr "\"Powerful storms have lifted this ship high into the air. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::flyingship" +msgstr "\"Kräftige Stürme haben dieses Schiff in die Luft gehoben. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::blessedharvest" +msgstr "\"The grain in this region is especially healthy. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::blessedharvest" +msgstr "\"In dieser Gegend steht das Korn besonders gut im Feld. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "killed_battle" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) killed $int($dead) opponents.\"" + +msgid "killed_battle" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) tötete $int($dead) Krieger.\"" + +msgid "error6" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building could not be found.\"" + +msgid "error6" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "sailnolandingstorm" +msgstr "\"At the very last moment, the crew of the $ship($ship) saved the ship from running aground in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sailnolandingstorm" +msgstr "\"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) kann in letzter Sekunde verhindern, dass das Schiff in $region($region) auf Land aufläuft.\"" + +msgid "teachdumb" +msgstr "\"Due to the effect of duncebuns, $unit($teacher) can only teach $int($amount) students.\"" + +msgid "teachdumb" +msgstr "\"$unit($teacher) kann durch Dumpfbackenbrot nur $int($amount) Schüler lehren.\"" + +msgid "teleport_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) was teleported from $region($source) to $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "teleport_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde von $region($source) nach $unit($target) teleportiert.\"" + +msgid "becomewere" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) becomes a lycantrope.\"" + +msgid "becomewere" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) verwandelt sich in ein Werwesen.\"" + +msgid "spellshipresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) resists the spell.\"" + +msgid "spellshipresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) widersteht dem Zauber.\"" + +msgid "nr_potion_effect" +msgstr "\"There $if($eq($left,1),\"is\",\"are\") $int($left) $if($eq($left,1),\"use\",\"uses\") of $resource($potion,1) left.\"" + +msgid "nr_potion_effect" +msgstr "\"Auf der Einheit $if($eq($left,1),\"liegt\",\"liegen\") $int($left) Wirkung$if($eq($left,1),\"\",\"en\") $resource($potion,1).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::peacezone" +msgstr "\"Everyone in this region seems to be in a peacful mood. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::peacezone" +msgstr "\"Die ganze Region ist von einer friedlichen Stimmung erfasst. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) causes a terrible storm over the enemy, but the magic rain does not do any harm.\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft ein fürchterliches Unwetter über seine Feinde, doch der magische Regen zeigt keinen Effekt.\"" + +msgid "find_manual" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) stumbles upon $localize($location) while exploring the region. Closer inspection reveals a torn old book titled '$localize($book)'. The expansion of knowledge is tremendous.\"" + +msgid "find_manual" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) stolpert bei der Erforschung der Region über $localize($location). Nähere Durchsuchung fördert ein zerfleddertes altes Buch mit dem Titel '$localize($book)' zu Tage. Der Wissensschub ist enorm.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::healingzone" +msgstr "Healing in this region is affected by magic. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::healingzone" +msgstr "Heilung ist in dieser Region magisch beeinflusst. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "income_entertainment_reduced" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) earns only $int($amount) instead of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of $int($wanted)\") \") with entertainment.\"" + +msgid "income_entertainment_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber durch Unterhaltung.\"" + +msgid "errusingpotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit): '$order($command)' - The unit already uses $resource($using,0).\"" + +msgid "errusingpotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit benutzt bereits $resource($using,0).\"" + +msgid "missing_components_list" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Casting this spell requires an additional $resources($list).\"" + +msgid "missing_components_list" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Für diesen Zauber fehlen noch $resources($list).\"" + +msgid "volcanostopsmoke" +msgstr "\"The volcano of $region($region) stops releasing smoke.\"" + +msgid "volcanostopsmoke" +msgstr "\"Aus dem Vulkankrater von $region($region) steigt kein Rauch mehr.\"" + +msgid "summondragon" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) calls dragons to $region($target).\"" + +msgid "summondragon" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) ruft Drachen nach $region($target).\"" + +msgid "use_antimagiccrystal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses an antimagic crystal.\"" + +msgid "use_antimagiccrystal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt einen Antimagiekristall.\"" + +msgid "cast_stun_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were momentarily stunned.\"" + +msgid "cast_stun_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger sind für einen Moment benommen.\"" + +msgid "error46" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in a tavern.\"" + +msgid "error46" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist in keiner Taverne.\"" + +msgid "error35" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have these herbs.\"" + +msgid "error35" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diese Kräuter nicht.\"" + +msgid "error57" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is too heavily loaded to move.\"" + +msgid "error57" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit trägt zuviel Gewicht, um sich bewegen zu können.\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact_no_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) did not contact us, but cannot resist the spell.\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact_no_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen, aber widersteht dem Zauber nicht.\"" + +msgid "error79" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A ship or a castle must be supplied.\"" + +msgid "error79" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Schiff oder eine Burg muß angegeben werden.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_4" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). The ice melts and and the region is consumed by a tidal wave.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_4" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Das Eis zerbricht und eine gewaltige Flutwelle verschlingt die Region.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_0" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) wurde von $unit($unit) zerstört.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_0" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) was destroyed by $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_16" +msgstr "\"The body of $unit($unit) is disfigured by hideous boils. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_16" +msgstr "\"Pestbeulen befallen den Körper von $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "missing_direction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - no direction was specified.\"" + +msgid "missing_direction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - keine Richtung angegeben.\"" + +msgid "error159" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No person could be handed over.\"" + +msgid "error159" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnten keine Personen übergeben werden.\"" + +msgid "shock" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) receives a shock when his familiar dies.\"" + +msgid "shock" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erleidet durch den Tod seines Vertrauten einen Schock.\"" + +msgid "error269" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast spells here.\"" + +msgid "error269" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man nicht zaubern.\"" + +msgid "sink_saved_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) survives unscathed and makes it to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sink_saved_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) überlebt unbeschadet und rettet sich nach $region($region).\"" + +msgid "race_noregroup" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot be regrouped.\"" + +msgid "race_noregroup" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nicht neu gruppiert werden.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::worse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is chased by a nightmare. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::worse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird von einem Alp geritten. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error274" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot teach.\"" + +msgid "error274" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht unterrichten.\"" + +msgid "region_guarded" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This region is guarded by $unit($guard), a non-allied unit.\"" + +msgid "region_guarded" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region wird von $unit($guard), einer nichtalliierten Einheit, bewacht.\"" + +msgid "error155" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Too many magicians in the faction.\"" + +msgid "error155" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zuviele Magier in der Partei.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::speed_1" +msgstr "\"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), \"member\", \"members\") of $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), \"is\", \"are\") accelerated for $int($duration) more $if($eq($duration,1), \"week\", \"weeks\"). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::speed_1" +msgstr "\"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), \"Person\", \"Personen\") von $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), \"ist\", \"sind\") noch $int($duration) $if($eq($duration,1), \"Woche\", \"Wochen\") beschleunigt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error160" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No luxury items could be bought.\"" + +msgid "error160" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnten keine Luxusgüter gekauft werden.\"" + +msgid "error270" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man niemanden bestehlen.\"" + +msgid "error226" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units from the backmost rows cannot attack.\"" + +msgid "error226" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten in den hinteren Reihen können nicht angreifen.\"" + +msgid "sailnolanding" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) could not berth in $region($region). The coast is too dangerous for the vessel.\"" + +msgid "sailnolanding" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) konnte in $region($region) nicht einreisen, die Küste ist zu gefährlich für das Schiff.\"" + +msgid "error116" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Number can not be assigned.\"" + +msgid "error116" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nummer kann nicht vergeben werden.\"" + +msgid "error112" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Names may not contain parenthesis.\"" + +msgid "error112" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Namen dürfen keine Klammern enthalten.\"" + +msgid "error222" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Show all what?\"" + +msgid "error222" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zeige alle was?\"" + +msgid "teach_teacher" +msgstr "\"$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill) to level $int($level).\"" + +msgid "teach_teacher" +msgstr "\"$unit($teacher) lehrt $unit($student) $skill($skill) auf Stufe $int($level).\"" + +msgid "patzer2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) is hit by a massive headache and cannot concentrate on the spell. Some part of this ritual has gone very wrong indeed.\"" + +msgid "patzer2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) hat rasende Kopfschmerzen und kann sich nicht mehr richtig konzentrieren. Irgendwas bei diesem Zauber ist fürchterlich schiefgelaufen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicboost" +msgstr "The magician possesses the gift of Chaos. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicboost" +msgstr "Der Magier besitzt die Gabe des Chaos. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "illegal_password" +msgstr "\"Your password was changed because it contained illegal characters. Legal passwords may only contain numbers and letters from A to Z. Your new Password is '${newpass}'.\"" + +msgid "illegal_password" +msgstr "\"Dein Passwort enthält Zeichen, die bei der Nachsendung von Reports Probleme bereiten können. Bitte beachte, dass Passwortenur aus Buchstaben von A bis Z und Zahlen bestehen dürfen. Dein neues Passwort ist '${newpass}'.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_12" +msgstr "\"Brightly coloured flowers pop up all around $unit($unit)'s camp. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_12" +msgstr "\"Leuchtende Blumen erblühen rund um das Lager von $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "familiar_name" +msgstr "\"Familiar of $unit($unit)\"" + +msgid "familiar_name" +msgstr "\"Vertrauter von $unit($unit)\"" + +msgid "error9" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That cannot be sabotaged.\"" + +msgid "error9" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das kann man nicht sabotieren.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_6" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) finds a small flute that plays a beautiful melody. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_6" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) findet eine kleine Flöte, die eine wundersame Melodie spielt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "renamed_building_seen" +msgstr "\"$building($building) in $region($region) received a nickname from $unit($renamer).\"" + +msgid "renamed_building_seen" +msgstr "\"$building($building) in $region($region) bekommt von $unit.dative($renamer) einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "sp_shadowknights_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons a mirage.\"" + +msgid "sp_shadowknights_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört Trugbilder herauf.\"" + +msgid "give" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gives $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) to $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "give" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) übergibt $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) an $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "sellamount" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) sells $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount).\"" + +msgid "sellamount" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verkauft $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount).\"" + +msgid "sp_migranten_fail1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) is one of our kind, we should not waste aura on this.\"" + +msgid "sp_migranten_fail1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) ist von unserer Art, das Ritual wäre verschwendete Aura.\"" + +msgid "victory_murder_complete" +msgstr "\"VICTORY! $if($eq($n,1), \"The faction $winners has\", \"The factions $winners have\") fulfilled the victory condition for the necessary time. The game is over.\"" + +msgid "victory_murder_complete" +msgstr "\"SIEG! $if($eq($n,1), \"Die Partei $winners hat\", \"Die Parteien $winners haben\") die Siegbedingung für die erforderliche Zeit erfüllt. Das Spiel ist damit beendet.\"" + +msgid "shipsink" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) has suffered too much damage and sinks.\"" + +msgid "shipsink" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) ist zu stark beschädigt und sinkt.\"" + +msgid "sp_bloodsacrifice_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) receives $int($amount) aura.\"" + +msgid "sp_bloodsacrifice_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) gewinnt durch das Ritual $int($amount) Aura.\"" + +msgid "sp_confusion_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) intones a mysterious chant. There is a sudden hubbub, but order is restored quickly.\"" + +msgid "sp_confusion_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) stimmt einen seltsamen Gesang an. Ein plötzlicher Tumult entsteht, der sich jedoch schnell wieder legt.\"" + +msgid "pest" +msgstr "\"The region is visited by the plague and $int($dead) peasants died.\"" + +msgid "pest" +msgstr "\"Hier wütete die Pest, und $int($dead) Bauern starben.\"" + +msgid "wormhole_exit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) travels through a wormhole to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "wormhole_exit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) reist durch ein Wurmloch nach $region($region).\"" + +msgid "spellfail_astralonly" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell will only work in the realm of spirits.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_astralonly" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber funktioniert nur in der Geisterwelt.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $ship($ship) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for centuries.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $ship($ship) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben.\"" + +msgid "destroy_road" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) demolishes the road between $region($from) and $region($to).\"" + +msgid "destroy_road" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) reißt die Straße zwischen $region($from) und $region($to) ein.\"" + +msgid "error13" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship has moved already.\"" + +msgid "error13" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff hat sich bereits bewegt.\"" + +msgid "aborted_battle" +msgstr "\"The battle was aborted because all enemies escaped.\"" + +msgid "aborted_battle" +msgstr "\"Der Kampf wurde abgebrochen, da alle Verteidiger flohen.\"" + +msgid "error24" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Espionage was not possible due to siege.\"" + +msgid "error24" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Belagerungszustand macht Spionage unmöglich.\"" + +msgid "usecatapult" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) fighters of $unit($unit) launch their catapults.\"" + +msgid "usecatapult" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) Krieger von $unit($unit) feuern ihre Katapulte ab.\"" + +msgid "error76" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This item cannot be used.\"" + +msgid "error76" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Gegenstand kann man nicht benutzen.\"" + +msgid "error98" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In winter, insects can be recruited only in deserts.\"" + +msgid "error98" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Insekten können im Winter nur in Wüsten rekrutiert werden.\"" + +msgid "spyreport" +msgstr "\"$unit($spy) managed to gather information about $unit($target): combat status ${status}.\"" + +msgid "spyreport" +msgstr "\"$unit($spy) gelang es, Informationen über $unit($target) herauszubekommen: Kampfstatus ${status}.\"" + +msgid "newbie_password" +msgstr "\"Your password is ${password}.\"" + +msgid "newbie_password" +msgstr "\"Dein Passwort lautet ${password}.\"" + +msgid "error65" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Tuition was too high to be paid.\"" + +msgid "error65" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Lernkosten können nicht bezahlt werden.\"" + +msgid "error87" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dragon blood is required for this elixir.\"" + +msgid "error87" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Für das Elixier benötigt man Drachenblut.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_block" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The connections from to this regions are blocked.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_block" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Wege aus dieser Region sind blockiert.\"" + +msgid "error278" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot change the name and description of this building.\"" + +msgid "error278" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Name und Beschreibung des Gebäudes können nicht geändert werden.\"" + +msgid "error168" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No luxury items could be sold.\"" + +msgid "error168" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnten keine Luxusgüter verkauft werden.\"" + +msgid "stormwinds_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could only enchant $int($ships) of $int($maxships) ships.\"" + +msgid "stormwinds_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte nur $int($ships) von $int($maxships) Schiffen verzaubern.\"" + +msgid "error283" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your password may only contain alphanumeric symbols.\"" + +msgid "error283" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Passwort darf nur Buchstaben und Ziffern enthalten.\"" + +msgid "rust_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) puts a spell of rust on $unit($target). $int($amount) weapons are eaten by rust.\"" + +msgid "rust_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) legt einen Rosthauch auf $unit($target). $int($amount) Waffen wurden vom Rost zerfressen.\"" + +msgid "nr_migrants" +msgstr "\"Your faction has $int($units) migrants out of a possible total of $int($maxunits).\"" + +msgid "nr_migrants" +msgstr "\"Deine Partei hat $int($units) Migranten und kann maximal $int($maxunits) Migranten aufnehmen.\"" + +msgid "error239" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is a unit or a ship supposed to get a new number?\"" + +msgid "error239" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Soll eine Einheit oder ein Schiff eine neue Nummer bekommen?\"" + +msgid "error129" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction cannot hire so many people.\"" + +msgid "error129" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Leute kann die Partei nicht aufnehmen.\"" + +msgid "spyreport_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) knows ${skills}.\"" + +msgid "spyreport_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) beherrscht ${skills}.\"" + +msgid "sighting" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($region),\"\",\"In $region($region), \")$int($number) $race($race,$number) were discovered.\"" + +msgid "sighting" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($region),\"Es\",\"In $region($region)\") wurde$if($eq($number,1),\"\",\"n\") $int($number) $race($race,$number) gesichtet.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_recruits" +msgstr "\"recruits: $int($max) peasants\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_recruits" +msgstr "\"Rekruten: max. $int($max) Bauern\"" + +msgid "error235" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Maintenance has not been paid yet.\"" + +msgid "error235" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Für das Gebäude wurde noch kein Unterhalt bezahlt.\"" + +msgid "error231" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit or its animals would not survive there.\"" + +msgid "error231" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit oder ihre Tiere würden dort nicht überleben.\"" + +msgid "error121" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That resource does not exist in this region.\"" + +msgid "error121" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas gibt es hier nicht.\"" + +msgid "error306" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction is not old enough to start over.\"" + +msgid "error306" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei muß mindestens 9 Wochen alt sein, um einen Neustart zu versuchen.\"" + +msgid "manacrystal_use" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses an astral crystal and gains $int($aura) aura.\"" + +msgid "manacrystal_use" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt einen Astralkristall und gewinnt $int($aura) Aura hinzu.\"" + +msgid "error302" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym already set.\"" + +msgid "error302" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Bereits ein Synonym gesetzt.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $region($region) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for centuries.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $region($region) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben.\"" + +msgid "icastle_create" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician creates an illusionary building.\"" + +msgid "icastle_create" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier erschafft ein Traumgebäude.\"" + +msgid "spyfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($spy) could not find out anything about $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "spyfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($spy) gelang es nicht, etwas über $unit($target) herauszufinden.\"" + +msgid "firewall_damage" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) steps through the wall of fire into $region($region) and receives severe burn damage.\"" + +msgid "firewall_damage" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erleidet beim Durchqueren der Feuerwand nach $region($region) schwere Verbrennungen.\"" + +msgid "cast_speed_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were magically accelerated.\"" + +msgid "cast_speed_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden magisch beschleunigt.\"" + +msgid "firewall_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) creates a wall of fire in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "firewall_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erschafft in $region($region) eine Wand aus Feuer.\"" + +msgid "phunger" +msgstr "\"$if($eq($dead,1),\"One peasant starves\",\"$int($dead) peasants starve\").\"" + +msgid "phunger" +msgstr "\"$if($eq($dead,1),\"Ein Bauer verhungert\",\"$int($dead) Bauern verhungern\").\"" + +msgid "transport" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transported $unit($target) from $region($start) to $region($end).\"" + +msgid "transport" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transportiert $unit($target) von $region($start) nach $region($end).\"" + +msgid "sp_holyground_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons natural spirits into the ground of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_holyground_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört Naturgeister in den Boden von $region($region).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::maelstrom" +msgstr "The maelstrom in this area will heavily damage all ships coming into its wake. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::maelstrom" +msgstr "Der Mahlstrom in dieser Region wird alle Schiffe, die in seinen Sog geraten, schwer beschädigen. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "leavefail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not leave $region($region).\"" + +msgid "leavefail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte aus $region($region) nicht ausreisen.\"" + +msgid "reduced_production" +msgstr "The region is ravaged, the ground infertile." + +msgid "reduced_production" +msgstr "Die Region ist verwüstet, der Boden karg." + +msgid "feedback_no_astralregion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no connection to the astral plane here.\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_astralregion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es kann hier kein Kontakt zur Astralwelt aufgenommen werden.\"" + +msgid "peace_active" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - It is so quiet and peaceful, nobody wants to attack anybody right now.\"" + +msgid "peace_active" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es ist so schön friedlich, man möchte hier niemanden angreifen.\"" + +msgid "peasantluck_success" +msgstr "\"The stork paid an unexpected visit to $if($eq($births,1),\"a peasant\",\"$int($births) peasants\").\"" + +msgid "peasantluck_success" +msgstr "\"$if($eq($births,1),\"Einen Bauern\",\"$int($births) Bauern\") besucht unverhofft der Storch.\"" + +msgid "astralshield_activate" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) reactivates the astral protection shield in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "astralshield_activate" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) reaktiviert den astralen Schutzschild in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "destroy_curse_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician destroys the spell ($id) on ${target}.\"" + +msgid "destroy_curse_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier zerstört den Fluch ($id) auf ${target}.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_fail" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is charmed, but no details have been revealed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $region($region) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden.\"" + +msgid "viewreality_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) manages to catch a glimpse of reality through the fog.\"" + +msgid "viewreality_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gelingt es, durch die Nebel auf die Realität zu blicken.\"" + +msgid "use_speedsail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) sets a solar sail. The ship's speed is increased by $int($speed).\"" + +msgid "use_speedsail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) setzt ein Sonnensegel. Die Geschwindigkeit des Schiffes erhöht um $int($speed).\"" + +msgid "error21" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no information available for the request.\"" + +msgid "error21" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu gibt es keine Informationen.\"" + +msgid "error43" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this.\"" + +msgid "error43" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat so etwas nicht.\"" + +msgid "unknown_status" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown combat status.\"" + +msgid "unknown_status" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannter Kampfstatus.\"" + +msgid "error10" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That does not make much sense.\"" + +msgid "error10" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das macht wenig Sinn.\"" + +msgid "error32" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not on board our ship.\"" + +msgid "error32" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit befindet sich nicht an Bord unseres Schiffes.\"" + +msgid "error54" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot trade.\"" + +msgid "error54" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht handeln.\"" + +msgid "manufacture_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You need at least $int($minskill) $skill($skill), to produce $resource($product,0).\"" + +msgid "manufacture_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man benötigt mindestens $int($minskill) $skill($skill), um $resource($product,0) zu produzieren.\"" + +msgid "error177" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The familiar cannot cast this spell.\"" + +msgid "error177" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Spruch kann der Vertraute nicht zaubern.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::godcurseocean" +msgstr "\"This region was cursed by the gods. The sea is a foul cesspool, noxious gases rise from the deep, undead seamonsters attack all ships. Noone can live here for long. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::godcurseocean" +msgstr "\"Diese Region wurde von den Göttern verflucht. Das Meer ist eine ekelige Brühe, braunschwarze, stinkende Gase steigen aus den unergründlichen Tiefen hervor, und untote Seeungeheuer, Schiffe zerfressend und giftige grüne Galle geifernd, sind der Schrecken aller Seeleute, die diese Gewässer durchqueren. Niemand kann hier lange überleben. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_4" +msgstr "\"A circle of shimmering lights surrounds $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_4" +msgstr "\"Ein schimmernder Lichterkranz umgibt $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error84" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No name was supplied.\"" + +msgid "error84" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Name angegeben.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_noexpensives" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) have unbreakable commitments to their faction.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_noexpensives" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat unaufkündbare Bindungen an seine alte Partei.\"" + +msgid "error287" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - We cannot transport this unit there.\"" + +msgid "error287" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin können wir die Einheit nicht transportieren.\"" + +msgid "error292" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit cannot be taught.\"" + +msgid "error292" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht unterrichtet werden.\"" + +msgid "error95" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Illusions cannot guard a region.\"" + +msgid "error95" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Illusionen können eine Region nicht bewachen.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_header" +msgstr "\"Statistics for $region($region):\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_header" +msgstr "\"Statistik für $region($region):\"" + +msgid "sp_strongwalls_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) causes the walls of $building($building) to glow in an eerie magic light.\"" + +msgid "sp_strongwalls_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) läßt die Mauern von $building($building) in einem unheimlichen magischen Licht erglühen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::orcish" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) goes from one amourous adventure to another. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::orcish" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) stürzt sich von einem amourösen Abenteuer ins nächste. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "target_region_not_empty" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are units in the target region.\"" + +msgid "target_region_not_empty" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In der Zielregion befinden sich noch Einheiten.\"" + +msgid "error173" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Even in the Xontormia Library, this spell could not be found.\"" + +msgid "error173" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Selbst in der Bibliothek von Xontormia konnte dieser Spruch nicht gefunden werden.\"" + +msgid "error138" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - We do not have anything that could be demolished.\"" + +msgid "error138" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Uns gehört nichts, was man abreißen oder versenken könnte.\"" + +msgid "killsandhits" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hit $int($hits) times and killed $int($kills) enemies.\"" + +msgid "killsandhits" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erzielte $int($hits) Treffer und tötete $int($kills) Gegner.\"" + +msgid "shapeshift_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) makes $unit($target) appear as $race($race,$unit.size($target)).\"" + +msgid "shapeshift_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) läßt $unit($target) als $race($race,$unit.size($target)) erscheinen.\"" + +msgid "error248" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has to be 10 turns old.\"" + +msgid "error248" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei muß mindestens 10 Runden alt sein.\"" + +msgid "followfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($follower) could not follow $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "followfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($follower) konnte $unit($unit) nicht folgen.\"" + +msgid "followdetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($follower) followed $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "followdetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($follower) ist $unit($unit) gefolgt.\"" + +msgid "unitnotfound_id" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unit $id could not be located.\"" + +msgid "unitnotfound_id" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit $id wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error244" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is already named.\"" + +msgid "error244" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat schon einen Namen.\"" + +msgid "use_tacticcrystal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses a dreameye in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "use_tacticcrystal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt in $region($region) ein Traumauge.\"" + +msgid "error134" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown report option.\"" + +msgid "error134" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannte Meldungs-Option.\"" + +msgid "error319" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot execute this command because it has been in combat.\"" + +msgid "error319" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann den Befehl in dieser Runde nicht ausführen, da sie an einem Kampf teilgenommen hat.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $building($building) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for centuries.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $building($building) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben.\"" + +msgid "sink_lost_msg" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) people of $unit($unit) drown.$if($isnull($region),\"\",\" The unit makes it to $region($region).\")\"" + +msgid "sink_lost_msg" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) Personen von $unit($unit) ertrinken.$if($isnull($region),\"\",\" Die Einheit rettet sich nach $region($region).\")\"" + +msgid "error130" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax: MAGIC SPHERE [1-5].\"" + +msgid "error130" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax: MAGIEGEBIET [1-5].\"" + +msgid "error240" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is a unit or a ship supposed to be followed?\"" + +msgid "error240" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Soll eine Einheit oder ein Schiff verfolgt werden?\"" + +msgid "travelthru_trail" +msgstr "$trailto($region)" + +msgid "travelthru_trail" +msgstr "$trailto($region)" + +msgid "error315" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Not all ingredients present.\"" + +msgid "error315" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nicht alle Zutaten vorhanden.\"" + +msgid "volcanooutbreak" +msgstr "\"The volcano in $region($regionv) erupts. The lava devastates $region($regionn).\"" + +msgid "volcanooutbreak" +msgstr "\"Der Vulkan in $region($regionv) bricht aus. Die Lavamassen verwüsten $region($regionn).\"" + +msgid "seduce_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gives $unit($mage) $resources($items).\"" + +msgid "seduce_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) schenkt $unit($mage) $resources($items).\"" + +msgid "error311" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit can not change shape.\"" + +msgid "error311" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann sich nicht verwandeln.\"" + +msgid "error201" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Race and target unit have not been supplied.\"" + +msgid "error201" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Rasse und Zieleinheit wurden vergessen.\"" + +msgid "newbieimmunity" +msgstr "\"Your faction is immune against assaults for $int($turns) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "newbieimmunity" +msgstr "\"Deine Partei ist noch $int($turns) Wochen immun gegen Angriffe.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::auraboost_0" +msgstr "\"Powerful magical energies are pulsing through $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::auraboost_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt sich von starken magischen Energien durchströmt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::drought" +msgstr "\"This region was hit by a drought. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::drought" +msgstr "\"In dieser Gegend herrscht eine Dürre. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "race_cantwork" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot work.\"" + +msgid "race_cantwork" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nicht arbeiten.\"" + +msgid "stealdetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) feels watched.\"" + +msgid "stealdetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt sich beobachtet.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_detect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) feels the powers of magic fade and loses $int($aura) aura.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_detect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt seine magischen Kräfte schwinden und verliert $int($aura) Aura.\"" + +msgid "missing_message" +msgstr "\"Internal Error: Message '$name' is undefined.\"" + +msgid "missing_message" +msgstr "\"Interner Fehler: Meldung '$name' nicht definiert.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_fail" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is charmed, but no details have been revealed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $ship($ship) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden.\"" + +msgid "income_magic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) earns $int($amount) silver through simple magical services in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_magic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch Zauberei.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) draws $int($aura) aura from $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "stealaura_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) entzieht $unit($target) $int($aura) Aura.\"" + +msgid "error_flying_ship_too_big" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) is too bulky to fly.\"" + +msgid "error_flying_ship_too_big" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) ist zu groß, um fliegen zu können.\"" + +msgid "familiar_describe" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons a familiar. $race($race, 0) can learn ${skills}.\"" + +msgid "familiar_describe" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft einen Vertrauten. $race($race, 0) können $skills lernen.\"" + +msgid "wind_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) asks the gods of wind and water on behalf of the $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "wind_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erfleht den Segen der Götter des Windes und des Wassers für $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "wormhole_requirements" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) cannot travel through the wormhole in $region($region) because the unit is either too big or has restricted skills.\"" + +msgid "wormhole_requirements" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) kann in $region($region) nicht durch das Wurmloch reisen, da die Einheit entweder zu gross ist oder teure Talente besitzt.\"" + +msgid "cast_escape_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): The noise of the battle dies down and the mage is able to slip away unharmed.\"" + +msgid "cast_escape_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): Das Kampfgetümmel erstirbt und er kann unbehelligt seines Weges ziehen.\"" + +msgid "volcanostartsmoke" +msgstr "\"Columns of smoke are released by the volcano of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "volcanostartsmoke" +msgstr "\"Aus dem Vulkankrater von $region($region) steigt plötzlich Rauch.\"" + +msgid "nr_insectfall" +msgstr "It is the last week before winter in which insects can still recruit." + +msgid "nr_insectfall" +msgstr "Es ist Spätherbst, und diese Woche ist die letzte vor dem Winter, in der Insekten rekrutieren können." + +msgid "error296" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Trees won't grow here.\"" + +msgid "error296" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier werden niemals Bäume wachsen.\"" + +msgid "error186" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell only works on dry land.\"" + +msgid "error186" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nur auf Land gelegt werden.\"" + +msgid "error51" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver.\"" + +msgid "error51" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genug Silber.\"" + +msgid "error73" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungry units cannot give anybody away.\"" + +msgid "error73" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine hungernde Einheit kann niemanden weggeben.\"" + +msgid "error40" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit did not contact us.\"" + +msgid "error40" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen.\"" + +msgid "error182" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship cannot leave in this direction.\"" + +msgid "error182" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff kann in diese Richtung nicht ablegen.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_nospell" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is not charmed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_nospell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $ship($ship) kein Zauber liegt.\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework" +msgstr "\"A large firework in honor of ${name}, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework" +msgstr "\"Zur Feier des Geburtstags von ${name} wird in $region($region) ein großes Feuerwerk abgebrannt, welches noch hier zu bewundern ist. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel.\"" + +msgid "error257" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid locale.\"" + +msgid "error257" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ungültiges Locale.\"" + +msgid "error147" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in command of the largest castle in the region.\"" + +msgid "error147" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht Burgherr der größten Burg in der Region.\"" + +msgid "unknowndirection" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Direction '$dirname' was not recognized.\"" + +msgid "unknowndirection" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Richtung '$dirname' wurde nicht erkannt.\"" + +msgid "error143" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error143" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist auf einem Schiff.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_onocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast while you are on the ocean.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_onocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf hoher See gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "error253" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This magician is not strong enough to be sacrificed to the gods.\"" + +msgid "error253" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier ist nicht stark genug, sich den Göttern zu opfern.\"" + +msgid "battle_loot" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) collects $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "battle_loot" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erbeutet $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "error209" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax Error.\"" + +msgid "error209" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax Error.\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) cannot summon any undead in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) kann in $region($region) keine Untoten rufen.\"" + +msgid "givedumb" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) administers $int($amount) duncebuns to $unit($recipient).\"" + +msgid "givedumb" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gibt $int($amount) Dumpfbackenbrot an $unit($recipient).\"" + +msgid "error205" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell works only in an ocean region.\"" + +msgid "error205" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber gelingt nur in einer Ozeanregion.\"" + +msgid "error210" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - It is too dangerous to fly the ship in the storm.\"" + +msgid "error210" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es ist zu gefährlich, ein sturmgepeitschtes Schiff fliegen zu lassen.\"" + +msgid "eatpeasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ate $int($amount) peasants.\"" + +msgid "eatpeasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verspeiste $int($amount) Bauern.\"" + +msgid "error320" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot guard the region because it is trying to flee.\"" + +msgid "error320" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht bewachen, da sie versucht zu fliehen.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) turned into $if($eq($number,1),\"a tree\", \"trees\").\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),\"wurde zum Baum\", \"wurden zu Bäumen\").\"" + +msgid "sp_eternizewall_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) performs a ritual that binds the magical forces of $region($region) into the walls of $building($building).\"" + +msgid "sp_eternizewall_effect" +msgstr "\"Mit einem Ritual bindet $unit($mage) die magischen Kräfte der Erde von $region($region) in die Mauern von $building($building).\"" + diff --git a/res/translations/messages.en.po b/res/translations/messages.en.po new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a9ee2ed0 --- /dev/null +++ b/res/translations/messages.en.po @@ -0,0 +1,5595 @@ +msgid "homestone_effect" +msgstr "\"A magic ritual by $unit($mage) binds magic energies to the walls of $building($building).\"" + +msgid "homestone_effect" +msgstr "\"Mit einem Ritual bindet $unit($mage) die magischen Kräfte der Erde in die Mauern von $building($building).\"" + +msgid "nogive_reserved" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit has this item, but all $int($reservation) $resource($resource,$reservation) are reserved.\"" + +msgid "nogive_reserved" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diesen Gegenstand zwar, aber sämtliche $int($reservation) $resource($resource,$reservation) sind reserviert.\"" + +msgid "recruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) recruits $int($amount) of $int($want) people.\"" + +msgid "recruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) rekrutiert $int($amount) von $int($want) Personen.\"" + +msgid "sp_dreamreading_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) is lost in the dreams of $unit($unit) and gets a glimps into $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_dreamreading_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verliert sich in die Träume von $unit($unit) und erhält einen Eindruck von $region($region).\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $ship($ship) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for, about $int($months) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $ship($ship) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is haunted by terrbile nightmares. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird von bösen Alpträumen geplagt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "absorbpeasants" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) peasants become $race($race,0) and join the ranks of $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "absorbpeasants" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) Bauern werden zu $race($race,0) und schliessen sich $unit($unit) an.\"" + +msgid "unholypower_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) tranforms $unit($target) to $race($race,0).\"" + +msgid "unholypower_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verwandelt $unit($target) in $race($race,0).\"" + +msgid "give_person" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transfers $int($amount) person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"s\") to $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "give_person" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) übergibt $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"en\") an $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls forth a terrible torment over the enemy. The magical rain makes all iron rusty.\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft ein fürchterliches Unwetter über seine Feinde. Der magischen Regen lässt alles Eisen rosten.\"" + +msgid "heroes_maxed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction already has $int($count) of $int($max) heroes.\"" + +msgid "heroes_maxed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat bereits $int($count) von $int($max) Helden.\"" + +msgid "error_build_skill_low" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires a skill of at least $int($value) to build.\"" + +msgid "error_build_skill_low" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um das zu bauen, braucht man ein Talent von mindestens $int($value).\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $building($building) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for about $int($months) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $building($building) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::auraboost_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) finds it difficult to gather its magical energies. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::auraboost_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat Schwierigkeiten seine magischen Energien zu sammeln. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "harbor_trade" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) received $resources($items) from the $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "harbor_trade" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erhielt $resources($items) von der $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "reduce_spell" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), anti-magic from $unit($self) reduces the effect of $unit($mage)'s spell.\"" + +msgid "reduce_spell" +msgstr "\"$unit($self) schwächt in $region($region) einen Zauber von $unit.dative($mage) durch Antimagie ab.\"" + +msgid "raised" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) horses.\"" + +msgid "raised" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) züchtet $int($amount) Pferde.\"" + +msgid "speed_time_effect" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) bends time for $int($amount) men.\"" + +msgid "speed_time_effect" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) dehnt $unit($unit) die Zeit für $int($amount) Personen.\"" + +msgid "error199" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician already has a familiar.\"" + +msgid "error199" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier hat bereits einen Vertrauten.\"" + +msgid "error195" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no route leading there.\"" + +msgid "error195" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin führt kein Weg.\"" + +msgid "healall" +msgstr "\"Life itself touches the world and all beings are healed.\"" + +msgid "healall" +msgstr "\"Ein Hauch des Lebens liegt über der Welt und alle Wesen fühlen sich frisch und erholt.\"" + +msgid "build_required" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - For this, the unit needs $resources($required).\"" + +msgid "build_required" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dafür braucht die Einheit $resources($required).\"" + +msgid "newbie_immunity_error" +msgstr "\"A faction must be at least $int($turns) weeks old before it can be attacked or stolen from.\"" + +msgid "newbie_immunity_error" +msgstr "\"Eine Partei muß mindestens $int($turns) Wochen alt sein, bevor sie angegriffen oder bestohlen werden kann.\"" + +msgid "error191" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell works only in forests.\"" + +msgid "error191" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber funktioniert nur in Wäldern.\"" + +msgid "error156" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Too many alchemists in the faction.\"" + +msgid "error156" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zuviele Alchemisten in der Partei.\"" + +msgid "error266" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This item only functions in the entry hall.\"" + +msgid "error266" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Gegenstand funktioniert nur in der Eingangshalle.\"" + +msgid "error81" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit must first guard the region.\"" + +msgid "error81" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit muß zuerst die Region bewachen.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_u_nosuccess" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No region could be pacified.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_u_nosuccess" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keine Region konnte befriedet werden.\"" + +msgid "error70" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This region is guarded by a non-allied faction.\"" + +msgid "error70" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region wird von Nichtalliierten bewacht.\"" + +msgid "error92" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no normal forest in this region.\"" + +msgid "error92" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keinen normalen Wald.\"" + +msgid "error262" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction cannot have any more wyrms.\"" + +msgid "error262" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei kann keine weiteren Wyrme besitzen.\"" + +msgid "massive_overload" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) is massively overloaded and is damaged heavily.\"" + +msgid "massive_overload" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) ist zu stark überladen und wird stark beschädigt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipspeedup" +msgstr "\"The winds seem to favor this ship. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipspeedup" +msgstr "\"Die Winde scheinen dieses Schiff besonders zu beguenstigen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error152" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit jumps over board and drowns.\"" + +msgid "error152" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit springt über Bord und ertrinkt.\"" + +msgid "error108" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No herbs could be found.\"" + +msgid "error108" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es sind keine Kräuter zu finden.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::contact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit $unit($target) did not contact us.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::contact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen.\"" + +msgid "error214" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unit is not a magician.\"" + +msgid "error214" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit ist kein Magier.\"" + +msgid "patzer6" +msgstr "\"A message from $unit($unit) in $region($region): 'Oops! Croak, Croak!'\"" + +msgid "patzer6" +msgstr "\"Eine Botschaft von $unit.dative($unit) in $region($region): 'Ups! Quack, Quack!'\"" + +msgid "lucky_item" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) luckily finds a cache of $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "lucky_item" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat Glück und findet einen Hort von $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "error104" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This metal can be excavated only in a mine.\"" + +msgid "error104" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Metall kann nur in einem Bergwerk abgebaut werden.\"" + +msgid "error100" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody here is a skilled ship builder.\"" + +msgid "error100" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keiner hier ist gelernter Schiffbauer.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::gooddream" +msgstr "\"The people in this region have sweet dreams. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::gooddream" +msgstr "\"Die Leute haben schöne Träume. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot guard off shore.\"" + +msgid "error2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf hoher See kann man nicht bewachen.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_maxentertainment" +msgstr "\"entertainment: max. $int($max) silver\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_maxentertainment" +msgstr "\"Unterhaltung: max. $int($max) Silber\"" + +msgid "blessedstonecircle_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) blesses $building($building).\"" + +msgid "blessedstonecircle_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) weiht $building($building).\"" + +msgid "income_tax_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) collects taxes of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" only\") $int($amount) silver$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" instead of $int($wanted) silver\") \") in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_tax_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) treibt in $region($region) Steuern in Höhe von $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber ein.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::holyground" +msgstr "\"The undead turn away from this region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::holyground" +msgstr "\"Untote schrecken vor dieser Region zurück. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "changemail" +msgstr "\"Address has been changed to '$value'.\"" + +msgid "changemail" +msgstr "\"Die Reportadresse wurde auf ${value} geändert.\"" + +msgid "song_of_peace_effect_0" +msgstr "\"The marvelous singing of $unit($mage) enchants the public. The song's peaceful melody makes several listeners drop their weapons.\"" + +msgid "song_of_peace_effect_0" +msgstr "\"Die Gesangskunst von $unit($mage) begeistert die Leute. Die friedfertige Stimmung des Lieds überträgt sich auf alle Zuhörer. Einige werfen ihre Waffen weg.\"" + +msgid "emptyeog" +msgstr "\"There is no more laen left in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "emptyeog" +msgstr "\"Die Laenader in $region($region) ist erschöpft.\"" + +msgid "entrise" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), the Lords of the Trees have risen.\"" + +msgid "entrise" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erschienen die Herren der Bäume.\"" + +msgid "victory_murder_cfulfilled" +msgstr "\"Attention: $faction($faction) has fulfilled the victory condition and will be declared winner in $if($eq($remain,1),\"one week\",\"$int($remain) weeks\").\"" + +msgid "victory_murder_cfulfilled" +msgstr "\"Achtung: $faction($faction) hat die Siegbedingungen erfüllt und wird in $if($eq($remain,1),\"einer Woche\",\"$int($remain) Wochen\") zum Sieger erklärt werden.\"" + +msgid "headache_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) has a splitting headache and can hardly remember last week. Except that it all started in the tavern...\"" + +msgid "headache_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat höllische Kopfschmerzen und kann sich an die vergangene Woche nicht mehr erinnern. Nur noch daran, wie alles mit einer fröhlichen Feier in irgendeiner Taverne anfing....\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) did not contact us.\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen.\"" + +msgid "sailforbiddendir" +msgstr "\"The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "sailforbiddendir" +msgstr "\"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu reisen.\"" + +msgid "receive" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) receives $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) from $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "receive" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) erhält $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) von $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "missing_feedback" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Internal Error: Message '$name' is undefined.\"" + +msgid "missing_feedback" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Interner Fehler: Meldung '$name' nicht definiert.\"" + +msgid "thiefdiscover" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) caught $unit($unit) in attempted theft.\"" + +msgid "thiefdiscover" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) ertappte $unit($unit) beim versuchten Diebstahl.\"" + +msgid "museumgiveback" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) received $resources($items) from $unit($sender)\"" + +msgid "museumgiveback" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erhielt $unit($unit) von $unit.dative($sender) $resources($items)\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_17" +msgstr "\"A dark and mysterious fairy appears before $unit($unit). She is of bewitching beauty. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_17" +msgstr "\"Eine dunkle Fee erscheint $unit($unit) im Schlaf. Sie ist von schauriger Schönheit. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "caldera_handle_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) jumps into the eternal flame of the caldera.\"" + +msgid "caldera_handle_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) springt in die ewigen Feuer des Kraters.\"" + +msgid "researchherb_none" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not find any herbs in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "researchherb_none" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) kann keine Kräuter finden.\"" + +msgid "moveblockedbyguard" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) was kept in $region($region) by $unit($guard).\"" + +msgid "moveblockedbyguard" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde in $region($region) von $unit.dative($guard) aufgehalten.\"" + +msgid "cast_frighten_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were intimidated.\"" + +msgid "cast_frighten_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden eingeschüchtert.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::Feuerwand" +msgstr "A wall of fire blocks entry and exit. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::Feuerwand" +msgstr "Eine Feuerwand blockiert die Ein- und Ausreise. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "renamed_building_notseen" +msgstr "\"$building($building) in $region($region) received a nickname.\"" + +msgid "renamed_building_notseen" +msgstr "\"$building($building) in $region($region) bekommt einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "heroes_race" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot be heroes.\"" + +msgid "heroes_race" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können keine Helden erwählen.\"" + +msgid "summon_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons $int($amount) $race($race,$amount).\"" + +msgid "summon_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört $int($amount) $race($race,$amount).\"" + +msgid "error28" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The peasant morale is low.\"" + +msgid "error28" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Bauern sind schlecht gelaunt.\"" + +msgid "error39" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit has not yet learned espionage.\"" + +msgid "error39" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat keine Spionage gelernt.\"" + +msgid "destroy_magic_noeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician could not destroy any curse.\"" + +msgid "destroy_magic_noeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier konnte keinen Fluch zerstören.\"" + +msgid "cast_auraleak_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) in $region($region) caused a tear in the fabric of magic, that sucked all magical energies out of the region.\"" + +msgid "cast_auraleak_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) rief in $region($region) einen Riss in dem Gefüge der Magie hervor, der alle magische Kraft aus der Region riss.\"" + +msgid "newbie_info_game" +msgstr "Remember to send your orders to $email with the subject ${subject}." + +msgid "newbie_info_game" +msgstr "Bitte denke daran, deine Befehle mit dem Betreff $subject an $email zu senden." + +msgid "mob_warning" +msgstr "\"An angry mob forms and hunts practitioners of the dark arts.\"" + +msgid "mob_warning" +msgstr "\"Ein Bauernmob erhebt sich und macht Jagd auf Schwarzmagier.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) disappeared in the night.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),\"verschwand\", \"verschwanden\") über Nacht.\"" + +msgid "fleescared" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) peasants fled in fear of $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "fleescared" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) Bauern flohen aus Furcht vor $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). The crops wither, horses die of thirst. A famine claims the lives of many peasants. The trees die and their bald branches cannot protect from the torrid sun that mercilessly burns the grounds. The drought permanently alters the region.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Die Felder verdorren und Pferde verdursten. Die Hungersnot kostet vielen Bauern das Leben. Vertrocknete Bäume recken ihre kahlen Zweige in den blauen Himmel, von dem erbarmungslos die sengende Sonne brennt. Die Dürre verändert die Region für immer.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_pump" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Despite intense questioning, $unit($target) did not have anything to tell about $region($tregion).\"" + +msgid "spellfail_pump" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) wusste trotz intensivem Verhör nichts über $region($tregion) zu berichten.\"" + +msgid "maintenance_nowork" +msgstr "\"$building($building) was nonfunctional because upkeep could not be paid at the beginning of the week.\"" + +msgid "maintenance_nowork" +msgstr "\"$building($building) hat diese Woche nicht funktioniert, da zu Beginn der Woche der Unterhalt nicht gezahlt werden konnte.\"" + +msgid "error_spell_on_flying_ship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - It is far too dangerous to put this spell on the flying ship $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "error_spell_on_flying_ship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es ist zu gefährlich, diesen Zauber auf das fliegende Schiff $ship($ship) zu legen.\"" + +msgid "error275" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Buildings cannot be built here.\"" + +msgid "error275" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man keine Gebäude errichten.\"" + +msgid "error165" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The potion does not agree with the unit.\"" + +msgid "error165" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Trank bekommt der Einheit nicht.\"" + +msgid "siege_catapults" +msgstr "\"$building($building) is under siege by $unit($unit). During siege, catapults caused $int($destruction) points destruction.\"" + +msgid "siege_catapults" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) belagert $building($building). Dabei richten die Katapulte Zerstörungen von $int($destruction) Größenpunkten an.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicstreet" +msgstr "\"The roads are extremely dry and well-kept. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicstreet" +msgstr "\"Die Straßen sind erstaunlich trocken und gut begehbar. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_13" +msgstr "\"A group of vultures circles above $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_13" +msgstr "\"Über $unit($unit) zieht eine Gruppe Geier ihre Kreise. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error161" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this potion.\"" + +msgid "error161" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit besitzt den Trank nicht.\"" + +msgid "error271" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot attack here.\"" + +msgid "error271" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man niemanden angreifen.\"" + +msgid "renamed_faction_notseen" +msgstr "\"Your faction received a nickname.\"" + +msgid "renamed_faction_notseen" +msgstr "\"Die Partei bekommt einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "error227" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A herbalism skill of 7 or higher is required.\"" + +msgid "error227" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dafür braucht ein Einheit mindestens Kräuterkunde 7.\"" + +msgid "error117" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This race cannot produce that.\"" + +msgid "error117" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Rasse kann das nicht herstellen.\"" + +msgid "sp_depression_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) causes great sadness among the peasants of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_depression_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sorgt in $region($region) für Trübsal unter den Bauern.\"" + +msgid "sp_mindblast_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell). $int($amount) warriors lose their memories, $int($dead) were killed.\"" + +msgid "sp_mindblast_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell). $int($amount) Krieger verloren Erinnerungen, $int($dead) wurden getötet.\"" + +msgid "error113" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Item to be handed over was not supplied.\"" + +msgid "error113" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nichts angegeben, was wir übergeben sollen.\"" + +msgid "undeadrise" +msgstr "\"The dead rise from their graves in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "undeadrise" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erhoben sich die Toten aus den Gräbern.\"" + +msgid "reanimate_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) begins a ritual of resurrection. $int($amount) warriors rise from the dead.\"" + +msgid "reanimate_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beginnt ein Ritual der Wiederbelebung. $int($amount) Krieger stehen von den Toten auf.\"" + +msgid "error223" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot guard.\"" + +msgid "error223" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Einheiten können nicht bewachen.\"" + +msgid "sp_confusion_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) begins a mysterious chant. Great confusion sweeps through the ranks of the enemy.\"" + +msgid "sp_confusion_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) stimmt einen seltsamen Gesang an. Ein plötzlicher Tumult entsteht und bringt die Kampfaufstellung durcheinander.\"" + +msgid "itemcloak" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) shrouds the equipment of $unit($target) in shadows.\"" + +msgid "itemcloak" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) legt einen Schleier um die Ausrüstung von $unit.dative($target).\"" + +msgid "error5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not ours.\"" + +msgid "error5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude gehört uns nicht.\"" + +msgid "tactics_lost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) lured the enemy into an ambush.\"" + +msgid "tactics_lost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte dem Gegner eine Falle stellen.\"" + +msgid "error_lowstealth" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' -The unit cannot hide that well.\"" + +msgid "error_lowstealth" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann sich nicht so gut tarnen.\"" + +msgid "chaosgate_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) opens a chaos gate.\"" + +msgid "chaosgate_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) öffnet ein Chaostor.\"" + +msgid "shipsail" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) sails from $region($from) to $region($to).\"" + +msgid "shipsail" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) segelt von $region($from) nach $region($to).\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_unit" +msgstr "\"The magical resistance has been strengthened. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_unit" +msgstr "\"Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung ist gestärkt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "destroy_partial" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) tears down parts of $building($building).\"" + +msgid "destroy_partial" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) reißt einen Teil von $building($building) ein.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_morale" +msgstr "\"peasant morale: $int($morale)\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_morale" +msgstr "\"Moral der Bauern: $int($morale)\"" + +msgid "changemail_invalid" +msgstr "\"Address not changed, '$value' is an invalid email.\"" + +msgid "changemail_invalid" +msgstr "\"Die Reportadresse wurde nicht geändert, '${value}' ist keine gültige email.\"" + +msgid "block_spell" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), anti-magic from $unit($self) blocks the spell of $unit($mage).\"" + +msgid "block_spell" +msgstr "\"Antimagie von $unit.dative($self) blockiert in $region($region) einen Zauber von $unit.dative($mage).\"" + +msgid "enter_overload" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot go aboard, the ship would be overloaded.\"" + +msgid "enter_overload" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit darf nicht an Bord kommen, da sie das Schiff überladen würde.\"" + +msgid "herbfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) finds $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount).\"" + +msgid "herbfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) findet $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount).\"" + +msgid "maintenance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) pays the maintenance for $building($building).\"" + +msgid "maintenance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) bezahlt den Unterhalt von $building($building).\"" + +msgid "heroes_cost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit has $int($have) of $int($cost) silver required.\"" + +msgid "heroes_cost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nur $int($have) von $int($cost) benötigtem Silber.\"" + +msgid "error36" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this item.\"" + +msgid "error36" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diesen Gegenstand nicht.\"" + +msgid "error58" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know how to entertain.\"" + +msgid "error58" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit weiß nicht, wie man gaukelt.\"" + +msgid "magiccreate_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) creates $int($amount) ${object}.\"" + +msgid "magiccreate_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) erschafft $int($amount) ${object}.\"" + +msgid "error25" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A curse prevents this from happening.\"" + +msgid "error25" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Fluch verhindert das.\"" + +msgid "error47" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is one of our allies.\"" + +msgid "error47" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist mit uns alliiert.\"" + +msgid "error69" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The region is guarded.\"" + +msgid "error69" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region wird bewacht.\"" + +msgid "overrun_by_iceberg" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) has been damaged by a collision with an iceberg.\"" + +msgid "overrun_by_iceberg" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) wird bei einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg beschädigt.\"" + +msgid "song_of_peace_effect_1" +msgstr "\"A wondrous song fills the air and enchants the public. The song's peaceful melody makes several listeners drop their weapons.\"" + +msgid "song_of_peace_effect_1" +msgstr "\"In der Luft liegt ein wunderschönes Lied, dessen friedfertiger Stimmung sich niemand entziehen kann. Einige Leute werfen sogar ihre Waffen weg.\"" + +msgid "error99" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not want to be transported.\"" + +msgid "error99" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit will nicht transportiert werden.\"" + +msgid "disrupt_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is sent from the astral plain to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "disrupt_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird aus der astralen Ebene nach $region($region) geschleudert.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::badmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "\"The magical resistance of some units in this region was weakened. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::badmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "\"Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung bestimmter Einheiten in dieser Region wurde geschwächt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error288" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - How much shall we tear down?\"" + +msgid "error288" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wieviel sollen wir einreißen?\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::badlearn" +msgstr "\"People in this region suffer from insomnia. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::badlearn" +msgstr "\"Alle Leute in der Region haben Schlafstörungen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error_nopeasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are no peasants in this region.\"" + +msgid "error_nopeasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keine Bauern.\"" + +msgid "spellregionresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The region could not be charmed.\"" + +msgid "spellregionresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region konnte nicht verzaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::calmmonster" +msgstr "This enchantment appears to make the unit well-disposed towards a particular faction. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::calmmonster" +msgstr "Dieser Beeinflussungszauber scheint die Einheit einem ganz bestimmten Volk wohlgesonnen zu machen. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "error169" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know this spell.\"" + +msgid "error169" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Zauber kennt die Einheit nicht.\"" + +msgid "error174" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell only makes sense in combat.\"" + +msgid "error174" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber ist nur im Kampf sinnvoll.\"" + +msgid "error284" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Undead can only be affected once by this spell.\"" + +msgid "error284" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur noch nicht gestärkte Untote können das Ziel dieses Zaubers sein.\"" + +msgid "growtree_effect" +msgstr "$if($isnull($mage),\"An unknown magician\",$unit($mage)) created a holy forest of $int($amount) young trees." + +msgid "growtree_effect" +msgstr "$if($isnull($mage),\"Ein unentdeckter Magier\",$unit($mage)) erschuf einen heiligen Hain von $int($amount) Schößlingen." + +msgid "error280" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu muss erst die Spezialeigenschaft erworben werden.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipnodrift_0" +msgstr "\"A silvery shimmer surrounds the $ship($ship). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipnodrift_0" +msgstr "\"Ein silberner Schimmer umgibt die $ship($ship). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error170" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The peasants did not accept this gracious gift.\"" + +msgid "error170" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Bauern nehmen dieses großzügige Geschenk nicht an.\"" + +msgid "dumbeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) eats a duncebuns and forgets $int($weeks) weeks worth of $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "dumbeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) vergisst durch Dumpfbackenbrot $int($weeks) Wochen des Talentes $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "renamed_ship_seen" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) in $region($region) received a nickname from $unit($renamer).\"" + +msgid "renamed_ship_seen" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) in $region($region) bekommt von $unit.dative($renamer) einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "error126" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot sell this.\"" + +msgid "error126" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht verkaufen.\"" + +msgid "error236" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not finished yet.\"" + +msgid "error236" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude ist noch nicht fertig gebaut.\"" + +msgid "error_unit_size" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units may not have more than $int($maxsize) members.\"" + +msgid "error_unit_size" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten dürfen nicht mehr als $int($maxsize) Personen enthalten.\"" + +msgid "error232" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This type of unit cannot enter a building.\"" + +msgid "error232" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Typ Einheit kann keine Gebäude betreten.\"" + +msgid "error122" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You can only breed horses in a stable.\"" + +msgid "error122" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pferde kann man nur in einer Pferdezucht züchten.\"" + +msgid "error307" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - We snotlings is too stupid fer dat!\"" + +msgid "error307" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Snotlinge sind zu dumm, um auf den Feldern zu arbeiten.\"" + +msgid "godcurse_destroy_ship" +msgstr "\"Her sailors sick from the poisened ocean, planks, rudder und sails corroded by the waters of the cursed ocean, the $ship($ship) finally succumbs to her destiny and sinks.\"" + +msgid "godcurse_destroy_ship" +msgstr "\"Die Mannschaft krank vom vergifteten Wasser, Planken, Ruder und Segel zerfressen von den Wassern des verfluchten Meeres, ergibt sich die $ship($ship) in ihr Schicksal und sinkt.\"" + +msgid "too_many_units_in_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A faction may not consist of more than $int($allowed) units.\"" + +msgid "too_many_units_in_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Partei darf nicht aus mehr als $int($allowed) Einheiten bestehen.\"" + +msgid "entermaelstrom" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) sails into the maelstrom of $region($region) and takes $int($damage) damage$if($sink,\". The ship sinks\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "entermaelstrom" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) fährt in den Mahlstrom von $region($region) und nimmt $int($damage) Schaden$if($sink,\" und sinkt\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "error303" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No trade is possible in this region.\"" + +msgid "error303" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Region kann man nichts verkaufen.\"" + +msgid "patzer3" +msgstr "\"When $unit($unit) in $region($region) tries to cast $spell($spell), a sudden disturbance ripples through the magical realm and a terrible force attempts to drag the magician to another dimension. However, with a final effort of strength, $unit($unit) manages to save himself.\"" + +msgid "patzer3" +msgstr "\"Als $unit($unit) in $region($region) versucht, $spell($spell) zu zaubern, scheint plötzlich ein Beben durch die magische Essenz zu laufen und ein furchtbarer Sog versucht $unit($unit) in eine andere Dimension zu ziehen. Mit letzter Kraft gelingt es $unit($unit) sich zu retten.\"" + +msgid "heat_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) puts protection from cold on $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "heat_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) belegt $unit($target) mit einem Kälteschutz.\"" + +msgid "gbdream_noteach" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is an active spell in this region that prevents this.\"" + +msgid "gbdream_noteach" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Zauber in dieser Region verhindert das.\"" + +msgid "path_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) creates dry and well-repaired roads in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "path_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sorgt für trockene Straßen in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "summonshadow_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons $int($number) demons from the realm of shadows.\"" + +msgid "summonshadow_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört $int($number) Dämonen aus dem Reich der Schatten.\"" + +msgid "error8" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That is useless.\"" + +msgid "error8" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das ist sinnlos.\"" + +msgid "eathorse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ate $int($amount) horses.\"" + +msgid "eathorse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verspeiste $int($amount) Pferde.\"" + +msgid "confusion_result" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons a fog of confusion.\"" + +msgid "confusion_result" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört einen Schleier der Verwirrung.\"" + +msgid "resource_missing" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires $resource($missing,0).\"" + +msgid "resource_missing" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu benötigt man $resource($missing,0).\"" + +msgid "give_person_peasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transfers $int($amount) person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"s\") to the local peasants.\"" + +msgid "give_person_peasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) übergibt $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"en\") an die Bauern.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicwalls" +msgstr "\"These walls appear to have grown straight out of the earth. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicwalls" +msgstr "\"Diese Mauern wirken, als wären sie direkt aus der Erde gewachsen und nicht erbaut. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "sp_clone_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) creates a clone.\"" + +msgid "sp_clone_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erschafft einen Klon.\"" + +msgid "enemy_discovers_spy_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) was spotted sinking $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "enemy_discovers_spy_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde beim versenken von $ship($ship) entdeckt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::nocostbuilding" +msgstr "\"Time cannot touch these walls. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::nocostbuilding" +msgstr "\"Der Zahn der Zeit kann diesen Mauern nichts anhaben. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "income_fishing" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) catches fish worth $int($amount) silver.\"" + +msgid "income_fishing" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fängt in $region($region) Fische im Wert von $int($amount) Silber.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $unit($unit) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for centuries.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $unit($unit) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben.\"" + +msgid "buildingcrash" +msgstr "\"$building($building) in $region($region) collapses.$if($road,\" The collapse ruined half of the road.\",\"\")$if($opfer,\" There are $int($opfer) casualties.\",\"\")\"" + +msgid "buildingcrash" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) stürzte $building($building) ein.$if($road,\" Beim Einsturz wurde die halbe Straße vernichtet.\",\"\")$if($opfer,\" $int($opfer) Opfer $if($eq($opfer,1),\"ist\",\"sind\") zu beklagen.\",\"\")\"" + +msgid "alliance::kickattempt" +msgstr "\"$int($votes) members of $alliance($alliance) tried to kick you out of the alliance.\"" + +msgid "alliance::kickattempt" +msgstr "\"$int($votes) Mitglieder von $alliance($alliance) haben versucht, Deine Partei aus der Allianz auszuschliessen.\"" + +msgid "becomewyrm" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) turns into a wyrm.\"" + +msgid "becomewyrm" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verwandelt sich in einen Wyrm.\"" + +msgid "casualties" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) lost $int($fallen) people$if($alive,\", $int($alive) survived\",\"\")$if($run,\" and $int($run) fled$if($isnull($runto),\"\",\" to $region($runto)\")\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "casualties" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verlor $int($fallen) Personen$if($alive,\", $int($alive) überlebten\",\"\")$if($run,\" und $int($run) flohen$if($isnull($runto),\"\",\" nach $region($runto)\")\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "lineup_battle" +msgstr "\"Units before turn $int($turn):\"" + +msgid "lineup_battle" +msgstr "\"Einheiten vor der $int($turn). Runde:\"" + +msgid "feedback_give_forbidden" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot give anything to this unit.\"" + +msgid "feedback_give_forbidden" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Einheit kann nichts gegeben werden.\"" + +msgid "babbler_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) spent the evening carousing in the tavern. In addition to a terrible headache, there remains this feeling of having told everyone the story of his entire life.\"" + +msgid "babbler_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat einen feuchtfröhlichen Abend in der Taverne verbracht. Ausser einem fürchterlichen Brummschädel ist da auch noch das dumme Gefühl die ganze Taverne mit seiner Lebensgeschichte unterhalten zu haben.\"" + +msgid "babbler_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) spent the evening carousing in the tavern. In addition to a terrible headache, there remains this feeling of having told $unit($mage) the story of his entire life.\"" + +msgid "babbler_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat einen feuchtfröhlichen Abend in der Taverne verbracht. Ausser einem fürchterlichen Brummschädel ist da auch noch das dumme Gefühl $unit($mage) seine ganze Lebensgeschichte erzählt zu haben.\"" + +msgid "tidalwave_kill" +msgstr "\"A tidal wave wipes out $region($region) and kills $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "tidalwave_kill" +msgstr "\"Eine gewaltige Flutwelle verschlingt $unit($unit) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "error14" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is off shore.\"" + +msgid "error14" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist auf hoher See.\"" + +msgid "renamed_notseen" +msgstr "\"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) received a nickname.\"" + +msgid "renamed_notseen" +msgstr "\"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) bekommt einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::goodmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "\"The magical resistance of some units in this region was boosted. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::goodmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "\"Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung bestimmter Einheiten in dieser Region wurde gestärkt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error66" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction could not be found.\"" + +msgid "error66" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error88" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is lacking materials for building the ship.\"" + +msgid "error88" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genügend Materialien für den Schiffbau.\"" + +msgid "error55" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot move.\"" + +msgid "error55" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann sich nicht fortbewegen.\"" + +msgid "error77" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The skill could not be recognized.\"" + +msgid "error77" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Talent wurde nicht erkannt.\"" + +msgid "error178" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No magic sphere was supplied.\"" + +msgid "error178" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Magiegebiet angegeben.\"" + +msgid "error297" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Buildings on the ocean may not be entered.\"" + +msgid "error297" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gebäude auf dem Ozean können nicht betreten werden.\"" + +msgid "generous_effect_1" +msgstr "\"A touring minstrel entertains the locals. The joyous and generous disposition of his songs prove infectious.\"" + +msgid "generous_effect_1" +msgstr "\"Die Darbietungen eines fahrenden Gauklers begeistern die Leute. Die fröhliche und ausgelassene Stimmung seiner Lieder überträgt sich auf alle Zuhörer.\"" + +msgid "unit_unarmed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not armed and ready to fight.\"" + +msgid "unit_unarmed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht bewaffnet und kampffähig.\"" + +msgid "error293" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Verbände können nur zwischen Einheiten derselben Partei gebildet werden.\"" + +msgid "error183" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician is not on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error183" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier befindet sich nicht auf einem Schiff.\"" + +msgid "error_nograves" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are no graves in $region($target).\"" + +msgid "error_nograves" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In $region($target) sind keine Gräber.\"" + +msgid "error139" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Different types do not mix.\"" + +msgid "error139" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unterschiedliche Typen können nicht gemischt werden.\"" + +msgid "error249" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship cannot sail into the open seas.\"" + +msgid "error249" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff kann nicht aufs offene Meer hinaus segeln.\"" + +msgid "killedbygm" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) was removed by a GM: \\\"$string\\\".\"" + +msgid "killedbygm" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde in $region($region) von einem GM gelöscht: \\\"$string\\\".\"" + +msgid "spellfail_distance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That region is too far away.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_distance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region ist zu weit entfernt.\"" + +msgid "error245" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already named.\"" + +msgid "error245" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff hat schon einen Namen.\"" + +msgid "sp_chaosrow_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) mumbles arcane words. There is a sudden hubbub, but order is restored quickly.\"" + +msgid "sp_chaosrow_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) murmelt eine düster klingende Formel. Ein plötzlicher Tumult entsteht, der sich jedoch schnell wieder legt.\"" + +msgid "error135" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown option.\"" + +msgid "error135" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannte Option.\"" + +msgid "error131" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You must build a tunnel before building roads through glaciers.\"" + +msgid "error131" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um in Gletschern Straßen bauen zu können, muß zuerst ein Tunnel errichtet werden.\"" + +msgid "error241" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction must be at least 81 weeks old to restart with a new race.\"" + +msgid "error241" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei muß mindestens 81 Wochen alt sein, um einen Neustart mit einer anderen Rasse zu versuchen.\"" + +msgid "feedback_unit_not_found" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit could not be found.\"" + +msgid "feedback_unit_not_found" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error206" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is alrady a spell on that building.\"" + +msgid "error206" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf dem Gebäude liegt bereits so ein Zauber.\"" + +msgid "error316" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Without ingredients an alchemist can not produce anything.\"" + +msgid "error316" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ohne Zutaten kann ein Alchemist nichts herstellen.\"" + +msgid "error312" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes may not be mixed with normal people.\"" + +msgid "error312" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Werwesen können nicht mit anderen Personen gemischt werden.\"" + +msgid "mallorn_effect" +msgstr "\"The power of $unit($mage) flows into the ground and the trees which survived the spell appear much stronger now.\"" + +msgid "mallorn_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) läßt einen Teil seiner selbst in die Erde fliessen. Die Bäume, die Transformation überlebt haben, erscheinen nun viel kräftiger.\"" + +msgid "useflamingsword" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) fighters of $unit($unit) are using their flaming sword.\"" + +msgid "useflamingsword" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) Krieger von $unit($unit) benutzen ihre Flammenschwerter.\"" + +msgid "error202" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This is not a valid race.\"" + +msgid "error202" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das ist keine gültige Rasse.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicrunes_building" +msgstr "\"The walls of $building($building) are inscribed with strange runes. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicrunes_building" +msgstr "\"Auf den Mauern von $building($building) erkennt man seltsame Runen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_fail" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($unit) is charmed, but no details have been revealed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass $unit($unit) verzaubert ist, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden.\"" + +msgid "spellunitresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) resists the spell.\"" + +msgid "spellunitresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) widersteht dem Zauber.\"" + +msgid "give_peasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gives $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) to the local peasants.\"" + +msgid "give_peasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) übergibt $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) an die Bauern.\"" + +msgid "leftship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) has just landed and cannot continue moving to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "leftship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ist in dieser Runde gelandet und kann nicht weiter ins Landesinnere nach $region($region) vorstossen.\"" + +msgid "astral_appear" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) appears.\"" + +msgid "astral_appear" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erscheint plötzlich.\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is briefly surrounded by a magical light.\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird kurz von einem magischen Licht umhüllt.\"" + +msgid "siege" +msgstr "\"$building($building) is under siege by $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "siege" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) belagert $building($building).\"" + +msgid "missing_force" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) cannot muster enough energy to cast $spell($spell) on level $int($level).\"" + +msgid "missing_force" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) schafft es nicht, genug Kraft aufzubringen, um $spell($spell) auf Stufe $int($level) zu zaubern.\"" + +msgid "shipdestroy_partial" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) damages the $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "shipdestroy_partial" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) beschädigt die $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "forget" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) forgets $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "forget" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) vergisst $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "spell_astral_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell can only be cast on the astral plane.\"" + +msgid "spell_astral_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nur im Astralraum gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_fail_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The elemental is too small to carry the building.\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_fail_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Elementar ist zu klein, um das Gebäude zu tragen.\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls $int($amount) undead from their graves in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erweckt in $region($region) $int($amount) Untote aus ihren Gräbern.\"" + +msgid "drown" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) drowns in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "drown" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ertrinkt in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "travel" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),\"rides\", \"walks\") from $region($start) to $region($end)$if($isnull($regions),\"\",\" by way of $trail($regions)\").\"" + +msgid "travel" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),\"reitet\", \"wandert\") von $region($start) nach $region($end).$if($isnull($regions),\"\",\" Dabei wurde $trail($regions) durchquert.\")\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::skill_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is incredibly skilled at $skill($skill). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::skill_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ist ungewöhnlich geschickt in $skill($skill). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error11" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is still off shore.\"" + +msgid "error11" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff befindet sich auf hoher See.\"" + +msgid "error33" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in our castle.\"" + +msgid "error33" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit befindet sich nicht in unserer Burg.\"" + +msgid "error22" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown command.\"" + +msgid "error22" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Befehl wurde nicht erkannt.\"" + +msgid "error44" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is off shore.\"" + +msgid "error44" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist auf hoher See.\"" + +msgid "spydetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) feels watched$if($isnull($spy),\"\",\" by $unit($spy)\").\"" + +msgid "spydetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) fühlt sich $if($isnull($spy),\"\",\"durch $unit($spy) \")beobachtet.\"" + +msgid "income_trade" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) earned $int($amount) silver in $region($region) by selling luxury items.\"" + +msgid "income_trade" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch den Verkauf von Luxusgütern.\"" + +msgid "error74" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit cannot give anybody away.\"" + +msgid "error74" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit kann niemanden weggeben.\"" + +msgid "error96" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody in this unit can be transferred.\"" + +msgid "error96" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Einheit gibt es niemanden, den man transferieren könnte.\"" + +msgid "error187" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot execute this command because it has moved.\"" + +msgid "error187" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann den Befehl in dieser Runde nicht ausführen, da sie sich bewegt hat.\"" + +msgid "error85" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No email address was supplied.\"" + +msgid "error85" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde keine Emailadresse angegeben.\"" + +msgid "starvation" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) loses $int($dead) of $int($add($live,$dead)) people due to starvation in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "starvation" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verliert in $region($region) $int($dead) von $int($add($live,$dead)) Personen durch Unterernährung.\"" + +msgid "error258" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The target unit is invalid.\"" + +msgid "error258" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Zieleinheit ist ungültig.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::fogtrap" +msgstr "\"Heavy fog makes it impossible to leave the region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::fogtrap" +msgstr "\"Dichte Nebel bedecken diese Woche die Region. Keine Einheit schafft es, diese Nebel zu durchdringen und die Region zu verlassen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error148" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in command of a castle.\"" + +msgid "error148" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht der Burgherr.\"" + +msgid "poison_damage" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is taking poison damage in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "poison_damage" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) nimmt Schaden durch den Giftelementar in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "error144" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error144" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist auf keinem Schiff.\"" + +msgid "magicboost_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The Spheres of Chaos return a part of his power to the magician.\"" + +msgid "magicboost_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Sphären des Chaos geben dem Magier einen Teil ihrer Kraft.\"" + +msgid "error254" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid aura specification or not enough aura.\"" + +msgid "error254" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auraangabe fehlerhaft oder zuwenig Aura.\"" + +msgid "error250" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Not enough karma.\"" + +msgid "error250" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nicht genug Karma.\"" + +msgid "error140" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is neither in a castle nor on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error140" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit befindet sich weder in einer Burg noch auf einem Schiff.\"" + +msgid "error215" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot reach the astral plane from here.\"" + +msgid "error215" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Von hier aus kann man die astrale Ebene nicht erreichen.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_4" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) wurde zerstört.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_4" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) was destroyed.\"" + +msgid "error211" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already under this spell.\"" + +msgid "error211" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf dem Schiff liegt bereits so ein Zauber.\"" + +msgid "forestfire_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) creates a flaming inferno in $region($region). $int($amount) trees fall victim to the flames.\"" + +msgid "forestfire_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erschafft in $region($region) eine verheerende Feuersbrunst. $int($amount) Bäume fallen den Flammen zum Opfer.\"" + +msgid "error101" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody here can construct a building.\"" + +msgid "error101" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keiner hier kann ein Gebäude errichten.\"" + +msgid "orcgrowth" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) new $race($race,$amount).\"" + +msgid "orcgrowth" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) vermehrt sich um $int($amount) $race($race,$amount).\"" + +msgid "sp_wolfhowl_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls for the help of $int($amount) $race($race, $amount).\"" + +msgid "sp_wolfhowl_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft $int($amount) $race($race, $amount) zu Hilfe.\"" + +msgid "tidalwave" +msgstr "\"A tidal wave wipes out $region($region) and all who lived there.\"" + +msgid "tidalwave" +msgstr "\"Eine gewaltige Flutwelle verschlingt $region($region) und alle Bewohner.\"" + +msgid "cast_hero_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters had their moral boosted.\"" + +msgid "cast_hero_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden moralisch gestärkt.\"" + +msgid "detectforbidden" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) refuses to travel to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "detectforbidden" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) weigert sich, nach $region($region) zu reisen.\"" + +msgid "parse_error" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit): '$command' - Parse error, unknown command.\"" + +msgid "parse_error" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit): '$command' - Dieser Befehl ist unbekannt.\"" + +msgid "fogblock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not travel $direction($direction) from $region($region), the fog was too dense.\"" + +msgid "fogblock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte von $region($region) nicht nach $direction($direction) ausreisen, der Nebel war zu dicht.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::antimagiczone" +msgstr "\"Dieser Zauber scheint magische Energien irgendwie abzuleiten und so alle in der Region gezauberten Sprüche in ihrer Wirkung zu schwächen oder ganz zu verhindern. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::antimagiczone" +msgstr "\"A spell is deflecting magical energies and weakening all other spells cast in the region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "nr_market_sale" +msgstr "\"The local market offers $resource($product,0) at a price of $int($price) silver.\"" + +msgid "nr_market_sale" +msgstr "\"Auf dem Markt wird für $resource($product,0) $int($price) Silber verlangt.\"" + +msgid "stealfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not sneak close enough to $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "stealfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gelang es nicht, sich nahe genug an $unit($target) heranzuschleichen.\"" + +msgid "section_battle" +msgstr "\"\"" + +msgid "section_battle" +msgstr "\"\"" + +msgid "sp_disturbingdreams_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) disturbs everyone's dreams in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_disturbingdreams_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sorgt für schlechten Schlaf in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "spy_discovered_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) caught $unit($saboteur) trying to sink $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "spy_discovered_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) entdeckte $unit($saboteur) beim Versenken von $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "wrongpasswd" +msgstr "\"Your orders had the wrong password (${password}).\"" + +msgid "wrongpasswd" +msgstr "\"Deine Befehle hatten ein falsches Passwort (${password}).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_9" +msgstr "\"A large green snake offers $unit($unit) a fine-looking apple. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_9" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) bekommt von einer Schlange einen Apfel angeboten. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_noname" +msgstr "\"A large firework, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_noname" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) wird ein großes Feuerwerk abgebrannt, welches noch hier zu bewundern ist. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel.\"" + +msgid "skill_needed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires the skill $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "skill_needed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu braucht man das Talent $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "renamed_seen" +msgstr "\"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) received a nickname from $unit($renamer).\"" + +msgid "renamed_seen" +msgstr "\"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) bekommt von $unit.dative($renamer) einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_nospell" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($target) is not charmed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_nospell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $unit($target) kein Zauber liegt.\"" + +msgid "army_report" +msgstr "\"Army $int($index)($abbrev): $int($dead) dead, $int($fled) fled, $int($survived) survivors.\"" + +msgid "army_report" +msgstr "\"Heer $int($index)($abbrev): $int($dead) Tote, $int($fled) Geflohene, $int($survived) Überlebende.\"" + +msgid "receive_person" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) receives $int($amount) person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"s\") from $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "receive_person" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) erhält $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"en\") von $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "donation" +msgstr "\"$faction($from) donates $int($amount) silver to $faction($to).\"" + +msgid "donation" +msgstr "\"$faction($from) gibt ein Almosen von $int($amount) Silber an $faction($to).\"" + +msgid "scunicorn" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) $resource($rtype,$amount) $if($eq($amount,1),\"joins\",\"join\") $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "scunicorn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) $if($eq($amount,1),\"schließt\",\"schließen\") sich $int($amount) $resource($rtype,$amount) an.\"" + +msgid "try_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) tried but failed to send $unit($target) to another world.\"" + +msgid "try_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) versuchte erfolglos, $unit($target) in eine andere Welt zu schleudern.\"" + +msgid "error196" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This is not a forest region.\"" + +msgid "error196" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das ist keine Waldregion.\"" + +msgid "objmagic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) puts a spell on ${target}.\"" + +msgid "objmagic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) verzaubert ${target}.\"" + +msgid "puttorest" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) redeems the tormented souls of the dead.\"" + +msgid "puttorest" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erlöst die gequälten Seelen der Toten.\"" + +msgid "error41" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver.\"" + +msgid "error41" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genug Silber.\"" + +msgid "error30" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The message does not contain text.\"" + +msgid "error30" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Botschaft enthält keinen Text.\"" + +msgid "error52" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot execute more long orders.\"" + +msgid "error52" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann keine weiteren langen Befehle ausführen.\"" + +msgid "recruit_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) managed to recruit $int($amount) $if($eq($amount,1),\"peasant\",\"peasants\").\"" + +msgid "recruit_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) konnte $int($amount) $if($eq($amount,1),\"Bauer\",\"Bauern\") anwerben.\"" + +msgid "spell_failed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) tries to cast $spell($spell), but the spell fails!\"" + +msgid "spell_failed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) versucht $spell($spell) zu zaubern, doch der Zauber schlägt fehl!\"" + +msgid "error157" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has a different magic sphere.\"" + +msgid "error157" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat ein anderes Magiegebiet.\"" + +msgid "auratransfer_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transfers $int($aura) aura to $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "auratransfer_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transferiert $int($aura) Aura auf $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "error267" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only a single person can use the ticket.\"" + +msgid "error267" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur eine Einzelperson kann das Ticket benutzen.\"" + +msgid "error263" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This good is not produced here.\"" + +msgid "error263" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Gut wird hier produziert.\"" + +msgid "error153" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit joins the local peasants.\"" + +msgid "error153" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit schließt sich den Bauern an.\"" + +msgid "error_onlandonly" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit must be on land.\"" + +msgid "error_onlandonly" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit muß sich an Land befinden.\"" + +msgid "error_herorecruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Heroes cannot recruit.\"" + +msgid "error_herorecruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Helden können nicht rekrutieren.\"" + +msgid "error109" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Specify if a castle, a ship, a region, or a unit is supposed to be named.\"" + +msgid "error109" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man muß angeben, ob eine Burg, ein Schiff, eine Einheit, eine Region oder eine Partei benannt werden soll.\"" + +msgid "msg_event" +msgstr "\"$string\"" + +msgid "msg_event" +msgstr "\"$string\"" + +msgid "error224" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot cast spells.\"" + +msgid "error224" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Einheiten können nicht zaubern.\"" + +msgid "piratesawvictim" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($ship),\"$unit($unit)\",\"The $ship($ship)\") in $region($region) made $direction($dir) a target.\"" + +msgid "piratesawvictim" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($ship),\"$unit($unit)\",\"Die $ship($ship)\") in $region($region) entdeckt ein Opfer im $direction($dir).\"" + +msgid "spyreport_items" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) carries $resources($items)\"" + +msgid "spyreport_items" +msgstr "\"Im Gepäck von $unit($target) sind $resources($items).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipnodrift_1" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) is blessed with favourable winds$if($lt($duration,3),\", but the spell is starting to wear thin\",\"\"). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipnodrift_1" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) ist mit gutem Wind gesegnet$if($lt($duration,3),\", doch der Zauber beginnt sich bereits aufzulösen\",\"\"). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error105" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Empty units can not be handed over.\"" + +msgid "error105" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Leere Einheiten können nicht übergeben werden.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_7" +msgstr "\"The women of the nearby village cast furtive looks at $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_7" +msgstr "\"Die Frauen des nahegelegenen Dorfes bewundern $unit($unit) verstohlen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error110" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Specify if description is for a castle, a ship, a region, or a unit.\"" + +msgid "error110" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man muß angeben, ob eine Burg, ein Schiff, eine Region oder eine Einheit beschrieben werden soll.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_18" +msgstr "\"The stench of decay is poring from all the orifices of $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_18" +msgstr "\"Fäulnisgeruch dringt $unit($unit) aus allen Körperöffnungen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error_captain_skill_low" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The captain needs a sailing skill of at least $int($value), to command $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "error_captain_skill_low" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Kapitän muß ein Segeltalent von mindestens $int($value) haben, um $ship($ship) zu befehligen.\"" + +msgid "error220" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No one could be seen in the astral fog.\"" + +msgid "error220" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Im astralen Nebel konnte niemand entdeckt werden.\"" + +msgid "arena_enter" +msgstr "\"A portal opens in $region($region). A voice calls: 'Welcome to the Plane of Challenge'. $unit($unit) walks through the gate to another world.\"" + +msgid "arena_enter" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) öffnet sich ein Portal. Eine Stimme ertönt, und spricht: 'Willkommen in der Ebene der Herausforderung'. $unit($unit) durchschreitet das Tor zu einer anderen Welt.\"" + +msgid "stealfatal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) was caught by $unit($target) in attempted theft.\"" + +msgid "stealfatal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde von $unit.dative($target) beim versuchten Diebstahl ertappt.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $unit($unit) is charmed with '$curse($curse)' that will last for about $int($months) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "analyse_unit_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $unit($unit) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt.\"" + +msgid "sp_permtransfer_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sacrifices $int($amount) aura for $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "sp_permtransfer_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) opfert $unit($target) $int($amount) Aura.\"" + +msgid "shipfly" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) flies from $region($from) to $region($to).\"" + +msgid "shipfly" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) fliegt von $region($from) nach $region($to).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::unit_unknown" +msgstr "\"An unknown spell lies on this unit. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::unit_unknown" +msgstr "\"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf der Einheit. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "force_leave_ship" +msgstr "$unit($owner) asks $unit($unit) to leave $ship($ship)." + +msgid "force_leave_ship" +msgstr "$unit($owner) bittet $unit($unit), $ship($ship) zu verlassen." + +msgid "dissolve_units_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) returned to the fields.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),\"kehrte auf seine\", \"kehrten auf ihre\") Felder zurück.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_r_nosuccess" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) blows the Horn of Dancing, but nobody here gets into the mood.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_r_nosuccess" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) bläst das Horn des Tanzes, doch niemand hier lässt sich von Stimmung anstecken.\"" + +msgid "malnourish" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is weakened due to malnourishment.\"" + +msgid "malnourish" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) wird durch unzureichende Nahrung geschwächt.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_land" +msgstr "\"The iceberg $region($region) drifts onto a coast.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_land" +msgstr "\"Der Eisberg $region($region) treibt an eine Küste.\"" + +msgid "produce_lowskill" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) is not proficient enough to produce $resource($resource,0).\"" + +msgid "produce_lowskill" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) hat ein zu niedriges Talent, um $resource($resource,0) abzubauen.\"" + +msgid "income_steal_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) steals only $int($amount) silver instead of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of $int($wanted)\") \") in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_steal_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) klaut in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber.\"" + +msgid "error_cannotmake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot produce this.\"" + +msgid "error_cannotmake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht machen.\"" + +msgid "meow" +msgstr "\"Meeoooooow...\"" + +msgid "meow" +msgstr "\"Miiauuuuuu...\"" + +msgid "spelltargetnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell could not find a target.\"" + +msgid "spelltargetnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Ziel gefunden.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::fumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) can hardly focus on anything. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::fumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) kann sich kaum konzentrieren. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_14" +msgstr "\"The head of $unit($unit) has turned into a madly grinning skull. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_14" +msgstr "\"Der Kopf von $unit($unit) hat sich in einen grinsenden Totenschädel verwandelt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "reanimate_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) begins a ritual of resurrection augmented by a $resource($item,1). $int($amount) warriors rise from the dead.\"" + +msgid "reanimate_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beginnt ein Ritual der Wiederbelebung und benutzt ein $resource($item,1), um den Zauber zu verstärken. $int($amount) Krieger stehen von den Toten auf.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_nospell" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is not charmed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_nospell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $building($building) kein Zauber liegt.\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_building" +msgstr "\"The magical resistance has been strengthened. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "magicresistance_building" +msgstr "\"Die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung ist gestärkt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "race_notake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) will not accept anything.\"" + +msgid "race_notake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) nehmen nichts an.\"" + +msgid "cast_drainlife_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters had their life energy drained.\"" + +msgid "cast_drainlife_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Kriegern wurde ihre Lebenskraft entzogen.\"" + +msgid "headache_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) invites $unit($unit) for a few too many drinks and a massive hangover.\"" + +msgid "headache_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verschafft $unit($unit) einige feuchtfröhliche Stunden mit heftigen Nachwirkungen.\"" + +msgid "unholypower_limitedeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) transforms $int($amount) from $unit($target) into $race($race,0).\"" + +msgid "unholypower_limitedeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verwandelt $int($amount) aus $unit($target) in $race($race,0).\"" + +msgid "income_work_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) works in $region($region) for a wage of $int($amount) $if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" out of $int($wanted)\") silver.\"" + +msgid "income_work_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) arbeitet in $region($region) für einen Lohn von $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber.\"" + +msgid "maintenancespecialfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) lacks $resource($item,0) to operate $building($building).\"" + +msgid "maintenancespecialfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fehlen $resource($item,0) für den Betrieb von $building($building).\"" + +msgid "healing_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sees after the wounded and heals $int($amount). A $resource($item,1) improves the spell.\"" + +msgid "healing_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) kümmert sich um die Verletzten und benutzt ein $resource($item,1), um den Zauber zu verstärken. $int($amount) Verwundete werden geheilt.\"" + +msgid "error276" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ships cannot be built here.\"" + +msgid "error276" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man keine Schiffe bauen.\"" + +msgid "error166" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This race cannot besiege a castle.\"" + +msgid "error166" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Rasse kann eine Burg nicht belagern.\"" + +msgid "chaosgate_effect_2" +msgstr "\"A vortex of blinding light appears.\"" + +msgid "chaosgate_effect_2" +msgstr "\"Ein Wirbel aus blendendem Licht erscheint.\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_local" +msgstr "\"A large firework in honor of ${name} is visible all over the sky.\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_local" +msgstr "\"Zur Feier des Geburtstags von ${name} brennt $unit($unit) ein großes Feuerwerk ab. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_u_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $int($pacified) regions have been pacified.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_u_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $int($pacified) Regionen wurden befriedet.\"" + +msgid "error71" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The given direction was not recognized.\"" + +msgid "error71" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Richtung wurde nicht erkannt.\"" + +msgid "error93" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is already a port in this region.\"" + +msgid "error93" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es schon einen Hafen.\"" + +msgid "no_attack_after_advance" +msgstr "\"'$order($command)' - $unit($unit) marched into $region($region) during the last turn and is too exhausted to attack.\"" + +msgid "no_attack_after_advance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist noch zu erschöpft vom Einmarsch um zu attackieren.\"" + +msgid "error82" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no agreement with this number.\"" + +msgid "error82" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es gibt keine Abstimmung mit dieser Nummer.\"" + +msgid "error60" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is under siege.\"" + +msgid "error60" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit wird belagert.\"" + +msgid "error162" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This healing potion will be automatically used when needed.\"" + +msgid "error162" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Heiltrank wird automatisch bei Bedarf benutzt.\"" + +msgid "error272" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Horses are not allowed inside.\"" + +msgid "error272" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pferde müssen leider draußen bleiben.\"" + +msgid "warn_dropout" +msgstr "\"Warning: $faction($faction) has not been sending in orders for $int($turns) turns and may be leaving the game soon.\"" + +msgid "warn_dropout" +msgstr "\"Achtung: $faction($faction) hat seit $int($turns) Wochen keine Züge eingeschickt und könnte dadurch in Kürze aus dem Spiel ausscheiden.\"" + +msgid "arena_leave_fail" +msgstr "\"The attempt to use wings of the gryphon failed. $unit($unit) could not leave the Plane of Challenge.\"" + +msgid "arena_leave_fail" +msgstr "\"Der Versuch, die Greifenschwingen zu benutzen, schlug fehl. $unit($unit) konnte die Ebene der Herausforderung nicht verlassen.\"" + +msgid "battle_critical" +msgstr "\"$int36($$unit))/$int($index) does critical damage.\"" + +msgid "battle_critical" +msgstr "\"$int36($$unit))/$int($index) erzielt einen kritischen Treffer.\"" + +msgid "error_spell_on_ship_already" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is already a spell on $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "error_spell_on_ship_already" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf $ship($ship) liegt beeits ein Zauber.\"" + +msgid "error228" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only normal characters can collect taxes.\"" + +msgid "error228" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur normale Personen können Steuern eintreiben.\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_noname_local" +msgstr "\"A large firework is visible all over the sky.\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework_noname_local" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) brennt ein großes Feuerwerk ab und Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel.\"" + +msgid "error118" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit cannot produce that.\"" + +msgid "error118" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Gegenstand kann die Einheit nicht herstellen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_10" +msgstr "\"A unicorn touches $unit($unit) with its horn and vanishes into the forest quickly after. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_10" +msgstr "\"Ein Einhorn berührt $unit($unit) mit seinem Horn und verschwindet kurz darauf im Unterholz. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error114" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Number is not valid.\"" + +msgid "error114" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nummer ist nicht im gültigen Bereich.\"" + +msgid "error233" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Swimmers cannot enter ships.\"" + +msgid "error233" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Typ Einheit kann keine Schiffe betreten.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_create" +msgstr "\"The glacier in $region($region) breaks up and drifts away.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_create" +msgstr "\"Der Gletscher von $region($region) bricht und treibt davon.\"" + +msgid "chaos_disease" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is stricken by a strange disease.\"" + +msgid "chaos_disease" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) scheint von einer seltsamen Krankheit befallen.\"" + +msgid "error1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are not enough experienced sailors on board the ship.\"" + +msgid "error1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf dem Schiff befinden sich zuwenig erfahrene Seeleute.\"" + +msgid "sp_icastle_effect" +msgstr "\"Flabbergasted, the peasants of $region($region) behold a new building.\"" + +msgid "sp_icastle_effect" +msgstr "\"Verwundert blicken die Bauern von $region($region) auf ein neues Gebäude.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::godcurse" +msgstr "\"This region was cursed by the gods. Stinking vapors billow over the dead ground and hideous creatures move about the country. The wells are poisened and the edible plants are covered by a pink fungus. Noone can live here for long. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::godcurse" +msgstr "\"Diese Region wurde von den Göttern verflucht. Stinkende Nebel ziehen über die tote Erde und furchtbare Kreaturen ziehen über das Land. Die Brunnen sind vergiftet, und die wenigen essbaren Früchte sind von einem rosa Pilz überzogen. Niemand kann hier lange überleben. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "recruit_archetype" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) recruits $int($amount) $localize($archetype).\"" + +msgid "recruit_archetype" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) rekrutiert $int($amount) $localize($archetype).\"" + +msgid "tactics_won" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) surprises the enemies.\"" + +msgid "tactics_won" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) überrascht den Gegner.\"" + +msgid "raindance_effect" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($mage),\"an unseen magician\",$unit($mage)) dances a strange dance. Shortly after, rain begins to fall on the fields.\"" + +msgid "raindance_effect" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($mage),\"Ein unentdeckter Magier\",$unit($mage)) führt einen sonderbaren Tanz auf. Kurz darauf beginnt es zu regnen.\"" + +msgid "mistake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - ${error}.\"" + +msgid "mistake" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - ${error}.\"" + +msgid "income_tax" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) collects taxes of $int($amount) silver in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_tax" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) treibt in $region($region) Steuern in Höhe von $int($amount) Silber ein.\"" + +msgid "give_person_ocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) drowns $int($amount).\"" + +msgid "give_person_ocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ertränkt $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),\"\",\"en\").\"" + +msgid "error_no_tax_skill" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not now how to tax.\"" + +msgid "error_no_tax_skill" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht geschult im Eintreiben von Steuern.\"" + +msgid "sparkle_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) puts a spell on $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "sparkle_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) belegt $unit($target) mit einem Zauber.\"" + +msgid "error18" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is too heavily loaded to sail.\"" + +msgid "error18" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist zu schwer beladen, um in See zu stechen.\"" + +msgid "sp_raisepeasants_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) incites a revolt among $int($amount) peasants of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_raisepeasants_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) wiegelt in $region($region) $int($amount) Bauern zum Aufstand auf.\"" + +msgid "pump_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) questions $unit($unit) about $region($tregion).\"" + +msgid "pump_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) horcht $unit($unit) über $region($tregion) aus.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_5" +msgstr "\"A haunting melody fills the air, and $unit($unit) dances until late into the night. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_5" +msgstr "\"Eine Melodie erklingt, und $unit($unit) tanzt bis spät in die Nacht hinein. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "dragon_growl" +msgstr "\"$unit($dragon): \\\"$localize($growl) $if($eq($number,1), \"I smell\", \"We smell\") something in $region($target)\\\".\"" + +msgid "dragon_growl" +msgstr "\"$unit($dragon): \\\"$localize($growl) $if($eq($number,1), \"Ich rieche\", \"Wir riechen\") etwas in $region($target)\\\".\"" + +msgid "produce" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) produces $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of $int($wanted)\") $resource($resource,$amount).\"" + +msgid "produce" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) produziert $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" von $int($wanted)\") $resource($resource,$wanted).\"" + +msgid "income_work" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) works for a wage of $int($amount) silver.\"" + +msgid "income_work" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) arbeitet in $region($region) für einen Lohn von $int($amount) Silber.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_people" +msgstr "\"people: $int($max)\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_people" +msgstr "\"Personen: $int($max)\"" + +msgid "destroy_curse_noeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell is not strong enough to destroy the curse ($id) on ${target}.\"" + +msgid "destroy_curse_noeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber ist nicht stark genug, um den Fluch ($id) auf ${target} zu zerstören.\"" + +msgid "detectocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) discovered that $region($region) is $localize($terrain).\"" + +msgid "detectocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) entdeckt, dass $region($region) $localize($terrain) ist.\"" + +msgid "spell_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) manages to cast $spell($spell), but the spell seems to have no effect.\"" + +msgid "spell_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gelingt es $spell($spell) zu zaubern, doch der Spruch zeigt keine Wirkung.\"" + +msgid "shipdestroy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) sunk $ship($ship) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "shipdestroy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) versenkt die $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_3" +msgstr "\"Es wurde versucht, $ship($ship) zu zerstören.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_3" +msgstr "\"Somebody attempted to destroy $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "error289" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - What should we disguise as?\"" + +msgid "error289" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wie sollen wir uns tarnen?\"" + +msgid "spellbuildingnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be located.\"" + +msgid "spellbuildingnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gebäude $int36($id) wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error179" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot learn this magic sphere.\"" + +msgid "error179" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Magiegebiet kann die Einheit nicht lernen.\"" + +msgid "sp_migranten" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) has become one of our kind.\"" + +msgid "sp_migranten" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) wird von uns aufgenommen.\"" + +msgid "error175" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell while standing on a moving ship.\"" + +msgid "error175" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Spruch kann man nicht auf einem sich bewegenden Schiff stehend zaubern.\"" + +msgid "error285" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit knows no recipes for potions.\"" + +msgid "error285" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit kennt keine Trankrezepte.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_4" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) turned to dust.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_4" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),\"zerfiel\", \"zerfielen\") zu Staub.\"" + +msgid "error281" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - What race did you want the jihad to be against?\"" + +msgid "error281" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gegen welche Rasse soll der Jihad ausgerufen werden?\"" + +msgid "error171" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This combat spell does not exist.\"" + +msgid "error171" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Kampfzauber gibt es nicht.\"" + +msgid "astral_disappear" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) disappears.\"" + +msgid "astral_disappear" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird durchscheinend und verschwindet.\"" + +msgid "error127" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction cannot hire so many strangers.\"" + +msgid "error127" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Fremde kann Deine Partei nicht aufnehmen.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). The crops wither, horses die of thirst. A famine claims the lives of many peasants. The trees die and their bald branches cannot protect from the torrid sun that mercilessly burns the grounds.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Die Felder verdorren und Pferde verdursten. Die Hungersnot kostet vielen Bauern das Leben. Vertrocknete Bäume recken ihre kahlen Zweige in den blauen Himmel, von dem erbarmungslos die sengende Sonne brennt.\"" + +msgid "usepotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses $resource($potion,1).\"" + +msgid "usepotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt $resource($potion,1).\"" + +msgid "error237" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are riots in this region.\"" + +msgid "error237" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region befindet sich in Aufruhr.\"" + +msgid "error90" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have travel with us.\"" + +msgid "error90" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit fährt nicht mit uns.\"" + +msgid "orcified" +msgstr "\"People in $region($region) flee because of too many orcs.\"" + +msgid "orcified" +msgstr "\"Vor den vielen Orks in $region($region) fliehen die anderen Einwohner.\"" + +msgid "plant_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - At least $skill($skill) $int($minskill) is needed for planting $resource($product,0).\"" + +msgid "plant_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man benötigt mindestens $int($minskill) $skill($skill), um $resource($product,0) zu pflanzen.\"" + +msgid "renamed_ship_notseen" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) in $region($region) received a nickname.\"" + +msgid "renamed_ship_notseen" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) in $region($region) bekommt einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "error123" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have such a thing.\"" + +msgid "error123" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas hat die Einheit nicht.\"" + +msgid "error308" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This skill cannot be raised any higher.\"" + +msgid "error308" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Talent kann nicht höher gelernt werden.\"" + +msgid "spyreport_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) belongs to $faction($faction).\"" + +msgid "spyreport_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) gehört der Partei $faction($faction) an.\"" + +msgid "ship_drift" +msgstr "\"The ship $ship($ship) drifts to the $direction($dir).\"" + +msgid "ship_drift" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) treibt nach $direction($dir).\"" + +msgid "error_max_magicians" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There may not be more than $int($amount) magicians in your faction.\"" + +msgid "error_max_magicians" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es kann maximal $int($amount) Magier pro Partei geben.\"" + +msgid "error304" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units of a faction that can't be attacked may not guard.\"" + +msgid "error304" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten einer Partei, die noch immun gegen Angriffe ist, dürfen nicht bewachen.\"" + +msgid "error300" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid synonym.\"" + +msgid "error300" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ungültiges Synonym.\"" + +msgid "error4" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is already completed.\"" + +msgid "error4" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude ist bereits fertig.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicstreetwarn" +msgstr "\"The roads are extremely dry and well-kept, but some areas show the first signs of potholes reappearing. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicstreetwarn" +msgstr "\"Die Straßen sind erstaunlich trocken und gut begehbar, doch an manchen Stellen bilden sich wieder die erste Schlammlöcher. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "moveblocked" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) discovers that there is no route going $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "moveblocked" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) entdeckt, dass es keinen Weg nach $direction($direction) gibt.\"" + +msgid "nr_market_info_p" +msgstr "\"The local market offers $resource($p1,0) and $resource($p2,0).\"" + +msgid "nr_market_info_p" +msgstr "\"Auf dem Markt werden $resource($p1,0) und $resource($p2,0) feilgeboten.\"" + +msgid "stealeffect" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), thieves stole $int($amount) silver from $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "stealeffect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurden in $region($region) $int($amount) Silberstücke geklaut.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::calm_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) likes $faction($faction). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::calm_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) scheint $faction($faction) zu mögen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "plant" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) plants $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "plant" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) pflanzt in $region($region) $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount).\"" + +msgid "nr_region_owner" +msgstr "\"The region is owned by $faction($faction).\"" + +msgid "nr_region_owner" +msgstr "\"Die Region ist im Besitz von $faction($faction).\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_nospell" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is not charmed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_nospell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $region($region) kein Zauber liegt.\"" + +msgid "one_circle_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has already chosen a magical school.\"" + +msgid "one_circle_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat bereits ein Magiegebiet.\"" + +msgid "race_nosteal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot steal anything.\"" + +msgid "race_nosteal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nichts stehelen.\"" + +msgid "error26" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The amount of items to buy is missing.\"" + +msgid "error26" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Anzahl zu kaufender Produkte fehlt.\"" + +msgid "error48" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not armed and ready to fight.\"" + +msgid "error48" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht bewaffnet und kampffähig.\"" + +msgid "sailfail" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) could not leave $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sailfail" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) konnte $region($region) nicht verlassen.\"" + +msgid "error15" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship has not yet been completed.\"" + +msgid "error15" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist noch nicht fertig gebaut.\"" + +msgid "error37" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this potion.\"" + +msgid "error37" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diesen Trank nicht.\"" + +msgid "error59" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know anything about herbalism.\"" + +msgid "error59" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit weiß nichts über Botanik.\"" + +msgid "ent_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) animates $int($amount) trees.\"" + +msgid "ent_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) belebt $int($amount) Bäume.\"" + +msgid "error89" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Money offer is missing.\"" + +msgid "error89" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Geldgebot fehlt.\"" + +msgid "nr_header_date" +msgstr "\"Report for $game, $date\"" + +msgid "nr_header_date" +msgstr "\"Report für $game, $date\"" + +msgid "error188" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell in a swamp.\"" + +msgid "error188" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht im Sumpf gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "error298" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician already has a clone.\"" + +msgid "error298" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier hat bereits einen Klon.\"" + +msgid "fail_tooheavy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) is too heavy.\"" + +msgid "fail_tooheavy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) ist zu schwer.\"" + +msgid "familiar_farcast" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) cannot direct spells that are channeled through $unit($unit) into distant regions.\"" + +msgid "familiar_farcast" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) kann Zauber, die durch $unit($unit) gewirkt werden, nicht zusätzlich in die Ferne richten.\"" + +msgid "error184" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not move.\"" + +msgid "error184" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit bewegt sich nicht.\"" + +msgid "income_entertainment" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) earns $int($amount) in $region($region) with entertainment.\"" + +msgid "income_entertainment" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch Unterhaltung.\"" + +msgid "error180" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell fails.\"" + +msgid "error180" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber schlägt fehl.\"" + +msgid "sp_shapeshift_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) cannot take the form of $race($race,1).\"" + +msgid "sp_shapeshift_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) kann nicht $race($race,1) werden.\"" + +msgid "error290" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Einheit kann nur in einem Verband Mitglied sein.\"" + +msgid "cast_rally_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) quells the uprising in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "cast_rally_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) besänftigt den Bauernaufstand in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "error246" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is already named.\"" + +msgid "error246" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude hat schon einen Namen.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not draw aura from $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "stealaura_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte $unit($target) keine Aura entziehen.\"" + +msgid "nmr_warning" +msgstr "No orders were received for your faction!" + +msgid "nmr_warning" +msgstr "Deine Partei hat letzte Runde keinen Zug abgegeben!" + +msgid "destroy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) destroys $building($building).\"" + +msgid "destroy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) zerstört $building($building).\"" + +msgid "volcanooutbreaknn" +msgstr "\"The volcano in $region($region) erupts.\"" + +msgid "volcanooutbreaknn" +msgstr "\"Der Vulkan in $region($region) bricht aus.\"" + +msgid "error132" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You must build a dam before building roads through swamps.\"" + +msgid "error132" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um in Sümpfen Straßen bauen zu können, muß zuerst ein Damm errichtet werden.\"" + +msgid "error251" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Even the gods cannot improve this power.\"" + +msgid "error251" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Kraft können selbst die Götter nicht mehr mächtiger machen.\"" + +msgid "error207" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot transfer aura to this unit.\"" + +msgid "error207" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zu dieser Einheit kann keine Aura übertragen werden.\"" + +msgid "error317" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This object is indestructible.\"" + +msgid "error317" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Objekt ist unzerstörbar.\"" + +msgid "error_different_magic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) does not understand our kind of magic.\"" + +msgid "error_different_magic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) versteht unsere Art von Magie nicht.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is surrounded by a shower of glittering sparkles. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird von einem glitzernden Funkenregen umgeben. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error313" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes don't work.\"" + +msgid "error313" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Werwesen können nicht arbeiten.\"" + +msgid "mail_result" +msgstr "\"A message from $unit($unit): '$message'\"" + +msgid "mail_result" +msgstr "\"Eine Botschaft von $unit($unit): '$message'\"" + +msgid "error203" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No target has been supplied.\"" + +msgid "error203" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Ziel wurde vergessen.\"" + +msgid "cast_storm_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): Strong stormwinds are blowing and the archers are having a hard time aiming.\"" + +msgid "cast_storm_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): Ein Sturm kommt auf und die Schützen können kaum noch zielen.\"" + +msgid "patzer4" +msgstr "\"When $unit($unit) in $region($region) tries to cast $spell($spell), strong winds suddenly rise. Bizarre ghostlike creatures circle around the magician and seem to be leeching magical energy. However, with a final effort of strength, $unit($unit) manages to complete the spell.\"" + +msgid "patzer4" +msgstr "\"Als $unit($unit) in $region($region) versucht, $spell($spell) zu zaubern erhebt sich plötzlich ein dunkler Wind. Bizarre geisterhafte Gestalten kreisen um den Magier und scheinen sich von den magischen Energien des Zaubers zu ernähren. Mit letzter Kraft gelingt es $unit($unit) dennoch den Spruch zu zaubern.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicrunes_ship" +msgstr "\"The plank of $ship($ship) are inscribed with strange runes. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicrunes_ship" +msgstr "\"Auf den Planken von $ship($ship) erkennt man seltsame Runen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "santa_f" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' A fat little gnome Gnom on a sled pulled by 8 young dragons flies through the stary night and presents your faction with a $resource($item,1)." + +msgid "santa_f" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' Ein dicker Gnom fliegt auf einem von 8 Jungdrachen gezogenen Schlitten durch die Nacht und vermacht Deiner Partei eine $resource($item,1). (Um diesen Gegenstand einer Einheit zu geben, gib ihr den Befehl 'BEANSPRUCHE 1 $resource($item,1)')." + +msgid "cast_spell_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell).\"" + +msgid "cast_spell_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::disorientationzone" +msgstr "\"A veil of confusion lies over the region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::disorientationzone" +msgstr "\"Ein Schleier der Verwirrung liegt über der Region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "calm_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calms $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "calm_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) besänftigt $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "error7" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This is no longer possible.\"" + +msgid "error7" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das geht nicht mehr.\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) communicates with the dead in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) stört in $region($region) die Ruhe der Toten.\"" + +msgid "generous_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) entertains the locals. The joyous and generous disposition of his songs prove infectious.\"" + +msgid "generous_effect_0" +msgstr "\"Die Darbietungen von $unit($mage) begeistern die Leute. Die fröhliche und ausgelassene Stimmung seiner Lieder überträgt sich auf alle Zuhörer.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::generous" +msgstr "\"Everyone in this region seems to be having a very good time. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::generous" +msgstr "\"Es herrscht eine fröhliche und ausgelassene Stimmung. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "buildroad" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) extends the road network in $region($region) by $int($size).\"" + +msgid "buildroad" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erweitert in $region($region) das Straßennetz um $int($size).\"" + +msgid "nr_borderlist_postfix" +msgstr "\"$if($transparent,\" there is\",\" sight is blocked by \") ${object}.\"" + +msgid "nr_borderlist_postfix" +msgstr "\"$if($transparent,\" befindet sich\",\" versperrt\") ${object}$if($transparent,\"\",\" die Sicht\").\"" + +msgid "effectstrength" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) increases the strength of $unit($target) dramatically.\"" + +msgid "effectstrength" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erhöht die Körperkraft von $unit.dative($target) beträchtlich.\"" + +msgid "wormhole_appear" +msgstr "\"A wormhole appears in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "wormhole_appear" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erscheint ein Wurmloch.\"" + +msgid "givecommand" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gave control to $unit($recipient).\"" + +msgid "givecommand" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gibt das Kommando an $unit($recipient).\"" + +msgid "sink_msg" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) disappears in the depths of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sink_msg" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) versinkt in den Fluten von $region($region).\"" + +msgid "force_leave_building" +msgstr "$unit($owner) asks $unit($unit) to leave $building($building)." + +msgid "force_leave_building" +msgstr "$unit($owner) bittet $unit($unit), $building($building) zu verlassen." + +msgid "hero_promotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses $int($cost) silber for a promotion.\"" + +msgid "hero_promotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird mit $int($cost) Silber zum Helden ernannt.\"" + +msgid "renumber_inuse" +msgstr "\"NUMBER FACTION $int36($id): This number is being used by another faction.\"" + +msgid "renumber_inuse" +msgstr "\"NUMMER PARTEI $int36($id): Diese Nummer wird von einer anderen Partei benutzt.\"" + +msgid "firewall_death" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) dies trying to cross the wall of fire into $region($region).\"" + +msgid "firewall_death" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) stirbt beim Versuch, die Feuerwand nach $region($region) zu durchqueren.\"" + +msgid "skillpotion_use" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses a potion of skills and feels his knowledge grow.\"" + +msgid "skillpotion_use" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt einen Talenttrunk und fühlt, wie sein Wissen zunimmt.\"" + +msgid "drown_on_ship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) drowns when $ship($ship) in $region($region) sinks.\"" + +msgid "drown_on_ship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ertrinkt beim Untergang der $ship($ship) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::riotzone" +msgstr "\"A fog of negative energy enshrouds the region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::riotzone" +msgstr "\"Eine Wolke negativer Energie liegt über der Region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "send_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) sends $unit($target) to another world.\"" + +msgid "send_astral" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) wird von $unit($unit) in eine andere Welt geschleudert.\"" + +msgid "earthquake_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) makes the earth shake in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "earthquake_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) läßt die Erde in $region($region) erzittern.\"" + +msgid "error56" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot tame that many horses.\"" + +msgid "error56" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann soviele Pferde nicht bändigen.\"" + +msgid "error78" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A curse prevented the transfer from happening.\"" + +msgid "error78" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Fluch verhindert die Übergabe.\"" + +msgid "questportal_lock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) locks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),\"the Agate Key\",\"the Sapphire Key\").\"" + +msgid "questportal_lock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verschließt eines der Schlösser in $region($region) mit $if($eq($key,1),\"dem Achatenen Schlüssel\",\"dem Saphirnen Schlüssel\").\"" + +msgid "error45" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is one of our own.\"" + +msgid "error45" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist eine der unsrigen.\"" + +msgid "error67" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The horses would drown.\"" + +msgid "error67" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Pferde würden ertrinken.\"" + +msgid "detectforbiddendir" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "detectforbiddendir" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu reisen.\"" + +msgid "error197" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician has to be in a castle to create a homestone.\"" + +msgid "error197" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um einen Heimstein zu erschaffen, muß der Zauberer in einer Burg sein.\"" + +msgid "sp_flee_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were consumed by fear.\"" + +msgid "sp_flee_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden von Furcht gepackt.\"" + +msgid "overrun_by_iceberg_des" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) has been destroyed by a collision with an iceberg.\"" + +msgid "overrun_by_iceberg_des" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) wird bei einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg zerstört.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::region_unknown" +msgstr "\"An unknown spell lies on this region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::region_unknown" +msgstr "\"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf der Region. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "nr_market_price" +msgstr "\"$resource($product,0) for $int($price) silver\"" + +msgid "nr_market_price" +msgstr "\"$resource($product,0) $int($price) Silber\"" + +msgid "error259" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That order only applies to units in the same building or ship.\"" + +msgid "error259" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Befehl ist nur auf Einheiten innerhalb des selben Gebäudes oder Schiffes anwendbar.\"" + +msgid "building_needed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit must be in a $localize($building) to produce this.\"" + +msgid "building_needed" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit steht nicht im benötigten Gebäude, $localize($building).\"" + +msgid "error149" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Who is supposed to get this message?\"" + +msgid "error149" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wohin soll die Botschaft gehen?\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::building_unknown" +msgstr "\"An unknown spell lies on this building. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::building_unknown" +msgstr "\"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf dem Gebäude. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error145" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in a castle.\"" + +msgid "error145" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist in keiner Burg.\"" + +msgid "piratenovictim" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($ship),\"$unit($unit)\",\"The $ship($ship)\") could not capture other ships in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "piratenovictim" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($ship),\"$unit($unit)\",\"Die $ship($ship)\") in $region($region) kann keine Schiffe aufbringen.\"" + +msgid "questportal_unlock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) unlocks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),\"the Agate Key\",\"the Sapphire Key\").\"" + +msgid "questportal_unlock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) öffnet eines der Schlösser in $region($region) mit $if($eq($key,1),\"dem Achatenen Schlüssel\",\"dem Saphirnen Schlüssel\").\"" + +msgid "error255" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot sacrifice this.\"" + +msgid "error255" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht opfern.\"" + +msgid "entrance_besieged" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) is under siege.\"" + +msgid "entrance_besieged" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) wird belagert.\"" + +msgid "error260" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The owner of a ship or a building cannot be sorted.\"" + +msgid "error260" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Besitzer eines Schiffes oder Gebäudes kann nicht neu sortiert werden.\"" + +msgid "nr_market_info_s" +msgstr "\"The local market offers $resource($p1,0).\"" + +msgid "nr_market_info_s" +msgstr "\"Auf dem Markt wird $resource($p1,0) feilgeboten.\"" + +msgid "error141" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough crystals left for this many people.\"" + +msgid "error141" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht mehr genug Kristalle für so viele Personen.\"" + +msgid "error106" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - When studying, magicians need to be alone.\"" + +msgid "error106" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magier müssen zum studieren allein sein.\"" + +msgid "race_no_attack" +msgstr "\"'$order($command)' - $race($race,0) are peace-loving and will not attack anyone.\"" + +msgid "race_no_attack" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) sind friedliebend und attackieren niemand.\"" + +msgid "error216" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no connection to the astral plane here.\"" + +msgid "error216" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keine Verbindung zur astralen Welt.\"" + +msgid "error771" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot learn this skill.\"" + +msgid "error771" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Talent kann die Einheit nicht lernen.\"" + +msgid "error212" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician is not on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error212" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier befindet sich nicht auf einem Schiff.\"" + +msgid "stormwinds_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) calls up a magical storm that whips the ship over the waters.\"" + +msgid "stormwinds_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) beschwört einen magischen Wind, der die Schiffe über das Wasser treibt.\"" + +msgid "error102" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot trade any more goods.\"" + +msgid "error102" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann keine weiteren Güter handeln.\"" + +msgid "sp_drought_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) puts a curse on the lands of $region($region) and a drought sets in.\"" + +msgid "sp_drought_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verflucht das Land in $region($region), und eine Dürreperiode beginnt.\"" + +msgid "error_giveeye" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A higher power prevents $unit($unit) from giving the object away. 'IT IS YOURS MY CHILD. ONLY YOURS.'.\"" + +msgid "error_giveeye" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine höhere Macht hindert $unit($unit) daran, das Objekt zu übergeben. 'ES IST DEINS, MEIN KIND. DEINS GANZ ALLEIN'.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::buildingunknown" +msgstr "\"A magical shimmer lies on these walls. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::buildingunknown" +msgstr "\"Ein magischer Schimmer liegt auf diesen Mauern. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "changebanner" +msgstr "\"Banner has been changed to '$value'.\"" + +msgid "changebanner" +msgstr "\"Das Banner wurde auf '$value' geändert.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::skill_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) has some troubles with $skill($skill). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::skill_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ist ungewöhnlich ungeschickt in $skill($skill). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "spellfail::noway" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no route leading there.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::noway" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin führt kein Weg.\"" + +msgid "spellbuildingresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be charmed.\"" + +msgid "spellbuildingresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gebäude $int36($id) konnte nicht verzaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "after_battle" +msgstr "\"Units after the battle:\"" + +msgid "after_battle" +msgstr "\"Einheiten nach dem Kampf:\"" + +msgid "nr_claims" +msgstr "\"Units can claim the following items: $resources($items)\"" + +msgid "nr_claims" +msgstr "\"Einheiten können die folgenden Gegenstände beanspruchen: $resources($items)\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde beim Versuch $ship($ship) zu zerstören entdeckt.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) was detected while trying to destroy $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "destroy_magic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician destroys $int($succ) spells on ${target}.\"" + +msgid "destroy_magic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier zerstört $int($succ) Flüche auf ${target}.\"" + +msgid "battle_row" +msgstr "\"... in combat rank $int($row):\"" + +msgid "battle_row" +msgstr "\"... in der $int($row). Kampflinie:\"" + +msgid "renamed_faction_seen" +msgstr "\"Your faction received a nickname from $unit($unit) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "renamed_faction_seen" +msgstr "\"Die Partei bekommt von $unit.dative($unit) in $region($region) einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "error_not_on_undead" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast upon undead.\"" + +msgid "error_not_on_undead" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf Untote gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_melt" +msgstr "\"The iceberg $region($region) melts.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_melt" +msgstr "\"Der Eisberg $region($region) schmilzt.\"" + +msgid "cast_berserk_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters went into a mindless rage.\"" + +msgid "cast_berserk_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden in einen Blutrausch versetzt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_1" +msgstr "\"In a dream, a fairy appears to $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ist im Traum eine Fee erschienen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls forth a terrible torment over the enemy side, but there was nobody who could be affected by it.\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft ein fürchterliches Unwetter über seine Feinde, doch es gab niemanden mehr, den dies treffen konnte.\"" + +msgid "error1222" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not ours.\"" + +msgid "error1222" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude gehört uns nicht.\"" + +msgid "header_battle" +msgstr "\"There is a battle in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "header_battle" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) findet ein Kampf statt.\"" + +msgid "wormhole_dissolve" +msgstr "\"The wormhole in $region($region) disappears.\"" + +msgid "wormhole_dissolve" +msgstr "\"Das Wurmloch in $region($region) schließt sich.\"" + +msgid "error23" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Contact was not possible due to siege.\"" + +msgid "error23" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Belagerungszustand macht die Kontaktaufnahme unmöglich.\"" + +msgid "error12" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is not ours.\"" + +msgid "error12" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff gehört uns nicht.\"" + +msgid "error34" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit has no permission to come on board.\"" + +msgid "error34" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit darf nicht an Bord kommen.\"" + +msgid "income_steal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) steals $int($amount) silver in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_steal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) klaut in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber.\"" + +msgid "itemcrumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount) turn to dust.\"" + +msgid "itemcrumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount) zerfallen zu Staub.\"" + +msgid "error86" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wrong password.\"" + +msgid "error86" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Falsches Passwort.\"" + +msgid "luxury_notsold" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - These goods are not on sale here.\"" + +msgid "luxury_notsold" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Luxusgut wird hier nicht verkauft.\"" + +msgid "error75" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit does not accept anybody.\"" + +msgid "error75" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit nimmt niemanden an.\"" + +msgid "error97" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Insects cannot be recruited in glacier regions.\"" + +msgid "error97" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In Gletschern können keine Insekten rekrutiert werden.\"" + +msgid "regionmagic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) puts a spell on the region.\"" + +msgid "regionmagic_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) gelingt es die Region zu verzaubern.\"" + +msgid "error158" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magicians always work alone!\"" + +msgid "error158" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magier arbeiten grundsätzlich nur alleine!\"" + +msgid "spyreport_mage" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) is a ${type}-magician\"" + +msgid "spyreport_mage" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) ist ein ${type}-Magier.\"" + +msgid "error268" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot transfer items here.\"" + +msgid "error268" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man nichts übergeben.\"" + +msgid "error264" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this good.\"" + +msgid "error264" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Gut hat die Einheit nicht.\"" + +msgid "battle_army" +msgstr "\"Army $int($index): $name\"" + +msgid "battle_army" +msgstr "\"Heer $int($index): $name\"" + +msgid "error154" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Highly qualified people refuse to work for other parties.\"" + +msgid "error154" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hochqualifizierte Personen weigern sich, für andere Parteien zu arbeiten.\"" + +msgid "error_notstonecircle" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) is not a stone circle.\"" + +msgid "error_notstonecircle" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) ist kein Steinkreis.\"" + +msgid "error150" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The owner must first LEAVE the building.\"" + +msgid "error150" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Besitzer muss das Gebäude zuerst verlassen.\"" + +msgid "error229" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A familiar is summoned, but it disappears again when it cannot get in contact with its natural element.\"" + +msgid "error229" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Vertrauter wird beschworen, verschwindet jedoch wieder, als er keine Verbindung zu seinem Element herstellen kann.\"" + +msgid "error_migrants_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Migrants cannot study this.\"" + +msgid "error_migrants_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Migranten können keine kostenpflichtigen Talente lernen.\"" + +msgid "error225" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units do not fight.\"" + +msgid "error225" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Soldaten kämpfen nicht.\"" + +msgid "error115" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Number is already in use.\"" + +msgid "error115" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nummer ist schon belegt.\"" + +msgid "spell_out_of_range" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell), but nobody was in range.\"" + +msgid "spell_out_of_range" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell), aber niemand war in Reichweite.\"" + +msgid "error111" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Message has been cut (too long).\"" + +msgid "error111" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nachricht zu lang - gekürzt.\"" + +msgid "error221" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot build this here.\"" + +msgid "error221" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man hier nicht bauen.\"" + +msgid "error_race_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot study.\"" + +msgid "error_race_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nichts lernen.\"" + +msgid "buy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) pays $int($money) silver for luxury items.\"" + +msgid "buy" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) bezahlt $int($money) Silber für den Kauf von Luxusgütern.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_15" +msgstr "\"Rats follow $unit($unit)'s every step. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_15" +msgstr "\"Ratten folgen $unit($unit) auf Schritt und Tritt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "arena_enter_fail" +msgstr "\"$region($region) reverberates from the voice of the gate keeper: 'Only those who forgo material riches and who are willing to learn my enter the Plane of Challenge. And don't forget about my tip!'. $unit($unit) was not admitted.\"" + +msgid "arena_enter_fail" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erklingt die Stimme des Torwächters: 'Nur wer ohne materielle Güter und noch lernbegierig ist, der darf die Ebene der Herausforderung betreten. Und vergiß nicht mein Trinkgeld.'. $unit($unit) erhielt keinen Einlaß.\"" + +msgid "aurapotion50" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The mage is magically invigorated.\"" + +msgid "aurapotion50" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier fühlt sich durch den Trank magische gestärkt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::deathcloud" +msgstr "\"A poison elemental is spreading pestilence and death. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::deathcloud" +msgstr "\"In der Region treibt ein Giftelementar sein Unwesen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "income" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) earns $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of $int($wanted)\") in $region($region) $if($eq($mode,1),\" by entertainment\",$if($eq($mode,2),\" by taxes\",$if($eq($mode,3),\" by trade\",$if($eq($mode,5),\" by stealing\",$if($eq($mode,6),\" by magic\",$if($eq($mode,7),\" by pillaging\",\"\")))))).\"" + +msgid "income" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient$if($eq($mode,4),\" am Handel\",\"\") in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber$if($eq($mode,1),\" durch Unterhaltung\",$if($eq($mode,2),\" durch Steuern\",$if($eq($mode,3),\" durch Handel\",$if($eq($mode,5),\" durch Diebstahl\",$if($eq($mode,6),\" durch Zauberei\",$if($eq($mode,7),\" durch Plündern\",\"\")))))).\"" + +msgid "researchherb" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) discovers that $localize($amount) $resource($herb,0) grow in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "researchherb" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) stellt fest, dass es hier $localize($amount) $resource($herb,0) gibt.\"" + +msgid "poison_death" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) dies from poison damage taken in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "poison_death" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) stirbt am Schaden durch den Giftelementar in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "error_notcomplete" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) has to be complete before it can be blessed.\"" + +msgid "error_notcomplete" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) muss vor der Weihe fertiggestellt sein.\"" + +msgid "regenaura" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) regenerates $int($amount) aura in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "regenaura" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) regeneriert $int($amount) Aura.\"" + +msgid "regionmagic_patzer" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) manages to put a spell on the region, but something went wrong nonetheless.\"" + +msgid "regionmagic_patzer" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) gelingt es zwar die Region zu verzaubern, aber irgendwas ging schief.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_11" +msgstr "\"Bird songs follow $unit($unit) on all his travels. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_11" +msgstr "\"Vogelzwitschern begleitet $unit($unit) auf all seinen Wegen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "wdw_pyramidspell_notfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No pyramids may be build in this region. The closest region to build a pyramid in is between $int($mindist) and $int($maxdist) regions away.\"" + +msgid "wdw_pyramidspell_notfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Region können keine Pyramiden gebaut werden. Die nächste Pyramidenregion ist zwischen $int($mindist) und $int($maxdist) Regionen entfernt.\"" + +msgid "sailforbidden" +msgstr "\"The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sailforbidden" +msgstr "\"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) weigert sich, nach $region($region) zu reisen.\"" + +msgid "sp_raisepeasantmob_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) incites a revolt among the peasants of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_raisepeasantmob_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) wiegelt in $region($region) die Bauern zum Aufstand auf.\"" + +msgid "error31" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The castle could not be found.\"" + +msgid "error31" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Burg wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error53" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot make potions.\"" + +msgid "error53" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann keine Tränke herstellen.\"" + +msgid "error20" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship could not be found.\"" + +msgid "error20" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error42" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough coachmen or has too much freights to lad the wagons.\"" + +msgid "error42" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genug Wagenlenker oder zuviel andere Fracht, um die Wagen aufzuladen.\"" + +msgid "error64" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) is not sufficiently stealthy.\"" + +msgid "error64" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) ist nicht ausreichend getarnt.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::itemcloak" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit)'s equipment is invisible. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::itemcloak" +msgstr "\"Die Ausrüstung von $unit($unit) scheint unsichtbar. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error277" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot do this.\"" + +msgid "error277" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das kann die Einheit nicht.\"" + +msgid "error94" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot build a road here.\"" + +msgid "error94" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man keine Straße bauen.\"" + +msgid "error167" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not go to the peasants.\"" + +msgid "error167" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit geht nicht zu den Bauern.\"" + +msgid "use_realworld_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This object can only be used in the real world.\"" + +msgid "use_realworld_only" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Gegenstand kann nur in der realen Welt benutzt werden.\"" + +msgid "error163" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This potion can only be used by insects.\"" + +msgid "error163" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Nestwärme kann nur von Insektenvölkern benutzt werden.\"" + +msgid "error273" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot teach here.\"" + +msgid "error273" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man nicht unterrichten.\"" + +msgid "error238" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You can recruit only orcs here.\"" + +msgid "error238" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier können nur Orks rekrutiert werden.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::nocontact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $region($target) could not be contacted.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::nocontact" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zu $region($target) kann kein Kontakt hergestellt werden.\"" + +msgid "error119" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no marketplace without at least a tradepost.\"" + +msgid "error119" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ohne einen Handelsposten gibt es keinen Markt.\"" + +msgid "error124" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot buy that on a market place.\"" + +msgid "error124" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht auf dem Markt kaufen.\"" + +msgid "santa_m" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' A fat little gnome Gnom on a sled pulled by 8 young dragons flies through the stary night and presents your faction with a $resource($item,1)." + +msgid "santa_m" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' Ein dicker Gnom fliegt auf einem von 8 Jungdrachen gezogenen Schlitten durch die Nacht und vermacht Deiner Partei einen $resource($item,1). (Um diesen Gegenstand einer Einheit zu geben, gib ihr den Befehl 'BEANSPRUCHE 1 $resource($item,1)')." + +msgid "error234" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is busy disembarking.\"" + +msgid "error234" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist mit Ausschiffen beschäftigt..\"" + +msgid "spellfail::nolevel" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast with variable level.\"" + +msgid "spellfail::nolevel" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht mit Stufenangabe gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "nr_score" +msgstr "\"Your faction has a score of ${score}. The average score for similar factions is ${average}.\"" + +msgid "nr_score" +msgstr "\"Deine Partei hat ${score} Punkte. Der Durchschnitt für Parteien ähnlichen Alters ist ${average} Punkte.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::ship_unknown" +msgstr "\"An unknown spell lies on this ship. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::ship_unknown" +msgstr "\"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf dem Schiff. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "alliance::kickedout" +msgstr "\"$faction($member) was kicked from $alliance($alliance) by $int($votes) of the alliance's members.\"" + +msgid "alliance::kickedout" +msgstr "\"$faction($member) ist mit $int($votes) Stimmen aus $alliance($alliance) ausgeschlossen worden.\"" + +msgid "error230" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot transport us to this place.\"" + +msgid "error230" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin kann die Einheit uns nicht transportieren.\"" + +msgid "error120" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Characters can be given only to human parties.\"" + +msgid "error120" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Personen können nur an Menschen übergeben werden.\"" + +msgid "error_max_alchemists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There may not be more tha $int($amount) alchemists in your faction.\"" + +msgid "error_max_alchemists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es kann maximal $int($amount) Alchemisten pro Partei geben.\"" + +msgid "error305" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Options ZIP and BZIP2 can only be switched, not turned off.\"" + +msgid "error305" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Optionen ZIP und BZIP2 können nur um-, nicht ausgeschaltet werden.\"" + +msgid "error301" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym missing.\"" + +msgid "error301" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Kein Synonym angegeben.\"" + +msgid "iceberg_drift" +msgstr "\"The iceberg $region($region) drifts $direction($dir).\"" + +msgid "iceberg_drift" +msgstr "\"Der Eisberg $region($region) treibt nach $direction($dir).\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_r_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) blows the Horn of Dancing. Peaceful harmony spreads over the region.\"" + +msgid "hornofpeace_r_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) bläst das Horn des Tanzes. In der ganzen Region breitet sich eine friedliche Feststimmmung aus.\"" + +msgid "nr_vicinitystart" +msgstr "\"To the $direction($dir) lies $trailto($region)\"" + +msgid "nr_vicinitystart" +msgstr "\"Im $direction($dir) der Region liegt $trailto($region)\"" + +msgid "giverestriction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction must be at least $int($turns) weeks old to give something to another faction.\"" + +msgid "giverestriction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Deine Partei muss mindestens $int($turns) alt sein, um etwas an andere Parteien übergeben zu können.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::depression" +msgstr "\"The peasants are upset. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::depression" +msgstr "\"Die Bauern sind unzufrieden. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "patzer" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fumbles while casting $spell($spell) in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "patzer" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) unterläuft in $region($region) beim Zaubern von $spell($spell) ein Patzer.\"" + +msgid "potionsave" +msgstr "\"A fighter of $unit($unit) was saved by a healing potion.\"" + +msgid "potionsave" +msgstr "\"Eine Person von $unit($unit) konnte durch einen Heiltrank überleben.\"" + +msgid "storm" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) in $region($region) gets off course in heavy storm$if($sink,\" and sinks\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "storm" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) wird in $region($region) von Stürmen abgetrieben$if($sink,\" und sinkt\",\"\").\"" + +msgid "nr_insectwinter" +msgstr "It is winter, and insects can only recruit in deserts or with the aid of nestwarmth potions." + +msgid "nr_insectwinter" +msgstr "Es ist Winter, und Insekten können nur in Wüsten oder mit Hilfe des Nestwärme-Tranks Personen rekrutieren." + +msgid "spellfail_nomonsters" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast on monsters.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_nomonsters" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf Monster gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear_region" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) plays the bagpipe. Stricken with fear the peasants give $int($money) silver.\"" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear_region" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) spielt einen Dudelsack. Ausser sich vor Furcht geben die Bauern $int($money) Silber.\"" + +msgid "sp_chaosrow_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) mumbles arcane words. There is a sudden hubbub and the battle order is disturbed.\"" + +msgid "sp_chaosrow_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) murmelt eine düster klingende Formel. Ein plötzlicher Tumult entsteht und bringt die Kampfaufstellung durcheinander.\"" + +msgid "use_item" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "use_item" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_effect" +msgstr "\"An tremor shakes $building($building). Many little pseudopods lift up the building and carry it to $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_effect" +msgstr "\"Ein Beben erschüttert $building($building). Viele kleine Pseudopodien erheben das Gebäude und tragen es in Richtung $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) did not contact us, and resists the spell.\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen und widersteht dem Zauber.\"" + +msgid "error176" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell on a distant target.\"" + +msgid "error176" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Spruch kann man nicht in die Ferne richten.\"" + +msgid "error286" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not transporting us.\"" + +msgid "error286" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit transportiert uns nicht.\"" + +msgid "error83" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No peasant could be caught.\"" + +msgid "error83" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnte kein Bauer gefangen werden.\"" + +msgid "error50" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not experienced enough to do this.\"" + +msgid "error50" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht erfahren genug dafür.\"" + +msgid "error282" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot start a jihad against this race.\"" + +msgid "error282" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gegen diese Rasse kann kein Jihad ausgerufen werden.\"" + +msgid "nmr_warning_final" +msgstr "\"Please send in orders for the next turn if you want to continue playing.\"" + +msgid "nmr_warning_final" +msgstr "\"Bitte sende die Befehle nächste Runde ein, wenn du weiterspielen möchtest.\"" + +msgid "error172" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There was no spell supplied.\"" + +msgid "error172" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Zauber angegeben.\"" + +msgid "entrance_denied" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Entrance to $building($building) was denied.\"" + +msgid "entrance_denied" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Eintritt in $building($building) wurde verwehrt.\"" + +msgid "maelstrom_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons the power of the seas and a giant maelstrom forms.\"" + +msgid "maelstrom_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört die Mächte des Wassers und ein gigantischer Strudel bildet sich.\"" + +msgid "displayitem" +msgstr "\"$resource($item,1) (weight: $weight($weight)): $description\"" + +msgid "displayitem" +msgstr "\"$resource($item,1) (Gewicht: $weight($weight)): $description\"" + +msgid "error128" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction cannot hire so many strangers.\"" + +msgid "error128" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Fremde kann die Partei nicht aufnehmen.\"" + +msgid "error247" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction is already named.\"" + +msgid "error247" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat schon einen Namen.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_generous" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The mood in this region is so bad that nobody reacts to the spell.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_generous" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Stimmung in der Region ist so schlecht, dass niemand auf den Zauber reagiert.\"" + +msgid "healing_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sees after the wounded and heals $int($amount).\"" + +msgid "healing_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) kümmert sich um die Verletzten und heilt $int($amount) Verwundete.\"" + +msgid "use_questkey_wrongregion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No fitting lock can be found here.\"" + +msgid "use_questkey_wrongregion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier ist kein passendes Schloss.\"" + +msgid "error243" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You did not specify a valid race.\"" + +msgid "error243" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keine gültige Rasse angegeben.\"" + +msgid "error133" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You must build a caravansary before building roads through deserts.\"" + +msgid "error133" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um in Wüsten Straßen bauen zu können, muß zuerst eine Karawanserei errichtet werden.\"" + +msgid "changepasswd" +msgstr "\"The password of this faction is '$value'.\"" + +msgid "changepasswd" +msgstr "\"Das Passwort für diese Partei lautet ${value}.\"" + +msgid "cast_combatspell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($dead) $if($eq($dead,1),\"enemy was\", \"enemies were\") killed.\"" + +msgid "cast_combatspell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($dead) $if($eq($dead,1),\"Krieger wurde\", \"Krieger wurden\") getötet.\"" + +msgid "cast_petrify_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were petrified.\"" + +msgid "cast_petrify_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Kriegern wurden versteinert.\"" + +msgid "error309" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit already assumed lycantropic form.\"" + +msgid "error309" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit ist schon ein Werwesen.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_salary_new" +msgstr "\"peasant wages: $int($max) silver\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_salary_new" +msgstr "\"Bauerneinnahmen: $int($max) Silber\"" + +msgid "income_magic_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) earns $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" instead of $int($wanted)\") silver through magic.\"" + +msgid "income_magic_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber durch Zauberei.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte $ship($ship) nicht zerstören.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not destroy $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "error314" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Restart can only be used once.\"" + +msgid "error314" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Partei kann nur einmal neu starten.\"" + +msgid "error310" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is not in lycantropic form.\"" + +msgid "error310" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit ist kein Werwesen.\"" + +msgid "error_pflnorecruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot recruit in this plane.\"" + +msgid "error_pflnorecruit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In der Ebene der Herausforderung kann niemand rekrutiert werden.\"" + +msgid "sp_mindblast_temp_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell). $int($amount) fighters are temporarily losing some of their memories.\"" + +msgid "sp_mindblast_temp_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell). $int($amount) Krieger verloren kurzzeitig ihr Gedächtnis.\"" + +msgid "buildbuilding" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $building($building).\"" + +msgid "buildbuilding" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) baut für $int($size) an $building($building) weiter.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_astralblock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The paths to the spirit world seem to be blocked.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_astralblock" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Wege zwischen Geisterwelt und Realität scheinen blockiert zu sein.\"" + +msgid "familiar_toofar" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) cannot raise enough energy to channel the spell through $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "familiar_toofar" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) kann nicht genug Energie aufbringen, um diesen Spruch durch $unit($unit) zu wirken.\"" + +msgid "wdw_pyramidspell_found" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pyramids may be build in this region.\"" + +msgid "wdw_pyramidspell_found" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Regione können Pyramiden gebaut werden.\"" + +msgid "deorcified" +msgstr "\"Little by little, people return to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "deorcified" +msgstr "\"Langsam kehren andere Völker nach $region($region) zurück.\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_fail_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The elemental refuses to go $direction($direction).\"" + +msgid "sp_movecastle_fail_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Elementar weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu gehen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::strength" +msgstr "\"Testosterone levels are at an all-time high. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::strength" +msgstr "\"Die Leute strotzen nur so vor Kraft. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "magic_fumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician is caught in their own spell.\"" + +msgid "magic_fumble" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier verfängt sich im eigenen Zauber.\"" + +msgid "teach_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($student) is not learning.\"" + +msgid "teach_nolearn" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($student) lernt nicht.\"" + +msgid "regionowned" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not travel from $region($region) to $region($target) because the owner denied entrance.\"" + +msgid "regionowned" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte nicht von $region($region) nach $region($target) reisen, da der Besitzer der Region es verhinderte.\"" + +msgid "income_tradetax" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) collected $int($amount) silver trade tax in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_tradetax" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient am Handel in $region($region) Steuern in Höhe von $int($amount) Silber.\"" + +msgid "error19" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - First you have to leave the ship.\"" + +msgid "error19" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff muß erst verlassen werden.\"" + +msgid "buyamount" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) buys $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount).\"" + +msgid "buyamount" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) kauft $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount).\"" + +msgid "fumblecurse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) was cursed by an unknown magician.\"" + +msgid "fumblecurse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) wird von einem Unbekannten verflucht.\"" + +msgid "regionmessage" +msgstr "\"A message by $unit($sender) from $region($region): '$string'\"" + +msgid "regionmessage" +msgstr "\"Eine Botschaft von $unit.dative($sender) aus $region($region): '$string'\"" + +msgid "spellfail_noundead" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast on undead.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_noundead" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf Untote gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "studycost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) spends $int($cost) silver in $region($region) to study $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "studycost" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) verbraucht $int($cost) Silber für das Studium von $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "flying_ship_result" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons a wind spirit that lifts the $ship($ship) into the clouds.\"" + +msgid "flying_ship_result" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört einen Luftgeist, der die $ship($ship) in die Wolken hebt.\"" + +msgid "forestfire_spread" +msgstr "\"The fire in $region($region) spread to $region($next) and $int($trees) were burned.\"" + +msgid "forestfire_spread" +msgstr "\"Der Waldbrand in $region($region) griff auch auf $region($next) über, und $int($trees) verbrannten.\"" + +msgid "maintenancefail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) cannot pay the maintenance for $building($building).\"" + +msgid "maintenancefail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) kann den Unterhalt von $building($building) nicht bezahlen.\"" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Stricken with fear the peasants give the bard $int($money) silver.\"" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear_faction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ausser sich vor Furcht geben die Bauern dem Barden $int($money) Silber.\"" + +msgid "unitmessage" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) received a message by $unit($sender): '$string'\"" + +msgid "unitmessage" +msgstr "\"In $region($region) erhielt $unit($unit) eine Botschaft von $unit.dative($sender): '$string'\"" + +msgid "error189" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Even the gods cannot dry out an entire ocean.\"" + +msgid "error189" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Selbst der mächtigste Magier der Welt könnte keinen Ozean austrocknen lassen.\"" + +msgid "teach_student" +msgstr "\"$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "teach_student" +msgstr "\"$unit($teacher) lehrt $unit($student) $skill($skill).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::astralblock" +msgstr "\"Powerful magic disrupts our contact with reality. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::astralblock" +msgstr "\"Mächtige Magie verhindert den Kontakt zur Realität. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error299" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid prefix.\"" + +msgid "error299" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ungültiges Prefix.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::baddream" +msgstr "\"Nightmares plague the population. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::baddream" +msgstr "\"Albträume plagen die Leute. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error295" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only mages may use an astralcrystal.\"" + +msgid "error295" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur ein Magier kann einen Astralkristall benutzen.\"" + +msgid "error185" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell seems exceptionally weak. Something has interfred with the magical energies.\"" + +msgid "error185" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber scheint ungewöhnlich schwach zu sein. Irgendetwas hat die magischen Energien abgeleitet.\"" + +msgid "error181" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - To do this, the magician has to be in a castle or on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error181" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu muß sich der Magier in der Burg oder an Bord des Schiffes befinden.\"" + +msgid "error291" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist in keinem Verband.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::calm_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) seems to like $race($race, 0). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::calm_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) scheint $race($race, 0) zu mögen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error256" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot pray for this.\"" + +msgid "error256" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um so etwas kann man nicht beten.\"" + +msgid "desertion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) abandons your cause.\"" + +msgid "desertion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) desertiert.\"" + +msgid "error91" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are no mallorn trees here.\"" + +msgid "error91" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keine Mallornbäume.\"" + +msgid "error137" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown help mode.\"" + +msgid "error137" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannter Hilfe-Modus.\"" + +msgid "error80" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not armed and ready to fight.\"" + +msgid "error80" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit ist nicht bewaffnet und kampffähig.\"" + +msgid "error142" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver for recruiting.\"" + +msgid "error142" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat zuwenig Silber, um zu rekrutieren.\"" + +msgid "rust_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) puts a spell of rust on $unit($target) but it found nothing to consume.\"" + +msgid "rust_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) legt einen Rosthauch auf $unit($target), doch der Rosthauch fand keine Nahrung.\"" + +msgid "error252" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - What and how much should be sacrificed?\"" + +msgid "error252" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Was und wieviel soll geopfert werden?\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) whithered and died.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),\"verfaulte\", \"verfaulten\").\"" + +msgid "trappedairelemental_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The $ship($ship) will now be faster.\"" + +msgid "trappedairelemental_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die $ship($ship) wird jetzt schneller ihr Ziel erreichen.\"" + +msgid "error208" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wrong aura values.\"" + +msgid "error208" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auraangabe fehlerhaft.\"" + +msgid "error318" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building can be expanded only once per turn.\"" + +msgid "error318" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude kann nur einmal pro Runde erweitert werden.\"" + +msgid "teach_asgood" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) needs to be at least 2 levels better than $unit($student).\"" + +msgid "teach_asgood" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) muß mindestens 2 Stufen besser sein als $unit($student).\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). Ice melts and turns the lands into swamps. Powerful rivers wash away the fertile soil and drown people and animals alike. What buildings have not succumbed to the floods sink into the mire. The torrid sun changes the region forever.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Eis schmilzt und verwandelt sich in Morast. Reißende Ströme spülen die mageren Felder weg und ersäufen Mensch und Tier. Was an Bauten nicht den Fluten zum Opfer fiel, verschlingt der Morast. Die sengende Hitze verändert die Region für immer.\"" + +msgid "error204" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell in a region without trees.\"" + +msgid "error204" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In einer Region ohne Bäume kann man diesen Zauber nicht wirken.\"" + +msgid "patzer5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) feels far more exhausted than he should after casting $spell($spell) and assumes that any following spells will cost far more energy than usual.\"" + +msgid "patzer5" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt sich nach dem Zaubern von $spell($spell) viel erschöpfter als sonst und hat das Gefühl, dass alle weiteren Zauber deutlich mehr Kraft als normalerweise kosten werden.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $region($region) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for about $int($months) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_age" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $region($region) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt.\"" + +msgid "plague_spell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) sends the plague on $region($region).\"" + +msgid "plague_spell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft in $region($region) eine Pest hervor.\"" + +msgid "error200" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magician's maximum aura is not high enough for this spell.\"" + +msgid "error200" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die maximale Aura reicht nicht für diesen Zauber.\"" + +msgid "shipnoshore" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) discovers that $region($region) is dry land.\"" + +msgid "shipnoshore" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) entdeckt, dass $region($region) Festland ist.\"" + +msgid "sp_sweetdreams_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) causes $unit($unit) to have a wonderful night in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_sweetdreams_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) verschafft $unit($unit) ein schönes Nachtleben in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "error3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Description has been cut (too long).\"" + +msgid "error3" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Beschreibung zu lang - gekürzt.\"" + +msgid "charming_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) chamrs $unit($unit). $unit($unit) will obey our orders for approximatley $int($duration) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "charming_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) gelingt es $unit($unit) zu verzaubern. $unit($unit) wird für etwa $int($duration) Wochen unseren Befehlen gehorchen.\"" + +msgid "target_region_invalid" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - invalid target region.\"" + +msgid "target_region_invalid" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ungültige Zielregion.\"" + +msgid "nr_heroes" +msgstr "\"Your faction has promoted $int($units) heroes out of a possible total of $int($maxunits).\"" + +msgid "nr_heroes" +msgstr "\"Deine Partei hat $int($units) Helden und kann maximal $int($maxunits) Helden ernennen.\"" + +msgid "cast_tired_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters had trouble staying awake.\"" + +msgid "cast_tired_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger schleppten sich müde in den Kampf.\"" + +msgid "caldera_handle_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) jumps into the eternal flame of the caldera.\"" + +msgid "caldera_handle_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) springt in die ewigen Feuer des Kraters.\"" + +msgid "weakmagic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell of $unit($unit) was way to weak and its magic dissolves immediately.\"" + +msgid "weakmagic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber von $unit.dative($unit) war viel zu schwach und löst sich gleich wieder auf.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_fail" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is charmed, but no details have been revealed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $building($building) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_toomanytargets" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This many people exceed the powers of the magician.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_toomanytargets" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Persoenen übersteigen die Kräfte des Magiers.\"" + +msgid "harvest_effect" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($mage),\"An unseen magician\",$unit($mage)) blesses the fields in a short ritual.\"" + +msgid "harvest_effect" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($mage),\"Ein unentdeckter Magier\",$unit($mage)) segnet in einem kurzen Ritual die Felder.\"" + +msgid "buildship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "buildship" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) baut für $int($size) an $ship($ship) weiter.\"" + +msgid "spellshipnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ship $int36($id) could not be located.\"" + +msgid "spellshipnotfound" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Schiff $int36($id) wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "unveileog" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) discovers laen in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "unveileog" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) entdeckt eine Laenader.\"" + +msgid "error_roads_finished" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The roads and bridges in that direction are complete.\"" + +msgid "error_roads_finished" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Richtung gibt es keine Brücken und Straßen mehr zu bauen.\"" + +msgid "item_create_spell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) creates $int($number) $resource($item,$number).\"" + +msgid "item_create_spell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erschafft $int($number) $resource($item,$number).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::slavery" +msgstr "This powerful curse appears to rob the unit of its free will. As long as the curse is active, it will only obey the orders of its new lord. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::slavery" +msgstr "Dieser mächtige Bann scheint die Einheit ihres freien Willens zu berauben. Solange der Zauber wirkt, wird sie nur den Befehlen ihres neuen Herrn gehorchen. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "start_battle" +msgstr "\"The battle was initiated by ${factions}.\"" + +msgid "start_battle" +msgstr "\"Der Kampf wurde ausgelöst von ${factions}.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_fail_detect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt strangely weakened.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_fail_detect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt sich einen Moment seltsam geschwächt.\"" + +msgid "battle_msg" +msgstr "\"$string\"" + +msgid "battle_msg" +msgstr "\"$string\"" + +msgid "error16" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already completed.\"" + +msgid "error16" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist schon fertig.\"" + +msgid "error38" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have any herbs.\"" + +msgid "error38" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat keine Kräuter.\"" + +msgid "volcano_dead" +msgstr "\"$int($dead) people in $unit($unit) perish when the volcano in $region($region) erupts.\"" + +msgid "volcano_dead" +msgstr "\"Beim Vulkanausbruch in $region($region) sterben $int($dead) Personen in $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::warmth_1" +msgstr "\"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), \"member\", \"members\") of $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), \"is\", \"are\") protected from the cold. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::warmth_1" +msgstr "\"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), \"Person\", \"Personen\") von $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), \"fühlt\", \"fühlen\") sich vor Kälte geschützt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "maintenance_noowner" +msgstr "\"The upkeep for $building($building) was not paid, the building was not operational this week.\"" + +msgid "maintenance_noowner" +msgstr "\"Der Unterhalt von $building($building) konnte nicht gezahlt werden, das Gebäude war diese Woche nicht funktionstüchtig.\"" + +msgid "error27" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The amount of items for sale is missing.\"" + +msgid "error27" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Anzahl zu verkaufender Produkte fehlt.\"" + +msgid "error49" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not the owner.\"" + +msgid "error49" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht der Eigentümer.\"" + +msgid "missing_components" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) has insufficient components to cast $spell($spell) on level $int($level).\"" + +msgid "missing_components" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hat nicht genügend Komponenten um $spell($spell) auf Stufe $int($level) zu zaubern.\"" + +msgid "seduce_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gambles for high stakes and loses almost everything.\"" + +msgid "seduce_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verfiel dem Glücksspiel und hat fast sein ganzes Hab und gut verspielt.\"" + +msgid "xmastree_effect" +msgstr "\"At night, colourful lights can be seen in this region, bells are a-ringing and the laughter of happy children seems to be everywhere in the forests.\"" + +msgid "xmastree_effect" +msgstr "\"In der Region erstrahlen des Nachts bunte Lichter, Gloeckchen klingeln und frohes Kindergelaechter klingt durch den Wald.\"" + +msgid "cast_sleep_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters have fallen asleep.\"" + +msgid "cast_sleep_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden in Schlaf versetzt.\"" + +msgid "nr_alliance" +msgstr "\"Member of '$name ($int36($id))' for $int($age) weeks, led by $faction($leader).\"" + +msgid "nr_alliance" +msgstr "\"Seit $int($age) Wochen Mitglied der Allianz '$name ($int36($id))', angeführt von $faction($leader).\"" + +msgid "deathcloud_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons a poison elemental in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "deathcloud_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört einen Giftelementar in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "nr_building_besieged" +msgstr "\", besieged by $int($soldiers) soldiers$if($lt($diff,0),\"\",\" (cut off)\")\"" + +msgid "nr_building_besieged" +msgstr "\", belagert von $int($soldiers) Personen$if($lt($diff,0),\"\",\" (abgeschnitten)\")\"" + +msgid "nr_population" +msgstr "\"Your faction has $int($population) people in $int($units) of $int($limit) possible units.\"" + +msgid "nr_population" +msgstr "\"Deine Partei hat $int($population) Personen in $int($units) von maximal $int($limit) Einheiten.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipdisorientation" +msgstr "This ship has lost its path. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::shipdisorientation" +msgstr "Dieses Schiff hat sich verfahren. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "error198" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The flames find no kindling. The fire dies quickly, causing no damage whatsoever.\"" + +msgid "error198" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Flammen finden keine Nahrung. Das Feuer erlischt, ohne Schaden anzurichten.\"" + +msgid "error194" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Target region was supplied incorrectly.\"" + +msgid "error194" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Zielregion wurde nicht korrekt angegeben.\"" + +msgid "illusionantimagic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) walks into an antimagical zone and dissolves.\"" + +msgid "illusionantimagic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) marschiert in eine Antimagiezone und löst sich auf.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_8" +msgstr "\"A group of passing miners makes passes at $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_8" +msgstr "\"Eine Gruppe vorbeiziehender Bergarbeiter rufen $unit($unit) eindeutig Zweideutiges nach. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "too_many_units_in_alliance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - An alliance may not consist of more than $int($allowed) units.\"" + +msgid "too_many_units_in_alliance" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Allianz darf aus nicht mehr als $int($allowed) Einheiten bestehen.\"" + +msgid "error190" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell works only in the material world.\"" + +msgid "error190" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber funktioniert nur in der materiellen Welt.\"" + +msgid "sp_flee_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell), but nobody is affected.\"" + +msgid "sp_flee_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell), aber es gab niemanden, der beeinflusst werden konnte.\"" + +msgid "error146" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not captain of a ship.\"" + +msgid "error146" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht der Kapitän des Schiffes.\"" + +msgid "error265" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This item only works in the normal world.\"" + +msgid "error265" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Gegenstand funktioniert nur in der normalen Welt.\"" + +msgid "error261" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot sort before the owner of a ship or a building.\"" + +msgid "error261" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Vor den Besitzer eines Schiffes oder Gebäudes kann nicht sortiert werden.\"" + +msgid "icastle_dissolve" +msgstr "\"$building($building) suddenly dissolves into small pink clouds.\"" + +msgid "icastle_dissolve" +msgstr "\"Plötzlich löst sich $building($building) in kleine Traumwolken auf.\"" + +msgid "error151" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You need stones to build a road.\"" + +msgid "error151" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zum Straßenbau braucht man Steine.\"" + +msgid "slave_active" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit will not fight.\"" + +msgid "slave_active" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit kämpft nicht.\"" + +msgid "error107" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You need at least two horses to breed more.\"" + +msgid "error107" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man braucht mindestens zwei Pferde, um sie zu züchten.\"" + +msgid "error213" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Incorrect parameter.\"" + +msgid "error213" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Parameter nicht korrekt angegeben.\"" + +msgid "error103" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody here can build roads.\"" + +msgid "error103" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keiner hier kann Straßen bauen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::slave_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) will be under our influence for $int($duration) more $if($eq($duration,1), \"week\", \"weeks\"). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::slave_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird noch $int($duration) $if($eq($duration,1), \"Woche\", \"Wochen\") unter unserem Bann stehen. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "alliance::lost" +msgstr "\"$alliance($alliance) has to leave the game after all their temples were lost.\"" + +msgid "alliance::lost" +msgstr "\"$alliance($alliance) scheidet aus dem Spiel aus, nachdem alle Tempel verloren gingen.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_salary" +msgstr "\"worker salary: $int($max) silver\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_salary" +msgstr "\"Lohn für Arbeit: $int($max) Silber\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_luxuries" +msgstr "\"luxury goods at this price: $int($max)\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_luxuries" +msgstr "\"Luxusgüter zum angegebenen Preis: $int($max)\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::flyingship" +msgstr "\"Powerful storms have lifted this ship high into the air. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::flyingship" +msgstr "\"Kräftige Stürme haben dieses Schiff in die Luft gehoben. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::blessedharvest" +msgstr "\"The grain in this region is especially healthy. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::blessedharvest" +msgstr "\"In dieser Gegend steht das Korn besonders gut im Feld. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "killed_battle" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) killed $int($dead) opponents.\"" + +msgid "killed_battle" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) tötete $int($dead) Krieger.\"" + +msgid "error6" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building could not be found.\"" + +msgid "error6" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Gebäude wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "sailnolandingstorm" +msgstr "\"At the very last moment, the crew of the $ship($ship) saved the ship from running aground in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sailnolandingstorm" +msgstr "\"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) kann in letzter Sekunde verhindern, dass das Schiff in $region($region) auf Land aufläuft.\"" + +msgid "teachdumb" +msgstr "\"Due to the effect of duncebuns, $unit($teacher) can only teach $int($amount) students.\"" + +msgid "teachdumb" +msgstr "\"$unit($teacher) kann durch Dumpfbackenbrot nur $int($amount) Schüler lehren.\"" + +msgid "teleport_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) was teleported from $region($source) to $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "teleport_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wurde von $region($source) nach $unit($target) teleportiert.\"" + +msgid "becomewere" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) becomes a lycantrope.\"" + +msgid "becomewere" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) verwandelt sich in ein Werwesen.\"" + +msgid "spellshipresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) resists the spell.\"" + +msgid "spellshipresists" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) widersteht dem Zauber.\"" + +msgid "nr_potion_effect" +msgstr "\"There $if($eq($left,1),\"is\",\"are\") $int($left) $if($eq($left,1),\"use\",\"uses\") of $resource($potion,1) left.\"" + +msgid "nr_potion_effect" +msgstr "\"Auf der Einheit $if($eq($left,1),\"liegt\",\"liegen\") $int($left) Wirkung$if($eq($left,1),\"\",\"en\") $resource($potion,1).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::peacezone" +msgstr "\"Everyone in this region seems to be in a peacful mood. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::peacezone" +msgstr "\"Die ganze Region ist von einer friedlichen Stimmung erfasst. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) causes a terrible storm over the enemy, but the magic rain does not do any harm.\"" + +msgid "rust_effect_1" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft ein fürchterliches Unwetter über seine Feinde, doch der magische Regen zeigt keinen Effekt.\"" + +msgid "find_manual" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) stumbles upon $localize($location) while exploring the region. Closer inspection reveals a torn old book titled '$localize($book)'. The expansion of knowledge is tremendous.\"" + +msgid "find_manual" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) stolpert bei der Erforschung der Region über $localize($location). Nähere Durchsuchung fördert ein zerfleddertes altes Buch mit dem Titel '$localize($book)' zu Tage. Der Wissensschub ist enorm.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::healingzone" +msgstr "Healing in this region is affected by magic. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::healingzone" +msgstr "Heilung ist in dieser Region magisch beeinflusst. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "income_entertainment_reduced" +msgstr "\"In $region($region), $unit($unit) earns only $int($amount) instead of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" of $int($wanted)\") \") with entertainment.\"" + +msgid "income_entertainment_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),\"\",\" statt $int($wanted)\") Silber durch Unterhaltung.\"" + +msgid "errusingpotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit): '$order($command)' - The unit already uses $resource($using,0).\"" + +msgid "errusingpotion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit benutzt bereits $resource($using,0).\"" + +msgid "missing_components_list" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Casting this spell requires an additional $resources($list).\"" + +msgid "missing_components_list" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Für diesen Zauber fehlen noch $resources($list).\"" + +msgid "volcanostopsmoke" +msgstr "\"The volcano of $region($region) stops releasing smoke.\"" + +msgid "volcanostopsmoke" +msgstr "\"Aus dem Vulkankrater von $region($region) steigt kein Rauch mehr.\"" + +msgid "summondragon" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) calls dragons to $region($target).\"" + +msgid "summondragon" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) ruft Drachen nach $region($target).\"" + +msgid "use_antimagiccrystal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses an antimagic crystal.\"" + +msgid "use_antimagiccrystal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt einen Antimagiekristall.\"" + +msgid "cast_stun_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were momentarily stunned.\"" + +msgid "cast_stun_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger sind für einen Moment benommen.\"" + +msgid "error46" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in a tavern.\"" + +msgid "error46" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist in keiner Taverne.\"" + +msgid "error35" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have these herbs.\"" + +msgid "error35" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diese Kräuter nicht.\"" + +msgid "error57" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is too heavily loaded to move.\"" + +msgid "error57" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit trägt zuviel Gewicht, um sich bewegen zu können.\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact_no_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) did not contact us, but cannot resist the spell.\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_contact_no_resist" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen, aber widersteht dem Zauber nicht.\"" + +msgid "error79" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A ship or a castle must be supplied.\"" + +msgid "error79" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Schiff oder eine Burg muß angegeben werden.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_4" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). The ice melts and and the region is consumed by a tidal wave.\"" + +msgid "drought_effect_4" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Das Eis zerbricht und eine gewaltige Flutwelle verschlingt die Region.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_0" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) wurde von $unit($unit) zerstört.\"" + +msgid "destroy_ship_0" +msgstr "\"$ship($ship) was destroyed by $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_16" +msgstr "\"The body of $unit($unit) is disfigured by hideous boils. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_16" +msgstr "\"Pestbeulen befallen den Körper von $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "missing_direction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - no direction was specified.\"" + +msgid "missing_direction" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - keine Richtung angegeben.\"" + +msgid "error159" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No person could be handed over.\"" + +msgid "error159" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnten keine Personen übergeben werden.\"" + +msgid "shock" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) receives a shock when his familiar dies.\"" + +msgid "shock" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erleidet durch den Tod seines Vertrauten einen Schock.\"" + +msgid "error269" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast spells here.\"" + +msgid "error269" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man nicht zaubern.\"" + +msgid "sink_saved_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) survives unscathed and makes it to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sink_saved_msg" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) überlebt unbeschadet und rettet sich nach $region($region).\"" + +msgid "race_noregroup" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot be regrouped.\"" + +msgid "race_noregroup" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nicht neu gruppiert werden.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::worse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) is chased by a nightmare. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::worse" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) wird von einem Alp geritten. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error274" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot teach.\"" + +msgid "error274" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht unterrichten.\"" + +msgid "region_guarded" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This region is guarded by $unit($guard), a non-allied unit.\"" + +msgid "region_guarded" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region wird von $unit($guard), einer nichtalliierten Einheit, bewacht.\"" + +msgid "error155" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Too many magicians in the faction.\"" + +msgid "error155" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zuviele Magier in der Partei.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::speed_1" +msgstr "\"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), \"member\", \"members\") of $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), \"is\", \"are\") accelerated for $int($duration) more $if($eq($duration,1), \"week\", \"weeks\"). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::speed_1" +msgstr "\"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), \"Person\", \"Personen\") von $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), \"ist\", \"sind\") noch $int($duration) $if($eq($duration,1), \"Woche\", \"Wochen\") beschleunigt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error160" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No luxury items could be bought.\"" + +msgid "error160" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnten keine Luxusgüter gekauft werden.\"" + +msgid "error270" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man niemanden bestehlen.\"" + +msgid "error226" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units from the backmost rows cannot attack.\"" + +msgid "error226" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten in den hinteren Reihen können nicht angreifen.\"" + +msgid "sailnolanding" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) could not berth in $region($region). The coast is too dangerous for the vessel.\"" + +msgid "sailnolanding" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) konnte in $region($region) nicht einreisen, die Küste ist zu gefährlich für das Schiff.\"" + +msgid "error116" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Number can not be assigned.\"" + +msgid "error116" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nummer kann nicht vergeben werden.\"" + +msgid "error112" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Names may not contain parenthesis.\"" + +msgid "error112" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Namen dürfen keine Klammern enthalten.\"" + +msgid "error222" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Show all what?\"" + +msgid "error222" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zeige alle was?\"" + +msgid "teach_teacher" +msgstr "\"$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill) to level $int($level).\"" + +msgid "teach_teacher" +msgstr "\"$unit($teacher) lehrt $unit($student) $skill($skill) auf Stufe $int($level).\"" + +msgid "patzer2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) is hit by a massive headache and cannot concentrate on the spell. Some part of this ritual has gone very wrong indeed.\"" + +msgid "patzer2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region) hat rasende Kopfschmerzen und kann sich nicht mehr richtig konzentrieren. Irgendwas bei diesem Zauber ist fürchterlich schiefgelaufen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicboost" +msgstr "The magician possesses the gift of Chaos. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::magicboost" +msgstr "Der Magier besitzt die Gabe des Chaos. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "illegal_password" +msgstr "\"Your password was changed because it contained illegal characters. Legal passwords may only contain numbers and letters from A to Z. Your new Password is '${newpass}'.\"" + +msgid "illegal_password" +msgstr "\"Dein Passwort enthält Zeichen, die bei der Nachsendung von Reports Probleme bereiten können. Bitte beachte, dass Passwortenur aus Buchstaben von A bis Z und Zahlen bestehen dürfen. Dein neues Passwort ist '${newpass}'.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_12" +msgstr "\"Brightly coloured flowers pop up all around $unit($unit)'s camp. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_12" +msgstr "\"Leuchtende Blumen erblühen rund um das Lager von $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "familiar_name" +msgstr "\"Familiar of $unit($unit)\"" + +msgid "familiar_name" +msgstr "\"Vertrauter von $unit($unit)\"" + +msgid "error9" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That cannot be sabotaged.\"" + +msgid "error9" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das kann man nicht sabotieren.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_6" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) finds a small flute that plays a beautiful melody. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_6" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) findet eine kleine Flöte, die eine wundersame Melodie spielt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "renamed_building_seen" +msgstr "\"$building($building) in $region($region) received a nickname from $unit($renamer).\"" + +msgid "renamed_building_seen" +msgstr "\"$building($building) in $region($region) bekommt von $unit.dative($renamer) einen Spitznamen.\"" + +msgid "sp_shadowknights_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons a mirage.\"" + +msgid "sp_shadowknights_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört Trugbilder herauf.\"" + +msgid "give" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gives $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) to $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "give" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) übergibt $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) an $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "sellamount" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) sells $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount).\"" + +msgid "sellamount" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verkauft $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount).\"" + +msgid "sp_migranten_fail1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) is one of our kind, we should not waste aura on this.\"" + +msgid "sp_migranten_fail1" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) ist von unserer Art, das Ritual wäre verschwendete Aura.\"" + +msgid "victory_murder_complete" +msgstr "\"VICTORY! $if($eq($n,1), \"The faction $winners has\", \"The factions $winners have\") fulfilled the victory condition for the necessary time. The game is over.\"" + +msgid "victory_murder_complete" +msgstr "\"SIEG! $if($eq($n,1), \"Die Partei $winners hat\", \"Die Parteien $winners haben\") die Siegbedingung für die erforderliche Zeit erfüllt. Das Spiel ist damit beendet.\"" + +msgid "shipsink" +msgstr "\"The $ship($ship) has suffered too much damage and sinks.\"" + +msgid "shipsink" +msgstr "\"Die $ship($ship) ist zu stark beschädigt und sinkt.\"" + +msgid "sp_bloodsacrifice_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) receives $int($amount) aura.\"" + +msgid "sp_bloodsacrifice_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) gewinnt durch das Ritual $int($amount) Aura.\"" + +msgid "sp_confusion_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) intones a mysterious chant. There is a sudden hubbub, but order is restored quickly.\"" + +msgid "sp_confusion_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) stimmt einen seltsamen Gesang an. Ein plötzlicher Tumult entsteht, der sich jedoch schnell wieder legt.\"" + +msgid "pest" +msgstr "\"The region is visited by the plague and $int($dead) peasants died.\"" + +msgid "pest" +msgstr "\"Hier wütete die Pest, und $int($dead) Bauern starben.\"" + +msgid "wormhole_exit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) travels through a wormhole to $region($region).\"" + +msgid "wormhole_exit" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) reist durch ein Wurmloch nach $region($region).\"" + +msgid "spellfail_astralonly" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell will only work in the realm of spirits.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_astralonly" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber funktioniert nur in der Geisterwelt.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $ship($ship) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for centuries.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $ship($ship) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben.\"" + +msgid "destroy_road" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) demolishes the road between $region($from) and $region($to).\"" + +msgid "destroy_road" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) reißt die Straße zwischen $region($from) und $region($to) ein.\"" + +msgid "error13" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship has moved already.\"" + +msgid "error13" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff hat sich bereits bewegt.\"" + +msgid "aborted_battle" +msgstr "\"The battle was aborted because all enemies escaped.\"" + +msgid "aborted_battle" +msgstr "\"Der Kampf wurde abgebrochen, da alle Verteidiger flohen.\"" + +msgid "error24" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Espionage was not possible due to siege.\"" + +msgid "error24" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Belagerungszustand macht Spionage unmöglich.\"" + +msgid "usecatapult" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) fighters of $unit($unit) launch their catapults.\"" + +msgid "usecatapult" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) Krieger von $unit($unit) feuern ihre Katapulte ab.\"" + +msgid "error76" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This item cannot be used.\"" + +msgid "error76" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Gegenstand kann man nicht benutzen.\"" + +msgid "error98" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In winter, insects can be recruited only in deserts.\"" + +msgid "error98" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Insekten können im Winter nur in Wüsten rekrutiert werden.\"" + +msgid "spyreport" +msgstr "\"$unit($spy) managed to gather information about $unit($target): combat status ${status}.\"" + +msgid "spyreport" +msgstr "\"$unit($spy) gelang es, Informationen über $unit($target) herauszubekommen: Kampfstatus ${status}.\"" + +msgid "newbie_password" +msgstr "\"Your password is ${password}.\"" + +msgid "newbie_password" +msgstr "\"Dein Passwort lautet ${password}.\"" + +msgid "error65" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Tuition was too high to be paid.\"" + +msgid "error65" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Lernkosten können nicht bezahlt werden.\"" + +msgid "error87" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dragon blood is required for this elixir.\"" + +msgid "error87" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Für das Elixier benötigt man Drachenblut.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_block" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The connections from to this regions are blocked.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_block" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Wege aus dieser Region sind blockiert.\"" + +msgid "error278" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot change the name and description of this building.\"" + +msgid "error278" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Name und Beschreibung des Gebäudes können nicht geändert werden.\"" + +msgid "error168" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No luxury items could be sold.\"" + +msgid "error168" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnten keine Luxusgüter verkauft werden.\"" + +msgid "stormwinds_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could only enchant $int($ships) of $int($maxships) ships.\"" + +msgid "stormwinds_reduced" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte nur $int($ships) von $int($maxships) Schiffen verzaubern.\"" + +msgid "error283" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your password may only contain alphanumeric symbols.\"" + +msgid "error283" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Passwort darf nur Buchstaben und Ziffern enthalten.\"" + +msgid "rust_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) puts a spell of rust on $unit($target). $int($amount) weapons are eaten by rust.\"" + +msgid "rust_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) legt einen Rosthauch auf $unit($target). $int($amount) Waffen wurden vom Rost zerfressen.\"" + +msgid "nr_migrants" +msgstr "\"Your faction has $int($units) migrants out of a possible total of $int($maxunits).\"" + +msgid "nr_migrants" +msgstr "\"Deine Partei hat $int($units) Migranten und kann maximal $int($maxunits) Migranten aufnehmen.\"" + +msgid "error239" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is a unit or a ship supposed to get a new number?\"" + +msgid "error239" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Soll eine Einheit oder ein Schiff eine neue Nummer bekommen?\"" + +msgid "error129" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction cannot hire so many people.\"" + +msgid "error129" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Leute kann die Partei nicht aufnehmen.\"" + +msgid "spyreport_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) knows ${skills}.\"" + +msgid "spyreport_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($target) beherrscht ${skills}.\"" + +msgid "sighting" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($region),\"\",\"In $region($region), \")$int($number) $race($race,$number) were discovered.\"" + +msgid "sighting" +msgstr "\"$if($isnull($region),\"Es\",\"In $region($region)\") wurde$if($eq($number,1),\"\",\"n\") $int($number) $race($race,$number) gesichtet.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_recruits" +msgstr "\"recruits: $int($max) peasants\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_recruits" +msgstr "\"Rekruten: max. $int($max) Bauern\"" + +msgid "error235" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Maintenance has not been paid yet.\"" + +msgid "error235" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Für das Gebäude wurde noch kein Unterhalt bezahlt.\"" + +msgid "error231" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit or its animals would not survive there.\"" + +msgid "error231" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit oder ihre Tiere würden dort nicht überleben.\"" + +msgid "error121" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That resource does not exist in this region.\"" + +msgid "error121" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas gibt es hier nicht.\"" + +msgid "error306" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction is not old enough to start over.\"" + +msgid "error306" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei muß mindestens 9 Wochen alt sein, um einen Neustart zu versuchen.\"" + +msgid "manacrystal_use" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses an astral crystal and gains $int($aura) aura.\"" + +msgid "manacrystal_use" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt einen Astralkristall und gewinnt $int($aura) Aura hinzu.\"" + +msgid "error302" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym already set.\"" + +msgid "error302" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Bereits ein Synonym gesetzt.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $region($region) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for centuries.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $region($region) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben.\"" + +msgid "icastle_create" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician creates an illusionary building.\"" + +msgid "icastle_create" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier erschafft ein Traumgebäude.\"" + +msgid "spyfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($spy) could not find out anything about $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "spyfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($spy) gelang es nicht, etwas über $unit($target) herauszufinden.\"" + +msgid "firewall_damage" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) steps through the wall of fire into $region($region) and receives severe burn damage.\"" + +msgid "firewall_damage" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erleidet beim Durchqueren der Feuerwand nach $region($region) schwere Verbrennungen.\"" + +msgid "cast_speed_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were magically accelerated.\"" + +msgid "cast_speed_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden magisch beschleunigt.\"" + +msgid "firewall_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) creates a wall of fire in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "firewall_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erschafft in $region($region) eine Wand aus Feuer.\"" + +msgid "phunger" +msgstr "\"$if($eq($dead,1),\"One peasant starves\",\"$int($dead) peasants starve\").\"" + +msgid "phunger" +msgstr "\"$if($eq($dead,1),\"Ein Bauer verhungert\",\"$int($dead) Bauern verhungern\").\"" + +msgid "transport" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transported $unit($target) from $region($start) to $region($end).\"" + +msgid "transport" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) transportiert $unit($target) von $region($start) nach $region($end).\"" + +msgid "sp_holyground_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons natural spirits into the ground of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "sp_holyground_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) beschwört Naturgeister in den Boden von $region($region).\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::maelstrom" +msgstr "The maelstrom in this area will heavily damage all ships coming into its wake. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "curseinfo::maelstrom" +msgstr "Der Mahlstrom in dieser Region wird alle Schiffe, die in seinen Sog geraten, schwer beschädigen. ($int36($id))" + +msgid "leavefail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) could not leave $region($region).\"" + +msgid "leavefail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) konnte aus $region($region) nicht ausreisen.\"" + +msgid "reduced_production" +msgstr "The region is ravaged, the ground infertile." + +msgid "reduced_production" +msgstr "Die Region ist verwüstet, der Boden karg." + +msgid "feedback_no_astralregion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no connection to the astral plane here.\"" + +msgid "feedback_no_astralregion" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es kann hier kein Kontakt zur Astralwelt aufgenommen werden.\"" + +msgid "peace_active" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - It is so quiet and peaceful, nobody wants to attack anybody right now.\"" + +msgid "peace_active" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es ist so schön friedlich, man möchte hier niemanden angreifen.\"" + +msgid "peasantluck_success" +msgstr "\"The stork paid an unexpected visit to $if($eq($births,1),\"a peasant\",\"$int($births) peasants\").\"" + +msgid "peasantluck_success" +msgstr "\"$if($eq($births,1),\"Einen Bauern\",\"$int($births) Bauern\") besucht unverhofft der Storch.\"" + +msgid "astralshield_activate" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) reactivates the astral protection shield in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "astralshield_activate" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) reaktiviert den astralen Schutzschild in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "destroy_curse_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician destroys the spell ($id) on ${target}.\"" + +msgid "destroy_curse_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier zerstört den Fluch ($id) auf ${target}.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_fail" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is charmed, but no details have been revealed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_region_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $region($region) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden.\"" + +msgid "viewreality_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) manages to catch a glimpse of reality through the fog.\"" + +msgid "viewreality_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gelingt es, durch die Nebel auf die Realität zu blicken.\"" + +msgid "use_speedsail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) sets a solar sail. The ship's speed is increased by $int($speed).\"" + +msgid "use_speedsail" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) setzt ein Sonnensegel. Die Geschwindigkeit des Schiffes erhöht um $int($speed).\"" + +msgid "error21" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no information available for the request.\"" + +msgid "error21" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu gibt es keine Informationen.\"" + +msgid "error43" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this.\"" + +msgid "error43" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat so etwas nicht.\"" + +msgid "unknown_status" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown combat status.\"" + +msgid "unknown_status" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannter Kampfstatus.\"" + +msgid "error10" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That does not make much sense.\"" + +msgid "error10" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das macht wenig Sinn.\"" + +msgid "error32" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not on board our ship.\"" + +msgid "error32" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit befindet sich nicht an Bord unseres Schiffes.\"" + +msgid "error54" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot trade.\"" + +msgid "error54" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht handeln.\"" + +msgid "manufacture_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You need at least $int($minskill) $skill($skill), to produce $resource($product,0).\"" + +msgid "manufacture_skills" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man benötigt mindestens $int($minskill) $skill($skill), um $resource($product,0) zu produzieren.\"" + +msgid "error177" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The familiar cannot cast this spell.\"" + +msgid "error177" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Spruch kann der Vertraute nicht zaubern.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::godcurseocean" +msgstr "\"This region was cursed by the gods. The sea is a foul cesspool, noxious gases rise from the deep, undead seamonsters attack all ships. Noone can live here for long. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::godcurseocean" +msgstr "\"Diese Region wurde von den Göttern verflucht. Das Meer ist eine ekelige Brühe, braunschwarze, stinkende Gase steigen aus den unergründlichen Tiefen hervor, und untote Seeungeheuer, Schiffe zerfressend und giftige grüne Galle geifernd, sind der Schrecken aller Seeleute, die diese Gewässer durchqueren. Niemand kann hier lange überleben. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_4" +msgstr "\"A circle of shimmering lights surrounds $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::sparkle_4" +msgstr "\"Ein schimmernder Lichterkranz umgibt $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "error84" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No name was supplied.\"" + +msgid "error84" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Name angegeben.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_noexpensives" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) have unbreakable commitments to their faction.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_noexpensives" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat unaufkündbare Bindungen an seine alte Partei.\"" + +msgid "error287" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - We cannot transport this unit there.\"" + +msgid "error287" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin können wir die Einheit nicht transportieren.\"" + +msgid "error292" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit cannot be taught.\"" + +msgid "error292" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht unterrichtet werden.\"" + +msgid "error95" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Illusions cannot guard a region.\"" + +msgid "error95" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Illusionen können eine Region nicht bewachen.\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_header" +msgstr "\"Statistics for $region($region):\"" + +msgid "nr_stat_header" +msgstr "\"Statistik für $region($region):\"" + +msgid "sp_strongwalls_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) causes the walls of $building($building) to glow in an eerie magic light.\"" + +msgid "sp_strongwalls_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) läßt die Mauern von $building($building) in einem unheimlichen magischen Licht erglühen.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::orcish" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) goes from one amourous adventure to another. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::orcish" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) stürzt sich von einem amourösen Abenteuer ins nächste. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "target_region_not_empty" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are units in the target region.\"" + +msgid "target_region_not_empty" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In der Zielregion befinden sich noch Einheiten.\"" + +msgid "error173" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Even in the Xontormia Library, this spell could not be found.\"" + +msgid "error173" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Selbst in der Bibliothek von Xontormia konnte dieser Spruch nicht gefunden werden.\"" + +msgid "error138" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - We do not have anything that could be demolished.\"" + +msgid "error138" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Uns gehört nichts, was man abreißen oder versenken könnte.\"" + +msgid "killsandhits" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) hit $int($hits) times and killed $int($kills) enemies.\"" + +msgid "killsandhits" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erzielte $int($hits) Treffer und tötete $int($kills) Gegner.\"" + +msgid "shapeshift_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) makes $unit($target) appear as $race($race,$unit.size($target)).\"" + +msgid "shapeshift_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) läßt $unit($target) als $race($race,$unit.size($target)) erscheinen.\"" + +msgid "error248" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has to be 10 turns old.\"" + +msgid "error248" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei muß mindestens 10 Runden alt sein.\"" + +msgid "followfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($follower) could not follow $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "followfail" +msgstr "\"$unit($follower) konnte $unit($unit) nicht folgen.\"" + +msgid "followdetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($follower) followed $unit($unit).\"" + +msgid "followdetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($follower) ist $unit($unit) gefolgt.\"" + +msgid "unitnotfound_id" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unit $id could not be located.\"" + +msgid "unitnotfound_id" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit $id wurde nicht gefunden.\"" + +msgid "error244" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is already named.\"" + +msgid "error244" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat schon einen Namen.\"" + +msgid "use_tacticcrystal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) uses a dreameye in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "use_tacticcrystal" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) benutzt in $region($region) ein Traumauge.\"" + +msgid "error134" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown report option.\"" + +msgid "error134" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannte Meldungs-Option.\"" + +msgid "error319" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot execute this command because it has been in combat.\"" + +msgid "error319" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann den Befehl in dieser Runde nicht ausführen, da sie an einem Kampf teilgenommen hat.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) discovers that $building($building) is charmed with '$curse($curse)', which will last for centuries.\"" + +msgid "analyse_building_noage" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $building($building) der Zauber '$curse($curse)' liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben.\"" + +msgid "sink_lost_msg" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) people of $unit($unit) drown.$if($isnull($region),\"\",\" The unit makes it to $region($region).\")\"" + +msgid "sink_lost_msg" +msgstr "\"$int($amount) Personen von $unit($unit) ertrinken.$if($isnull($region),\"\",\" Die Einheit rettet sich nach $region($region).\")\"" + +msgid "error130" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax: MAGIC SPHERE [1-5].\"" + +msgid "error130" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax: MAGIEGEBIET [1-5].\"" + +msgid "error240" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is a unit or a ship supposed to be followed?\"" + +msgid "error240" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Soll eine Einheit oder ein Schiff verfolgt werden?\"" + +msgid "travelthru_trail" +msgstr "$trailto($region)" + +msgid "travelthru_trail" +msgstr "$trailto($region)" + +msgid "error315" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Not all ingredients present.\"" + +msgid "error315" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nicht alle Zutaten vorhanden.\"" + +msgid "volcanooutbreak" +msgstr "\"The volcano in $region($regionv) erupts. The lava devastates $region($regionn).\"" + +msgid "volcanooutbreak" +msgstr "\"Der Vulkan in $region($regionv) bricht aus. Die Lavamassen verwüsten $region($regionn).\"" + +msgid "seduce_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gives $unit($mage) $resources($items).\"" + +msgid "seduce_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) schenkt $unit($mage) $resources($items).\"" + +msgid "error311" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit can not change shape.\"" + +msgid "error311" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann sich nicht verwandeln.\"" + +msgid "error201" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Race and target unit have not been supplied.\"" + +msgid "error201" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Rasse und Zieleinheit wurden vergessen.\"" + +msgid "newbieimmunity" +msgstr "\"Your faction is immune against assaults for $int($turns) more weeks.\"" + +msgid "newbieimmunity" +msgstr "\"Deine Partei ist noch $int($turns) Wochen immun gegen Angriffe.\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::auraboost_0" +msgstr "\"Powerful magical energies are pulsing through $unit($unit). ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::auraboost_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt sich von starken magischen Energien durchströmt. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::drought" +msgstr "\"This region was hit by a drought. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "curseinfo::drought" +msgstr "\"In dieser Gegend herrscht eine Dürre. ($int36($id))\"" + +msgid "race_cantwork" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot work.\"" + +msgid "race_cantwork" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) können nicht arbeiten.\"" + +msgid "stealdetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) feels watched.\"" + +msgid "stealdetect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt sich beobachtet.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_detect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) feels the powers of magic fade and loses $int($aura) aura.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_detect" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) fühlt seine magischen Kräfte schwinden und verliert $int($aura) Aura.\"" + +msgid "missing_message" +msgstr "\"Internal Error: Message '$name' is undefined.\"" + +msgid "missing_message" +msgstr "\"Interner Fehler: Meldung '$name' nicht definiert.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_fail" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is charmed, but no details have been revealed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_fail" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $ship($ship) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber über den Zauber nichts herausfinden.\"" + +msgid "income_magic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) earns $int($amount) silver through simple magical services in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "income_magic" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch Zauberei.\"" + +msgid "stealaura_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) draws $int($aura) aura from $unit($target).\"" + +msgid "stealaura_success" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) entzieht $unit($target) $int($aura) Aura.\"" + +msgid "error_flying_ship_too_big" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) is too bulky to fly.\"" + +msgid "error_flying_ship_too_big" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) ist zu groß, um fliegen zu können.\"" + +msgid "familiar_describe" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) summons a familiar. $race($race, 0) can learn ${skills}.\"" + +msgid "familiar_describe" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) ruft einen Vertrauten. $race($race, 0) können $skills lernen.\"" + +msgid "wind_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) asks the gods of wind and water on behalf of the $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "wind_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) erfleht den Segen der Götter des Windes und des Wassers für $ship($ship).\"" + +msgid "wormhole_requirements" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) cannot travel through the wormhole in $region($region) because the unit is either too big or has restricted skills.\"" + +msgid "wormhole_requirements" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) kann in $region($region) nicht durch das Wurmloch reisen, da die Einheit entweder zu gross ist oder teure Talente besitzt.\"" + +msgid "cast_escape_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): The noise of the battle dies down and the mage is able to slip away unharmed.\"" + +msgid "cast_escape_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): Das Kampfgetümmel erstirbt und er kann unbehelligt seines Weges ziehen.\"" + +msgid "volcanostartsmoke" +msgstr "\"Columns of smoke are released by the volcano of $region($region).\"" + +msgid "volcanostartsmoke" +msgstr "\"Aus dem Vulkankrater von $region($region) steigt plötzlich Rauch.\"" + +msgid "nr_insectfall" +msgstr "It is the last week before winter in which insects can still recruit." + +msgid "nr_insectfall" +msgstr "Es ist Spätherbst, und diese Woche ist die letzte vor dem Winter, in der Insekten rekrutieren können." + +msgid "error296" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Trees won't grow here.\"" + +msgid "error296" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier werden niemals Bäume wachsen.\"" + +msgid "error186" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell only works on dry land.\"" + +msgid "error186" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nur auf Land gelegt werden.\"" + +msgid "error51" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver.\"" + +msgid "error51" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genug Silber.\"" + +msgid "error73" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungry units cannot give anybody away.\"" + +msgid "error73" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine hungernde Einheit kann niemanden weggeben.\"" + +msgid "error40" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit did not contact us.\"" + +msgid "error40" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen.\"" + +msgid "error182" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship cannot leave in this direction.\"" + +msgid "error182" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff kann in diese Richtung nicht ablegen.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_nospell" +msgstr "\"It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is not charmed.\"" + +msgid "analyse_ship_nospell" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $ship($ship) kein Zauber liegt.\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework" +msgstr "\"A large firework in honor of ${name}, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "birthday_firework" +msgstr "\"Zur Feier des Geburtstags von ${name} wird in $region($region) ein großes Feuerwerk abgebrannt, welches noch hier zu bewundern ist. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserfälle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel.\"" + +msgid "error257" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid locale.\"" + +msgid "error257" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ungültiges Locale.\"" + +msgid "error147" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in command of the largest castle in the region.\"" + +msgid "error147" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht Burgherr der größten Burg in der Region.\"" + +msgid "unknowndirection" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Direction '$dirname' was not recognized.\"" + +msgid "unknowndirection" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Richtung '$dirname' wurde nicht erkannt.\"" + +msgid "error143" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is on board a ship.\"" + +msgid "error143" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist auf einem Schiff.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_onocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast while you are on the ocean.\"" + +msgid "spellfail_onocean" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf hoher See gezaubert werden.\"" + +msgid "error253" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This magician is not strong enough to be sacrificed to the gods.\"" + +msgid "error253" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier ist nicht stark genug, sich den Göttern zu opfern.\"" + +msgid "battle_loot" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) collects $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "battle_loot" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) erbeutet $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount).\"" + +msgid "error209" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax Error.\"" + +msgid "error209" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax Error.\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) cannot summon any undead in $region($region).\"" + +msgid "summonundead_effect_0" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) kann in $region($region) keine Untoten rufen.\"" + +msgid "givedumb" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) administers $int($amount) duncebuns to $unit($recipient).\"" + +msgid "givedumb" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) gibt $int($amount) Dumpfbackenbrot an $unit($recipient).\"" + +msgid "error205" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell works only in an ocean region.\"" + +msgid "error205" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber gelingt nur in einer Ozeanregion.\"" + +msgid "error210" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - It is too dangerous to fly the ship in the storm.\"" + +msgid "error210" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es ist zu gefährlich, ein sturmgepeitschtes Schiff fliegen zu lassen.\"" + +msgid "eatpeasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) ate $int($amount) peasants.\"" + +msgid "eatpeasants" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) verspeiste $int($amount) Bauern.\"" + +msgid "error320" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot guard the region because it is trying to flee.\"" + +msgid "error320" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht bewachen, da sie versucht zu fliehen.\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) turned into $if($eq($number,1),\"a tree\", \"trees\").\"" + +msgid "dissolve_units_2" +msgstr "\"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),\"wurde zum Baum\", \"wurden zu Bäumen\").\"" + +msgid "sp_eternizewall_effect" +msgstr "\"$unit($mage) performs a ritual that binds the magical forces of $region($region) into the walls of $building($building).\"" + +msgid "sp_eternizewall_effect" +msgstr "\"Mit einem Ritual bindet $unit($mage) die magischen Kräfte der Erde von $region($region) in die Mauern von $building($building).\"" + diff --git a/res/translations/ b/res/translations/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..faf8a7982 --- /dev/null +++ b/res/translations/ @@ -0,0 +1,6312 @@ +msgid "rustychainmail" +msgstr "Rostiges Kettenhemd" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "destroy_magic" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber ermöglicht dem Magier, Verzauberungen einer Einheit, eines Schiffes, Gebäudes oder auch der Region aufzulösen." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "shadowknights" +msgstr "Schattenritter" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snowman" +msgstr "Schneemann" + +msgid "par_unit" +msgstr "Einheit-Nr" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdemon_d" +msgstr "Schattendämonen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "sphinx_x" +msgstr "Spinx" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "sw" +msgstr "Südwestküste" + +msgid "pegasus" +msgstr "Pegasus" + +msgid "truthpotion_p" +msgstr "Tränke der Wahrheit" + +msgid "aurafocus" +msgstr "Aurafocus" + +msgid "firewall" +msgstr "Feuerwand" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "gwyrrddestroymagic" +msgstr "Geister bannen" + +msgid "nut_p" +msgstr "Nüsse" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "transferauratraum" +msgstr "Traum der Magie" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdemon_p" +msgstr "Schattendämonen" + +msgid "AGGRESSIV" +msgstr "AGGRESSIV" + +msgid "stat_tribe_p" +msgstr "völker" + +msgid "h10_p" +msgstr "Kakteenschwitze" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "speed" +msgstr "Zeitdehnung" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdemon_x" +msgstr "Schattendämon" + +msgid "jadee_dress" +msgstr "Hochzeitskleid" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fumblecurse" +msgstr "Chaosfluch" + +msgid "halberd_p" +msgstr "Hellebarden" + +msgid "h13_p" +msgstr "Fjordwuchse" + +msgid "laensword" +msgstr "Laenschwert" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "entertain" +msgstr "UNTERHALTE" + +msgid "spinx00" +msgstr "Das Schiff des Elfen hat ein rotes Segel" + +msgid "greatbow_p" +msgstr "Elfenbögen" + +msgid "spinx01" +msgstr "Der Zwerg hat eine Nuss dabei" + +msgid "person" +msgstr "Person" + +msgid "spinx02" +msgstr "Die Katze führt eine Hellebarde" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "eternal_walls" +msgstr "Mauern der Ewigkeit" + +msgid "spinx03" +msgstr "Das Schiff mit dem grünen Segel liegt links neben dem mit einem weissen Segel" + +msgid "JEDEM" +msgstr "JEDEM" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "sailing" +msgstr "Segeln" + +msgid "spinx04" +msgstr "Auf dem Schiff mit grünen Segeln kam der Speerkämpfer" + +msgid "h16_p" +msgstr "Spaltwachse" + +msgid "spinx05" +msgstr "Der Krieger mit dem Kreis im Wappen hat einen Keks" + +msgid "spinx06" +msgstr "Der Krieger des mittleren Schiffs hat ein Schwert" + +msgid "fortress_generic" +msgstr "Burg" + +msgid "spinx07" +msgstr "Auf dem gelben Segel prankt ein Kreuz als Wappen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undeadpharaoh_d" +msgstr "Untoten Pharao" + +msgid "spinx08" +msgstr "Der Mensch kam mit dem ersten Schiff" + +msgid "TRAENKE" +msgstr "TRÄNKE" + +msgid "northwest" +msgstr "Nordwesten" + +msgid "spinx09" +msgstr "Das Schiff mit dem Stern im Wappen liegt neben dem der einen Mandelkern hat" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "cookie" +msgstr "Kleines trockenes Dauergebäck, m od. s; - u. -es, - u. -e" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "protective_runes" +msgstr "Runen des Schutzes" + +msgid "h19_p" +msgstr "Weiße Wüteriche" + +msgid "birthdaycake_p" +msgstr "Geburtstagstorten" + +msgid "volcano" +msgstr "Vulkan" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "default" +msgstr "DEFAULT" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_roqf" +msgstr "Die berühmte Bardin Miriam bhean'Meddaf war bekannt für ihr außergewöhnliches Geschick mit der Harfe. Ihre Finger sollen sich so schnell über die Saiten bewegt haben, das sie nicht mehr erkennbar waren. Dieser Zauber, der recht einfach in einen Silberring zu bannen ist, bewirkt eine um das zehnfache verbesserte Geschicklichkeit und Gewandheit der Finger. (Das soll sie auch an anderer Stelle ausgenutzt haben, ihr Ruf als Falschspielerin war berüchtigt). Handwerker können somit das zehnfache produzieren, und bei einigen anderen Tätigkeiten könnte dies ebenfalls von Nutzen sein." + +msgid "magicbag" +msgstr "Zauberbeutel" + +msgid "rustysword_p" +msgstr "Schartige Schwerter" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "wente_dress" +msgstr "Hach! Sieht der Mann beeindruckend aus in diesem Frack! Und so ordentlich! Und so ernst! Und so beeindruckend! Es fällt ein wenig schwer, sich auf den Bräutigam zu konzentrieren, weil das Brautkleid noch daneben strahlt, aber der Anzug des Bräutigams ist auf jeden Fall so, wie er sein soll und sieht toll aus und sehr geschmackvoll." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apophis_d" +msgstr "Apophis" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undeadpharaoh_p" +msgstr "Untoter Pharaonen" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "magicbag" +msgstr "Dieser Beutel umschließt eine kleine Dimensionsfalte, in der bis zu 200 Gewichtseinheiten transportiert werden können, ohne dass sie auf das Traggewicht angerechnet werden. Pferde und andere Lebewesen sowie besonders sperrige Dinge (Wagen und Katapulte) können nicht in dem Beutel transportiert werden. Auch ist es nicht möglich, einen Zauberbeutel in einem anderen zu transportieren. Der Beutel selber wiegt 1 GE." + +msgid "lighthouse" +msgstr "Leuchtturm" + +msgid "iceberg_sleep_trail" +msgstr "der Gletscher von %s" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "reserve" +msgstr "RESERVIERE" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "age_1" +msgstr "neuer Zeitrechnung" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Frost" +msgstr "Frost" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "age_2" +msgstr "des zweiten Zeitalters" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "age_3" +msgstr "des dritten Zeitalters" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undeadpharaoh_x" +msgstr "Untote Pharaonen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "youngdragon_d" +msgstr "Jungdrachen" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "no_info" +msgstr "Keine Informationen." + +msgid "insectspoil_p" +msgstr "Insektenfühler" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "barkskin" +msgstr "Rindenhaut" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "auraleak" +msgstr "Der Schwarzmagier kann mit diesem dunklen Ritual einen Riss in das Gefüge der Magie bewirken, der alle magische Kraft aus der Region reißen wird. Alle magisch begabten in der Region werden einen Großteil ihrer Aura verlieren." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apophis_p" +msgstr "Apophis" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "calm_monster" +msgstr "Monster friedlich stimmen" + +msgid "spinx10" +msgstr "Das Schiff des Kriegers, der ein Apfel hat, liegt neben dem, der ein Kreuz als Wappen hat" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "sound_out" +msgstr " Erliegt die Einheit dem Zauber, so wird sie dem Magier alles erzählen, was sie über die gefragte Region weiß. Ist in der Region niemand ihrer Partei, so weiß sie nichts zu berichten. Auch kann sie nur das erzählen, was sie selber sehen könnte. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "readmind" +msgstr "Traumdeuten" + +msgid "spinx11" +msgstr "Der Krieger mit dem Turm im Wappen trägt eine Axt" + +msgid "spinx12" +msgstr "Das Schiff des Menschen liegt neben dem blauen Schiff" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apophis_x" +msgstr "Apophis" + +msgid "spinx13" +msgstr "Das Insekt trägt einen Baum als Wappen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "youngdragon_p" +msgstr "Jungdrachen" + +msgid "spinx14" +msgstr "Das Schiff mit dem Stern im Wappen liegt neben dem des Kriegers, der einen Zweihänder führt" + +msgid "nr_options" +msgstr "Optionen" + +msgid "GRUPPE" +msgstr "GRUPPE" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "cerddorfumbleshield" +msgstr "Dieser schrille Gesang hallt über das ganze Schlachtfeld. Die besonderen Dissonanzen in den Melodien machen es Magiern fast unmöglich, sich auf ihre Zauber zu konzentrieren." + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Sonnen" +msgstr "Sonnen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "youngdragon_x" +msgstr "Jungdrachen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "calm_monster" +msgstr " Dieser einschmeichelnde Gesang kann fast jedes intelligente Monster zähmen. Es wird von Angriffen auf den Magier absehen und auch seine Begleiter nicht anrühren. Doch sollte man sich nicht täuschen, es wird dennoch ein unberechenbares Wesen bleiben. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "clone" +msgstr "Seelenkopie" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "concealing_aura" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber wird die gesamte Ausrüstung der Zieleinheit für einige Zeit vor den Blicken anderer verschleiern." + +msgctxt "shipinfo" +msgid "balloon" +msgstr "Der Sumpfgasballon besteht aus einem großen Weidenkorb, welcher Platz für maximal 5 Personen oder 500 Gewichtseinheiten bietet, und einer großen, mit Sumpfgas gefüllten Wyrmblase. Bei guten Winden kann sich der Ballon zwei Regionen pro Woche fortbewegen. Das Führen eines Ballons ist nicht einfach, und der Kapitän muss mindestens ein Segeltalent von 6 besitzen. Diese neue Entwicklung auf Eressea wird ausschließlich für den Xontormia-Expreß hergestellt und die Baupläne sind streng geheim. So ist es auch bisher noch niemandem gelungen, ein Exemplar nachzubauen." + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "toad" +msgstr "Die Kröte ist eine der seltensten Rassen Eresseas. Man munkelt, sie würde nur auf magische Weise entstehen. In einer uralten Abhandlung über Magie aus der Bibliothek der Akademie von Xontormia wird die Theorie aufgestellt, das die Kröte die ins morphische Feld des Magiers übertragene Manifestation eines implodierten Zauberfeldes sein könnte. Vieleicht deswegen ist die Kröte auch gegen Zauber weitaus widerstandsfähiger als die normalen Rassen Eresseas, leider aber auch weitaus unmagischer als diese. Die Kröte kann schon aufgrund ihrer Größe und der fehlenden Hände nur unter Schwierigkeiten normale Tätigkeiten ausüben. Der einzige Vorteil ihrer geringen Größe ist, dass sie sich leichter verstecken kann." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "bloodsacrifice" +msgstr "Kleines Blutopfer" + +msgid "undead_name_0" +msgstr "Geister" + +msgid "undead_name_1" +msgstr "Phantome" + +msgid "undead_name_2" +msgstr "Vampire" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "migration" +msgstr " Dieses Ritual ermöglicht es, eine Einheit, egal welcher Art, in die eigene Partei aufzunehmen. Der um Aufnahme Bittende muss dazu willig und bereit sein, seiner alten Partei abzuschwören. Dies bezeugt er durch KONTAKTIEREn des Magiers. Auch wird er die Woche über ausschliesslich mit Vorbereitungen auf das Ritual beschäftigt sein. Das Ritual wird fehlschlagen, wenn er zu stark an seine alte Partei gebunden ist, dieser etwa Dienst für seine teuere Ausbildung schuldet. Der das Ritual leitende Magier muss für die permanente Bindung des Aufnahmewilligen an seine Partei naturgemäß auch permanente Aura aufwenden. Pro Stufe und pro 1 permanente Aura kann er eine Person aufnehmen. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "illusion" +msgstr "Illusion" + +msgid "EINHEIT" +msgstr "EINHEIT" + +msgid "magictower" +msgstr "Magierturm" + +msgid "undead_name_3" +msgstr "Zombies" + +msgid "stonecircle" +msgstr "Steinkreis" + +msgid "undead_name_4" +msgstr "Gespenster" + +msgid "p0" +msgstr "Siebenmeilentee" + +msgid "undead_name_5" +msgstr "Kreaturen" + +msgid "undead_name_6" +msgstr "Gestalten" + +msgid "undead_name_7" +msgstr "Schemen" + +msgid "p3" +msgstr "Schaffenstrunk" + +msgid "balloon_a" +msgstr "ein Ballon" + +msgid "undead_name_8" +msgstr "Monster" + +msgid "jadee_ring" +msgstr "Jadees Hochzeitsring" + +msgid "undead_name_9" +msgstr "Krieger" + +msgid "mallorntree" +msgstr "Mallorn" + +msgid "p6" +msgstr "Gehirnschmalz" + +msgid "p7" +msgstr "Dumpfbackenbrot" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "firesword" +msgstr "Ein Flammenschwert gibt dem Träger, der kein Magier sein muß, zusätzlich zu seinem normalen Angriff (3d6+10) einen kleinen Feuerballangriff, der bei 1-10 Opfern 2d6 magischen Schaden verursacht. Um ein Flammenschwert führen zu können, muss man mindestens Hiebwaffen 7 haben, dann verleiht es einem auch einen zusätzlichen Kampfbonus von +1. Ein Flammenschwert erhöht die Magieresistenz seines Trägers wie ein Laenschwert." + +msgid "stat_hitpoints" +msgstr "Trefferpunkte" + +msgid "p9" +msgstr "Pferdeglück" + +msgctxt "damage" +msgid "strong" +msgstr "stark" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dragon_d" +msgstr "Drachen" + +msgid "stat_defense" +msgstr "Verteidigung" + +msgid "demonspoil_p" +msgstr "Dämonenblut" + +msgid "dwarfspoil_p" +msgstr "Zwergenbärte" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "jadee_ring" +msgstr "Zwerge schufen diesen wunderschönen Ring aus Weissgold und Platin. Die Oberfläche ist so glatt, dass man nur bei genauem Hinsehen entdeckt, dass hier eigentlich zwei Metalle ineinander verarbeitet worden sind. In der Innenseite des Rings ist eine Gravur zu lesen: \"Wildente, 3. Woche Eiswind Jahr 8\"." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "cat" +msgstr "Katze" + +msgid "sword" +msgstr "Schwert" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mummy" +msgstr "Mumie" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "braineater" +msgstr "Hirntöter" + +msgid "nr_size" +msgstr "Größe" + +msgid "axe" +msgstr "Kriegsaxt" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dragon_p" +msgstr "Drachen" + +msgid "blessedstonecircle" +msgstr "Gesegneter Steinkreis" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_0" +msgstr "der Weise" + +msgid "aots_p" +msgstr "Amulette des wahren Sehens" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_1" +msgstr "der Allwissende" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_2" +msgstr "der Mächtige" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_3" +msgstr "die Ehrwürdige" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dragon_x" +msgstr "Drachen" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_4" +msgstr "die Listige" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_5" +msgstr "der Grüne" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "gwyrrdfumbleshield" +msgstr "Dieses Ritual beschwört einige Elementargeister der Magie und schickt sie in die Reihen der feindlichen Magier. Diesen wird das Zaubern für die Dauer des Kampfes deutlich schwerer fallen." + +msgid "dragon_postfix_6" +msgstr "die Strafende" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdemon" +msgstr "Schattendämon" + +msgid "antimagic_p" +msgstr "Antimagiekristalle" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_7" +msgstr "der Sehende" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_8" +msgstr "der Reisende" + +msgid "weight_per" +msgstr "GE je" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_9" +msgstr "die Wissende" + +msgid "nestwarmth_p" +msgstr "Nestwärme" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "irongolem_d" +msgstr "Eisengolems" + +msgid "sphereofinv_p" +msgstr "Sphären der Unsichtbarkeit" + +msgid "nr_trade_end" +msgstr "." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "firewall" +msgstr "Der Zauberer erschafft eine Wand aus Feuer in der angegebenen Richtung. Sie verletzt jeden, der sie durchschreitet." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "gate_open" +msgstr "gewaltiges offenes Tor" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "magicboost" +msgstr "Der Magier öffnet seinen Geist den Sphären des Chaos und wird so für einige Zeit über mehr magische Kraft verfügen. Doch die Hilfe der Herren der Sphären hat seinen Preis, und so wird die Phase der Macht abgelöst von einer Phase der Schwäche." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "irongolem_p" +msgstr "Eisengolems" + +msgid "snowman_p" +msgstr "Schneemänner" + +msgid "Sommer" +msgstr "Sommer" + +msgid "laenshield_p" +msgstr "Laenschilde" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "break_curse" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber ermöglicht dem Magier, gezielt eine bestimmte Verzauberung einer Einheit, eines Schiffes, Gebäudes oder auch der Region aufzulösen." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "irongolem_x" +msgstr "Eisengolem" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "draigfumbleshield" +msgstr "Dieses Ritual, ausgeführt vor einem Kampf, verwirbelt die astralen Energien auf dem Schlachtfeld und macht es so feindlichen Magier schwieriger, ihre Zauber zu wirken." + +msgid "balloon" +msgstr "Ballon" + +msgid "nr_schemes_postfix" +msgstr " sind erkennbar." + +msgid "SILBER" +msgstr "SILBER" + +msgid "h0_p" +msgstr "Flachwurz" + +msgid "humanspoil_p" +msgstr "Menschenskalpe" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "forget" +msgstr "VERGISS" + +msgid "nestwarmth" +msgstr "Nestwärme" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "tactics" +msgstr "Taktik" + +msgid "laenmail" +msgstr "Laenkettenhemd" + +msgid "orcspoil" +msgstr "Orkhauer" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sleep" +msgstr "Schlaf" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "rat" +msgstr "Ratte" + +msgid "faction_help" +msgstr "Wir helfen" + +msgid "lifepotion" +msgstr "Wasser des Lebens" + +msgid "rustyhalberd" +msgstr "Rostige Hellebarde" + +msgid "h3_p" +msgstr "Grüne Spinneriche" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summonshadow" +msgstr "Beschwöre Schattendämonen" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "building" +msgstr "Burgenbau" + +msgid "unknown_faction_dative" +msgstr "einer unbekannten Partei" + +msgid "SHOWSKCHANGE" +msgstr "TALENTVERSCHIEBUNGEN" + +msgid "h6_p" +msgstr "Gurgelkräuter" + +msgid "firesword_p" +msgstr "Flammenschwerter" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "raise_mob" +msgstr " Mit Hilfe dieses magischen Gesangs überzeugt der Magier die Bauern der Region, sich ihm anzuschließen. Die Bauern werden ihre Heimat jedoch nicht verlassen, und keine ihrer Besitztümer fortgeben. Jede Woche werden zudem einige der Bauern den Bann abwerfen und auf ihre Felder zurückkehren. Wie viele Bauern sich dem Magier anschließen hängt von der Kraft seines Gesangs ab. " + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "origin" +msgstr "URSPRUNG" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_0" +msgstr "Faulende" + +msgid "wand" +msgstr "Zauberstab" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_1" +msgstr "Zerschlagene" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_2" +msgstr "Gefolterte" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_3" +msgstr "Angsteinflößende" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summonshadow" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dunkler Rituale beschwört der Zauberer Dämonen aus der Sphäre der Schatten. Diese gefürchteten Wesen können sich fast unsichtbar unter den Lebenden bewegen, ihre finstere Aura ist jedoch für jeden spürbar. Im Kampf sind Schattendämonen gefürchtete Gegner. Sie sind schwer zu treffen und entziehen ihrem Gegner Kraft." + +msgid "zombie_prefix_4" +msgstr "Leise Schlurfende" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_5" +msgstr "Kinderfressende" + +msgid "aurapotion50" +msgstr "Auratrank" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_6" +msgstr "Schwarze" + +msgid "h9_p" +msgstr "Wasserfinder" + +msgid "tree" +msgstr "Baum" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_7" +msgstr "Dunkle" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_8" +msgstr "Fürchterliche" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "redscarab" +msgstr "roter Scarabäus" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wolf_d" +msgstr "Wölfen" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_9" +msgstr "Grauenhafte" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "museumghost_d" +msgstr "Museumsgeistern" + +msgid "sehr viele" +msgstr "sehr viele" + +msgid "section_economy" +msgstr "Wirtschaft und Handel" + +msgid "mallornlance_p" +msgstr "Mallornlanzen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sparkle" +msgstr "Unbekannter Effekt" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wolf_p" +msgstr "Wölfe" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "living_rock" +msgstr " Dieses kräftezehrende Ritual beschwört mit Hilfe einer Kugel aus konzentriertem Laen einen gewaltigen Erdelementar und bannt ihn in ein Gebäude. Dem Elementar kann dann befohlen werden, das Gebäude mitsamt aller Bewohner in eine Nachbarregion zu tragen. Die Stärke des beschworenen Elementars hängt vom Talent des Magiers ab: Der Elementar kann maximal [Stufe-12]*250 Größeneinheiten große Gebäude versetzen. Das Gebäude wird diese Prozedur nicht unbeschädigt überstehen. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "museumghost_p" +msgstr "Museumsgeister" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "catdragon" +msgstr "Katzendrache" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summonundead" +msgstr "Mächte des Todes" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "gnome_d" +msgstr "Gnomen" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_0" +msgstr "der Nacht" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_1" +msgstr "der Schatten" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wolf_x" +msgstr "Wolfs" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_2" +msgstr "der Finsternis" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "hellcat_d" +msgstr "Höllenkatzen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "museumghost_x" +msgstr "Museumsgeister" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_3" +msgstr "des Bösen" + +msgid "stat_armor" +msgstr "Rüstung" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_4" +msgstr "der Erschlagenen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snowman_p" +msgstr "Schneemänner" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_5" +msgstr "der Verfluchten" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "hail" +msgstr "Im Kampf ruft der Magier die Elementargeister der Kälte an und bindet sie an sich. Sodann kann er ihnen befehlen, den Gegner mit Hagelkörnern und Eisbrocken zuzusetzen." + +msgid "zombie_postfix_6" +msgstr "der Ruhelosen" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_7" +msgstr "aus dem Nebel" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_8" +msgstr "aus dem Dunkel" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_9" +msgstr "der Tiefe" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_10" +msgstr "Fürchterliche" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_11" +msgstr "Grauenhafte" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "pay" +msgstr "BEZAHLE" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_12" +msgstr "Furchtbare" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "gnome_p" +msgstr "Gnome" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_13" +msgstr "Entsetzliche" + +msgid "mine" +msgstr "Bergwerk" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_14" +msgstr "Schauderhafte" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "secondweek" +msgstr "die zweite Woche" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_15" +msgstr "Schreckliche" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "hellcat_p" +msgstr "Höllenkatzen" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_16" +msgstr "Düstere" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summonundead" +msgstr "Nächtelang muss der Schwarzmagier durch die Friedhöfe und Gräberfelder der Region ziehen um dann die ausgegrabenen Leichen beleben zu können. Die Untoten werden ihm zu Diensten sein, doch sei der Unkundige gewarnt, dass die Beschwörung der Mächte des Todes ein zweischneidiges Schwert sein kann." + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_17" +msgstr "Schaurige" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "buy" +msgstr "KAUFE" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_18" +msgstr "Erbarmungslose" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "gbdream" +msgstr "Schöne Träume oder Schlechte Träume" + +msgid "southwest" +msgstr "Südwesten" + +msgid "forest_trail" +msgstr "der Wald von %s" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "gnome_x" +msgstr "Gnomen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dracoid" +msgstr "Dracoid" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "hellcat_x" +msgstr "Höllenkatzen" + +msgid "TEMP" +msgstr "TEMP" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowmaster_d" +msgstr "Schattenmeistern" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "redscarab_d" +msgstr "roten Scarabäen" + +msgid "aurapotion50_p" +msgstr "Auratränke" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sound_out" +msgstr "Aushorchen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "seaserpent_d" +msgstr "Seeschlangen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "antimagiczone" +msgstr "Mit diesem Zauber kann der Magier eine Zone der astralen Schwächung erzeugen, ein lokales Ungleichgewicht im Astralen Feld. Dieses Zone wird bestrebt sein, wieder in den Gleichgewichtszustand zu gelangen. Dazu wird sie jedem in dieser Region gesprochenen Zauber einen Teil seiner Stärke entziehen, die schwächeren gar ganz absorbieren." + +msgid "villagers" +msgstr "Dorfbewohner" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "disturbingdreams" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber führt in der betroffenen Region für einige Wochen zu Schlaflosigkeit und Unruhe. Den Betroffenen fällt das Lernen deutlich schwerer." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "raindance" +msgstr "Dieses uralte Tanzritual ruft die Kräfte des Lebens und der Fruchtbarkeit. Die Erträge der Bauern werden für einige Wochen deutlich besser ausfallen." + +msgid "wdw_pyramid" +msgstr "Pyramide" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowmaster_p" +msgstr "Schattenmeister" + +msgid "unarmed" +msgstr "unbewaffnet" + +msgid "plain" +msgstr "Ebene" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "redscarab_p" +msgstr "rote Scarabäen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "seaserpent_p" +msgstr "Seeschlangen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "cerddor_destroymagic" +msgstr "Lebenslied festigen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "homestone" +msgstr "Mit dieser Formel bindet der Magier auf ewig die Kräfte der Erde in die Mauern der Burg, in der er sich gerade befindet. Weder magisch noch mit schwerem Geschütz können derartig gestärkte Mauern zerstört werden, und auch das Alter setzt ihnen weniger zu. Das Gebäude bietet sodann auch einen besseren Schutz gegen Angriffe mit dem Schwert wie mit Magie." + +msgid "birthday_firework_p" +msgstr "Feuerwerke" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fogtrap" +msgstr "ein unbekannter Zauber" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowmaster_x" +msgstr "Schattenmeister" + +msgid "dreameye" +msgstr "Traumauge" + +msgid "adamantium" +msgstr "Adamantium" + +msgid "seashell" +msgstr "Muschel" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "redscarab_x" +msgstr "rote Scarabäen" + +msgid "adamantiumplate" +msgstr "Adamantiumrüstung" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "transferauradruide" +msgstr "Meditation" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "dreameye" +msgstr "Dieses verzauberte Drachenauge muß vor dem Abend einer Schlacht vom Heerführer verzehrt werden. Während der Nacht wird er dann Einblick in die Träume der feindlichen Heerführer erhalten und so möglicherweise einen entscheidenden Vorteil im kommenden Gefecht erlangen." + +msgid "nr_mallorntree_p" +msgstr "Mallornbäume" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "seashell" +msgstr "Dieses Abzeichen identifiziert die Partei seines Trägers offiziell als einen Besucher der Botschafterregion 'Muschelplateau'." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_road" +msgstr "eine Straße" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "seaserpent_x" +msgstr "Seeschlangen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "astralblock" +msgstr "Störe Astrale Integrität" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "migration" +msgstr "Ritual der Aufnahme" + +msgid "SCHIFF" +msgstr "SCHIFF" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "littlescarab" +msgstr "kleiner Scarabäus" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "nut" +msgstr "Nuß, im umgangssprachlichen Sinne alle trockenen, hartschaligen Früchte oder Samen, die eine Schale besitzen, die sich leicht vom inneren, eßbaren Kern entfernen läßt. In der botanischen Terminologie beschränkt sich die Bezeichnung Nuß auf eine einsamige Frucht, die aus einem Fruchtknoten (Ovarium) entstanden ist, dessen äußere Wände sich verholzt haben und der sich nicht öffnet, um seinen Samen zu entlassen. Solche echten Nüsse können eßbar, aber auch ungenießbar sein. Bekannte Beispiele sind Eicheln, Bucheckern, Kastanien und Haselnüsse. Beispiele für Früchte oder Samen, die vom Volksmund fälschlich als Nüsse bezeichnet werden, sind Mandeln und Walnüsse: Im botanischen Sinne sind dies Steinfrüchte, denen die fleischige äußere Schale entfernt wurde. Andere Beispiele für unechte Nüsse sind Erdnüsse - in Hülsen eingeschlossene Samen - sowie Roßkastanien und Paranüsse, bei denen es sich um von Kapseln umhüllte Samen handelt." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sacrifice_strength" +msgstr "Opfere Kraft" + +msgid "spice_p" +msgstr "Gewürze" + +msgid "nr_building_inprogress" +msgstr " (im Bau)" + +msgid "ring_of_levitation_p" +msgstr "Ringe der Levitation" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_resist_magic" +msgstr "Gesang des wachen Geistes" + +msgid "attack_standard" +msgstr "ein Angriff mit der Waffe oder unbewaffnet" + +msgid "b_armor" +msgstr "Rüstung" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "riding" +msgstr "Reiten" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "thirdweek" +msgstr "die letzte Woche" + +msgid "furious_mob" +msgstr "Aufgebrachte Bauern" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "catapult" +msgstr "Katapultbedienung" + +msgid "pyramid" +msgstr "Pyramide" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "big_recruit" +msgstr " Aus 'Wanderungen' von Firudin dem Weisen: 'In Weilersweide, nahe dem Wytharhafen, liegt ein kleiner Gasthof, der nur wenig besucht ist. Niemanden bekannt ist, das dieser Hof bis vor einigen Jahren die Bleibe des verbannten Wanderpredigers Grauwolf war. Nachdem er bei einer seiner berüchtigten flammenden Reden fast die gesammte Bauernschaft angeworben hatte, wurde er wegen Aufruhr verurteilt und verbannt. Nur zögerlich war er bereit mir das Geheimnis seiner Überzeugungskraft zu lehren.' " + +msgid "catapultammo" +msgstr "Katapultmunition" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "quarrying" +msgstr "Steinbau" + +msgid "HELFE" +msgstr "HELFE" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "healing" +msgstr "Für einen Heiltrank nehme man die Schale eines Windbeutels und etwas Gurgelkraut, rühre eine kleingehacktes Elfenlieb dazu und bestreue alles mit den Blüten einer Eisblume. Dies muß vier Tage lang gären, wobei man am zweiten Tag einen Spaltwachs dazutun muß. Dann ziehe man vorsichtig den oben schwimmenden Saft ab. Ein solcher Trank gibt vier Männern (oder einem Mann vier mal) im Kampf eine Chance von 50%, sonst tödliche Wunden zu überleben. Der Trank wird von ihnen automatisch bei Verletzung angewandt." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "orc_d" +msgstr "Orks" + +msgid "stat_pierce" +msgstr "Ist durch Stichwaffen, Bögen und Armbrüste schwer zu verwunden." + +msgid "snowglobe" +msgstr "Schneekugel" + +msgid "rustygreatsword_p" +msgstr "Rostige Zweihänder" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "email" +msgstr "EMAIL" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "analysesong_unit" +msgstr "Alle lebenden Wesen haben ein eigenes individuelles Lebenslied. Nicht zwei Lieder gleichen sich, auch wenn sich alle Lieder einer Art ähneln. Jeder Zauber verändert dieses Lied auf die eine oder andere Art und gibt sich damit zu erkennen. Dieser Gesang hilft, jene Veränderungen im Lebenslied einer Person zu erlauschen, welche magischer Natur sind. Alle Verzauberungen, die nicht stärker maskiert sind als Eure Fähigkeit, werdet Ihr so entschlüsseln und demaskieren können." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fiery_dragonbreath" +msgstr "Feuriger Drachenodem" + +msgid "oil" +msgstr "Öl" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "birthdaycake" +msgstr "Eine Geburtstagstorte mit 10 Kerzen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Eressea!" + +msgid "jewel_p" +msgstr "Juwelen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "orc_p" +msgstr "Orks" + +msgid "boat_a" +msgstr "ein Boot" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nymph" +msgstr "Nymphe" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "immolation" +msgstr "Verletzt alle Gegner." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "sphinx" +msgstr "Spinx" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "e" +msgstr "Ostküste" + +msgid "harbour" +msgstr "Hafen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "analyze_magic" +msgstr "Magie analysieren" + +msgid "truthpotion" +msgstr "Trank der Wahrheit" + +msgid "northeast" +msgstr "Nordosten" + +msgid "sehr wenige" +msgstr "sehr wenige" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "orc_x" +msgstr "Ork" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tunnelworm" +msgstr "Tunnelwurm" + +msgid "stardust_p" +msgstr "Sternenstaub" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "peasant" +msgstr "Bauer" + +msgid "mallorncrossbow_p" +msgstr "Mallornarmbrüste" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summonent" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers weckt der Druide die in den Wälder der Region schlummernden Ents aus ihrem äonenlangen Schlaf. Die wilden Baumwesen werden sich ihm anschließen und ihm beistehen, jedoch nach einiger Zeit wieder in Schlummer verfallen." + +msgid "LOCALE" +msgstr "LOCALE" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "w" +msgstr "Westküste" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "message" +msgstr "BOTSCHAFT" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "barkskin" +msgstr "Dieses vor dem Kampf zu zaubernde Ritual gibt den eigenen Truppen einen zusätzlichen Bonus auf ihre Rüstung. Jeder Treffer reduziert die Kraft des Zaubers, so dass der Schild sich irgendwann im Kampf auflösen wird." + +msgid "coal_p" +msgstr "Kohlenstücke" + +msgid "goliathwater" +msgstr "Goliathwasser" + +msgid "person_p" +msgstr "Personen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "readmind" +msgstr "Mit diesem Zauber dringt der Traumweber in die Gedanken und Traumwelt seines Opfers ein und kann so seine intimsten Geheimnisse ausspähen. Seine Fähigkeiten, seinen Besitz und seine Parteizugehörigkeit wird nicht länger ungewiss sein." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "acidrain" +msgstr "Säurenebel" + +msgid "battle_attack" +msgstr "Attacke gegen:" + +msgid "almond" +msgstr "Mandelkern" + +msgid "lance" +msgstr "Lanze" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "insect_d" +msgstr "Insekten" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "bad_dreams" +msgstr " Dieser Zauber ermöglicht es dem Träumer, den Schlaf aller nichtaliierten Einheiten (HELFE BEWACHE) in der Region so stark zu stören, das sie vorübergehend einen Teil ihrer Erinnerungen verlieren. " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "bloodthirst" +msgstr " Wie viele magischen Gesänge, so entstammt auch dieser den altem Wissen der Katzen, die schon immer um die machtvolle Wirkung der Stimme wussten. Mit diesem Lied wird die Stimmung der Krieger aufgepeitscht, sie gar in wilde Raserrei und Blutrausch versetzt. Ungeachtet eigener Schmerzen werden sie kämpfen bis zum Tode und niemals fliehen. Während ihre Attacke verstärkt ist achten sie kaum auf sich selbst. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "nodrift" +msgstr "Wasserelementar" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "combat_speed" +msgstr "Beschleunigung" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "Feuerwand" +msgstr "Feuerwand" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "irongolem" +msgstr "Eisengolem" + +msgid "snowman" +msgstr "Schneemann" + +msgid "PRIVAT" +msgstr "PRIVAT" + +msgid "PUNKTE" +msgstr "PUNKTE" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "insect_p" +msgstr "Insekten" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "goodwinds" +msgstr "Der Magier zwingt mit diesem Ritual die Elementargeister des Wassers in seinen Dienst und bringt sie dazu, das angegebene Schiff schneller durch das Wasser zu tragen. Zudem wird das Schiff nicht durch ungünstige Winde oder Strömungen beeinträchtigt." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "astral_disruption" +msgstr " Dieser Zauber bewirkt eine schwere Störung des Astralraums. Innerhalb eines astralen Radius von Stufe/5 Regionen werden alle Astralwesen, die dem Zauber nicht wiederstehen können, aus der astralen Ebene geschleudert. Der astrale Kontakt mit allen betroffenen Regionen ist für Stufe/3 Wochen gestört. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earthquake" +msgstr "Beschwöre einen Erdelementar" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "raise_mob" +msgstr "Mob aufwiegeln" + +msgid "stat_bash" +msgstr "Ist durch Schlagwaffen und Katapulte schwer zu verwunden." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "combat_speed" +msgstr " Dieser Zauber beschleunigt einige Kämpfer auf der eigenen Seite so, dass sie während des gesamten Kampfes in einer Kampfrunde zweimal angreifen können. " + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "claim" +msgstr "BEANSPRUCHE" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "insect_x" +msgstr "Insekten" + +msgid "corridor1" +msgstr "Gang" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "windshield" +msgstr "Die Anrufung der Elementargeister des Windes beschwört plötzliche Windböen, kleine Windhosen und Luftlöcher herauf, die die gegnerischen Schützen behindern werden." + +msgid "papyrus_p" +msgstr "Papyri" + +msgid "trireme" +msgstr "Trireme" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "alliance" +msgstr "ALLIANZ" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_of_healing" +msgstr "Lied der Heilung" + +msgid "sapling" +msgstr "Schößling" + +msgid "vial_p" +msgstr "Phiolen" + +msgid "rustyshield" +msgstr "Rostiger Schild" + +msgid "quarry" +msgstr "Steinbruch" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "firestorm" +msgstr "Tötet die Feinde mit Feuer." + +msgid "scale_p" +msgstr "Schuppenpanzer" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "strongwall" +msgstr "Mit dieser Formel bindet der Magier zu Beginn eines Kampfes einige Elementargeister des Fels in die Mauern des Gebäudes, in dem er sich gerade befindet. Das Gebäude bietet sodann einen besseren Schutz gegen Angriffe mit dem Schwert wie mit Magie." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "seaserpent" +msgstr "Seeschlange" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "fish_shield" +msgstr " Dieser Zauber vermag dem Gegner ein geringfügig versetztes Bild der eigenen Truppen vorzuspiegeln, so wie der Fisch im Wasser auch nicht dort ist wo er zu sein scheint. Von jedem Treffer kann so die Hälfte des Schadens unschädlich abgeleitet werden. Doch hält der Schild nur einige Hundert Schwerthiebe aus, danach wird er sich auflösen. Je stärker der Magier, desto mehr Schaden hält der Schild aus. " + +msgid "section_newpotions" +msgstr "Neue Tränke" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "an_illusionwall" +msgstr "eine Illusionswand" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apepsnake" +msgstr "Apepschlange" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dracoid_d" +msgstr "Dracoiden" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_chastitybelt" +msgstr "Erschaffe ein Amulett der Keuschheit" + +msgid "roqf_p" +msgstr "Ringe der flinken Finger" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "common" +msgstr "Gemein" + +msgid "fairyboot_p" +msgstr "Feenstiefel" + +msgid "FREMDES" +msgstr "FREMDES" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_10" +msgstr "Grauenhafte" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dracoid_p" +msgstr "Dracoide" + +msgid "nr_trade_final" +msgstr "und für" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_11" +msgstr "Furchtbare" + +msgid "Winter" +msgstr "Winter" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_12" +msgstr "Entsetzliche" + +msgid "mistletoe" +msgstr "Mistelzweig" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_13" +msgstr "Schauderhafte" + +msgid "mallorncrossbow" +msgstr "Mallornarmbrust" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_14" +msgstr "Schreckliche" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "illaundestroymagic" +msgstr "Traumbilder entwirren" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_15" +msgstr "Düstere" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "goblin_d" +msgstr "Goblins" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_16" +msgstr "Schaurige" + +msgid "eyeofdragon_p" +msgstr "Augen des Drachen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "shockwave" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber läßt eine Welle aus purer Kraft über die gegnerischen Reihen hinwegfegen. Viele Kämpfer wird der Schock so benommen machen, dass sie für einen kurzen Moment nicht angreifen können." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dracoid_x" +msgstr "Dracoiden" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "special" +msgstr "Spezial" + +msgid "lebkuchenherz" +msgstr "Lebkuchenherz mit der Aufschrift 'Erz und Stein, das ist fein'" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "snowglobe" +msgstr " Eine Kugel aus Kristallglas von circa drei Zoll Durchmesser, welche auf einem Sockel aus Granit ruht. Im Inneren tanzen unzählige winzige Schneeflocken munter umher. Auf der Unterseite des Sockels ist eine goldene Windrose mit den sechs Himmelsrichtungen abgebildet. Eigentlich ein sehr schöner Anblick, doch strahlt sie eine namenlose Kälte aus. Unter Magiern und anderen der arkanen Künste kundigen ist die Funktion und Wirkungsweise des Artefaktes heftig umstritten. Einig scheint man sich darüber zu sein, dass in dieser kleinen Kugel so viel Kälte gefangen ist, dass es dauerhafte Folgen für eine weiträumige Umgebung hätte wenn man sie zerstört. Größte Brände ließen sich damit wohl löschen, Vulkane besänftigen und Unmengen von Wasser zum gefrieren bringen. Doch auch in weniger extremen Umgebungen würden sich bestimmt dauerhafte Veränderungen ereignen. Es wäre sicherlich nicht zu empfehlen das Kleinod einfach fallen zu lassen. Man sollte es anstelle dessen so weit wie möglich von sich schleudern und dafür sorge tragen, dass sich am Einschlagsort kein Lebewesen aufhält. So man denn eine Benutzung tatsächlich riskieren will. (BENUTZE Schneekugel ) " + +msgid "desert" +msgstr "Wüste" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dolphin" +msgstr "Delphin" + +msgid "bow_p" +msgstr "Bögen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "goblin_p" +msgstr "Goblins" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_of_slavery" +msgstr " Dieser mächtige Bann raubt dem Opfer seinen freien Willen und unterwirft sie den Befehlen des Barden. Für einige Zeit wird das Opfer sich völlig von seinen eigenen Leuten abwenden und der Partei des Barden zugehörig fühlen. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "healingzone" +msgstr "Zone der Heilung" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "follow" +msgstr "FOLGE" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "goblin_x" +msgstr "Goblin" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earn_silver#gwyrrd" +msgstr "Die Fähigkeiten der Gwyrrd-Magier in der Viehzucht und Heilung sind bei den Bauern sehr begehrt. Gerade auf Märkten sind ihre Dienste häufig sehr gefragt. Manch einer mag auch sein Talent dazu nutzen, ein Tier für einen besseren Preis zu verkaufen. Pro Stufe kann der Magier so 50 Silber verdienen." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "raindance" +msgstr "Regentanz" + +msgid "goblinspoil_p" +msgstr "Goblinköpfe" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "nestwarmth" +msgstr "Nestwärme erlaubt es einem Insekt, im Winter außerhalb von Wüsten neue Rekruten anzuwerben. Zur Zubereitung nimmt der geübte Alchemist einen Kakteenschwitz, vermischt ihn mit einer Portion Spaltwachs, die in einer sternklaren Nacht gesammelt wurde, gibt zur Vertreibung des Winters einige Blütenblätter der Eisblume in den Sud, und rührt alles mit einem grünen Spinnerich bis es eine violette Farbe annimmt. Ein Trank reicht eine Woche lang für eine ganze Region." + +msgid "attack_natural" +msgstr "ein unbewaffneter Angriff" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "study" +msgstr "LERNE" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "jadee_dress" +msgstr "Dieses Brautkleid ist mit Abstand das schönste, was je jemand irgendwie irgendwo gesehen hat. Auch wenn nur Wildente und Jadee das finden müssten, wird jeder Bewohner Eresseas dies neidlos bestätigen. Das sehr stilvolle Kleid lässt die zarten Schultern seiner Trägerin frei und liegt am Oberkörper eng an. Dies betont atemberaubend die zarten Kurven der Braut. Der Rock fällt leicht ausgestellt den ganzen langen Weg an den Beinen herunter Richtung Boden, wo er sich in einer sehr stilvollen Schleppe ergiesst." + +msgid "ZAUBER" +msgstr "ZAUBER" + +msgid "mallorn" +msgstr "Mallorn" + +msgid "mallorn_p" +msgstr "Mallorn" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "lifepotion" +msgstr "Das 'Wasser des Lebens' ist in der Lage, aus gefällten Baumstämmen wieder lebende Bäume zu machen. Dazu wird ein knotiger Saugwurz zusammen mit einem Elfenlieb erwärmt, so dass man gerade noch den Finger reinhalten kann. Dies gieße man in ein Gefäß und lasse es langsam abkühlen. Der Extrakt reicht für 10 Holzstämme." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "homestone" +msgstr "Heimstein" + +msgid "thickfog_trail" +msgstr "%s" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeletonlord" +msgstr "Skelettherr" + +msgid "permaura" +msgstr "permanente Aura" + +msgid "nr_inventory" +msgstr "hat" + +msgid "section_events" +msgstr "Ereignisse" + +msgid "battle_helpers" +msgstr "Hilft:" + +msgid "incense_p" +msgstr "Weihrauch" + +msgid "iron" +msgstr "Eisen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "gooddreams" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber ermöglicht es dem Traumweber, den Schlaf aller aliierten Einheiten in der Region so zu beeinflussen, dass sie für einige Zeit einen Bonus in allen Talenten bekommen." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earn_silver#illaun" +msgstr "Wahrsagen" + +msgid "hero_p" +msgstr "Helden" + +msgid "mallornspear" +msgstr "Mallornspeer" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Schnee" +msgstr "Schnee" + +msgid "ao_healing" +msgstr "Amulett der Heilung" + +msgid "inn" +msgstr "Taverne" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "firewall" +msgstr "Feuerwand" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_invisibility_sphere" +msgstr "Mit diesem Spruch kann der Zauberer eine Sphäre der Unsichtbarkeit erschaffen. Die Späre macht ihren Träger sowie neunundneunzig weitere Personen in derselben Einheit unsichtbar." + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "ao_healing" +msgstr "Diese Amulett ist ein hervorragender Fokus für alle Heilzauber. Ein mit diesem Fokus gewirkter Heilzauber wird mit größerer Warscheinlichkeit Erfolgreich sein und doppelt so viele Leute heilen können." + +msgid "smod_nofamiliar" +msgstr "Magier exklusiv" + +msgid "unit" +msgstr "Einheit" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "transferaurachaos" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers kann der Magier eigene Aura im Verhältnis 2:1 auf einen anderen Magier des gleichen Magiegebietes übertragen." + +msgid "seed_p" +msgstr "Samen" + +msgid "trollspoil" +msgstr "Trollhorn" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "great_drought" +msgstr " Dieses mächtige Ritual öffnet ein Tor in die Elementarebene der Hitze. Eine grosse Dürre kommt über das Land. Bauern, Tiere und Pflanzen der Region kämpfen um das nackte Überleben, aber eine solche Dürre überlebt wohl nur die Hälfte aller Lebewesen. Der Landstrich kann über Jahre hinaus von den Folgen einer solchen Dürre betroffen sein. " + +msgid "fog" +msgstr "Nebel" + +msgid "catspoil_p" +msgstr "Katzenschwänze" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "See" +msgstr "See" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "disturbingdreams" +msgstr "Schlechter Schlaf" + +msgid "iron_p" +msgstr "Eisen" + +msgid "elfspoil" +msgstr "Elfenohr" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "trollspoil" +msgstr "Das Horn eines Trolles. Kein Troll würde sich lebend davon trennen." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "icastle" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers kann der Traumweber die Illusion eines beliebigen Gebäudes erzeugen. Die Illusion kann betreten werden, ist aber ansonsten funktionslos und benötigt auch keinen Unterhalt. Sie wird einige Wochen bestehen bleiben." + +msgid "dreameye_p" +msgstr "Traumaugen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "human" +msgstr "Mensch" + +msgid "peasantblood" +msgstr "Bauernblut" + +msgid "caravan" +msgstr "Karawanserei" + +msgid "museumexitticket_p" +msgstr "Rückkehrtickets des Großen Museum" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summonent" +msgstr "Erwecke Ents" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "reelingarrows" +msgstr "Diese Beschwörung öffnet ein Tor in die Ebene der Elementargeister des Windes. Sofort erheben sich in der Umgebung des Tors starke Winde oder gar Stürme und behindern alle Schützen einer Schlacht." + +msgid "southeast" +msgstr "Südosten" + +msgid "adamantiumplate_p" +msgstr "Adamantiumrüstungen" + +msgid "log" +msgstr "Holz" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "bluescarab" +msgstr "blauer Scarabäus" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "draig" +msgstr "Draig" + +msgid "presspass_p" +msgstr "Akkreditionen des Xontormia-Expreß" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_runesword" +msgstr "Mit diesem Spruch erzeugt man ein Runenschwert. Die Klinge des schwarzen Schwertes ist mit alten, magischen Runen verziert, und ein seltsames Eigenleben erfüllt die warme Klinge. Um es zu benutzen, muss man ein Schwertkämpfer von beachtlichem Talent (7) sein. Der Träger des Runenschwertes erhält einen Talentbonus von +4 im Kampf und wird so gut wie immun gegen alle Formen von Magie." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magicboost" +msgstr "Gabe des Chaos" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "mistletoe" +msgstr "Im Mistelzweig ruht eine magische Kraft der besonderer Art. Der Anwender wird von seinen Feinden in Frieden gelassen, eine Woche lang läßt jeder Kämpfer ihn unbeschadet seines Weges ziehen." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undeadpharaoh" +msgstr "Untoter Pharao" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "taxation" +msgstr "Steuereintreiben" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "heroic_song" +msgstr "Heldengesang" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "mallorntreegrow" +msgstr "Segne Mallornstecken" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "littlescarab_d" +msgstr "kleinen Scarabäen" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "hide" +msgstr "TARNE" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "move" +msgstr "NACH" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_dreameye" +msgstr "Ein mit diesem Zauber belegtes Drachenauge, welches zum Abendmahle verzehrt wird, erlaubt es dem Benutzer, in die Träume einer anderen Person einzudringen und diese zu lesen. Lange Zeit wurde eine solche Fähigkeit für nutzlos erachtet, bis die ehemalige waldelfische Magistra für Kampfmagie, Liarana Sonnentau von der Akademie Thall, eine besondere Anwendung vorstellte: Feldherren träumen vor großen Kämpfen oft unruhig und verraten im Traum ihre Pläne. Dies kann dem Anwender einen großen Vorteil im kommenden Kampf geben. Aber Vorsicht: Die Interpretation von Träumen ist eine schwierige Angelegenheit." + +msgid "demonspoil" +msgstr "Dämonenblut" + +msgctxt "damage" +msgid "plusstrong" +msgstr "sehr stark" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "littlescarab_p" +msgstr "kleine Scarabäen" + +msgid "an_unknown_ship" +msgstr "ein unbekanntes Schiff" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "almond" +msgstr "(Prunus dulcis) [...] Die Nüsse existieren in zwei Varianten, süß und bitter. Süße Mandeln sind der bekannte eßbare Typ, der in Form von Nüssen gegessen, beim Kochen verwandt oder zu Mandelöl und Mandelmehl verarbeitet wird." + +msgid "roi" +msgstr "Ring der Unsichtbarkeit" + +msgid "caravel_a" +msgstr "eine Karavelle" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "describe" +msgstr "BESCHREIBE" + +msgid "mallornspear_p" +msgstr "Mallornspeere" + +msgid "DEBUG" +msgstr "DEBUG" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "goodwinds" +msgstr "Beschwörung eines Wasserelementares" + +msgid "GEBAEUDE" +msgstr "GEBÄUDE" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "blessedharvest" +msgstr "Dieses Ernteritual verbessert die Erträge der arbeitenden Bauern in der Region um ein Silberstück. Je mehr Kraft der Druide investiert, desto länger wirkt der Zauber." + +msgid "KRAEUTER" +msgstr "KRÄUTER" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "rustweapon" +msgstr "Mit diesem Ritual wird eine dunkle Gewitterfront beschworen, die sich unheilverkündend über der Region auftürmt. Der magische Regen wird alles Erz rosten lassen. Eisenwaffen und Rüstungen werden schartig und rostig. Die Zerstörungskraft des Regens ist von der investierten Kraft des Magiers abhängig. Für jede Stufe können bis zu 10 Eisenwaffen betroffen werden. Ein Ring der Macht verstärkt die Wirkung wie eine zusätzliche Stufe." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "littlescarab_x" +msgstr "kleine Scarabäen" + +msgid "rop" +msgstr "Ring der Macht" + +msgid "wall1" +msgstr "Wand" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "analysesong_unit" +msgstr "Gesang des Lebens analysieren" + +msgid "ror" +msgstr "Ring der Regeneration" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghost" +msgstr "Geist" + +msgid "runesword_p" +msgstr "Runenschwerter" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "farvision" +msgstr "ein unbekannter Zauber" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "icastle" +msgstr "Traumschlößchen" + +msgid "newbie_info_cr" +msgstr "Mit der ersten Auswertung bekommst du einen Computerreport, den du mit vielen Tools wie z.B. Magellan benutzen kannst. Wenn du ihn weiterhin bekommen willst, gib einer deiner Einheiten den Befehl OPTION COMPUTER." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "puttorest" +msgstr "Dieses magische Ritual beruhigt die gequälten Seelen der gewaltsam zu Tode gekommenen und ermöglicht es ihnen so, ihre letzte Reise in die Anderlande zu beginnen. Je Stufe des Zaubers werden ungefähr 50 Seelen ihre Ruhe finden. Der Zauber vermag nicht, bereits wieder auferstandene lebende Tote zu erlösen, da deren Bindung an diese Welt zu stark ist." + +msgid "key_p" +msgstr "Schlüssel" + +msgid "aura_p" +msgstr "Aura" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_of_peace" +msgstr "Gesang der Friedfertigkeit" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "firestorm" +msgstr "Feuersturm" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "cerddor" +msgstr "Cerddor" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_aots" +msgstr "Erschaffe ein Amulett des wahren Sehens" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "black" +msgstr "Schwarz" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "magic_roots" +msgstr " Mit Hilfe dieses aufwändigen Rituals läßt der Druide einen Teil seiner Kraft dauerhaft in den Boden und die Wälder der Region fliessen. Dadurch wird das Gleichgewicht der Natur in der Region für immer verändert, und in Zukunft werden nur noch die anspruchsvollen, aber kräftigen Mallorngewächse in der Region gedeihen. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undead_d" +msgstr "Untoten" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "thirdweek_d" +msgstr "der letzten Woche" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "leaveastral" +msgstr "Der Magier konzentriert sich auf die Struktur der Realität und kann so die astrale Ebene verlassen. Er kann insgesamt (Stufe-3)*15 GE durch das kurzzeitig entstehende Tor schicken. Ist der Magier erfahren genug, den Zauber auf Stufen von 11 oder mehr zu zaubern, kann er andere Einheiten auch gegen ihren Willen auf die andere Ebene zwingen." + +msgid "zombie_name_0" +msgstr "Zombies" + +msgid "zombie_name_1" +msgstr "Kreaturen" + +msgid "VORNE" +msgstr "VORNE" + +msgid "zombie_name_2" +msgstr "Verlorene" + +msgid "zombie_name_3" +msgstr "Erschlagene" + +msgid "zombie_name_4" +msgstr "Verdammte" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "tybiedfumbleshield" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber legt ein antimagisches Feld um die Magier der Feinde und behindert ihre Zauber erheblich. Nur wenige werden die Kraft besitzen, das Feld zu durchdringen und ihren Truppen in der Schlacht zu helfen." + +msgid "adamantiumaxe" +msgstr "Adamantiumaxt" + +msgid "skillpotion_p" +msgstr "Talenttrünke" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undead_p" +msgstr "Untote" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "imp" +msgstr "Teufelchen" + +msgid "ZUGVORLAGE" +msgstr "ZUGVORLAGE" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowbat_d" +msgstr "Todesflattern" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nightmare_d" +msgstr "Alpträumen" + +msgid "sptype_precombat" +msgstr "Präkampfzauber" + +msgid "nr_spell_level" +msgstr "Stufe:" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_magicherbbag" +msgstr "Erschaffe einen magischen Kräuterbeutel" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "shockwave" +msgstr "Schockwelle" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undead_x" +msgstr "Untoten" + +msgid "flyingcarpet_a" +msgstr "ein fliegender Teppich" + +msgid "mallorntree_p" +msgstr "Mallorn" + +msgid "castle" +msgstr "Burg" + +msgid "nr_borderlist_infix" +msgstr ", im " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowbat_p" +msgstr "Todesflattern" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "apple" +msgstr "Frucht aus der Gattung Malus (ca. 25 Arten), gehört zur Familie der Rosengewächse. Die am häufigsten kultivierte Baumfrucht. Der Apfel gehört zu den fleischigen Früchten, in dem der gereifte Fruchtknoten und das umgebende Gewebe fleischig und eßbar werden. Die Apfelblüte der meisten Varianten erfordert Kreuzbestäubung zur Befruchtung. Form und Größe des Apfels bei der Ernte variieren abhängig von kulturellen und umweltbedingten Einflüssen in Größe, Form, Farbe und Geschmack, sind jedoch nichtsdestotrotz üblicherweise rund, zwischen 50 und 100mm im Durchmesser und weisen röt- oder gelbliche Farbtöne auf." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nightmare_p" +msgstr "Alpträume" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "shadowknights" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber vermag dem Gegner ein geringfügig versetztes Bild der eigenen Truppen vorzuspiegeln. Die Schattenritter haben keinen effektiven Angriff und Verwundungen im Kampf zerstören sie sofort." + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Nacht" +msgstr "Nacht" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fetch_astral" +msgstr "Ruf der Realität" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "password" +msgstr "PASSWORT" + +msgid "nr_mourning" +msgstr " (trauernd)" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_chastitybelt" +msgstr "Dieses Amulett in Gestalt einer orkischen Matrone unterdrückt den Fortpflanzungstrieb eines einzelnen Orks sehr zuverlässig. Ein Ork mit Amulett der Keuschheit wird sich nicht mehr vermehren." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "analyse_object" +msgstr " Wie Lebewesen, so haben auch Schiffe und Gebäude und sogar Regionen ihr eigenes Lied, wenn auch viel schwächer und schwerer zu hören. Und so, wie aus dem Lebenslied einer Person erkannt werden kann, ob diese unter einem Zauber steht, so ist dies auch bei Burgen, Schiffen oder Regionen möglich. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowbat_x" +msgstr "Todesflatter" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nightmare_x" +msgstr "Alptraum" + +msgid "stat_attacks" +msgstr "Angriffe" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "transfer_aura_song" +msgstr "Gesang des Auratransfers" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghoul" +msgstr "Ghoul" + +msgid "eyeofdragon" +msgstr "Auge des Drachen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "fetch_astral" +msgstr "Ein Magier, welcher sich in der materiellen Welt befindet, kann er mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers Einheiten aus der angrenzenden Astralwelt herbeiholen. Ist der Magier erfahren genug, den Zauber auf Stufen von 13 oder mehr zu zaubern, kann er andere Einheiten auch gegen ihren Willen in die materielle Welt zwingen." + +msgid "chainmail_p" +msgstr "Kettenhemden" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "goblin" +msgstr "Goblin" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "training" +msgstr "Pferdedressur" + +msgid "undead_postfix_10" +msgstr "der Tiefe" + +msgid "undead_postfix_11" +msgstr "in Ketten" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "demon" +msgstr "Dämon" + +msgid "undead_postfix_12" +msgstr "aus dem Totenreich" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "summer" +msgstr "Sommer" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "acidrain" +msgstr "Tötet die Feinde mit Säure." + +msgid "undead_postfix_13" +msgstr "aus der Unterwelt" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Wald" +msgstr "Wald" + +msgid "trollspoil_p" +msgstr "Trollhörner" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "steal_aura" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers kann der Magier einem anderen Magier seine Aura gegen dessen Willen entziehen und sich selber zuführen." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mummy_d" +msgstr "Mumien" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "braineater_d" +msgstr "Hirntöter" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "goliathwater" +msgstr "Zuerst brate man das Gurgelkraut leicht an und würze das Zeug mit ein wenig Fjordwuchs. Man lasse alles so lange kochen, bis fast alle Flüssigkeit verdampft ist. Diesen Brei stelle man über Nacht raus. Am nächsten Morgen presse man den Brei aus. Die so gewonnene Flüssigkeit, Goliathwasser genannt, verleiht bis zu zehn Männern die Tragkraft eines Pferdes." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "eternal_walls" +msgstr "Mit dieser Formel bindet der Magier auf ewig die Kräfte der Erde in die Mauern des Gebäudes. Ein solchermaßen verzaubertes Gebäude ist gegen den Zahn der Zeit geschützt und benötigt keinen Unterhalt mehr." + +msgid "snowglobe_p" +msgstr "Schneekugeln" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "weaponsmithing" +msgstr "Waffenbau" + +msgid "an_unknown_building" +msgstr "ein unbekanntes Gebäude" + +msgid "museumexitticket" +msgstr "Rückkehrticket des Großen Museum" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mummy_p" +msgstr "Mumien" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "braineater_p" +msgstr "Hirntöter" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "attack" +msgstr "ATTACKIERE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "concealing_aura" +msgstr "Schleieraura" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mummy_x" +msgstr "Mumien" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "braineater_x" +msgstr "Hirntöter" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "unholypower" +msgstr "Unheilige Kraft" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "illaun" +msgstr "Illaun" + +msgid "nr_calendar" +msgstr "Wir schreiben %s des Monats %s im Jahre %d %s." + +msgid "caravel" +msgstr "Karavelle" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_10" +msgstr "der Goldene" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_11" +msgstr "der Graue" + +msgid "stone_p" +msgstr "Steine" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_12" +msgstr "der Steinerne" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_suscept_magic" +msgstr " Dieses Lied, das in die magische Essenz der Region gewoben wird, schwächt die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen eine Verzauberung einmalig um 15%. Nur die Verbündeten des Barden (HELFE BEWACHE) sind gegen die Wirkung des Gesangs gefeit. " + +msgid "dragon_postfix_13" +msgstr "die Alte" + +msgid "plate" +msgstr "Plattenpanzer" + +msgid "herbbag_p" +msgstr "Kräuterbeutel" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_14" +msgstr "die Mächtige" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_15" +msgstr "die Goldene" + +msgid "skillpotion" +msgstr "Talenttrunk" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_16" +msgstr "der Grausame" + +msgid "speedsail_p" +msgstr "Sonnensegel" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_17" +msgstr "der Sanddrache" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_18" +msgstr "der Durstige" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_19" +msgstr "die Verzehrende" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "cartmaking" +msgstr "Wagenbau" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nightmare" +msgstr "Alptraum" + +msgid "nr_alliances" +msgstr "Aktueller Status" + +msgid "cart_p" +msgstr "Wagen" + +msgid "section_study" +msgstr "Lehren und Lernen" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "stealth" +msgstr "Tarnung" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magicwalls" +msgstr "Heimstein" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "smurf" +msgstr "Schlumpf" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "badmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "Gesang des schwachen Geistes" + +msgid "peasant" +msgstr "Bauer" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "ring_of_levitation" +msgstr "Benutzt der Kapitän des Schiffes diesen Talisman, so wird allen an Bord befindlichen Mallornsamen ihre magisch Energie entzogen, und das Schiff kann mit dieser Energie bis zu zwei Wochen lang fliegen." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "tiredsoldiers" +msgstr "Schwere Glieder" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "immolation" +msgstr "Feuerwalze" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "aquarian" +msgstr "Meermensch" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "star" +msgstr "Sternen" + +msgid "xmastree_p" +msgstr "Weihnachtsbäume" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tunnelworm_d" +msgstr "Tunnelwürmern" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_20" +msgstr "die Grüne" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_21" +msgstr "die Rote" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_22" +msgstr "der Furchtlose" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_23" +msgstr "der Allmächtige" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_24" +msgstr "der Weitblickende" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_wisps" +msgstr "eine Gruppe von Irrlichtern" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_25" +msgstr "der Weiße" + +msgid "NAECHSTER" +msgstr "NÄCHSTER" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_26" +msgstr "die Glänzende" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wdwpyramid_cerddor" +msgstr "Gesang der Götter" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "leave" +msgstr "VERLASSE" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_27" +msgstr "der Wissende" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_28" +msgstr "die Unbarmherzige" + +msgid "dragon_postfix_29" +msgstr "die Schöne" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tunnelworm_p" +msgstr "Tunnelwürmer" + +msgid "nr_skills" +msgstr "Talente" + +msgid "section_movement" +msgstr "Reisen und Bewegung" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tunnelworm_x" +msgstr "Tunnelwurm" + +msgid "weight_per_p" +msgstr "GE je" + +msgid "h12_p" +msgstr "Windbeutel" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fumble" +msgstr "Chaosfluch" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wdwpyramid_illaun" +msgstr "Traum von den Göttern" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "bluescarab_d" +msgstr "blauen Scarabäen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snotling" +msgstr "Snotling" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "berserk" +msgstr "In diesem blutigen Ritual opfert der Magier vor der Schlacht ein Neugeborenes vor den Augen seiner Armee. Die so gerufenen Blutgeister werden von den Soldaten Besitz ergreifen und sie in einen Blutrausch versetzen." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wyrm_d" +msgstr "Wyrmen" + +msgid "h15_p" +msgstr "Steinbeißer" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "bad_dreams" +msgstr "Schlechte Träume" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "goodmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "Gesang des wachen Geistes" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "shipcraft" +msgstr "Schiffbau" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Klein" +msgstr "Klein" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "bluescarab_p" +msgstr "blaue Scarabäen" + +msgid "citadel" +msgstr "Zitadelle" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "puttorest" +msgstr "Seelenfrieden" + +msgid "list_and" +msgstr " und " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "godcursezone" +msgstr "Fluch der Götter" + +msgid "sptype_postcombat" +msgstr "Postkampfzauber" + +msgid "h18_p" +msgstr "Eisblumen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wyrm_p" +msgstr "Wyrme" + +msgid "viele" +msgstr "viele" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "bluescarab_x" +msgstr "blaue Scarabäen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wdwpyramid_draig" +msgstr "Göttliche Macht" + +msgid "nr_nospells" +msgstr "keiner" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Sumpf" +msgstr "Sumpf" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wyrm_x" +msgstr "Wyrm" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "windshield" +msgstr "Windschild" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "museumghost" +msgstr "Museumsgeist" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "fumblecurse" +msgstr "Dieser heimtückische Fluch beeinträchtigt die magischen Fähigkeiten des Opfers erheblich. Eine chaosmagische Zone um das Opfer vermindert seine Konzentrationsfähigkeit und macht es ihm sehr schwer Zauber zu wirken." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "option" +msgstr "OPTION" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "roads" +msgstr "Straßen" + +msgid "battle_army" +msgstr "Heer" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "giantturtle_d" +msgstr "Riesenschildkröten" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_runesword" +msgstr "Erschaffe ein Runenschwert" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "strongwall" +msgstr "Starkes Tor und feste Mauer" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "double_time" +msgstr "Zeitdehnung" + +msgctxt "raceinfo" +msgid "unicorn" +msgstr "Dieses mystische Wesen lebt bevorzugt in den tiefsten Wäldern und vermag sich hervorragend vor den Augen anderer zu verbergen. Nur selten schließt sich ein Einhorn einem Magier an, jedoch wenn das geschieht ist es ein mächtiger Verbündeter, der auch über eigene Magie verfügt." + +msgid "wente_ring" +msgstr "Wildentes Hochzeitsring" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earn_silver#tybied" +msgstr "Wunderdoktor" + +msgid "snowball" +msgstr "Schneeball" + +msgid "apple" +msgstr "Apfel" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Mond" +msgstr "Mond" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "snowball" +msgstr "Ein Schneeball. Es scheinen kleine Eissplitter darin zu sein. In den richtigen Händen können sie sicher weh tun." + +msgid "nr_spell_syntax" +msgstr "Syntax:" + +msgctxt "raceinfo" +msgid "no_info" +msgstr "Keine Informationen über diese Rasse verfügbar." + +msgid "seaserpenthead_p" +msgstr "Seeschlangenköpfe" + +msgid "forest" +msgstr "Wald" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "giantturtle_p" +msgstr "Riesenschildkröten" + +msgid "ring_of_levitation" +msgstr "Ring der Levitation" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "berserk" +msgstr "Blutrausch" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "herbalism" +msgstr "Kräuterkunde" + +msgid "nr_spell_rank" +msgstr "Rang:" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "wente_ring" +msgstr "Dieser Ring ist ein wahres Meisterwerk. Obwohl er sehr gross ist (weil auch sein Träger sehr gross ist), wirkt er filigran. Weissgold und Platin verschmelzen in diesem Ring zu einer Einheit, die die Schönheit der einzelnen Elemente nur noch unterstreich. In der Innenseite des Rings ist eine Gravur zu lesen: 'Jadee, 3. Woche Eiswind Jahr 8'." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "stonegolem" +msgstr "Man befeuchte einen kluftfreien Block aus feinkristallinen Gestein mit einer Phiole des Lebenswassers bis dieses vollständig vom Gestein aufgesogen wurde. Sodann richte man seine Kraft auf die sich bildende feine Aura des Lebens und forme der ungebundenen Kraft ein Gehäuse. Je mehr Kraft der Magier investiert, desto mehr Golems können geschaffen werden, bevor die Aura sich verflüchtigt. Jeder Golem hat jede Runde eine Chance von 10 Prozent zu Staub zu zerfallen. Gibt man den Golems die Befehle MACHE BURG oder MACHE STRASSE, so werden pro Golem 4 Steine verbaut und der Golem löst sich auf. " + +msgid "dolphin" +msgstr "Delphin" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snotling_d" +msgstr "Snotlingen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "giantturtle_x" +msgstr "Riesenschildkröten" + +msgid "lmsreward" +msgstr "Gürtel der Heldentaten" + +msgid "crossbow" +msgstr "Armbrust" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "orc" +msgstr "Ork" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_antimagic" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieses Zauber entzieht der Magier einem Quarzkristall all seine magischen Energien. Der Kristall wird dann, wenn er zu feinem Staub zermahlen und verteilt wird, die beim Zaubern freigesetzten magischen Energien aufsaugen und die Kraft aller Zauber reduzieren, welche in der betreffenden Woche in der Region gezaubert werden." + +msgid "goliathwater_p" +msgstr "Goliathwasser" + +msgid "stardust" +msgstr "Sternenstaub" + +msgid "illusioncastle" +msgstr "Traumschlößchen" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "stardust" +msgstr "Dieser magische Staub ist aus einem im Winter vom Himmel gefallenen Stern gewonnen worden, und ihm werden aphrodisiakische Eigenschaften nachgesagt." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snotling_p" +msgstr "Snotlinge" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "fall" +msgstr "Herbst" + +msgid "halflingspoil_p" +msgstr "Halblingfüße" + +msgid "glacier" +msgstr "Gletscher" + +msgid "aod_p" +msgstr "Amulette der Dunkelheit" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snotling_x" +msgstr "Snotling" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_magicherbbag" +msgstr "Der Druide nehme etwas präpariertes Leder, welches er in einem großen Ritual der Reinigung von allen unreinen Geistern befreie, und binde dann einige kleine Geister der Luft und des Wassers in das Material. Aus dem so vorbereiteten Leder fertige er nun ein kleines Beutelchen, welches in ihm aufbewahrte Kräuter besser zu konservieren vermag." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "road" +msgstr "Straße" + +msgid "status_defensive" +msgstr "defensiv" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "peasantblood" +msgstr "Zu den gefährlichsten und geheimsten Wissen der Alchemisten zählt die Kenntnis um diesen Trank. Den finstersten Höllen entrissen, ermöglicht die Kenntnis dieser Formel die Herstellung eines Elixiers, welches Dämonen als Nahrung dient. Von normalen Lebewesen eingenommen, führt es zu schnellem Tod und ewigen Nichtleben. Die Herstellung benötigt nebst Fjordwuchs, etwas Höhlenglimm und einem Blauen Baumringel auch einen Bauern aus der Region, welcher in einem tagelangen blutigen Ritual getötet wird. Ein Fläschchen des Tranks kann den Hunger von 100 Dämonen für eine Woche stillen." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "spy" +msgstr "SPIONIERE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "powerful_dragonbreath" +msgstr "Großer Drachenodem" + +msgid "DURCHREISE" +msgstr "DURCHREISE" + +msgid "aog_p" +msgstr "Amulette des Treffens" + +msgid "dragonblood_p" +msgstr "Drachenblut" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p10" +msgstr "Will man seine Krieger zu Höchstleistungen antreiben, sei das Berserkerblut empfohlen. Um es herzustellen, braucht man einen Weißen Wüterich, etwas Flachwurz, Sandfäule und eine Alraune. Alle Zutaten müssen möglichst klein geschnitten und anschließend zwei Stunden lang gekocht werden. Den abgekühlten Brei gebe man in ein Tuch und presse ihn aus. Der so gewonnene Saft reicht aus, um zehn Kämpfer besser angreifen zu lassen." + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p11" +msgstr "Das Bauernlieb betört Mann und Frau gleichwohl und läßt in ihnen den Wunsch nach Kindern anwachsen. Für eine große Portion höhle man eine Alraune aus, gebe kleingehackten Blasenmorchel, Elfenlieb und Schneekristall dazu, streue ein wenig geriebenen Steinbeißer darüber und lasse dieses zwanzig Stunden lang auf kleiner Flamme kochen. Bis zu 1000 Bauern vermag der Trank das Glück von Zwillinge zu bescheren." + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p13" +msgstr "Eines der seltensten und wertvollsten alchemistischen Elixiere, verleiht dieser Trank dem Anwender für einige Wochen die Kraft eines Drachen. Der Trank erhöht die Lebensenergie von maximal zehn Personen auf das fünffache. Die Wirkung ist direkt nach der Einnahme am stärksten und klingt danach langsam ab. Zur Herstellung benötigt der Alchemist ein Elfenlieb, einen Windbeutel, ein Stück Wasserfinder und einen Grünen Spinnerich. Über dieses Mischung streue er schließlich einen zerriebenen Blasenmorchel und rühre dieses Pulver unter etwas Drachenblut." + +msgid "an_unknown_curse" +msgstr "ein unbekannter Zauber" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "gooddreams" +msgstr "Schöne Träume" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "zombie" +msgstr "Zombie" + +msgid "sptype_normal" +msgstr "Normaler Zauber" + +msgid "PERSONEN" +msgstr "PERSONEN" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ent_d" +msgstr "Ents" + +msgid "unit_hungers" +msgstr "hungert" + +msgid "amulet_p" +msgstr "Amulette" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "rat_d" +msgstr "Ratten" + +msgid "laenmail_p" +msgstr "Laenkettenhemden" + +msgid "orcspoil_p" +msgstr "Orkhauer" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "loot" +msgstr "PLÜNDERE" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_1" +msgstr "Feldsegen" + +msgid "status_front" +msgstr "vorne" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "guard" +msgstr "BEWACHE" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_2" +msgstr "Nebeltage" + +msgid "activevolcano_trail" +msgstr "der Vulkan von %s" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_3" +msgstr "Sturmmond" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "stormwinds" +msgstr "Die Beschwörung von Elementargeistern der Stürme ist ein uraltes Ritual. Der Druide bannt die Elementare in die Segel der Schiffe, wo sie helfen, das Schiff mit hoher Geschwindigkeit über die Wellen zu tragen. Je mehr Kraft der Druide in den Zauber investiert, desto größer ist die Zahl der Elementargeister, die sich bannen lassen. Für jedes Schiff wird ein Elementargeist benötigt." + +msgid "PAUSE" +msgstr "PAUSE" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_4" +msgstr "Herdfeuer" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summon_familiar" +msgstr "Einem erfahrenen Magier wird irgendwann auf seinen Wanderungen ein ungewöhnliches Exemplar einer Gattung begegnen, welches sich dem Magier anschließen wird." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "courting" +msgstr "Gesang des Werbens" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghost_d" +msgstr "Geistern" + +msgid "trollbelt_p" +msgstr "Gürtel der Trollstärke" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_5" +msgstr "Eiswind" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "healing" +msgstr "Nicht nur der Feldscher kann den Verwundeten einer Schlacht helfen. Druiden vermögen mittels einer Beschwörung der Elementargeister des Lebens Wunden zu schließen, gebrochene Knochen zu richten und selbst abgetrennte Glieder wieder zu regenerieren." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "vampunicorn_d" +msgstr "Nachteinhörnern" + +msgid "rop_p" +msgstr "Ringe der Macht" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_6" +msgstr "Schneebann" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ent_p" +msgstr "Ents" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_7" +msgstr "Blütenregen" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_8" +msgstr "Mond der milden Winde" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_9" +msgstr "Sonnenfeuer" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "rat_p" +msgstr "Ratten" + +msgid "key" +msgstr "Schlüssel" + +msgid "aura" +msgstr "Aura" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "badlearn" +msgstr "Schlechter Schlaf" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ent_x" +msgstr "Ent" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghost_p" +msgstr "Geister" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "vampunicorn_p" +msgstr "Nachteinhörner" + +msgid "ao_chastity" +msgstr "Amulett der Keuschheit" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "rat_x" +msgstr "Ratten" + +msgid "new" +msgstr "NEU" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "draigfumbleshield" +msgstr "Astrales Chaos" + +msgid "lifepotion_p" +msgstr "Wasser des Lebens" + +msgid "rustyhalberd_p" +msgstr "Rostige Hellebarden" + +msgid "section_magic" +msgstr "Magie und Artefakte" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghost_x" +msgstr "Geister" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "vampunicorn_x" +msgstr "Nachteinhorn" + +msgid "h2_p" +msgstr "Eulenaugen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "halfling" +msgstr "Halbling" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "eagle" +msgstr "Adler" + +msgid "shield" +msgstr "Schild" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "calm_riot" +msgstr " Mit Hilfe dieses magischen Gesangs kann der Magier eine Region in Aufruhr wieder beruhigen. Die Bauernhorden werden sich verlaufen und wieder auf ihre Felder zurückkehren. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "stonegolem" +msgstr "Steingolem" + +msgid "ointment" +msgstr "Wundsalbe" + +msgid "h5_p" +msgstr "Elfenlieb" + +msgid "describe_braineater" +msgstr "Wabernde grüne Schwaden treiben durch den Nebel und verdichten sich zu einer unheimlichen Kreatur, die nur aus einem langen Ruderschwanz und einem riesigen runden Maul zu bestehen scheint." + +msgid "maelstrom" +msgstr "Mahlstrom" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeleton_d" +msgstr "Skeletten" + +msgid "xmastree" +msgstr "Weihnachtsbaum" + +msgid "h8_p" +msgstr "Blasenmorcheln" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "xmastree" +msgstr "Dieser wunderschoen geschmueckte Baum entfaltet in den Wintermonaten eine magische Wirkung auf den ganzen Wald." + +msgid "h10" +msgstr "Kakteenschwitz" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "besiege" +msgstr "BELAGERE" + +msgid "h11" +msgstr "Sandfäule" + +msgid "h12" +msgstr "Windbeutel" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "healing" +msgstr "Heilung" + +msgid "h13" +msgstr "Fjordwuchs" + +msgid "trireme_a" +msgstr "eine Trireme" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Dunkel" +msgstr "Dunkel" + +msgid "h14" +msgstr "Alraune" + +msgid "tower" +msgstr "Turm" + +msgid "smod_ship" +msgstr "Schiffszauber" + +msgid "h15" +msgstr "Steinbeißer" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeleton_p" +msgstr "Skelette" + +msgid "h16" +msgstr "Spaltwachs" + +msgid "h17" +msgstr "Höhlenglimm" + +msgid "h18" +msgstr "Eisblume" + +msgid "MATERIALPOOL" +msgstr "MATERIALPOOL" + +msgid "h19" +msgstr "Weißer Wüterich" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeleton_x" +msgstr "Skelett" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Blut" +msgstr "Blut" + +msgid "nr_guarding_prefix" +msgstr "Die Region wird von " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "giantturtle" +msgstr "Riesenschildkröte" + +msgid "magicherbbag" +msgstr "Magischer Kräuterbeutel" + +msgid "undead_postfix_0" +msgstr "der Nacht" + +msgctxt "spellpar" +msgid "direction" +msgstr "Richtung" + +msgid "rustychainmail_p" +msgstr "Rostige Kettenhemden" + +msgid "halflingspoil" +msgstr "Halblingfuß" + +msgid "undead_postfix_1" +msgstr "der Schatten" + +msgid "ALLES" +msgstr "ALLES" + +msgid "undead_postfix_2" +msgstr "der Finsternis" + +msgid "undead_postfix_3" +msgstr "des Bösen" + +msgid "undead_postfix_4" +msgstr "der Erschlagenen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "songdragon_d" +msgstr "Singdrachen" + +msgid "undead_postfix_5" +msgstr "der Verfluchten" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p0" +msgstr "Für den Siebenmeilentee koche man einen Blauen Baumringel auf und gieße dieses Gebräu in einen Windbeutel. Das heraustropfende Wasser fange man auf, filtere es und verabreiche es alsdann. Durch diesen Tee können bis zu zehn Menschen schnell wie ein Pferd laufen." + +msgid "undead_postfix_6" +msgstr "der Gefolterten" + +msgid "nr_damaged" +msgstr "beschädigt" + +msgid "undead_postfix_7" +msgstr "der Ruhelosen" + +msgid "aots" +msgstr "Amulett des wahren Sehens" + +msgid "undead_postfix_8" +msgstr "aus dem Nebel" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "analyze_magic" +msgstr "Mit diesem Spruch kann der Magier versuchen, die Verzauberungen eines einzelnen angegebenen Objekts zu erkennen. Von allen Sprüchen, die seine eigenen Fähigkeiten nicht überschreiten, wird er einen Eindruck ihres Wirkens erhalten können. Bei stärkeren Sprüchen benötigt er ein wenig Glück für eine gelungene Analyse." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "rustweapon" +msgstr "Rostregen" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p3" +msgstr "Man lasse einen Würzigen Wagemut drei Stunden lang in einem Liter Wasser köcheln. Dann gebe man eine geriebene Alraune dazu und bestreue das ganze mit bei Vollmond geerntetem Spaltwachs. Nun lasse man den Sud drei Tage an einem dunklen und warmen Ort ziehen und seie dann die Flüssigkeit ab. Dieser Schaffenstrunk erhöht die Kraft und Ausdauer von zehn Männern, so dass sie doppelt soviel schaffen können wie sonst." + +msgid "undead_postfix_9" +msgstr "aus dem Dunkel" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "drought" +msgstr "Beschwörung eines Hitzeelementar" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p6" +msgstr "Für das Gehirnschmalz verrühre man den Saft eines Wasserfinders mit recht viel geriebenem Windbeutel und ein wenig Gurgelkraut. Dies lasse man kurz aufwallen. Wenn die Flüssigkeit nur noch handwarm ist, gebe man etwas Steinbeißer dazu. Das ganze muß genau siebenmal rechtsherum und siebenmal linksherum mit einem großen Löffel gerührt werden. Wenn keine Bewegung mehr zu erkennen ist, fülle man den Saft ab. Der Saft gibt mit einer Chance von 1/3 bis zu zehn Personen einen zusätzlichen Lernversuch." + +msgid "pegasus_p" +msgstr "Pegasi" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p7" +msgstr "Das Dumpfbackenbrot ist eine sehr gemeine Sache, macht es doch jeden Lernerfolg zunichte oder läßt einen gar Dinge vergessen! Für zehn Portionen verknete man einen geriebenen Fjordwuchs, einen zerstoßenes Eulenauge und einen kleingeschnittenen Grünen Spinnerich zu einem geschmeidigen Teig. Diesen backe man eine Stunde lang bei guter Hitze und bestreiche das Ergebnis mit etwas Höhlenglimm. Wer dieses Brot gegessen hat, kann eine Woche lang nichts lernen, und so er nichts zu lernen versucht, wird er gar eine Woche seiner besten Fähigkeit vergessen." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "resist_magic" +msgstr "Schutzzauber" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p9" +msgstr "Für das Pferdeglück zerhacke man einen Kakteenschwitz, einen blauen Baumringel und etwas knotigen Saugwurz und koche das ganze mit einem Eimer Wasser auf. Dann füge man etwas Sandfäule dazu und lasse diesen Sud drei Tage lang ziehen. Letztlich gebe man es den Pferden zu trinken, auf dass sie sich doppelt so schnell vermehren." + +msgid "h20" +msgstr "Schneekristall" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "songdragon_p" +msgstr "Singdrachen" + +msgid "REGION" +msgstr "REGION" + +msgid "sapling_p" +msgstr "Schößlinge" + +msgid "STUFE" +msgstr "STUFE" + +msgid "kick" +msgstr "AUSSTOSSEN" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "frighten" +msgstr "Gesang der Angst" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "recruit" +msgstr "REKRUTIERE" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "songdragon_x" +msgstr "Singdrachen" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "illusionwall" +msgstr "Illusionswand" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summonshadowlords" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dunkler Rituale beschwört der Zauberer Dämonen aus der Sphäre der Schatten. Diese gefürchteten Wesen können sich fast unsichtbar unter den Lebenden bewegen, ihre finstere Aura ist jedoch für jeden spürbar. Im Kampf sind Schattenmeister gefürchtete Gegner. Sie sind schwer zu treffen und entziehen ihrem Gegner Kraft und Leben." + +msgid "nr_herbsrequired" +msgstr "Benötigte Kräuter" + +msgid "mallornlance" +msgstr "Mallornlanze" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "juju" +msgstr "Juju-Zombie" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "resist_magic" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber verstärkt die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen Magie. Eine so geschützte Einheit ist auch gegen Kampfmagie weniger empfindlich. Pro Stufe reicht die Kraft des Magiers aus, um 5 Personen zu schützen." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "steal" +msgstr "BEKLAUE" + +msgid "ADRESSEN" +msgstr "ADRESSEN" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apepsnake_d" +msgstr "Apepschlangen" + +msgid "section_production" +msgstr "Rohstoffe und Produktion" + +msgid "adamantiumaxe_p" +msgstr "Adamantiumäxte" + +msgid "COMPUTER" +msgstr "COMPUTER" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "chaossuction" +msgstr "Chaossog" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apepsnake_p" +msgstr "Apepschlangen" + +msgid "skeleton_name_0" +msgstr "Skelette" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "imp_d" +msgstr "Teufelchen" + +msgid "PARTEITARNUNG" +msgstr "PARTEITARNUNG" + +msgid "skeleton_name_1" +msgstr "Kreaturen" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "tybied" +msgstr "Tybied" + +msgid "skeleton_name_2" +msgstr "Krieger" + +msgid "skeleton_name_3" +msgstr "Kämpfer" + +msgid "skeleton_name_4" +msgstr "Rächer" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apepsnake_x" +msgstr "Apepschlange" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "aots" +msgstr "Das Amulett erlaubt es dem Träger, alle Einheiten, die durch einen Ring der Unsichtbarkeit geschützt sind, zu sehen. Einheiten allerdings, die sich mit ihrem Tarnungs-Talent verstecken, bleiben weiterhin unentdeckt. Die Herstellung des Amulettes kostet 3000 Silber." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "name" +msgstr "BENENNE" + +msgid "KOMMANDO" +msgstr "KOMMANDO" + +msgid "glacier_trail" +msgstr "der Gletscher von %s" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "chaossuction" +msgstr "Durch das Opfern von 200 Bauern kann der Chaosmagier ein Tor zur astralen Welt öffnen. Das Tor kann in der Folgewoche verwendet werden, es löst sich am Ende der Folgewoche auf." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_focus" +msgstr "Erschaffe einen Aurafocus" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "imp_p" +msgstr "Teufelchen" + +msgid "nr_combatspells" +msgstr "Kampfzauber" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "owl" +msgstr "Eule" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "holyground" +msgstr "Dieses Ritual beschwört verschiedene Naturgeister in den Boden der Region, welche diese fortan bewachen. In einer so gesegneten Region werden niemals wieder die Toten ihre Gräber verlassen, und anderswo entstandene Untote werden sie wann immer möglich meiden." + +msgid "zombie_prefix_10" +msgstr "Furchtbare" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_11" +msgstr "Entsetzliche" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "imp_x" +msgstr "Teufelchen-" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_12" +msgstr "Schauderhafte" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_13" +msgstr "Schreckliche" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_14" +msgstr "Düstere" + +msgid "manacrystal" +msgstr "Astralkristall" + +msgid "silk" +msgstr "Seide" + +msgid "zombie_prefix_15" +msgstr "Schaurige" + +msgid "vial" +msgstr "Phiole" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "unicorn" +msgstr "Einhorn" + +msgid "magicstorm" +msgstr "Magischer Sturm" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_focus" +msgstr "Erzeugt einen Aurafokus." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earn_silver#draig" +msgstr "In den dunkleren Gassen gibt es sie, die Flüche und Verhexungen auf Bestellung. Aber auch Gegenzauber hat der Jünger des Draigs natürlich im Angebot. Ob nun der Sohn des Nachbarn in einen Liebesbann gezogen werden soll oder die Nebenbuhlerin Pickel und Warzen bekommen soll, niemand gibt gerne zu, zu solchen Mitteln gegriffen zu haben. Für diese Dienstleistung streicht der Magier 50 Silber pro Stufe ein." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_of_slavery" +msgstr "Gesang der Versklavung" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_of_confusion" +msgstr "Aus den uralten Gesängen der Katzen entstammt dieses magisches Lied, welches vor einem Kampfe eingesetzt, einem entscheidende strategische Vorteile bringen kann. Wer unter den Einfluss dieses Gesangs gelangt, der wird seiner Umgebung nicht achtend der Melodie folgen, sein Geist wird verwirrt und sprunghaft plötzlichen Eingebungen nachgeben. So sollen schon einst wohlgeordnete Heere plötzlich ihre Schützen weit vorne und ihre Kavallerie bei den Lagerwachen kartenspielend wiedergefunden haben (oder ihren Anführer schlafend im lange verlassenen Lager, wie es in den Großen Kriegen der Alten Welt wirklich geschehen sein soll)." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "gate_locked" +msgstr "gewaltiges verschlossenes Tor" + +msgid "rustyaxe_p" +msgstr "Rostige Kriegsäxte" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "an_incomplete_road" +msgstr "eine unvollständige Straße" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "plague" +msgstr "In einem aufwendigen Ritual opfert der Schwarzmagier einige Bauern und verteilt dann die Leichen auf magische Weise in den Brunnen der Region." + +msgid "jadee_dress_p" +msgstr "Hochzeitskleider" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magicstreet" +msgstr "Magischer Pfad" + +msgid "crossbow_p" +msgstr "Armbrüste" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "steal_aura" +msgstr "Stehle Aura" + +msgid "horse_p" +msgstr "Pferde" + +msgid "mallornbow_p" +msgstr "Mallornbögen" + +msgid "aquarianspoil" +msgstr "Meermenschschuppe" + +msgid "mistletoe_p" +msgstr "Mistelzweige" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wyrm_transformation" +msgstr "Wyrmtransformation" + +msgid "sptype_combat" +msgstr "Kampfzauber" + +msgid "laensword_p" +msgstr "Laenschwerter" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "gwyrrdfumbleshield" +msgstr "Astralschutzgeister" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wdwpyramid_tybied" +msgstr "Göttliches Netz" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_antimagic" +msgstr "Erschaffe Antimagiekristall" + +msgid "presspass" +msgstr "Akkredition des Xontormia-Expreß" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "special_d" +msgstr "Spezial" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "catapultammo" +msgstr "Munition für Katapulte." + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Nebel" +msgstr "Nebel" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tiger_d" +msgstr "Tigern" + +msgid "dragonhoard" +msgstr "Drachenhort" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "eyeofdragon" +msgstr "So wisse denn, dass das Auge des Drachen den Weg zur Herausforderung aufzeigt. Doch die Überlieferung sagt, das nur der Unschuldige und Ungewappnete es benutzen kann. Sie sagt auch, daß er einen Beutel mit einem Betrag von bis zu zweitausend Silber mit sich führen soll, jedoch nicht mehr als einem Fünftel der Stärke seines Volkes entsprechend - dem Torwächter zum Geschenke als Beweis seiner asketischen Gesinnung. Die 5 scheidet ganz aus." + +msgid "b_defense" +msgstr "Verteidigung" + +msgid "fortress" +msgstr "Festung" + +msgid "runesword" +msgstr "Runenschwert" + +msgid "hall1" +msgstr "Halle" + +msgid "PARTEI" +msgstr "PARTEI" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "special_p" +msgstr "Spezial" + +msgid "par_building" +msgstr "Gebäude-Nr" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_10" +msgstr "der Tiefe" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tiger_p" +msgstr "Tiger" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_11" +msgstr "in Ketten" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_12" +msgstr "aus dem Totenreich" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_13" +msgstr "aus der Unterwelt" + +msgid "nr_addresses" +msgstr "Liste aller Adressen" + +msgctxt "spellpar" +msgid "race" +msgstr "Rasse" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "calm_riot" +msgstr "Aufruhr beschwichtigen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "special_x" +msgstr "Spezial" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "//" +msgstr "//" + +msgid "flyingcarpet" +msgstr "fliegender Teppich" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tiger_x" +msgstr "Tiger" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Hoch" +msgstr "Hoch" + +msgid "hell_trail" +msgstr "eine %s" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "secondweek_d" +msgstr "der zweiten Woche" + +msgid "fortification" +msgstr "Befestigung" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "enter" +msgstr "BETRETE" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "airship" +msgstr "Diese magischen Runen bringen ein Boot bis zu einer Kapazität von 50 Gewichtseinheiten für eine Woche zum Fliegen. Dies ermöglicht dem Boot die Überquerung von Land. Für die Farbe der Runen muss eine spezielle Tinte aus einem Windbeutel und einem Schneekristall angerührt werden." + +msgid "ERESSEA" +msgstr "ERESSEA" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear_p" +msgstr "Dudelsäcke der Furcht" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "astral_disruption" +msgstr "Störe Astrale Integrität" + +msgid "herbbag" +msgstr "Kräuterbeutel" + +msgid "cart" +msgstr "Wagen" + +msgid "iceberg_trail" +msgstr "der Eisberg von %s" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "work" +msgstr "ARBEITE" + +msgid "manacrystal_p" +msgstr "Astralkristalle" + +msgid "silk_p" +msgstr "Seide" + +msgid "fog_trail" +msgstr "ein %s" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "show_astral" +msgstr "Astraler Blick" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "skillpotion" +msgstr " Die Herstellung dieses Trunkes ist ein wohlgehütetes Geheimnis. Manche behaupten gar, von Sterblichen könne er gar nicht gebraut werden. Tatsache ist, dass er dem Trinkenden tiefere Einsicht in seine erlernten Talente gewährt, was ihn in der Meisterung dieser Talente voranbringt. " + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "cast" +msgstr "ZAUBERE" + +msgctxt "damage" +msgid "wounded" +msgstr "verwundet" + +msgid "par_ship" +msgstr "Schiff-Nr" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dwarf" +msgstr "Zwerg" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "irongolem" +msgstr "Je mehr Kraft der Magier investiert, desto mehr Golems können geschaffen werden. Jeder Golem hat jede Runde eine Chance von 15 Prozent zu Staub zu zerfallen. Gibt man den Golems den Befehl MACHE SCHWERT/BIHÄNDER oder MACHE SCHILD/KETTENHEMD/PLATTENPANZER, so werden pro Golem 4 Eisenbarren verbaut und der Golem löst sich auf. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghoul_d" +msgstr "Ghoulen" + +msgid "santa2004" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' Ein dicker Gnom fliegt auf einem von 8 Jungdrachen gezogenen Schlitten durch die Nacht und vermacht Deiner Partei ein Sonnensegel. (Um das Segel einer Einheit zu geben, gib ihr den Befehl 'BEANSPRUCHE 1 Sonnensegel')." + +msgid "cookie_p" +msgstr "Kekse" + +msgid "santa2005" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' Ein dicker Gnom fliegt auf einem von 8 Jungdrachen gezogenen Schlitten durch die Nacht und vermacht Deiner Partei eine Phiole mit Sternenstaub. (Informationen dazu gibt es mit BEANSPRUCHE und ZEIGE)." + +msgid "santa2006" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' Ein dicker Gnom fliegt auf einem von 8 Jungdrachen gezogenen Schlitten durch die Nacht und vermacht Deiner Partei einen wundervoll geschmueckten Weihnachtsbaum. (Informationen dazu gibt es mit BEANSPRUCHE und ZEIGE)." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghoul_p" +msgstr "Ghoule" + +msgid "volcano_trail" +msgstr "der Vulkan von %s" + +msgid "smod_none" +msgstr "Keine" + +msgid "moneybag" +msgstr "Silberbeutel" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_dreameye" +msgstr "Erschaffe ein Traumauge" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "destroy" +msgstr "ZERSTÖRE" + +msgid "nr_trade_intro" +msgstr "Geboten wird für" + +msgid "unknown_unit_dative" +msgstr "einer unbekannten Einheit" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Schatten" +msgstr "Schatten" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "stamina" +msgstr "Ausdauer" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Hoehlen" +msgstr "Höhlen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghoul_x" +msgstr "Ghoul" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "airship" +msgstr "Luftschiff" + +msgid "sphereofinv" +msgstr "Sphäre der Unsichtbarkeit" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "plague" +msgstr "Fluch der Pestilenz" + +msgid "section_battle" +msgstr "Kämpfe" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "entertainment" +msgstr "Unterhaltung" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_road_connection" +msgstr "ein Straßenanschluß" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "courting" +msgstr "Aus 'Die Gesänge der Alten' von Firudin dem Weisen: 'Diese verführerische kleine Melodie und einige einschmeichelnde Worte überwinden das Misstrauen der Bauern im Nu. Begeistert werden sie sich Euch anschliessen und selbst Haus und Hof in Stich lassen.'" + +msgid "healing_p" +msgstr "Heiltränke" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fireball" +msgstr "Feuerball" + +msgid "nr_trade_next" +msgstr ", für" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "gnome" +msgstr "Gnom" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "snowman" +msgstr "Rübennase, schwarzer Hut, kaltes Herz. Ein Schneemann. Er gibt einen prima Wachmann ab, wenn er in einem Gletscher belebt wird (BENUTZE 1 Schneemann)." + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "runesword" +msgstr "Die rötlich glühende Klinge dieser furchterregenden magischen Waffe ist mit dunklen Runen bedeckt. Nur die erfahrendsten Schwertkämpfer vermögen ihre Kraft zu zähmen, doch in ihrer Hand vermag dem Runenschwert nichts zu widerstehen - selbst magische Rüstungen durchdringt es ohne Schwierigkeiten - und den Geist des Kämpfers füllt es mit unterschütterlicher Zuversicht." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "stonegolem" +msgstr "Erschaffe Steingolems" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeletonlord_d" +msgstr "Skelettherren" + +msgid "rustyaxe" +msgstr "Rostige Kriegsaxt" + +msgid "mallornsapling" +msgstr "Mallornschößling" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_of_peace" +msgstr " Dieser mächtige Bann verhindert jegliche Attacken. Niemand in der ganzen Region ist fähig seine Waffe gegen irgendjemanden zu erheben. Die Wirkung kann etliche Wochen andauern. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "nocostbuilding" +msgstr "Mauern der Ewigkeit" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeletonlord_p" +msgstr "Skelettherren" + +msgid "permaura_p" +msgstr "permanente Aura" + +msgctxt "spellpar" +msgid "buildingtype" +msgstr "Gebäudetyp" + +msgid "coal" +msgstr "Kohlenstück" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_roi" +msgstr "Mit diesem Spruch kann der Zauberer einen Ring der Unsichtbarkeit erschaffen. Der Träger des Ringes wird für alle Einheiten anderer Parteien unsichtbar, egal wie gut ihre Wahrnehmung auch sein mag. In einer unsichtbaren Einheit muss jede Person einen Ring tragen." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sparkledream" +msgstr "Traumsenden" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeletonlord_x" +msgstr "Skelettherren" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "insect" +msgstr "Insekt" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear" +msgstr "Dudelsack der Furcht" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_rop" +msgstr "Dieses mächtige Ritual erschafft einen Ring der Macht. Ein Ring der Macht erhöht die Stärke jedes Zaubers, den sein Träger zaubert, als wäre der Magier eine Stufe besser." + +msgid "papyrus" +msgstr "Papyrus" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_ror" +msgstr "Erzeugt einen Ring der Regeneration." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "blessedharvest" +msgstr "Segen der Erde" + +msgid "stat_equipment" +msgstr "Kann Waffen benutzen." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_firewall" +msgstr "eine Feuerwand" + +msgid "Herbst" +msgstr "Herbst" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "enterastral" +msgstr "Astraler Weg" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "sparkledream" +msgstr "Der Zauberer sendet dem Ziel des Spruches einen Traum." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_gate_open" +msgstr "ein gewaltiges offenes Tor" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "transferaurachaos" +msgstr "Machtübertragung" + +msgid "bow" +msgstr "Bogen" + +msgid "UM" +msgstr "UM" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Huegel" +msgstr "Hügel" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "blessstonecircle" +msgstr "Dieses Ritual segnet einen Steinkreis, der zuvor aus Steinen und etwas Holz gebaut werden muss. Die Segnung des Druiden macht aus dem Kreis eine mächtige Stätte magischen Wirkens, die Schutz vor Magie und erhöhte Aura- Regeneration bewirkt. Man sagt, Jungfrauen seien in der Umgebung von Steinkreisen seltsame Wesen begegnet." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "elf_d" +msgstr "Elfen" + +msgid "incense" +msgstr "Weihrauch" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "gwyrrddestroymagic" +msgstr "Wie die alten Lehren der Druiden berichten, besteht das, was die normalen Wesen Magie nennen, aus Elementargeistern. Der Magier beschwört und bannt diese in eine Form, um den gewünschten Effekt zu erzielen. Dieses Ritual nun vermag es, in diese Welt gerufene Elementargeister zu vertreiben, um so ein Objekt von Magie zu befreien." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "shipspeedup" +msgstr "Beschleunigung" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "clone" +msgstr " Dieser mächtige Zauber kann einen Magier vor dem sicheren Tod bewahren. Der Magier erschafft anhand einer kleinen Blutprobe einen Klon von sich, und legt diesen in ein Bad aus Drachenblut und verdünntem Wasser des Lebens. Anschließend transferiert er in einem aufwändigen Ritual einen Teil seiner Seele in den Klon. Stirbt der Magier, reist seine Seele in den Klon und der erschaffene Körper dient nun dem Magier als neues Gefäß. Es besteht allerdings eine geringe Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Seele nach dem Tod zu schwach ist, das neue Gefäß zu erreichen. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "elf_p" +msgstr "Elfen" + +msgid "elvenhorse_p" +msgstr "Elfenpferde" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "frighten" +msgstr " Dieser Kriegsgesang sät Panik in der Front der Gegner und schwächt so ihre Kampfkraft erheblich. Angst wird ihren Schwertarm schwächen und Furcht ihren Schildarm lähmen. " + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "ride" +msgstr "FAHRE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "stormwinds" +msgstr "Beschwöre einen Sturmelementar" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "elf" +msgstr "Elf" + +msgid "museumticket_p" +msgstr "Eintrittskarten des Großen Museum" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "elf_x" +msgstr "Elfen" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "sort" +msgstr "SORTIERE" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "draigdestroymagic" +msgstr "Genau um Mitternacht, wenn die Kräfte der Finsternis am größten sind, kann auch ein Schwarzmagier seine Kräfte nutzen um Verzauberungen aufzuheben. Dazu zeichnet er ein Pentagramm in das verzauberte Objekt und beginnt mit einer Anrufung der Herren der Finsternis. Die Herren werden ihm beistehen, doch ob es ihm gelingt, den Zauber zu lösen, hängt allein von seiner eigenen Kraft ab." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowknight" +msgstr "Schattenritter" + +msgid "unknown_faction" +msgstr "Unbekannte Partei" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "wyrm_transformation" +msgstr " Mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers kann sich der Magier permanent in einen mächtigen Wyrm verwandeln. Der Magier behält seine Talente und Möglichkeiten, bekommt jedoch die Kampf- und Bewegungseigenschaften eines Wyrms. Der Odem des Wyrms wird sich mit steigendem Magie-Talent verbessern. Der Zauber ist sehr kraftraubend und der Wyrm wird einige Zeit brauchen, um sich zu erholen. " + +msgid "questkey2_p" +msgstr "Saphirne Schlüssel" + +msgid "money" +msgstr "Silber" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "chaosrow" +msgstr "Wahnsinn des Krieges" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "kraken" +msgstr "Krake" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowbat" +msgstr "Todesflatter" + +msgid "group_help" +msgstr "hilft" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "analyse_object" +msgstr "Lied des Ortes analysieren" + +msgid "nr_borderlist_lastfix" +msgstr " und im " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowknight_d" +msgstr "Schattenrittern" + +msgid "chainmail" +msgstr "Kettenhemd" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "illusion_d" +msgstr "Illusions" + +msgid "angry_mob" +msgstr "Bauernmob" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "toad" +msgstr "Kröte" + +msgid "command" +msgstr "KOMMANDO" + +msgid "xmas_exit" +msgstr "Pforte" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "heroic_song" +msgstr "Dieser alte Schlachtengesang hebt die Moral der eigenen Truppen und und hilft ihnen auch der angsteinflößenden Aura dämonischer und untoter Wesen zu widerstehen. Ein derartig gefestigter Krieger wird auch in schwierigen Situationen nicht die Flucht ergreifen und sein überlegtes Verhalten wird ihm manch Vorteil in der Verteidigung geben." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowknight_p" +msgstr "Schattenritter" + +msgid "firewall_trail" +msgstr "eine %s" + +msgid "iceberg_sleep" +msgstr "Gletscher" + +msgid "speedsail" +msgstr "Sonnensegel" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "forestfire" +msgstr "Diese Elementarbeschwörung ruft einen Feuerteufel herbei, ein Wesen aus den tiefsten Niederungen der Flammenhöllen. Der Feuerteufel wird sich begierig auf die Wälder der Region stürzen und sie in Flammen setzen." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "illusion_p" +msgstr "Illusionen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "versteinern" +msgstr "Blick des Basilisken" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowknight_x" +msgstr "Schattenritter" + +msgid "magicstorm_trail" +msgstr "ein %s" + +msgid "portal" +msgstr "Portal" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magicrunes" +msgstr "Runen des Schutzes" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "stormwind" +msgstr "Sturmelementar" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "irongolem" +msgstr "Erschaffe Eisengolems" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "illusion_x" +msgstr "Illusions" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "number" +msgstr "NUMMER" + +msgid "DEFENSIV" +msgstr "DEFENSIV" + +msgid "swamp" +msgstr "Sumpf" + +msgid "firedragon" +msgstr "Feuerdrache" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "kraken_d" +msgstr "Kraken" + +msgid "money_p" +msgstr "Silber" + +msgid "jadee_ring_p" +msgstr "Jadees Hochzeitsringe" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apophis" +msgstr "Apophis" + +msgctxt "shipinfo" +msgid "no_info" +msgstr "Keine Informationen über diesen Schiffstyp verfügbar." + +msgid "p11_p" +msgstr "Bauernlieb" + +msgid "site" +msgstr "Grundmauern" + +msgid "missing_key" +msgstr "Fehler: Unbekannter Schlüssel" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "generous" +msgstr "Hohes Lied der Gaukelei" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "kraken_p" +msgstr "Kraken" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "sleep" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber läßt einige feindliche Kämpfer einschlafen. Schlafende Kämpfer greifen nicht an und verteidigen sich schlechter, sie wachen jedoch auf, sobald sie im Kampf getroffen werden. " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "tiredsoldiers" +msgstr "Dieser Kampfzauber führt dazu, dass einige Gegner im Kampf unter schwerer Müdigkeit leiden. Die Soldaten verschlafen manchmal ihren Angriff und verteidigen sich schlechter." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "incite_riot" +msgstr "Aufruhr verursachen" + +msgid "p7_p" +msgstr "Dumpfbackenbrote" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "appeasement" +msgstr "Friedenslied" + +msgid "dwarfspoil" +msgstr "Zwergenbart" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dragon" +msgstr "Drache" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "kraken_x" +msgstr "Kraken" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "group" +msgstr "GRUPPE" + +msgid "artacademy" +msgstr "Akademie der Künste" + +msgid "antimagic" +msgstr "Antimagiekristall" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_aots" +msgstr "Der Spruch ermöglicht es einem Magier, ein Amulett des Wahren Sehens zu erschaffen. Das Amulett erlaubt es dem Träger, alle Einheiten, die durch einen Ring der Unsichtbarkeit geschützt sind, zu sehen. Einheiten allerdings, die sich mit ihrem Tarnungs-Talent verstecken, bleiben weiterhin unentdeckt." + +msgid "mallornseed" +msgstr "Mallornsame" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ent" +msgstr "Ent" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "dwarfspoil" +msgstr "Beim Barte des Proheten! Ach nein, Zwergen. Irgendetwas riecht hier ranzig." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "clone" +msgstr "Klon" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "vampunicorn" +msgstr "Nachteinhorn" + +msgid "wormhole" +msgstr "Wurmloch" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "pull_astral" +msgstr "Astraler Ruf" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "polearm" +msgstr "Stangenwaffen" + +msgid "unit_p" +msgstr "Einheiten" + +msgid "ALLIANZ" +msgstr "ALLIANZ" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "eagle_d" +msgstr "Adlern" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "toad_d" +msgstr "Kröten" + +msgid "XEBALLOON" +msgstr "XEBALLON" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "treewalkenter" +msgstr "Weg der Bäume" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "cat_d" +msgstr "Katzen" + +msgid "toadslime" +msgstr "Tiegel mit Krötenschleim" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "stonegolem_d" +msgstr "Steingolems" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "melancholy" +msgstr " Mit diesem Gesang verbreitet der Barde eine melancholische, traurige Stimmung unter den Bauern. Einige Wochen lang werden sie sich in ihre Hütten zurückziehen und kein Silber in den Theatern und Tavernen lassen. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earn_silver#gwyrrd" +msgstr "Viehheilung" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "eagle_p" +msgstr "Adler" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "hellcat" +msgstr "Höllenkatze" + +msgid "shield_p" +msgstr "Schilde" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_wall" +msgstr "eine Wand" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "toad_p" +msgstr "Kröten" + +msgid "section_mail" +msgstr "Botschaften" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "eagle_x" +msgstr "Adler" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "meteor_rain" +msgstr "Meteorregen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "peacezone" +msgstr "Gesang der Friedfertigkeit" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "cat_p" +msgstr "Katzen" + +msgid "sword_p" +msgstr "Schwerter" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "stonegolem_p" +msgstr "Steingolems" + +msgid "spice" +msgstr "Gewürz" + +msgid "dragonhead" +msgstr "Drachenkopf" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "toad_x" +msgstr "Kröten" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_10" +msgstr "in Ketten" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_11" +msgstr "aus dem Totenreich" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_12" +msgstr "aus der Unterwelt" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "cat_x" +msgstr "Katzen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "stonegolem_x" +msgstr "Steingolem" + +msgid "peasant_p" +msgstr "Bauern" + +msgid "b_damage" +msgstr "Schaden" + +msgctxt "raceinfo" +msgid "songdragon" +msgstr "Singdrachen sind von der Größe eines ausgewachsenden Tigers. Ihre Färbung reicht von schillerndem Rot, über dunkles Grün bis hin zu tiefem Schwarz. Alle bekannten Drachen dieser Art weisen eine hohe Intelligenz und ein hohes Maß an magischen Fähigkeiten auf. Wie Ihre großen Verwandten verfügen sie über einen Feuerodem. Sie lieben den Gesang und das üppige Mahl. Von Zeit zu Zeit gehen sie eine engen magisches Bund zu einem Magier ein. Wenn dies geschieht, so steht dem Magier ein äußerst loyaler und lohnender Vertrauter zur Seite. " + +msgid "axe_p" +msgstr "Kriegsäxte" + +msgid "ocean_trail" +msgstr "%s" + +msgid "status_avoid" +msgstr "kämpft nicht" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "carry" +msgstr "TRANSPORTIERE" + +msgid "see_neighbour" +msgstr "benachbart" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "dragonhead" +msgstr "Der Kopf eines toten Drachens oder Wyrms. Man sagt, es ruhen magische Kräfte darin." + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Wild" +msgstr "Wild" + +msgid "dam" +msgstr "Damm" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_trollbelt" +msgstr "Dieses magische Artefakt verleiht dem Träger die Stärke eines ausgewachsenen Höhlentrolls. Seine Tragkraft erhöht sich auf das 50fache und auch im Kampf werden sich die erhöhte Kraft und die trollisch zähe Haut positiv auswirken." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "holyground" +msgstr "Heiliger Boden" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_gate_locked" +msgstr "ein gewaltiges verschlossenes Tor" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nymph_d" +msgstr "Nymphen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "orcish" +msgstr "Unbekannter Effekt" + +msgid "section_newspells" +msgstr "Neue Zauber" + +msgid "nr_borderlist_prefix" +msgstr "Im " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "greenscarab_d" +msgstr "grünen Scarabäen" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "speedsail" +msgstr "Setzt eine Einheit dieses Segel auf einem Schiff, so erhöht sich dessen Reichweite permanent um 1 Region." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nymph_p" +msgstr "Nymphen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "flee" +msgstr "Grauen der Schlacht" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "greenscarab_p" +msgstr "grüne Scarabäen" + +msgid "studypotion_p" +msgstr "Lerntränke" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nymph_x" +msgstr "Nymphen" + +msgid "goblinspoil" +msgstr "Goblinkopf" + +msgid "stables" +msgstr "Pferdezucht" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "lynx" +msgstr "Luchs" + +msgid "longboat_a" +msgstr "ein Langboot" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "human_d" +msgstr "Menschen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "greenscarab_x" +msgstr "grünen Scarabäen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "unholypower" +msgstr "Nur geflüstert wird dieses Ritual an den dunklen Akademien an die Adepten weitergegeben, gehört es doch zu den finstersten, die je niedergeschrieben wurden. Durch die Anrufung unheiliger Dämonen wird die Kraft der lebenden Toten verstärkt und sie verwandeln sich in untote Monster großer Kraft." + +msgid "balm" +msgstr "Balsam" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "transferauratraum" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers kann der Traumweber eigene Aura im Verhältnis 2:1 auf einen anderen Traumweber übertragen." + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "gray" +msgstr "Kein Magiegebiet" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summonfireelemental" +msgstr "Beschwörung eines Hitzeelementar" + +msgid "seed" +msgstr "Same" + +msgid "nr_nb_next" +msgstr ", im " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "undeadhero" +msgstr "Dieses Ritual bindet die bereits entfliehenden Seelen einiger Kampfopfer an ihren toten Körper, wodurch sie zu untoten Leben wiedererweckt werden. Ob sie ehemals auf der Seite des Feindes oder der eigenen kämpften, ist für das Ritual ohne belang." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_roqf" +msgstr "Miriams flinke Finger" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "human_p" +msgstr "Menschen" + +msgctxt "raceinfo" +msgid "direwolf" +msgstr "Diese großen Wölfe sind nicht alle so wild und böse wie in den Legenden berichtet, und einige von ihnen schließen sich auch guten Magiern bereitwillig an und sind ihnen dann treue Gefährten." + +msgid "peasantblood_p" +msgstr "Bauernblut" + +msgid "highland_trail" +msgstr "das Hochland von %s" + +msgid "caldera" +msgstr "Krater" + +msgid "h11_p" +msgstr "Sandfäulen" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Duester" +msgstr "Düster" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "peasant_d" +msgstr "Bauern" + +msgid "ZEITUNG" +msgstr "ZEITUNG" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "human_x" +msgstr "Menschen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "template" +msgstr "Schablone" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earn_silver#cerddor" +msgstr "Gaukeleien" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "fireball" +msgstr "Der Zauberer schleudert fokussiertes Chaos in die Reihen der Gegner. Das ballförmige Chaos wird jeden verwunden, den es trifft." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summon_familiar" +msgstr "Vertrauten rufen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "combatrust" +msgstr "Mit diesem Ritual wird eine dunkle Gewitterfront beschworen, die sich unheilverkündend über der Region auftürmt. Der magische Regen wird alles Erz rosten lassen und so viele Waffen des Gegners zerstören." + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "antimagic" +msgstr "Für den ungeübten Betrachter mag der Antimagiekristall wie ein gewöhnlicher Quarzkristall ausschauen, doch ein Magier spürt, das ihm ganz besondere Kräfte innewohnen. Durch spezielle Rituale antimagisch aufgeladen wird der Kristall, wenn er zu feinem Staub zermahlen und verteilt wird, die beim Zaubern freigesetzten magischen Energien aufsaugen und die Kraft aller Zauber reduzieren, welche in der betreffenden Woche in der Region gezaubert werden." + +msgid "HINTEN" +msgstr "HINTEN" + +msgid "h14_p" +msgstr "Alraunen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "seduction" +msgstr " Mit diesem Lied kann eine Einheit derartig betört werden, so dass sie dem Barden den größten Teil ihres Bargelds und ihres Besitzes schenkt. Sie behält jedoch immer soviel, wie sie zum Überleben braucht. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dwarf_d" +msgstr "Zwergen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "peasant_p" +msgstr "Bauern" + +msgid "HINTER" +msgstr "HINTER" + +msgctxt "spellpar" +msgid "aura" +msgstr "Aura" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Finster" +msgstr "Finster" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "deathcloud" +msgstr "Mit einem düsteren Ritual und unter Opferung seines eigenen Blutes beschwört der Schwarzmagier einen großen Geist von der Elementarebene der Gifte. Der Geist manifestiert sich als giftgrüner Schwaden über der Region und wird allen, die mit ihm in Kontakt kommen, Schaden zufügen." + +msgid "anonymous" +msgstr "anonym" + +msgid "FLIEHE" +msgstr "FLIEHE" + +msgid "log_p" +msgstr "Holz" + +msgid "iceberg" +msgstr "Eisberg" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "peasant_x" +msgstr "Bauern" + +msgid "h17_p" +msgstr "Höhlenglimme" + +msgid "nr_calendar_season" +msgstr "Wir schreiben %s des Monats %s im Jahre %d %s. Es ist %s." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dwarf_p" +msgstr "Zwerge" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "worse" +msgstr "Alp" + +msgid "nr_spell_modifiers" +msgstr "Modifikationen:" + +msgid "status_noaid" +msgstr "bekommt keine Hilfe" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "toadslime" +msgstr "Dieser Tiegel enthält die seltenste alchemistische Substanz Eresseas, den Krötenschleim. Angeblich soll der Krötenschleim eine aussergewöhnlich hohe magische Absorbtionskraft besitzen und deswegen in obskuren magischen Ritualen Verwendung finden." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dwarf_x" +msgstr "Zwergen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "blabbermouth" +msgstr "Plappermaul" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "blessstonecircle" +msgstr "Segne Steinkreis" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "roi" +msgstr "Dieses magische Artefakt wurde seit Urzeiten von den Elfen benutzt, auf der Jagd oder um sich vor Feinden zu verbergen. Doch auch andere Rassen haben nach der Begegnung mit den Elfenvölkern den Wert des Rings schnell schätzen gelernt - schließlich macht er den Träger für jedes noch so scharfe Auge unsichtbar - nur mit magischen Mitteln ist der Verborgene noch zu entdecken." + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Berg" +msgstr "Berg" + +msgid "highland" +msgstr "Hochland" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "rop" +msgstr "Ein Ring der Macht verstärkt die Kraft des Magiers. Jeder Zauber wird, ohne das sich die Kosten erhöhen, so gezaubert als hätte der Magier eine Stufe mehr." + +msgid "enterpasswd" +msgstr "hier_passwort_eintragen" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "mining" +msgstr "Bergbau" + +msgid "studypotion" +msgstr "Lerntrank" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "make" +msgstr "MACHE" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_road_percent" +msgstr "eine zu $percent% vollendete Straße" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sparklechaos" +msgstr "Verwünschung" + +msgid "KAEMPFE" +msgstr "KÄMPFE" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "transferauradruide" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers kann der Magier eigene Aura im Verhältnis 2:1 auf einen anderen Magier des gleichen Magiegebietes übertragen." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "blabbermouth" +msgstr "Die verzauberte Einheit beginnt hemmungslos zu plappern und erzählt welche Talente sie kann, was für Gegenstände sie mit sich führt und sollte sie magisch begabt sein, sogar welche Zauber sie beherrscht. Leider beeinflußt dieser Zauber nicht das Gedächtnis, und so wird sie sich im nachhinein wohl bewußt werden, dass sie zuviel erzählt hat." + +msgid "nut" +msgstr "Nuß" + +msgid "halberd" +msgstr "Hellebarde" + +msgid "undead_name_10" +msgstr "Ghule" + +msgid "undead_name_11" +msgstr "Kopflose" + +msgid "undead_name_12" +msgstr "Irrlichter" + +msgid "temple" +msgstr "Tempel" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "sacrifice_strength" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers kann der Magier einen Teil seiner magischen Kraft permanent auf einen anderen Magier übertragen. Auf einen Magier des selben Magiegebietes kann er die Hälfte der eingesetzten Kraft übertragen, auf andere Magier ein Drittel." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "cold_protection" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber ermöglicht es dem Magier Insekten auf magische Weise vor der lähmenden Kälte der Gletscher zu bewahren. Sie können Gletscher betreten und dort normal agieren. Der Spruch wirkt auf Stufe*10 Insekten. Ein Ring der Macht erhöht die Menge der verzauberbaren Insekten zusätzlich um 10." + +msgid "nr_undercons" +msgstr "im Bau" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "sparklechaos" +msgstr "Das Ziel des Zauberers wird von einer harmlosen Verwünschung heimgesucht." + +msgid "BURG" +msgstr "BURG" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "route" +msgstr "ROUTE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "tybiedfumbleshield" +msgstr "Schutz vor Magie" + +msgid "XELAEN" +msgstr "XELAEN" + +msgid "sawmill" +msgstr "Sägewerk" + +msgid "magicherbbag_p" +msgstr "Magische Kräuterbeutel" + +msgid "seaserpenthead" +msgstr "Seeschlangenkopf" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "shapeshift" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieses arkanen Rituals vermag der Traumweber die wahre Gestalt einer Gruppe zu verschleiern. Unbedarften Beobachtern erscheint sie dann als einer anderen Rasse zugehörig." + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "crossbow" +msgstr "Armbrustschießen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "destroy_magic" +msgstr "Magiefresser" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "magic" +msgstr "Magie" + +msgid "see_lighthouse" +msgstr "vom Turm erblickt" + +msgid "nr_schemes_prefix" +msgstr "Schemen der Regionen " + +msgid "aoc_p" +msgstr "Katzenamulette" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "orkdream" +msgstr "Süße Träume" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_fogwall" +msgstr "eine Nebelwand" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "winter" +msgstr "Winter" + +msgid "wall1_trail" +msgstr "eine mächtige Mauer" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "double_time" +msgstr "Diese praktische Anwendung des theoretischen Wissens um Raum und Zeit ermöglicht es, den Zeitfluß für einige Personen zu verändern. Auf diese Weise veränderte Personen bekommen für einige Wochen doppelt soviele Bewegungspunkte und doppelt soviele Angriffe pro Runde." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "direwolf" +msgstr "Warg" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dreamcat_d" +msgstr "Traumkatzen" + +msgid "Frühling" +msgstr "Frühling" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "slavery" +msgstr "Gesang der Versklavung" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "break_curse" +msgstr "Fluch brechen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "treewalkexit" +msgstr "Sog des Lebens" + +msgid "catapult_p" +msgstr "Katapulte" + +msgid "almond_p" +msgstr "Mandelkerne" + +msgid "lance_p" +msgstr "Lanzen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "spell" +msgstr "Zauber" + +msgid "roi_p" +msgstr "Ringe der Unsichtbarkeit" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "chaosrow" +msgstr "Vor den Augen der feindlichen Soldaten opfert der Schwarzmagier die zehn Bauern in einem blutigen, grausamen Ritual und beschwört auf diese Weise Geister des Wahnsinns über die feindlichen Truppen. Diese werden im Kampf verwirrt reagieren und nicht in der Lage sein, den Anweisungen ihrer Offiziere zu folgen." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dreamcat_p" +msgstr "Traumkatzen" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "ready" +msgstr "KAMPFZAUBER" + +msgid "wenige" +msgstr "wenige" + +msgid "b_attacke" +msgstr "Angriff" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "help" +msgstr "HELFE" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dreamcat_x" +msgstr "Traumkatzen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "treewalkexit" +msgstr "Ein Druide, den es in die Welt der Geister verschlagen hat, kann mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers Stufe*5 Gewichtseinheiten in einen Wald auf der materiellen Welt zurückschicken." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowmaster" +msgstr "Schattenmeister" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "fairy_d" +msgstr "Feen" + +msgid "mallornseed_p" +msgstr "Mallornsamen" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_0" +msgstr "Faulende" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_1" +msgstr "Angsteinflößende" + +msgid "nr_mallorntree" +msgstr "Mallornbaum" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_2" +msgstr "Leise" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_3" +msgstr "Kinderfressende" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_4" +msgstr "Menschenfressende" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "gwyrrd" +msgstr "Gwyrrd" + +msgid "smod_sea" +msgstr "Seezauber" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_5" +msgstr "Wahnsinnige" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_6" +msgstr "Brutale" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_7" +msgstr "Schwarze" + +msgctxt "damage" +msgid "exhausted" +msgstr "erschöpft" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_8" +msgstr "Dunkle" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "clone_d" +msgstr "Klonen" + +msgid "ghoul_prefix_9" +msgstr "Fürchterliche" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_of_fear" +msgstr "Gesang der Furcht" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "perception" +msgstr "Wahrnehmung" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "bloodsacrifice" +msgstr "Mit diesem Ritual kann der Magier einen Teil seiner Lebensenergie opfern, um dafür an magischer Kraft zu gewinnen. Erfahrene Ritualmagier berichten, das sich das Ritual, einmal initiiert, nur schlecht steuern ließe und die Menge der so gewonnenen Kraft stark schwankt. So steht im 'Buch des Blutes' geschrieben: 'So richte Er aus das Zeichen der vier Elemente im Kreis des Werdens und Vergehens und Weihe ein jedes mit einem Tropfen Blut. Sodann begebe Er in der Mitten der Ewigen Vierer sich und lasse Leben verrinnen, auf das Kraft geboren werde.'" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "fairy_p" +msgstr "Feen" + +msgid "rustygreatsword" +msgstr "Rostiger Zweihänder" + +msgid "an_unknown_unit" +msgstr "eine unbekannte Einheit" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "direwolf_d" +msgstr "Wargen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "ironkeeper" +msgstr "Erschafft einen Wächtergeist, der in Gletschern und Bergen Eisen- und Laenabbau durch nichtalliierte Parteien (HELFE BEWACHE) verhindert, solange er die Region bewacht. Der Bergwächter ist an den Ort der Beschwörung gebunden." + +msgid "h20_p" +msgstr "Schneekristalle" + +msgid "hell" +msgstr "Ebene aus Feuer und Dunkelheit" + +msgid "mailcmd" +msgstr "BEFEHLE" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_0" +msgstr "der Nacht" + +msgctxt "spellpar" +msgid "spellid" +msgstr "Zauber-ID" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_1" +msgstr "der Schatten" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_roi" +msgstr "Erschaffe einen Ring der Unsichtbarkeit" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "fairy_x" +msgstr "Feen" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_2" +msgstr "der Finsternis" + +msgid "ror_p" +msgstr "Ringe der Regeneration" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_3" +msgstr "des Bösen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "troll_d" +msgstr "Trollen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "clone_p" +msgstr "Klone" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_4" +msgstr "der Erschlagenen" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_5" +msgstr "der Verfluchten" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_6" +msgstr "der Gefolterten" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "direwolf_p" +msgstr "Warge" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_7" +msgstr "der Ruhelosen" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_8" +msgstr "aus dem Nebel" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_of_fear" +msgstr "Ein gar machtvoller Gesang aus den Überlieferungen der Katzen, der tief in die Herzen der Feinde dringt und ihnen Mut und Hoffnung raubt. Furcht wird sie zittern lassen und Panik ihre Gedanken beherrschen. Voller Angst werden sie versuchen, den gräßlichen Gesängen zu entrinnen und fliehen." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_rop" +msgstr "Erschaffe einen Ring der Macht" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "grow" +msgstr "ZÜCHTE" + +msgid "skeleton_postfix_9" +msgstr "aus dem Dunkel" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_ror" +msgstr "Erschaffe einen Ring der Regeneration" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "keeploot" +msgstr "Beute Bewahren" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "clone_x" +msgstr "Klonen" + +msgid "plain_trail" +msgstr "die Ebene von %s" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_firesword" +msgstr "'Und so reibe das Blut eines wilden Kämpfers in den Stahl der Klinge und beginne die Anrufung der Sphären des Chaos. Und hast du alles zu ihrem Wohlgefallen getan, so werden sie einen niederen der ihren senden, das Schwert mit seiner Macht zu beseelen...'" + +msgid "h1_p" +msgstr "Würzige Wagemut" + +msgid "healingpotion_p" +msgstr "Heiltränke" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_suscept_magic" +msgstr "Gesang des schwachen Geistes" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "direwolf_x" +msgstr "Warg" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "troll_p" +msgstr "Trolle" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Grau" +msgstr "Grau" + +msgid "building" +msgstr "Struktur" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "living_rock" +msgstr "Belebtes Gestein" + +msgid "growl0" +msgstr "Groaamm..." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "generous" +msgstr "Dieser fröhliche Gesang wird sich wie ein Gerücht in der Region ausbreiten und alle Welt in Feierlaune versetzen. Überall werden Tavernen und Theater gut gefüllt sein und selbst die Bettler satt werden." + +msgid "growl1" +msgstr "Tschrrrk..." + +msgid "growl2" +msgstr "Schhhhh..." + +msgid "growl3" +msgstr "Roaarrr..." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "treegrow" +msgstr "Hainzauber" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "troll_x" +msgstr "Troll" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "bow" +msgstr "Bogenschießen" + +msgid "growl4" +msgstr "Chrrr..." + +msgid "h4_p" +msgstr "Blaue Baumringel" + +msgid "leave" +msgstr "VERLASSEN" + +msgid "weight_unit_p" +msgstr "GE" + +msgid "nr_level" +msgstr "Stufe" + +msgid "healing" +msgstr "Heiltrank" + +msgid "vortex_desc" +msgstr "Ein Wirbel aus reinem Chaos zieht über die Region" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghast_d" +msgstr "Ghasten" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "mindblast" +msgstr "Mit diesem Zauber greift der Magier direkt den Geist seiner Gegner an. Ein Schlag aus astraler und elektrischer Energie trifft die Gegner, wird die Magieresistenz durchbrochen, verliert ein Opfer permanent einen Teil seiner Erinnerungen. Wird es zu oft ein Opfer dieses Zaubers kann es daran sterben. " + +msgid "h7_p" +msgstr "Knotige Saugwurze" + +msgid "nr_spell_description" +msgstr "Beschreibung:" + +msgid "attack_magical" +msgstr "ein magischer Angriff" + +msgid "unit_guards" +msgstr "bewacht die Region" + +msgid "pavilion" +msgstr "Pavillion" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "spell_d" +msgstr "Zauber" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "juju_d" +msgstr "Juju-Zombies" + +msgid "nr_guarding_postfix" +msgstr " bewacht." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "fogwall" +msgstr "Nebelwand" + +msgid "stat_attack" +msgstr "Angriff" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "banner" +msgstr "BANNER" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghast_p" +msgstr "Ghaste" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wdwpyramid_gwyrrd" +msgstr "Kraft der Natur" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "insectfur" +msgstr "Firuns Fell" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "spell_p" +msgstr "Zauber" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "illaundestroymagic" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber ermöglicht es dem Traumweber die natürlichen und aufgezwungenen Traumbilder einer Person, eines Gebäudes, Schiffes oder einer Region zu unterscheiden und diese zu entwirren." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "juju_p" +msgstr "Juju-Zombies" + +msgid "museumticket" +msgstr "Eintrittskarte des Großen Museum" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghast_x" +msgstr "Ghast" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "seduction" +msgstr "Lied der Verführung" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "use" +msgstr "BENUTZE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_trollbelt" +msgstr "Erschaffe einen Gürtel der Trollstärke" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "spell_x" +msgstr "Zauber" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "juju_x" +msgstr "Juju-Zombie" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summonfireelemental" +msgstr "Dieses Ritual beschwört wütende Elementargeister der Hitze. Eine Dürre sucht das Land heim. Bäume verdorren, Tiere verenden, und die Ernte fällt aus. Für Tagelöhner gibt es kaum noch Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft zu finden." + +msgid "XEPOTION" +msgstr "XETRANK" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undead" +msgstr "Untoter" + +msgid "p10" +msgstr "Berserkerblut" + +msgid "toadslime_p" +msgstr "Tiegel mit Krötenschleim" + +msgid "p11" +msgstr "Bauernlieb" + +msgid "ring" +msgstr "Ring" + +msgid "p13" +msgstr "Elixier der Macht" + +msgid "wand_p" +msgstr "Zauberstäbe" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earn_silver#cerddor" +msgstr "Cerddormagier sind _die_ Gaukler unter den Magiern, sie lieben es das Volk zu unterhalten und im Mittelpunkt zu stehen. Schon Anfänger lernen die kleinen Kunststücke und magischen Tricks, mit denen man das Volk locken und verführen kann, den Geldbeutel ganz weit zu öffnen, und am Ende der Woche wird der Gaukler 50 Silber pro Stufe verdient haben." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "strength" +msgstr "Unbekannter Effekt" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "unarmed" +msgstr "Waffenloser Kampf" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "tax" +msgstr "TREIBE" + +msgid "rustyshield_p" +msgstr "Rostige Schilde" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "promote" +msgstr "BEFÖRDERE" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_0" +msgstr "Klapperige" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "forestfire" +msgstr "Feuerteufel" + +msgid "stone" +msgstr "Stein" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_1" +msgstr "Stöhnende" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "auratransfer" +msgstr "Auratransfer" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_2" +msgstr "Schwarzknochige" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_3" +msgstr "Schwarzgewandete" + +msgid "aurafocus_p" +msgstr "Aurafocuse" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_4" +msgstr "Angsteinflößende" + +msgid "wente_ring_p" +msgstr "Wildentes Hochzeitsringe" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summonshadowlords" +msgstr "Beschwöre Schattenmeister" + +msgid "snowball_p" +msgstr "Schneebälle" + +msgid "apple_p" +msgstr "Äpfel" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_5" +msgstr "Heulende" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_6" +msgstr "Wartende" + +msgid "tree_p" +msgstr "Bäume" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_7" +msgstr "Grauenvolle" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_8" +msgstr "Schwarze" + +msgid "myrrh_p" +msgstr "Myrrhe" + +msgid "skeleton_prefix_9" +msgstr "Dunkle" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earn_silver#illaun" +msgstr "Niemand kann so gut die Träume deuten wie ein Magier des Illaun. Auch die Kunst der Wahrsagerei, des Kartenlegens und des Handlesens sind ihm geläufig. Dafür zahlen ihm die Bauern 50 Silber pro Stufe." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "big_recruit" +msgstr "Hohe Kunst der Überzeugung" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "magicherbbag" +msgstr "Kräuter, die in diesem Beutelchen aufbewahrt werden, sind erheblich besser konserviert." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "sell" +msgstr "VERKAUFE" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "auratransfer" +msgstr " Mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers kann der Magier eigene Aura im Verhältnis 2:1 auf einen anderen Magier des gleichen Magiegebietes oder im Verhältnis 3:1 auf einen Magier eines anderen Magiegebietes übertragen. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wyrm" +msgstr "Wyrm" + +msgid "birthdaycake" +msgstr "Geburtstagstorte" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "oldrace" +msgstr "Unbekannter Effekt" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "armorer" +msgstr "Rüstungsbau" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "itemcloak" +msgstr "Schleieraura" + +msgid "an_unknown_spell" +msgstr "ein unbekannter Zauber" + +msgid "status_aggressive" +msgstr "aggressiv" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_resist_magic" +msgstr " Dieses magische Lied wird, einmal mit Inbrunst gesungen, sich in der Region fortpflanzen, von Mund zu Mund springen und eine Zeitlang überall zu vernehmen sein. Nach wie vielen Wochen der Gesang aus dem Gedächtnis der Region entschwunden ist, ist von dem Geschick des Barden abhängig. Bis das Lied ganz verklungen ist, wird seine Magie allen Verbündeten des Barden (HELFE BEWACHE), und natürlich auch seinen eigenem Volk, einen einmaligen Bonus von 15% auf die natürliche Widerstandskraft gegen eine Verzauberung verleihen. " + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "contact" +msgstr "KONTAKT" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "view_reality" +msgstr "Blick in die Realität" + +msgid "dragonhead_p" +msgstr "Drachenköpfe" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "plant" +msgstr "PFLANZE" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "wisps" +msgstr "Irrlichter" + +msgid "wente_dress_p" +msgstr "Fräcke" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "riotzone" +msgstr "Aufruhr" + +msgid "catapult" +msgstr "Katapult" + +msgid "undead_prefix_10" +msgstr "Dunkle" + +msgid "undead_prefix_11" +msgstr "Fürchterliche" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "headache" +msgstr "Schaler Wein" + +msgid "undead_prefix_12" +msgstr "Grauenhafte" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "maelstrom" +msgstr " Dieses Ritual beschört einen großen Wasserelementar aus den Tiefen des Ozeans. Der Elementar erzeugt einen gewaltigen Strudel, einen Mahlstrom, welcher alle Schiffe, die ihn passieren, schwer beschädigen kann. " + +msgid "undead_prefix_13" +msgstr "Furchtbare" + +msgid "dolphin_p" +msgstr "Delphine" + +msgid "factiondefault" +msgstr "Partei" + +msgid "undead_prefix_14" +msgstr "Entsetzliche" + +msgid "NICHT" +msgstr "NICHT" + +msgid "undead_prefix_15" +msgstr "Schauderhafte" + +msgid "undead_prefix_16" +msgstr "Schreckliche" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "view_reality" +msgstr " Der Magier kann mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers aus der Astral- in die materielle Ebene blicken und die Regionen und Einheiten genau erkennen. " + +msgid "vortex" +msgstr "Wirbel" + +msgid "undead_prefix_17" +msgstr "Gespenstische" + +msgid "undead_prefix_18" +msgstr "Ekelhafte" + +msgid "GIB" +msgstr "GIB" + +msgid "undead_prefix_19" +msgstr "Düstere" + +msgid "maelstrom_trail" +msgstr "ein %s" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "forestry" +msgstr "Holzfällen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earn_silver#draig" +msgstr "Kleine Flüche" + +msgid "lmsreward_p" +msgstr "Gürtel der Heldentaten" + +msgid "academy" +msgstr "Akademie" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "catdragon_d" +msgstr "Katzendrachen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wolfhowl" +msgstr "Wolfsgeheul" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_of_confusion" +msgstr "Gesang der Verwirrung" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeleton" +msgstr "Skelett" + +msgid "mallornsapling_p" +msgstr "Mallornschößlinge" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "melancholy" +msgstr "Gesang der Melancholie" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "bloodthirst" +msgstr "Kriegsgesang" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "ointment" +msgstr "Ist man nach einem einem harten Kampf schwer verwundet, ist es ratsam, etwas Wundsalbe parat zu haben. Streicht man diese magische Paste auf die Wunden, schließen sich diese augenblicklich. Für die Herstellung benötigt der Alchemist nebst einem Blauen Baumringel einen Würzigen Wagemut und einen Weißen Wüterich. Eine solche Portion heilt bis zu 400 Lebenspunkte." + +msgid "section_none" +msgstr "Verschiedenes" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "catdragon_p" +msgstr "Katzendrachen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "songdragon" +msgstr "Singdrache" + +msgid "myrrh" +msgstr "Myrrhe" + +msgid "nr_guarding_unknown" +msgstr "unbekannten Einheiten" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "catdragon_x" +msgstr "Katzendrachen" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "alchemy" +msgstr "Alchemie" + +msgid "undead_prefix_20" +msgstr "Schaurige" + +msgid "undead_prefix_21" +msgstr "Erbarmungslose" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "owl_d" +msgstr "Eulen" + +msgid "undead_prefix_22" +msgstr "Hungrige" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_0" +msgstr "der Nacht" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_1" +msgstr "der Schatten" + +msgid "wente_dress" +msgstr "Frack" + +msgid "BAEUME" +msgstr "BÄUME" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_2" +msgstr "der Finsternis" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_3" +msgstr "des Bösen" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_4" +msgstr "der Erschlagenen" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_5" +msgstr "der Verfluchten" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_6" +msgstr "der Ruhelosen" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_7" +msgstr "aus dem Nebel" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_8" +msgstr "aus dem Dunkel" + +msgid "ghoul_postfix_9" +msgstr "der Tiefe" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "owl_p" +msgstr "Eulen" + +msgid "attack_structural" +msgstr "ein Angriff, der Gebäudeschaden verursacht" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "antimagiczone" +msgstr "Astrale Schwächezone" + +msgid "boat" +msgstr "Boot" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "dreamreading" +msgstr "Traumlesen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "magicstreet" +msgstr "Durch Ausführung dieser Rituale ist der Magier in der Lage einen mächtigen Erdelementar zu beschwören. Solange dieser in den Boden gebannt ist, wird kein Regen die Wege aufweichen und kein Fluß Brücken zerstören können. Alle Reisende erhalten damit die gleichen Vorteile, die sonst nur ein ausgebautes gepflastertes Straßennetz bietet. Selbst Sümpfe und Gletscher können so verzaubert werden. Je mehr Kraft der Magier in den Bann legt, desto länger bleibt die Straße bestehen." + +msgid "soc_p" +msgstr "Beutel des negativen Gewichts" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "arch" +msgstr "Erz" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "owl_x" +msgstr "Eulen" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "roadwork" +msgstr "Straßenbau" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fish_shield" +msgstr "Schild des Fisches" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dolphin_d" +msgstr "Delphinen" + +msgid "join" +msgstr "BEITRETEN" + +msgid "corridor1_trail" +msgstr "die %s" + +msgid "lebkuchenherz_p" +msgstr "Lebkuchenherzen mit der Aufschrift 'Erz und Stein, das ist fein'" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "analysedream" +msgstr "Traumbilder analysieren" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Tal" +msgstr "Tal" + +msgid "ZIPPED" +msgstr "ZIPPED" + +msgid "dir_west" +msgstr "West" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "dreamreading" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber ermöglicht es dem Traumweber, in die Träume einer Einheit einzudringen und so einen Bericht über die Umgebung zu erhalten." + +msgid "roqf" +msgstr "Ring der flinken Finger" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdragon" +msgstr "Schattendrache" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dolphin_p" +msgstr "Delphine" + +msgid "herb" +msgstr "Kraut" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "mindblast" +msgstr "Tod des Geistes" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "analysedream" +msgstr "Mit diesem Spruch kann der Traumweber versuchen, die Verzauberungen einer einzelnen Einheit zu erkennen. Von allen Sprüchen, die seine eigenen Fähigkeiten nicht überschreiten, wird er einen Eindruck ihres Wirkens erhalten können. Bei stärkeren Sprüchen benötigt er ein wenig Glück für eine gelungene Analyse." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "unicorn_d" +msgstr "Einhörnern" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dolphin_x" +msgstr "Delphin" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "give" +msgstr "GIB" + +msgid "dir_ne" +msgstr "NO" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_bagofholding" +msgstr "Erschaffe einen Beutel des Negativen Gewichts" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "orkdream" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber - dessen Anwendung in den meisten Kulturen streng verboten ist - löst im Opfer ein unkontrollierbares Verlangen nach körperlicher Liebe aus. Die betroffenen Personen werden sich Hals über Kopf in ein Liebesabenteuer stürzen, zu blind vor Verlangen, um an etwas anderes zu denken. Meistens bereuen sie es einige Wochen später..." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "hail" +msgstr "Hagel" + +msgid "hero" +msgstr "Held" + +msgid "SILBERPOOL" +msgstr "SILBERPOOL" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "prefix" +msgstr "PRÄFIX" + +msgid "section_nr" +msgstr "Hinweise" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "firstweek" +msgstr "die erste Woche" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "undeadhero" +msgstr "Untote Helden" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "unicorn_p" +msgstr "Einhörner" + +msgid "catspoil" +msgstr "Katzenschwanz" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "show" +msgstr "ZEIGE" + +msgid "dir_nw" +msgstr "NW" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "unicorn_x" +msgstr "Einhorn" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdragon_d" +msgstr "Schattendrachen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "combatrust" +msgstr "Rosthauch" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mountainguard" +msgstr "Bergwächter" + +msgid "tunnel" +msgstr "Tunnel" + +msgid "hp_p" +msgstr "Trefferpunkte" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "spring" +msgstr "Frühling" + +msgid "magicbag_p" +msgstr "Zauberbeutel" + +msgid "dragonship" +msgstr "Drachenschiff" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "deathcloud" +msgstr "Todeswolke" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "reanimate" +msgstr "Stirbt ein Krieger im Kampf so macht sich seine Seele auf die lange Wanderung zu den Sternen. Mit Hilfe eines Rituals kann ein Traumweber versuchen, die Seele wieder einzufangen und in den Körper des Verstorbenen zurückzubringen. Zwar heilt der Zauber keine körperlichen Verwundungen, doch ein Behandelter wird den Kampf überleben." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "transfer_aura_song" +msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers kann der Magier eigene Aura im Verhältnis 2:1 auf einen anderen Magier des gleichen Magiegebietes übertragen." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdragon_p" +msgstr "Schattendrachen" + +msgid "monument" +msgstr "Monument" + +msgid "west" +msgstr "Westen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_firesword" +msgstr "Erschaffe ein Flammenschwert" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "roqf" +msgstr "Der Zauber in diesem Ring bewirkt eine um das zehnfache verbesserte Geschicklichkeit und Gewandheit der Finger. Handwerker können somit das zehnfache produzieren, und bei einigen anderen Tätigkeiten könnte dies ebenfalls von Nutzen sein." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdragon_x" +msgstr "Schattendrachen" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "piracy" +msgstr "PIRATERIE" + +msgctxt "raceinfo" +msgid "lynx" +msgstr "Der Luchs ist bekannt für seine Geschicklichkeit im Verbergen und Beobachten. Mit ein wenig Geduld kann er zu einem hervorragenden Späher ausgebildet werden. Im Kampf verteidigt er sich mit seinen scharfen Krallen und weiß seine Gewandheit zu nutzen." + +msgid "greatsword" +msgstr "Bihänder" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "show_astral" +msgstr " Der Magier kann kurzzeitig in die Astralebene blicken und erfährt so alle Einheiten innerhalb eines astralen Radius von Stufe/5 Regionen. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "demon_d" +msgstr "Dämonen" + +msgid "laen" +msgstr "Laen" + +msgid "relativ viele" +msgstr "relativ viele" + +msgid "and" +msgstr "und" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "demon_p" +msgstr "Dämonen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "lynx_d" +msgstr "Luchsen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "keeploot" +msgstr "Dieser Zauber verhindert, dass ein Teil der sonst im Kampf zerstörten Gegenstände beschädigt wird. Die Verluste reduzieren sich um 5% pro Stufe des Zaubers bis zu einem Minimum von 25%." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "demon_x" +msgstr "Dämonen" + +msgid "mountain" +msgstr "Berge" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "lynx_p" +msgstr "Luchse" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "cerddor_destroymagic" +msgstr " Jede Verzauberung beeinflußt das Lebenslied, schwächt und verzerrt es. Der kundige Barde kann versuchen, das Lebenslied aufzufangen und zu verstärken und die Veränderungen aus dem Lied zu tilgen. " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "treegrow" +msgstr "Wo sonst aus einem Stecken nur ein Baum sprießen konnte, so treibt nun jeder Ast Wurzeln. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "lynx_x" +msgstr "Luchs" + +msgid "rustysword" +msgstr "Schartiges Schwert" + +msgid "spear_p" +msgstr "Speere" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "coldfront" +msgstr "Tötet die Feinde mit Kälte." + +msgid "insectspoil" +msgstr "Insektenfühler" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "shapeshift" +msgstr "Gestaltwandlung" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "youngdragon" +msgstr "Jungdrache" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "firstweek_d" +msgstr "der ersten Woche" + +msgid "swamp_trail" +msgstr "der Sumpf von %s" + +msgid "nr_nb_final" +msgstr "und im " + +msgid "aoc" +msgstr "Katzenamulett" + +msgid "balm_p" +msgstr "Balsam" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "maelstrom" +msgstr "Mahlstrom" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "zombie_d" +msgstr "Zombies" + +msgid "aod" +msgstr "Amulett der Dunkelheit" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "wall" +msgstr "Wand" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "trade" +msgstr "Handeln" + +msgid "aog" +msgstr "Amulett des Treffens" + +msgid "dragonblood" +msgstr "Drachenblut" + +msgid "aquarianspoil_p" +msgstr "Meermenschschuppen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "calmmonster" +msgstr "Monster friedlich stimmen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "auraleak" +msgstr "Astraler Riss" + +msgid "activevolcano" +msgstr "Aktiver Vulkan" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "zombie_p" +msgstr "Zombies" + +msgid "trollbelt" +msgstr "Gürtel der Trollstärke" + +msgid "laenshield" +msgstr "Laenschild" + +msgid "BEWACHE" +msgstr "BEWACHEN" + +msgid "h0" +msgstr "Flachwurz" + +msgid "humanspoil" +msgstr "Menschenskalp" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "ne" +msgstr "Nordostküste" + +msgid "h1" +msgstr "Würziger Wagemut" + +msgid "healingpotion" +msgstr "Heiltrank" + +msgid "AUSWERTUNG" +msgstr "AUSWERTUNG" + +msgid "h2" +msgstr "Eulenauge" + +msgid "rm_adamantium" +msgstr "Adamantium" + +msgid "h3" +msgstr "Grüner Spinnerich" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "zombie_x" +msgstr "Zombie" + +msgid "h4" +msgstr "Blauer Baumringel" + +msgid "nr_spell_components" +msgstr "Komponenten:" + +msgid "h5" +msgstr "Elfenlieb" + +msgid "ghoul_name_0" +msgstr "Ghoule" + +msgid "h6" +msgstr "Gurgelkraut" + +msgid "ghoul_name_1" +msgstr "Kreaturen" + +msgid "h7" +msgstr "Knotiger Saugwurz" + +msgid "ghoul_name_2" +msgstr "Verlorene" + +msgid "h8" +msgstr "Blasenmorchel" + +msgid "ghoul_name_3" +msgstr "Erschlagene" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "protective_runes" +msgstr " Zeichnet man diese Runen auf die Wände eines Gebäudes oder auf die Planken eines Schiffes, so wird es schwerer durch Zauber zu beeinflussen sein. Jedes Ritual erhöht die Widerstandskraft des Gebäudes oder Schiffes gegen Verzauberung um 20%. Werden mehrere Schutzzauber übereinander gelegt, so addiert sich ihre Wirkung, doch ein hundertprozentiger Schutz läßt sich so nicht erreichen. Der Zauber hält mindestens drei Wochen an, je nach Talent des Magiers aber auch viel länger. " + +msgid "h9" +msgstr "Wasserfinder" + +msgid "section_errors" +msgstr "Warnungen und Fehler" + +msgid "ghoul_name_4" +msgstr "Verdammte" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghast" +msgstr "Ghast" + +msgid "ghoul_name_5" +msgstr "Schlurfende Ghoule" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "ice" +msgstr "Eis" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_invisibility_sphere" +msgstr "Erschaffe eine Sphäre der Unsichtbarkeit" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_of_healing" +msgstr "Nicht nur der Feldscher kann den Verwundeten einer Schlacht helfen. Die Barden kennen verschiedene Lieder, die die Selbstheilungskräfte des Körpers unterstützen. Dieses Lied vermag Wunden zu schließen, gebrochene Knochen zu richten und selbst abgetrennte Glieder wieder zu regenerieren." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "research" +msgstr "FORSCHE" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "nw" +msgstr "Nordwestküste" + +msgid "adamantium_p" +msgstr "Adamantium" + +msgid "seashell_p" +msgstr "Muscheln" + +msgid "undead_prefix_0" +msgstr "Grausige" + +msgid "undead_prefix_1" +msgstr "Stöhnende" + +msgid "undead_prefix_2" +msgstr "Schlurfende" + +msgid "undead_prefix_3" +msgstr "Schwarzgewandete" + +msgid "nr_spell_type" +msgstr "Art:" + +msgid "undead_prefix_4" +msgstr "Faulende" + +msgid "undead_prefix_5" +msgstr "Angsteinflößende" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "template_d" +msgstr "Schablonen" + +msgid "undead_prefix_6" +msgstr "Heulende" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "melee" +msgstr "Hiebwaffen" + +msgid "birthday_firework" +msgstr "Feuerwerk" + +msgid "undead_prefix_7" +msgstr "Wartende" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Chaos" +msgstr "Chaos" + +msgid "undead_prefix_8" +msgstr "Grauenvolle" + +msgid "undead_prefix_9" +msgstr "Schwarze" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mountainguard_d" +msgstr "Bergwächtern" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Licht" +msgstr "Licht" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "flee" +msgstr "Der Traumweber beschwört vor dem Kampf grauenerregende Trugbilder herauf, die viele Gegner in Panik versetzen. Die Betroffenen werden versuchen, vor den Trugbildern zu fliehen." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "ironkeeper" +msgstr "Bergwächter" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "enterastral" +msgstr "Alte arkane Formeln ermöglichen es dem Magier, sich und andere in die astrale Ebene zu schicken. Der Magier kann (Stufe-3)*15 GE durch das kurzzeitig entstehende Tor schicken. Ist der Magier erfahren genug, den Zauber auf Stufen von 11 oder mehr zu zaubern, kann er andere Einheiten auch gegen ihren Willen auf die andere Ebene zwingen. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "flyingship" +msgstr "Luftschiff" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "template_p" +msgstr "Schablonen" + +msgid "STRASSEN" +msgstr "STRAßEN" + +msgid "jewel" +msgstr "Juwel" + +msgid "horse" +msgstr "Pferd" + +msgid "mallornbow" +msgstr "Mallornbogen" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "flame" +msgstr "Flammen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magic_roots" +msgstr "Wurzeln der Magie" + +msgid "thickfog" +msgstr "Dichter Nebel" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "leaveastral" +msgstr "Astraler Ausgang" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mountainguard_p" +msgstr "Bergwächter" + +msgid "clone_of" +msgstr "Klon von %s" + +msgid "travelthru_header" +msgstr "Die Region wurde durchquert von " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "template_x" +msgstr "Schablonen" + +msgid "questkey1_p" +msgstr "Achatene Schlüssel" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "treewalkenter" +msgstr "Große Macht liegt in Orten, an denen das Leben pulsiert. Der Druide kann diese Kraft sammeln und so ein Tor in die Welt der Geistwesen erschaffen. Der Druide kann dann Stufe*5 Gewichtseinheiten durch das Tor entsenden." + +msgid "soc" +msgstr "Beutel des negativen Gewichts" + +msgid "hall1_trail" +msgstr "die %s" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "draigdestroymagic" +msgstr "Pentagramm" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tiger" +msgstr "Tiger" + +msgid "dragonship_a" +msgstr "ein Drachenschiff" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mountainguard_x" +msgstr "Bergwächter" + +msgid "unitdefault" +msgstr "Einheit" + +msgid "nr_youaredead" +msgstr "Unglücklicherweise wurde deine Partei ausgelöscht. Du kannst gerne an einer anderen Stelle wieder einsteigen. Melde Dich einfach wieder an." + +msgid "invite" +msgstr "EINLADEN" + +msgid "scale" +msgstr "Schuppenpanzer" + +msgid "cookie" +msgstr "Keks" + +msgid "fairyboot" +msgstr "Feenstiefel" + +msgid "hp" +msgstr "Trefferpunkt" + +msgctxt "raceinfo" +msgid "eagle" +msgstr "Der Adler ist ein ausgezeichneter Späher, fliegend überquert er sogar kurze Meerengen, doch ist er hoch oben am Himmel auch sehr exponiert, was ihn beim Rasten zu einem leichten Ziel macht." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "firewall" +msgstr "Feuerwand" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "cerddorfumbleshield" +msgstr "Bannlied" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earn_silver#tybied" +msgstr "Wenn einem der Alchemist nicht weiterhelfen kann, geht man zu dem gelehrten Tybiedmagier. Seine Tränke und Tinkturen helfen gegen alles, was man sonst nicht bekommen kann. Ob nun die kryptische Formel unter dem Holzschuh des untreuen Ehemannes wirklich geholfen hat - nun, der des Lesens nicht mächtige Bauer wird es nie wissen. Dem Magier hilft es auf jeden Fall... beim Füllen seines Geldbeutels. 50 Silber pro Stufe lassen sich so in einer Woche verdienen." + +msgid "ANZAHL" +msgstr "ANZAHL" + +msgid "dir_se" +msgstr "SO" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "teach" +msgstr "LEHRE" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "combat" +msgstr "KÄMPFE" + +msgid "ao_healing_p" +msgstr "Amulette der Heilung" + +msgid "ocean" +msgstr "Ozean" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "headache" +msgstr " Aufzeichung des Vortrags von Selen Ard'Ragorn in Bar'Glingal: 'Es heisst, dieser Spruch wäre wohl in den Spelunken der Westgassen entstanden, doch es kann genausogut in jedem andern verrufenen Viertel gewesen sein. Seine wichtigste Zutat ist etwa ein Fass schlechtesten Weines, je billiger und ungesunder, desto wirkungsvoller wird die Essenz. Die Kunst, diesen Wein in pure Essenz zu destillieren, die weitaus anspruchsvoller als das einfache Rezeptmischen eines Alchemisten ist, und diese dergestalt zu binden und konservieren, das sie sich nicht gleich wieder verflüchtigt, wie es ihre Natur wäre, ja, dies ist etwas, das nur ein Meister des Cerddor vollbringen kann. Nun besitzt Ihr eine kleine Phiola mit einer rubinrotschimmernden - nun, nicht flüssig, doch auch nicht ganz Dunst - nennen wir es einfach nur Elixier. Doch nicht dies ist die wahre Herausforderung, sodann muss, da sich ihre Wirkung leicht verflüchtigt, diese innerhalb weniger Tage unbemerkt in das Getränk des Opfers geträufelt werden. Ihr Meister der Betöhrung und Verführung, hier nun könnt Ihr Eure ganze Kunst unter Beweis stellen. Doch gebt Acht, nicht unbedacht selbst von dem Elixier zu kosten, denn wer einmal gekostet hat, der kann vom Weine nicht mehr lassen, und er säuft sicherlich eine volle Woche lang. Jedoch nicht die Verführung zum Trunke ist die wahre Gefahr, die dem Elixier innewohnt, sondern das der Trunkenheit so sicher ein gar fürchterliches Leid des Kopfes folgen wird, wie der Tag auf die Nacht folgt. Und er wird gar sicherlich von seiner besten Fähigkeit einige Tage bis hin zu den Studien zweier Wochen vergessen haben. Noch ein Wort der Warnung: dieses ist sehr aufwendig, und so Ihr noch weitere Zauber in der selben Woche wirken wollt, so werden sie Euch schwerer fallen.' " + +msgid "spear" +msgstr "Speer" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "sabotage" +msgstr "SABOTIERE" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "truthpotion" +msgstr "Dieses wirkungsvolle einfache Gebräu schärft die Sinne des Trinkenden derart, dass er in der Lage ist, eine Woche lang auch die komplexesten Illusionen zu durchschauen." + +msgid "plate_p" +msgstr "Plattenpanzer" + +msgid "tradepost" +msgstr "Handelsposten" + +msgid "p0_p" +msgstr "Siebenmeilentees" + +msgid "STATISTIK" +msgstr "STATISTIK" + +msgid "dir_sw" +msgstr "SW" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "wolfhowl" +msgstr "Nicht wenige Druiden freunden sich im Laufe ihres Lebens in der Natur mit den ältesten Freunden der großen Völker an. Sie erlernen, mit einem einzigen heulenden Ruf viele ihrer Freunde herbeizurufen, um ihnen im Kampf beizustehen." + +msgid "p3_p" +msgstr "Schaffenstrünke" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "great_drought" +msgstr "Tor in die Ebene der Hitze" + +msgid "status_flee" +msgstr "flieht" + +msgid "elvenhorse" +msgstr "Elfenpferd" + +msgid "ao_chastity_p" +msgstr "Amulette der Keuschheit" + +msgid "p10_p" +msgstr "Berserkerblut" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "maketemp" +msgstr "MACHE TEMP" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "reanimate" +msgstr "Wiederbelebung" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_bagofholding" +msgstr "Dieser Beutel umschließt eine kleine Dimensionsfalte, in der bis zu 200 Gewichtseinheiten transportiert werden können, ohne dass sie auf das Traggewicht angerechnet werden. Pferde und andere Lebewesen sowie besonders sperrige Dinge (Wagen und Katapulte) können nicht in dem Beutel transportiert werden. Auch ist es nicht möglich, einen Zauberbeutel in einem anderen zu transportieren. Der Beutel selber wiegt 1 GE." + +msgid "questkey1" +msgstr "Achatener Schlüssel" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "armor_shield" +msgstr "Rüstschild" + +msgid "questkey2" +msgstr "Saphirner Schlüssel" + +msgid "stat_cut" +msgstr "Ist durch Hiebwaffen schwer zu verwunden." + +msgid "BAUERN" +msgstr "BAUERN" + +msgid "p6_p" +msgstr "Gehirnschmalz" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summondragon" +msgstr "Drachenruf" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "elvenhorse" +msgstr "Ein Elfenpferd wird sich nur den wenigsten jemals anschließen. Hat es jedoch seine Scheu überwunden ist es ein sehr wertvoller Gefährte. Ein Elfenpferd ist schneller als ein Pferd. Zudem hilft es seinem Reiter im Kampf und unterstützt ihn mit seiner Magie. Es sind schwarze Elfenpferde bekannt, die sich sogar Orks angeschlossen haben." + +msgid "ring_p" +msgstr "Ringe" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "trollbelt" +msgstr "Dieses magische Artefakt verleiht seinem Träger die Stärke eines ausgewachsenen Höhlentrolls. Seine Tragkraft erhöht sich auf das 50fache und auch im Kampf werden sich die erhöhte Kraft und die trollisch zähe Haut positiv auswirken." + +msgid "VOR" +msgstr "VOR" + +msgid "p13_p" +msgstr "Elixiere der Macht" + +msgid "nr_owner" +msgstr "Eigentümer" + +msgid "nr_template" +msgstr "Vorlage für den nächsten Zug:" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "espionage" +msgstr "Spionage" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "reelingarrows" +msgstr "Wirbelwind" + +msgid "p9_p" +msgstr "Pferdeglück" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "versteinern" +msgstr "Dieser schwierige, aber effektive Kampfzauber benutzt die Elementargeister des Steins, um eine Reihe von Gegnern für die Dauer des Kampfes in Stein zu verwandeln. Die betroffenen Personen werden nicht mehr kämpfen, können jedoch auch nicht verwundet werden." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "armor_shield" +msgstr " Diese vor dem Kampf zu zaubernde Ritual gibt den eigenen Truppen einen zusätzlichen Bonus auf ihre Rüstung. Jeder Treffer reduziert die Kraft des Zaubers, so dass der Schild sich irgendwann im Kampf auflösen wird. " + +msgid "desert_trail" +msgstr "die Wüste von %s" + +msgid "catapultammo_p" +msgstr "Katapultmunition" + +msgid "greatsword_p" +msgstr "Bihänder" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_10" +msgstr "in Ketten" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summondragon" +msgstr "Mit diesem dunklen Ritual erzeugt der Magier einen Köder, der für Drachen einfach unwiderstehlich riecht. Ob die Drachen aus der Umgebung oder aus der Sphäre des Chaos stammen, konnte noch nicht erforscht werden. Es soll beides bereits vorgekommen sein. Der Köder hält etwa 6 Wochen, muss aber in einem drachengenehmen Terrain platziert werden." + +msgid "zombie_postfix_11" +msgstr "aus dem Totenreich" + +msgid "zombie_postfix_12" +msgstr "aus der Unterwelt" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "icy_dragonbreath" +msgstr "Eisiger Drachenodem" + +msgctxt "damage" +msgid "badly" +msgstr "schwer verwundet" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "halfling_d" +msgstr "Halblingen" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "smurf_d" +msgstr "Schlümpfen" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "aura_of_fear" +msgstr "Furchteinflößende Aura" + +msgid "mountain_trail" +msgstr "das Bergland von %s" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "halfling_p" +msgstr "Halblinge" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "greenscarab" +msgstr "grüner Scarabäus" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "quit" +msgstr "STIRB" + +msgid "AURA" +msgstr "AURA" + +msgid "smithy" +msgstr "Schmiede" + +msgid "laen_p" +msgstr "Laen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "incite_riot" +msgstr " Mit Hilfe dieses magischen Gesangs versetzt der Magier eine ganze Region in Aufruhr. Rebellierende Bauernhorden machen jedes Besteuern unmöglich, kaum jemand wird mehr für Gaukeleien Geld spenden und es können keine neuen Leute angeworben werden. Nach einigen Wochen beruhigt sich der Mob wieder. " + +msgid "longboat" +msgstr "Langboot" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "appeasement" +msgstr "Dieses Lied zähmt selbst den wildesten Ork und macht ihn friedfertig und sanftmütig. Jeder Gedanke, dem Sänger zu schaden, wird ihm entfallen. Unbehelligt kann der Magier in eine Nachbarregion ziehen." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "coldfront" +msgstr "Eisnebel" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "halfling_x" +msgstr "Halblings" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "smurf_p" +msgstr "Schlümpfe" + +msgid "dir_east" +msgstr "Ost" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "depression" +msgstr "Gesang der Melancholie" + +msgid "battle_opponents" +msgstr "Kämpft gegen:" + +msgid "GEGENSTAENDE" +msgstr "GEGENSTÄNDE" + +msgid "greatbow" +msgstr "Elfenbogen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "aura_of_fear" +msgstr "Panik." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "smurf_x" +msgstr "Schlumpf" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "cold_protection" +msgstr "Firuns Fell" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "mallorntreegrow" +msgstr "Diese Ritual verstärkt die Wirkung des magischen Trankes um ein vielfaches. Wo sonst aus einem Stecken nur ein Baum sprießen konnte, so treibt nun jeder Ast Wurzeln." + +msgid "ointment_p" +msgstr "Wundsalben" + +msgid "see_travel" +msgstr "durchgereist" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "pull_astral" +msgstr "Ein Magier, der sich in der astralen Ebene befindet, kann mit Hilfe dieses Zaubers andere Einheiten zu sich holen. Der Magier kann (Stufe-3)*15 GE durch das kurzzeitig entstehende Tor schicken. Ist der Magier erfahren genug, den Zauber auf Stufen von 13 oder mehr zu zaubern, kann er andere Einheiten auch gegen ihren Willen auf die andere Ebene zwingen." + +msgid "smod_far" +msgstr "Fernzauber" + +msgid "oil_p" +msgstr "Öl" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "end" +msgstr "ENDE" + +msgctxt "raceinfo" +msgid "tunnelworm" +msgstr "Diese aus den Tiefen Eresseas stammende gigantische Geschöpf ist dem Leben im Untergrund hervorragend angepasst. Blind, taub und nicht besonders intelligent, aber mit seinen gewaltigen Kräften kann es ganze Berge versetzen oder Wälder roden." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "aquarian_d" +msgstr "Meermenschen" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "fairyboot" +msgstr "Diese aus Leder gefertigten und mit Einhornfell verzierten Stiefel ermöglichen es ihrem Träger, sich mit der doppelten Geschwindigkeit fortzubewegen, wenn er zu Fuß reist." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "skillmod" +msgstr "Unbekannter Effekt" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dreamcat" +msgstr "Traumkatze" + +msgid "elfspoil_p" +msgstr "Elfenohren" + +msgid "moneychest" +msgstr "Silberkassette" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "auraboost" +msgstr "Gabe des Chaos" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "aquarian_p" +msgstr "Meermenschen" + +msgid "amulet" +msgstr "Amulett" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magicresistance" +msgstr "Magieresistenz" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "fairy" +msgstr "Fee" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "drain_skills" +msgstr "Schattenodem" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "sphinx_d" +msgstr "Spinxen" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "se" +msgstr "Südostküste" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "troll" +msgstr "Troll" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "aquarian_x" +msgstr "Meermenschen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "meteor_rain" +msgstr "Ein Schauer von Meteoren regnet über das Schlachtfeld." + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "nomagic" +msgstr "Kein Magiegebiet" + +msgid "weight_unit" +msgstr "GE" + +msgid "BZIP2" +msgstr "BZIP2" + +msgid "firesword" +msgstr "Flammenschwert" + +msgid "nr_spells" +msgstr "Zauber" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earthquake" +msgstr "Der Druide beschwört mit diesem Ritual einen Elementargeist der Erde und bringt ihn dazu, die Erde erbeben zu lassen. Dieses Erdbeben wird alle Gebäude in der Region beschädigen." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "sphinx_p" +msgstr "Spinxen" + +msgid "status_rear" +msgstr "hinten" + +msgid "east" +msgstr "Osten" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "drain_skills" +msgstr "Entzieht Talentstufen und macht Schaden wie Großer Odem." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wolf" +msgstr "Wolf" + diff --git a/res/translations/strings.en.po b/res/translations/strings.en.po new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e2dfdb1a --- /dev/null +++ b/res/translations/strings.en.po @@ -0,0 +1,5601 @@ +msgid "rustychainmail" +msgstr "rustychainmail" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "destroy_magic" +msgstr "This spell lets a magician destroy spells on a ship, building or region." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "shadowknights" +msgstr "Shadow Knights" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snowman" +msgstr "snowman" + +msgid "par_unit" +msgstr "unitid" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdemon_d" +msgstr "shadowdemons" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "sw" +msgstr "southwest coast" + +msgid "pegasus" +msgstr "pegasus" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "sphinx_x" +msgstr "sphinx" + +msgid "truthpotion_p" +msgstr "potions of truth" + +msgid "aurafocus" +msgstr "aurafocus" + +msgid "firewall" +msgstr "firewall" + +msgid "nut_p" +msgstr "nuts" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "gwyrrddestroymagic" +msgstr "Banish Spirits" + +msgid "AGGRESSIV" +msgstr "AGGRESSIVE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "transferauratraum" +msgstr "Dream of Magic" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdemon_p" +msgstr "shadowdemons" + +msgid "h10_p" +msgstr "peyote" + +msgid "stat_tribe_p" +msgstr " tribes" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "speed" +msgstr "Double Time" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdemon_x" +msgstr "shadowdemon" + +msgid "jadee_dress" +msgstr "wedding dress" + +msgid "halberd_p" +msgstr "halberds" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fumblecurse" +msgstr "Chaos Curse" + +msgid "h13_p" +msgstr "fjord fungi" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "entertain" +msgstr "ENTERTAIN" + +msgid "laensword" +msgstr "laen sword" + +msgid "greatbow_p" +msgstr "elven bows" + +msgid "person" +msgstr "man" + +msgid "JEDEM" +msgstr "EACH" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "eternal_walls" +msgstr "Eternal Walls" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "sailing" +msgstr "sailing" + +msgid "h16_p" +msgstr "gapgrowths" + +msgid "TRAENKE" +msgstr "POTIONS" + +msgid "northwest" +msgstr "northwest" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undeadpharaoh_d" +msgstr "undead Pharaoh" + +msgid "h19_p" +msgstr "white hemlocks" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "protective_runes" +msgstr "Protective Runes" + +msgid "birthdaycake_p" +msgstr "birthday cakes" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "default" +msgstr "DEFAULT" + +msgid "volcano" +msgstr "volcano" + +msgid "magicbag" +msgstr "magic bag" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_roqf" +msgstr "The famous bard Mirim was known for exceptionally limber play of the harp. Her spell, which is easy to ban into a little silver ring, increases the wearer's dexterity by a factor of ten, which is siad to be useful to both craftsmen and shady natures." + +msgid "rustysword_p" +msgstr "rusty swords" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apophis_d" +msgstr "apophis" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undeadpharaoh_p" +msgstr "undead Pharaohs" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "magicbag" +msgstr "This bag encloses a dimensional fold, which can store up to 200 stones of weight without any extra burden on the bearer. Large items such as horses or carts cannot be placed inside." + +msgid "lighthouse" +msgstr "lighthouse" + +msgid "iceberg_sleep_trail" +msgstr "the glacier of %s" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "reserve" +msgstr "RESERVE" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "age_1" +msgstr "of the new age" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Frost" +msgstr "cold " + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "age_2" +msgstr "the second age" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "age_3" +msgstr "the third age" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undeadpharaoh_x" +msgstr "undead Pharaoh" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "youngdragon_d" +msgstr "young dragons" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "no_info" +msgstr "No Information available." + +msgid "insectspoil_p" +msgstr "insect antenna" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "barkskin" +msgstr "Barkskin" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "auraleak" +msgstr "With this dark ritual the chaos sorcerer causes a deep rift to appear in the astral balance that will tear all magical power from a region. All spellcasters in that region will lose most of their aura." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apophis_p" +msgstr "apophis" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "calm_monster" +msgstr "Calm Monster" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "sound_out" +msgstr " Should the unit succumb to the spell, they will tell the mage everything they know about the region is question. Is no unit of their faction in that region, they'll have nothing to report. Also, they can only report, what they themselves could see. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "readmind" +msgstr "Mind Probe" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apophis_x" +msgstr "apophis" + +msgid "nr_options" +msgstr "Options" + +msgid "GRUPPE" +msgstr "GROUP" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "youngdragon_p" +msgstr "young dragons" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "cerddorfumbleshield" +msgstr "The screeching sounds of this melody can be heard across the whole battlefield. Wizards exposed to these special dissonances find it nearly impossible to concentrate on their spells." + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Sonnen" +msgstr "sun " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "youngdragon_x" +msgstr "young dragon" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "calm_monster" +msgstr " This disarming chant can tame almost any intelligent monster. It will refrain from attacks on the mage and his companions. But one should not deceive oneself about the persisting unpredictable nature of the creature. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "clone" +msgstr "Doppelganger" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "concealing_aura" +msgstr "This spell will hide the whole equipment of a target unit from the looks of others." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "bloodsacrifice" +msgstr "Lesser Sacrifice" + +msgid "EINHEIT" +msgstr "UNIT" + +msgid "magictower" +msgstr "mage tower" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "migration" +msgstr " This ritual facilitates the migration of an unit to the own faction. The candidate has to be able and willing to leave his previous faction. He attests to that by CONTACTing the mage and will otherwise be occupied with preparations for the ritual. The ritual will fail, if the candidate owes the previous faction fealty for an expensive training. The mage performing the ritual has to invest permanent aura to bind the candidate to the faction. Per level and per point of permanent aura the mage can bind one person. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "illusion" +msgstr "illusion" + +msgid "stonecircle" +msgstr "stonecircle" + +msgid "p0" +msgstr "seven mile tea" + +msgid "p3" +msgstr "busybeer" + +msgid "balloon_a" +msgstr "a balloon" + +msgid "jadee_ring" +msgstr "Jadee's wedding ring" + +msgid "mallorntree" +msgstr "mallorn" + +msgid "p6" +msgstr "brain wax" + +msgid "p7" +msgstr "duncebun" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "firesword" +msgstr "The flaming sword gives its bearer an attack of 3d6+10 plus an additional fireball causing 2d6 damage to 1-10 victims. Using a flaming sword requires a minimum skill of 7. It grants an additional +1 to your skill and your resistance to magic will be increased." + +msgid "p9" +msgstr "horsepower potion" + +msgid "stat_hitpoints" +msgstr "hitpoints" + +msgctxt "damage" +msgid "strong" +msgstr "strong" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dragon_d" +msgstr "dragons" + +msgid "stat_defense" +msgstr "defense" + +msgid "demonspoil_p" +msgstr "demon blood" + +msgid "dwarfspoil_p" +msgstr "dwarven beards" + +msgid "sword" +msgstr "sword" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "cat" +msgstr "cat" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mummy" +msgstr "mummy" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "braineater" +msgstr "braineater" + +msgid "nr_size" +msgstr "size" + +msgid "axe" +msgstr "axe" + +msgid "blessedstonecircle" +msgstr "blessed stonecircle" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dragon_p" +msgstr "dragons" + +msgid "aots_p" +msgstr "amulets of true seeing" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dragon_x" +msgstr "dragon" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "gwyrrdfumbleshield" +msgstr "This ritual summons some Elemental Spirits of Magic and sends them into the ranks of the enemy mages. Casting spells will be much harder for them during the battle." + +msgid "antimagic_p" +msgstr "antimagic crystals" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdemon" +msgstr "shadowdemon" + +msgid "weight_per" +msgstr "stone per" + +msgid "nestwarmth_p" +msgstr "potions of nest warmth" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "irongolem_d" +msgstr "irongolems" + +msgid "sphereofinv_p" +msgstr "spheres of invisibility" + +msgid "nr_trade_end" +msgstr "." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "firewall" +msgstr "The spell creates an opaque wall of fire in the gives direction that will harm anyone passing through it." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "gate_open" +msgstr "massive open door" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "magicboost" +msgstr "The sorcerer opens his mind to the Spheres of Chaos so that he can access a greater ammount of magical power for a while. But the help of the Chaos Lords has its price - and so the period of power will be followed by a period of weakness." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "irongolem_p" +msgstr "irongolems" + +msgid "snowman_p" +msgstr "snowmen" + +msgid "Sommer" +msgstr "summer" + +msgid "laenshield_p" +msgstr "laen shields" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "break_curse" +msgstr "This spell allows a magician to remove a specific enchantment from a unit, ship, bulding or region. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "irongolem_x" +msgstr "irongolem" + +msgid "balloon" +msgstr "balloon" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "draigfumbleshield" +msgstr "This ritual, performed before a battle, causes the astral energies on the battlefield to whirl and churn and thereby makes spellcasting more difficult for the enemy mages." + +msgid "nr_schemes_postfix" +msgstr " can be discerned." + +msgid "SILBER" +msgstr "SILVER" + +msgid "h0_p" +msgstr "flatroots" + +msgid "humanspoil_p" +msgstr "human scalps" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "forget" +msgstr "FORGET" + +msgid "nestwarmth" +msgstr "potion of nest warmth" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "tactics" +msgstr "tactics" + +msgid "laenmail" +msgstr "laen chainmail" + +msgid "orcspoil" +msgstr "orc tusk" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sleep" +msgstr "Sleep" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "rat" +msgstr "rat" + +msgid "faction_help" +msgstr "We are helping" + +msgid "lifepotion" +msgstr "water of life" + +msgid "rustyhalberd" +msgstr "rusty halberd" + +msgid "h3_p" +msgstr "spider ivies" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "building" +msgstr "masonry" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summonshadow" +msgstr "Summon Shadowdemons" + +msgid "unknown_faction_dative" +msgstr "an unknown faction" + +msgid "SHOWSKCHANGE" +msgstr "SKILLCHANGES" + +msgid "h6_p" +msgstr "bugleweeds" + +msgid "firesword_p" +msgstr "flaming swords" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "origin" +msgstr "ORIGIN" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "raise_mob" +msgstr " Employing this magic chant the mage convinces the peasants of the region to join him. The peasants won't leave their home region and won't give up their possessions, though. Additionally each week some peasants will shake off the spell and return to their fields. How many peasants join the mage depends on the power of his chant. " + +msgid "wand" +msgstr "wand" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summonshadow" +msgstr "With the help of dark rituals the sorcerer summons demons from the Sphere of Shadows. These fearsome creatures can walk almost unseen among the living, but their dark aura can be sensed by everyone. Shadow demons are feared in combat for they are hard to hit and have the ability to drain strength from their victims." + +msgid "aurapotion50" +msgstr "aura potion" + +msgid "h9_p" +msgstr "waterfinders" + +msgid "tree" +msgstr "tree" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "redscarab" +msgstr "red scarab" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wolf_d" +msgstr "wolves" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "museumghost_d" +msgstr "museumghosts" + +msgid "sehr viele" +msgstr "a great many" + +msgid "section_economy" +msgstr "Economy and Trade" + +msgid "mallornlance_p" +msgstr "mallorn lances" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sparkle" +msgstr "Unknown Effect" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wolf_p" +msgstr "wolves" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "living_rock" +msgstr " This draining ritual summons a gigantic earth elemental from a sphere of laen and binds it to a building. The elemental can then be commanded to move the building with all its occupants to a neighbouring region. The strength of the elemental depends of the mage's skill: it can move up to [level-12]*250 size units of building. The building won't remain undamaged by the process. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "museumghost_p" +msgstr "museumghosts" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "catdragon" +msgstr "catdragon" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summonundead" +msgstr "Animate Dead" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "gnome_d" +msgstr "gnomes" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wolf_x" +msgstr "wolf" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "hellcat_d" +msgstr "hellcats" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "museumghost_x" +msgstr "museumghost" + +msgid "stat_armor" +msgstr "armor" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snowman_p" +msgstr "snowmen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "hail" +msgstr "During a battle the druid calls the Elemental Spirits of Cold and binds them to himself. Then he commands them to attack his foes with hail and ice missiles." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "pay" +msgstr "PAY" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "gnome_p" +msgstr "gnomes" + +msgid "mine" +msgstr "mine" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "secondweek" +msgstr "the second week" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "hellcat_p" +msgstr "hellcats" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summonundead" +msgstr "For many nights the sorcerer has to roam the graveyards and former battlefields of a region in order to find corpses to animate. The Undead will serve his will, but beware! Dealing with the mysteries of unlife can be a dangerous thing." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "buy" +msgstr "BUY" + +msgid "southwest" +msgstr "southwest" + +msgid "forest_trail" +msgstr "the forests of %s" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "gbdream" +msgstr "Good Dreams or Bad Dreams" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "gnome_x" +msgstr "gnome" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dracoid" +msgstr "dracoid" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "hellcat_x" +msgstr "hellcat" + +msgid "TEMP" +msgstr "TEMPORARY" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowmaster_d" +msgstr "shadowmasters" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "redscarab_d" +msgstr "red scarab" + +msgid "aurapotion50_p" +msgstr "aura potions" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sound_out" +msgstr "Sound out" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "seaserpent_d" +msgstr "sea serpents" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "antimagiczone" +msgstr "This spell allows a magician to create a local instability in the astral field. This zone needs to return to its equilibrium, soaking up part of the power of all spells cast in the region - or even all of some of the weaker ones. " + +msgid "villagers" +msgstr "Villagers" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "disturbingdreams" +msgstr "This spell causes insomnia and restlessness in a whole region for several weeks. All affected persons will learn much slower than normal." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "raindance" +msgstr "This ancient rite calls upon the forces of life and fertility. For the next few weeks, the peasant's harvest will be extraordinary good." + +msgid "wdw_pyramid" +msgstr "pyramid" + +msgid "plain" +msgstr "plain" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowmaster_p" +msgstr "shadowmaster" + +msgid "unarmed" +msgstr "unarmed" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "redscarab_p" +msgstr "red scarabs" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "seaserpent_p" +msgstr "sea serpents" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "cerddor_destroymagic" +msgstr "Silence Dissonance" + +msgid "birthday_firework_p" +msgstr "fireworks" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "homestone" +msgstr "With this spell the druid eternally binds the powers of earth to the walls of the castle in which he currently is. No magic and no ballistic attacks will ever be able to destroy a wall that has been fortified in this way and the castle will also be less affected by aging. In addition, the building will provide a better protection against attacks by sword or by magic." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fogtrap" +msgstr "an unknown spell" + +msgid "dreameye" +msgstr "dreameye" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowmaster_x" +msgstr "shadowmaster" + +msgid "adamantium" +msgstr "adamantium" + +msgid "seashell" +msgstr "seashell" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "redscarab_x" +msgstr "red scarab" + +msgid "adamantiumplate" +msgstr "adamantium plate" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "transferauradruide" +msgstr "Meditate" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "dreameye" +msgstr "This enchanted dragon-eye has to be eaten by the leader of your forces on the eve before battle. During the night he gains insight into the dreams of the enemy leaders and may potentially glean a decisive advantage." + +msgid "nr_mallorntree_p" +msgstr "mallorn trees" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "seashell" +msgstr "This badge pronounces its wearer an official visitor to the embassies of Muschelplateau." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_road" +msgstr "a road" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "seaserpent_x" +msgstr "sea serpent" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "astralblock" +msgstr "Astral Disruption" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "migration" +msgstr "Rit of Acceptance" + +msgid "SCHIFF" +msgstr "SHIP" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "littlescarab" +msgstr "little scarab" + +msgid "spice_p" +msgstr "spice" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sacrifice_strength" +msgstr "Sacrifice Strength" + +msgid "nr_building_inprogress" +msgstr " (under construction)" + +msgid "ring_of_levitation_p" +msgstr "rings of levitation" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_resist_magic" +msgstr "Song of the Youthful Spirit" + +msgid "attack_standard" +msgstr "an attack with a weapon or an unarmed attack" + +msgid "b_armor" +msgstr "armour" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "riding" +msgstr "riding" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "thirdweek" +msgstr "the last week" + +msgid "furious_mob" +msgstr "Furious peasants" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "catapult" +msgstr "catapult" + +msgid "pyramid" +msgstr "pyramid" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "big_recruit" +msgstr " From 'Journeys' by Firudin the Wise: 'There's a small, scarcely visited inn in Weilersweide, near Wytharhafen. It is a little known fact, that it was home to the banished itinerant preacher Grauwolf until a few years ago. After he recruited almost the whole peasantry with one of his notorious speeches, he was convicted and banished for inciting unrest. Only hesitantly did he disclose the secret to his powers of persuasion to me.' " + +msgid "catapultammo" +msgstr "ammunition" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "quarrying" +msgstr "quarrying" + +msgid "HELFE" +msgstr "HELP" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "healing" +msgstr "For a healing potion one takes the peel of a windbag and some bugleweed, stirr in some chopped elvendear and sprinkle it with the blossoms of an ice begonia. This has to cook through for four days, while a gapgrowth has to be added on the second day. Then one carefully scoops off the top layer of liquid. One such potion gives four men (or one man four times) a 50% chance to survive otherwise lethal wounds. The potion is automatically used in case of injury." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "orc_d" +msgstr "orcs" + +msgid "stat_pierce" +msgstr "Is hard to hit by piercing weapons." + +msgid "snowglobe" +msgstr "snow globe" + +msgid "rustygreatsword_p" +msgstr "rusty claymores" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "email" +msgstr "EMAIL" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "analysesong_unit" +msgstr "Each and every living being has its own, individual 'life-song'. No two of these songs are alike, even though songs of creatures of the same species are similar. Every spell alters this song of life in one way or the other and this can be identified. By casting this spell, the bard can detect all those magic variations in a person's 'life-song'. You will be able to decipher all enchantments or spells, which aren't disguised beyond your capability." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fiery_dragonbreath" +msgstr "Fiery Dragonbreath" + +msgid "oil" +msgstr "oil" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "birthdaycake" +msgstr "A birthday cake with 10 candles. Happy Birthday, Eressea!" + +msgid "jewel_p" +msgstr "gems" + +msgid "boat_a" +msgstr "a boat" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "orc_p" +msgstr "orcs" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nymph" +msgstr "nymph" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "immolation" +msgstr "Injures all enemies." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "sphinx" +msgstr "sphinx" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "e" +msgstr "east coast" + +msgid "harbour" +msgstr "harbour" + +msgid "truthpotion" +msgstr "potion of truth" + +msgid "northeast" +msgstr "northeast" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "analyze_magic" +msgstr "Analyze Magic" + +msgid "sehr wenige" +msgstr "very few" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "orc_x" +msgstr "orc" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tunnelworm" +msgstr "tunnelworm" + +msgid "stardust_p" +msgstr "stardust" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "peasant" +msgstr "peasant" + +msgid "mallorncrossbow_p" +msgstr "mallorn crossbows" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summonent" +msgstr "With the help of this spell the druid awakens the ents who are slumbering in the forests of a region from aeons of sleep. These strange tree-creatures will join him and aid his cause, but after a while they will sink back into their slumber." + +msgid "LOCALE" +msgstr "LOCALE" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "w" +msgstr "west coast" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "message" +msgstr "MESSAGE" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "barkskin" +msgstr "Performing this ritual before going into battle gives your troups an additional bonus to their armor. Every hit reduces the energy of the spell, dissolving it at some point during battle." + +msgid "goliathwater" +msgstr "goliath water" + +msgid "person_p" +msgstr "men" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "readmind" +msgstr "With this spell the mentalist penetrates the thoughts and dreams of his victim to reveal his most intimate secrets. The target's faction, skills and possessions will no longer be unknown." + +msgid "lance" +msgstr "lance" + +msgid "almond" +msgstr "almond" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "acidrain" +msgstr "Acid Rain" + +msgid "battle_attack" +msgstr "Attacked against" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "insect_d" +msgstr "insects" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "bad_dreams" +msgstr " This spell enables the dreamer to disturb the sleep of all non-allied units (HELP GUARD) in the region so severely they lose parts of their memories. " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "bloodthirst" +msgstr " Like many magic chants this one also originates from the ancient knowledge of the cats who always were aware of the powerful effect of the voice. This song inflames the temper of the warriors, enrages them even, into a murderous frenzy. Ignoring their own pain, they fight until death and will never flee from battle. They fight with little regard for themselves. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "nodrift" +msgstr "Water Elemental" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "combat_speed" +msgstr "Acceleration" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "Feuerwand" +msgstr "Firewall" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "irongolem" +msgstr "irongolem" + +msgid "snowman" +msgstr "snowman" + +msgid "PRIVAT" +msgstr "PRIVATE" + +msgid "PUNKTE" +msgstr "SCORE" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "insect_p" +msgstr "insects" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "goodwinds" +msgstr "While being aboard a ship, the druid uses this ritual to force the Elemental Spirits of Water to serve him and commands them to carry the ship across the water at a higher speed. In addition, the ship will not be affected by unfavourable winds or currents." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "astral_disruption" +msgstr " This spell causes a severe disturbance of the atral plane. Within an astral radius of level/5 regions all astral creatures not able to resist the spell will be thrown from the astral plane. The astral contact with all affected regions will be disrupted for level/3 weeks. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earthquake" +msgstr "Summon Earth Elemental" + +msgid "unknownunit" +msgstr "an unknown unit" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "raise_mob" +msgstr "Mob Rule" + +msgid "stat_bash" +msgstr "Is hard to hit by blunt weapons and catapults." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "combat_speed" +msgstr " This spell accelerates some fighters of the own side, which empowers them to attack twice every round throughout the battle. " + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "claim" +msgstr "CLAIM" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "insect_x" +msgstr "insect" + +msgid "corridor1" +msgstr "corridor" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "windshield" +msgstr "Calling the Elemental Spirits of Wind conjurs up sudden breezes, small whirlwinds and minor turbulences that will hinder enemy archers." + +msgid "papyrus_p" +msgstr "papyri" + +msgid "trireme" +msgstr "trireme" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "alliance" +msgstr "ALLIANCE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_of_healing" +msgstr "Blessed Harvest" + +msgid "sapling" +msgstr "sapling" + +msgid "vial_p" +msgstr "vials" + +msgid "rustyshield" +msgstr "rusty shield" + +msgid "quarry" +msgstr "quarry" + +msgid "scale_p" +msgstr "pangolins" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "firestorm" +msgstr "Kills enemies with fire." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "strongwall" +msgstr "At the beginning of a battle, the magician binds some Elemental Spirits of Rock to the walls of the builing in which he currently is. The structure will then provide a better protection against attacks by sword or by magic." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "seaserpent" +msgstr "sea serpent" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "fish_shield" +msgstr " This spell can project a slightly distorted image of the own troops, like the surface of the lake distorts the position of a fish. Half the damage of each hit can be deflected harmlessly through those means. The shield will only last a few hundred hits before it dissipates. The stronger the mage, the more damage the shield can take. " + +msgid "section_newpotions" +msgstr "New Potions" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "an_illusionwall" +msgstr "an illusionary wall" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apepsnake" +msgstr "apepsnake" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dracoid_d" +msgstr "dracoids" + +msgid "roqf_p" +msgstr "rings of quick fingers" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_chastitybelt" +msgstr "Create An Amulet of Chastity" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "common" +msgstr "common" + +msgid "fairyboot_p" +msgstr "fairy boots" + +msgid "FREMDES" +msgstr "FOREIGN" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dracoid_p" +msgstr "dracoids" + +msgid "nr_trade_final" +msgstr "and" + +msgid "Winter" +msgstr "winter" + +msgid "mistletoe" +msgstr "mistletoe" + +msgid "mallorncrossbow" +msgstr "mallorn crossbow" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "illaundestroymagic" +msgstr "Remove Dreams" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "goblin_d" +msgstr "goblins" + +msgid "eyeofdragon_p" +msgstr "eye of dragons" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "shockwave" +msgstr "A wave of pure force spreads out from the magician, crashing into the enemy ranks. Many warriors are thrown off balance and are briefly unable to attack." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dracoid_x" +msgstr "dracoid" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "special" +msgstr "special" + +msgid "lebkuchenherz" +msgstr "gingerbread heart" + +msgid "desert" +msgstr "desert" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "snowglobe" +msgstr " A sphere with a diameter of three inches made of crystal glass, sitting on a granite base. On the inside countless tiny snowflakes dance around lively. On the bottom of the base a golden compass rose is engraved. A beautiful sight to behold, but it emanates a nameless cold. Among mages and others knowledgeable in the arcane arts the function and effect of the artefact are disputed intensely. Although there is agreement about something: upon release the intensity of the contained cold would have permanent repercussions for a large area. Gigantic fires would be extinguished, volcanos quelled and large bodies of water frozen solid. In less extreme environments permanent changes were also probable. Therefore it isn't recommended to drop the cold treasure. It should be thrown far off instead, while making sure there is no living being within the impact zone, if one is willing to risk the usage. (USE \"snow globe\" ) " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dolphin" +msgstr "dolphin" + +msgid "bow_p" +msgstr "bows" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "goblin_p" +msgstr "goblins" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_of_slavery" +msgstr " This powerful spell robs the victim of their own free will and enslaves them to the commands of the bard. For some time the victim will turn their back on their own people and join the faction of the bard. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "healingzone" +msgstr "Zone of Healing" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "follow" +msgstr "FOLLOW" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "goblin_x" +msgstr "goblin" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earn_silver#gwyrrd" +msgstr "The abilities of the mages of Gwyrrd concerning the breeding and healing of cattle are highly appreciated among the peasants. Especially at the markets, their services are demanded frequently. Some of them also use their talents to sell an animal at a higher price. A magician can earn 50 silver pieces per level in this way." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "raindance" +msgstr "Rain Dance" + +msgid "goblinspoil_p" +msgstr "goblinheads" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "study" +msgstr "LEARN" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "nestwarmth" +msgstr "A potion of nest warmth allows an insect to recruit outside of a desert region in winter. The learned alchemist prepares this by taking a peyote, mixing it with a portion of gapgrowth which has been gathered during a clear, starry night. To dispell winter, add some blossoms of the ice begonia in the mix, and stirr everything together with a spider ivy until it turns a nice shade of violet. One vial supplies an entire region for a whole week." + +msgid "attack_natural" +msgstr "an unarmed attack" + +msgid "ZAUBER" +msgstr "SPELLS" + +msgid "mallorn" +msgstr "mallorn" + +msgid "mallorn_p" +msgstr "mallorn" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "lifepotion" +msgstr "The \"Water of Life\" allows living trees to be created from logs. A Knotroot and Elvendear are heated until one can just still keep one's finger in. This is then poured into a jar and allowed to cool slowly. The extract is sufficient for 10 pieces of wood." + +msgid "thickfog_trail" +msgstr "%s" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "homestone" +msgstr "Homestone" + +msgid "permaura" +msgstr "permaura" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeletonlord" +msgstr "skeleton lord" + +msgid "nr_inventory" +msgstr "has" + +msgid "section_events" +msgstr "Events" + +msgid "battle_helpers" +msgstr "Helping" + +msgid "incense_p" +msgstr "incense" + +msgid "iron" +msgstr "iron" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "gooddreams" +msgstr "This spell allows the mentalist to influence the sleep of all allied units in a region in such a way that they will gain a bonus to all talents for some time." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earn_silver#illaun" +msgstr "Divination" + +msgid "hero_p" +msgstr "heroes" + +msgid "mallornspear" +msgstr "mallorn spear" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Schnee" +msgstr "snow " + +msgid "ao_healing" +msgstr "amulet of healing" + +msgid "inn" +msgstr "inn" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "firewall" +msgstr "firewall" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_invisibility_sphere" +msgstr "Using this spell the magician can create a Sphere of Invisibility. This artefact hides the person bearing it and one hundred persons in the same unit." + +msgid "unit" +msgstr "unit" + +msgid "smod_nofamiliar" +msgstr "magicians only" + +msgid "seed_p" +msgstr "seeds" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "transferaurachaos" +msgstr "With the help of this spell, the caster can transfer aura at a ratio of 2:1 to another member of the same school of magic." + +msgid "trollspoil" +msgstr "troll horn" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "great_drought" +msgstr " This powerful ritual opens a gate to the elemental plane of fire. A great drought comes over the land. Farmers, animals and plants of the region are fighting for survival, but only half of all living things will be able to survive a drought like this. The region will suffer the consequences of such a drought for years to come. " + +msgid "fog" +msgstr "fog" + +msgid "catspoil_p" +msgstr "cat tails" + +msgid "iron_p" +msgstr "iron" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "See" +msgstr "sea " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "disturbingdreams" +msgstr "Insomnia" + +msgid "elfspoil" +msgstr "elven ear" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "trollspoil" +msgstr "The horn of an adult troll. No troll would ever part with this while he's alive." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "icastle" +msgstr "With this spell the mentalist can create the illusion of any building. The illusion can be entered, but it has no function and requires no maintenance. It will remain existing for several weeks." + +msgid "dreameye_p" +msgstr "dreameyes" + +msgid "peasantblood" +msgstr "peasant blood" + +msgid "caravan" +msgstr "caravanserei" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "human" +msgstr "human" + +msgid "museumexitticket_p" +msgstr "returntickets for the grand museum" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summonent" +msgstr "Awakening of the Ents" + +msgid "southeast" +msgstr "southeast" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "reelingarrows" +msgstr "This summons opens a gate to the plane of Elemental Spirits of Wind. Immediately, strong winds or even storms will rise near the gate and hinder all archers during a battle." + +msgid "adamantiumplate_p" +msgstr "adamantium plates" + +msgid "log" +msgstr "wood" + +msgid "presspass_p" +msgstr "presspasses" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "bluescarab" +msgstr "blue scarab" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "draig" +msgstr "Draig" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_runesword" +msgstr "This spell creates a magical sword. It requires a skill of at least 7, but adds +4 to the combat skill of its' owner as well as making them almost immune against magical attacks." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magicboost" +msgstr "Chaos Gift" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "mistletoe" +msgstr "The magical misteltoe has a wonderous property: It's use will make one person able to escape unharmed from every conflict, no enemy will lay hand on the bearer for one week." + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "taxation" +msgstr "taxation" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undeadpharaoh" +msgstr "undead Pharaoh" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "heroic_song" +msgstr "Epic Heroes" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "mallorntreegrow" +msgstr "Bless Mallorn Logs" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "littlescarab_d" +msgstr "little scarab" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "hide" +msgstr "HIDE" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "move" +msgstr "MOVE" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_dreameye" +msgstr "An enchanted eye of a dragon gives the person who eats it for supper the power to see other people's dreams. For a long time this abillity was counted as beeing useless until the former elfish mistress for theurgy of war, Liarana Sonnentau from the academy Thall, presented a special appliance for this artefact: Before a battle captains often have an uncomfortable sleep and betray their plans in their dreams. This might give the user of the artefact a small advantage in the upcoming battle, but be warned: Interpreting dreams is a difficult exercise." + +msgid "demonspoil" +msgstr "demon blood" + +msgctxt "damage" +msgid "plusstrong" +msgstr "super strong" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "littlescarab_p" +msgstr "little scarab" + +msgid "an_unknown_ship" +msgstr "an unknown ship" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "describe" +msgstr "DESCRIBE" + +msgid "roi" +msgstr "ring of invisibility" + +msgid "caravel_a" +msgstr "a caravel" + +msgid "mallornspear_p" +msgstr "mallorn spear" + +msgid "DEBUG" +msgstr "DEBUG" + +msgid "GEBAEUDE" +msgstr "BUILDING" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "goodwinds" +msgstr "Summon Water Elemental" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "blessedharvest" +msgstr "This ritual increases the output of the local farms. Peasants in the region produce an extra silverpiece. The stronger the druid's spell is, the longer the effect will last." + +msgid "KRAEUTER" +msgstr "HERBS" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "rustweapon" +msgstr "This ritual conjurs up a dark thunderstorm that affects a whole region. The magic rain will let rust any ore. Iron weapons and armor will get rusty. The exact number of items affected by the rain depends on the ammount of power invested by the magician. Up to ten weapons can be destroyed per level - a Ring of Power increases the effect like an additional level." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "littlescarab_x" +msgstr "little scarab" + +msgid "rop" +msgstr "ring of power" + +msgid "wall1" +msgstr "Wall" + +msgid "ror" +msgstr "ring of regeneration" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "analysesong_unit" +msgstr "Analyze Song of Life" + +msgid "runesword_p" +msgstr "runeswords" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghost" +msgstr "ghost" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "farvision" +msgstr "an unknown spell" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "icastle" +msgstr "Castle of Illusion" + +msgid "newbie_info_cr" +msgstr "With the first two turns, you will get a computer report (CR). It can be used with some tools like Magellan. If you want to continue getting it after the second turn, please make one of your units give the order OPTION COMPUTER." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "report" +msgstr "REPORT" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "puttorest" +msgstr "This ritual calms the tortured souls of those who died a violent death and finally releases them to the Otherlands. About 50 souls per level of the spell will be released. The spell will not affect existing undead, because they are too strongly tied to the Material World." + +msgid "aura_p" +msgstr "auras" + +msgid "key_p" +msgstr "keys" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_of_peace" +msgstr "Song of Peace" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "firestorm" +msgstr "Firestorm" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "cerddor" +msgstr "Cerddor" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_aots" +msgstr "Create An Amulet of True Sight" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "black" +msgstr "black " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "magic_roots" +msgstr " Through a elaborate ritual a druid permanently channels a fragment of his power into the soil and the forests of the region. This forever changes the equilibrium of nature in the region. From this point on only the fierce but strong mallorn trees will grow there. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undead_d" +msgstr "undead" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "thirdweek_d" +msgstr "of the third week" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "leaveastral" +msgstr "By concentrating on the structure of reality, the magician can breach it and thus briefly make a gateway to leave the astral plane. He can transport up to (level-3)*15 GE through the portal. If the magician is able to cast at at least level 11, he can even transport other units against their will." + +msgid "VORNE" +msgstr "FRONT" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "tybiedfumbleshield" +msgstr "This spell creates an antimagic field around the mages of the enemies and considerably hinders their spells. Only few will have the power to break through the field and be able to help their troops in battle." + +msgid "adamantiumaxe" +msgstr "adamantium axe" + +msgid "skillpotion_p" +msgstr "potions of skills" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undead_p" +msgstr "undead" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "imp" +msgstr "imp" + +msgid "ZUGVORLAGE" +msgstr "TEMPLATE" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowbat_d" +msgstr "darkbats" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nightmare_d" +msgstr "nightmares" + +msgid "sptype_precombat" +msgstr "pre-combat spell" + +msgid "nr_spell_level" +msgstr "Level:" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_magicherbbag" +msgstr "Create A Magical Herb Pouch" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "shockwave" +msgstr "Shockwave" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undead_x" +msgstr "undead" + +msgid "mallorntree_p" +msgstr "mallorn" + +msgid "castle" +msgstr "castle" + +msgid "nr_borderlist_infix" +msgstr ", to the " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowbat_p" +msgstr "darkbats" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "apple" +msgstr "A tasty fruit." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nightmare_p" +msgstr "nightmares" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "shadowknights" +msgstr "This spell creates illusionary duplicates of allied troops. The shadow knights can't do real damage and are instantly destroyed if wounded." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "password" +msgstr "PASSWORD" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Nacht" +msgstr "night " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fetch_astral" +msgstr "Call of Reality" + +msgid "nr_mourning" +msgstr " (in mourning)" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "analyse_object" +msgstr " Like creatures ships, buildings and even regions also have their own song, even though it's faint and harder to hear. Like it can be discerned from the life song of a person, if the person is affected by a spell, it can also be done for ships, buildings and regions. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowbat_x" +msgstr "darkbat" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nightmare_x" +msgstr "nightmare" + +msgid "stat_attacks" +msgstr "attacks" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "transfer_aura_song" +msgstr "Hymn of Aura Sharing" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghoul" +msgstr "ghoul" + +msgid "eyeofdragon" +msgstr "eye of dragon" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "fetch_astral" +msgstr "A magician in the material world can summon units from the adjacent part of the astral plane. If he is experienced enough to cast the spell at at least level 13, he can even summon units against their will. " + +msgid "chainmail_p" +msgstr "chainmails" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "goblin" +msgstr "goblin" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "training" +msgstr "taming" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "demon" +msgstr "demon" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "summer" +msgstr "summer" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "acidrain" +msgstr "Kills enemies with acid." + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Wald" +msgstr "wood " + +msgid "trollspoil_p" +msgstr "troll horns" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "steal_aura" +msgstr "Aided by this spell, a magician can steal another magician's aura against his will." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mummy_d" +msgstr "mummy" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "braineater_d" +msgstr "braineaters" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "goliathwater" +msgstr "'First roast the Gurgelkraut quickly and add some Fjordwuchs to spice it up. Let it all boil slowly until almost all liquid has evaporated. Leave the mash overnight and finally squeeze it the next morning until a thick fluid drips out.' The liquid thus produced, 'Goliath Water' as we call it, is enough for 10 men and gives each man the carrying capacity of a horse for one week." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "eternal_walls" +msgstr "With this spell, the magician binds the power of the earth into the walls of a building for all eternity. Such a building is immune to the sands of time and needs no maintenance cost." + +msgid "snowglobe_p" +msgstr "snow globes" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "weaponsmithing" +msgstr "weaponsmithing" + +msgid "an_unknown_building" +msgstr "an unknown building" + +msgid "museumexitticket" +msgstr "returnticket for the grand museum" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mummy_p" +msgstr "mummys" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "braineater_p" +msgstr "braineaters" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "attack" +msgstr "ATTACK" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "concealing_aura" +msgstr "Concealing Aura" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mummy_x" +msgstr "mummy" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "braineater_x" +msgstr "braineater" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "unholypower" +msgstr "Unholy Strength" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "illaun" +msgstr "Illaun" + +msgid "nr_calendar" +msgstr "It is %s of the month of %s in the %d. year of %s." + +msgid "caravel" +msgstr "caravel" + +msgid "stone_p" +msgstr "stones" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "locale" +msgstr "LOCALE" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_suscept_magic" +msgstr " This song, which is woven into the magical essence of the region, weakens the natural resistance against a singular enchantment by 15%. Only the allies of the bard (HELP GUARD) are immune to the effect of the chant. " + +msgid "plate" +msgstr "platemail" + +msgid "herbbag_p" +msgstr "herbbags" + +msgid "skillpotion" +msgstr "potion of skills" + +msgid "speedsail_p" +msgstr "solar sails" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "cartmaking" +msgstr "cartmaking" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nightmare" +msgstr "nightmare" + +msgid "nr_alliances" +msgstr "Political Status" + +msgid "cart_p" +msgstr "carts" + +msgid "section_study" +msgstr "Learning and Teaching" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "stealth" +msgstr "stealth" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magicwalls" +msgstr "Homestone" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "smurf" +msgstr "smurf" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "badmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "Song of the Aging Spirit" + +msgid "peasant" +msgstr "peasant" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "tiredsoldiers" +msgstr "Tiredness" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "immolation" +msgstr "Immolation" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "aquarian" +msgstr "aquarian" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "star" +msgstr "star " + +msgid "xmastree_p" +msgstr "christmas trees" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tunnelworm_d" +msgstr "tunnelworms" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_wisps" +msgstr "a cloud of wisps" + +msgid "NAECHSTER" +msgstr "NEXT" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "leave" +msgstr "LEAVE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wdwpyramid_cerddor" +msgstr "Song of the Gods" + +msgid "nr_skills" +msgstr "skills" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tunnelworm_p" +msgstr "tunnelworms" + +msgid "section_movement" +msgstr "Movement and Travel" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tunnelworm_x" +msgstr "tunnelworm" + +msgid "weight_per_p" +msgstr "stones per" + +msgid "h12_p" +msgstr "windbags" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fumble" +msgstr "Chaos Curse" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wdwpyramid_illaun" +msgstr "Dream of the gods" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "bluescarab_d" +msgstr "blue scarab" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snotling" +msgstr "snotling" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "berserk" +msgstr "During this bloody ritual the sorcerer sacrifices a newborn child before a battle right in front of his army. In this way he attracts spirits of blood that will take control of the soldiers who are present and force them into a blood frenzy." + +msgid "h15_p" +msgstr "rock weed" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wyrm_d" +msgstr "wyrms" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "bad_dreams" +msgstr "Bad Dreams" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "shipcraft" +msgstr "shipcraft" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "goodmagicresistancezone" +msgstr "Song of the Youthful Spirit" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Klein" +msgstr "gully " + +msgid "citadel" +msgstr "citadel" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "bluescarab_p" +msgstr "blue scarabs" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "puttorest" +msgstr "Eternal Rest" + +msgid "list_and" +msgstr " and " + +msgid "h18_p" +msgstr "ice begonias" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "godcursezone" +msgstr "Curse of the Gods" + +msgid "sptype_postcombat" +msgstr "post-combat spell" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wyrm_p" +msgstr "wyrms" + +msgid "viele" +msgstr "many" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "bluescarab_x" +msgstr "blue scarab" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wdwpyramid_draig" +msgstr "Power of the Gods" + +msgid "nr_nospells" +msgstr "none" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Sumpf" +msgstr "swamp " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wyrm_x" +msgstr "wyrm" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "windshield" +msgstr "Air Shield" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "museumghost" +msgstr "museumghost" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "fumblecurse" +msgstr "This wicked curse affects the magical abilities of the target. A field of raw chaos magic around the target lessens its concentration and makes it very hard to cast any spells." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "option" +msgstr "OPTION" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "roads" +msgstr "roads" + +msgid "battle_army" +msgstr "army" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "giantturtle_d" +msgstr "giant turtles" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_runesword" +msgstr "Create A Runesword" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "strongwall" +msgstr "Strong Wall And Sturdy Gate" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "double_time" +msgstr "Double Time" + +msgid "wente_ring" +msgstr "Wildente's wedding ring" + +msgid "apple" +msgstr "apple" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earn_silver#tybied" +msgstr "Miracle Doctor" + +msgid "snowball" +msgstr "snowball" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Mond" +msgstr "moon " + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "snowball" +msgstr "These items stay frozen all year round. There seem to be bits of ice in them - in the right hands, these might put an eye out!" + +msgid "nr_spell_syntax" +msgstr "Syntax:" + +msgid "seaserpenthead_p" +msgstr "seaserpentheads" + +msgid "forest" +msgstr "forest" + +msgctxt "raceinfo" +msgid "no_info" +msgstr "No information available for this race." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "giantturtle_p" +msgstr "giant turtles" + +msgid "ring_of_levitation" +msgstr "ring of levitation" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "herbalism" +msgstr "herbalism" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "berserk" +msgstr "Blood Frenzy" + +msgid "nr_spell_rank" +msgstr "Rank:" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "stonegolem" +msgstr "'Take a flawless block of crystaline stone and humidify it with a vial of Water of Life until the potion has been soaked up completely. Then focus your power on the forming aura of life and shape a container for the unbound forces'. The more power a magician invests, the more golems can be created before the aura dissipates. Every week, there is a 10 percent chance that the golem will crumble to dust. If you command a golem to 'MAKE CASTLE' or 'MAKE ROAD', it will turn itself into 4 stones that it uses in construction, and disintegrate afterwards. " + +msgid "dolphin" +msgstr "dolphin" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snotling_d" +msgstr "snotlings" + +msgid "lmsreward" +msgstr "Belt of Heroic Legends" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "giantturtle_x" +msgstr "giant turtle" + +msgid "crossbow" +msgstr "crossbow" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "orc" +msgstr "orc" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_antimagic" +msgstr "This spell creates a portable crystal of antimagic which can be used by anybody to reduce or even eliminate the power of all spells cast in the region during the same week." + +msgid "goliathwater_p" +msgstr "goliath waters" + +msgid "stardust" +msgstr "stardust" + +msgid "illusioncastle" +msgstr "fairy castle" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "stardust" +msgstr "This vial of dust, made from the remains of a star that fell from the sky one cold winter night, is said to have aphrodisiacal powers." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snotling_p" +msgstr "snotlings" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "fall" +msgstr "fall" + +msgid "glacier" +msgstr "glacier" + +msgid "halflingspoil_p" +msgstr "halfling feet" + +msgid "aod_p" +msgstr "amulets of darkness" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "snotling_x" +msgstr "snotling" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_magicherbbag" +msgstr "The druid takes some specially prepared leather and performes a great ritual during which the leather is cleansed of all impure spirits. Then he binds some minor spirits of air and water to the material. After completing this process, the druid works the enchanted leather into a small pouch which is suitable to contain herbs, for it is able to preserve them for a long time and prevents rot." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "road" +msgstr "road" + +msgid "status_defensive" +msgstr "defensive" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "spy" +msgstr "SPY" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "peasantblood" +msgstr "Knowledge of this potion is amongst the most dangerous and secret wisdom of the alchemist. Snatched from the darkest hells, the knowledge of this formula enables the production of an elixer which serves Demons as nourishment. If used by normal beings it leads to a swift death and eternal undeath. The creation requires Fjord Fungus together with some Cave Lichen and Cobalt Fungus, and an unfortunate peasant from the region, who is killed in the bloody days-long ritual. One vial of the potion satisfies the hunger of 100 Demons for a week." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "powerful_dragonbreath" +msgstr "Powerful Dragonbreath" + +msgid "dragonblood_p" +msgstr "dragonblood" + +msgid "aog_p" +msgstr "amulets of gathering" + +msgid "DURCHREISE" +msgstr "TRAVEL" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p10" +msgstr "The use of the berserkers blood potion is advised to increase one's warriors abilities to new heights. To create this, one needs a white hemlock, some flatroot, sand reeker and a mandrake. All ingredients have to be sliced as finely as possible, after which it is boiled for two hours. The cooled brew is strained through a cloth. The resulting juice is enough to improve up to ten warriors." + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p11" +msgstr "The peasant love potion enamors both Man and Woman to the same degree and results in a strong wish for children. For a big portion scoop out a mandrake, fill it with finely chopped bubblemorel, elvendear and snowcrystal petal, sprinkle grated rock weed on top and let it simmer on low heat for twenty hours. The potion can grant up to 1000 peasants the happiness of twins." + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p13" +msgstr "One of the most rare and prized of all alchemist elixers, this potion grants the user a dragon's power for a few weeks. The potion increases the life-energy of a maximum of ten people fivefold. The effect is strongest right after drinking and slowly decreases over time. To brew this potion the alchemist needs an elvendear, a windbag, a piece of waterfinder and a spider ivy. Finally he dusts it with some minced bubblemorel and stirrs the powder into some dragon's blood. " + +msgid "an_unknown_curse" +msgstr "an unknown curse" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "gooddreams" +msgstr "Pleasant Dreams" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "zombie" +msgstr "zombie" + +msgid "sptype_normal" +msgstr "regular spell" + +msgid "PERSONEN" +msgstr "MEN" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ent_d" +msgstr "ents" + +msgid "amulet_p" +msgstr "amulets" + +msgid "unit_hungers" +msgstr "hungry" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "rat_d" +msgstr "rats" + +msgid "laenmail_p" +msgstr "laen chainmails" + +msgid "orcspoil_p" +msgstr "orc tusks" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "loot" +msgstr "loot" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "guard" +msgstr "GUARD" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_1" +msgstr "harvest moon" + +msgid "status_front" +msgstr "front" + +msgid "activevolcano_trail" +msgstr "the volcano of %s" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_2" +msgstr "impenetrable fog" + +msgid "PAUSE" +msgstr "PAUSE" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_3" +msgstr "storm moon" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "stormwinds" +msgstr "Calling the Elemental Spirits of Storm is an ancient ritual. The druid binds the elementals to a ship's sails where they can help to carry the vessel across the waves at an amazing speed. The more power the druid invests, the greater is the number of spirits bound. Each ship needs an own spirit." + +msgid "trollbelt_p" +msgstr "trollbelts" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_4" +msgstr "hearth fire" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summon_familiar" +msgstr "During their travel, seasoned magicians will occasionally befriend an extraordinary creature of an unusual species that will join them." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "courting" +msgstr "Song of Courting" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghost_d" +msgstr "ghosts" + +msgid "rop_p" +msgstr "rings of power" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_5" +msgstr "icewind" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "healing" +msgstr "Combat medics are not the only ones who can help those who got injured during a battle. Druids are, with the help of a summons of the Elemental Spirits of Life, able to heal wounds, mend broken bones or even regenerate separated limbs as well." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "vampunicorn_d" +msgstr "vampiric unicorns" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_6" +msgstr "snowbane" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ent_p" +msgstr "ents" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_7" +msgstr "flowerrain" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_8" +msgstr "mild winds" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "month_9" +msgstr "sunfire" + +msgid "aura" +msgstr "aura" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "rat_p" +msgstr "rats" + +msgid "key" +msgstr "key" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "badlearn" +msgstr "Insomnia" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ent_x" +msgstr "ent" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghost_p" +msgstr "ghosts" + +msgid "ao_chastity" +msgstr "amulet of chastity" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "vampunicorn_p" +msgstr "vampiric unicorns" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "rat_x" +msgstr "rat" + +msgid "new" +msgstr "NEW" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "draigfumbleshield" +msgstr "Astral Chaos" + +msgid "lifepotion_p" +msgstr "waters of life" + +msgid "rustyhalberd_p" +msgstr "rusty halberds" + +msgid "section_magic" +msgstr "Magic and Artefacts" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghost_x" +msgstr "ghost" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "vampunicorn_x" +msgstr "vampiric unicorn" + +msgid "h2_p" +msgstr "owlsgazes" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "halfling" +msgstr "halfling" + +msgid "shield" +msgstr "shield" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "eagle" +msgstr "eagle" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "calm_riot" +msgstr " By means of this magical chant the mage can calm a rioting region. The peasant mobs will disperse and return to their fields. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "stonegolem" +msgstr "stone golem" + +msgid "ointment" +msgstr "ointment" + +msgid "h5_p" +msgstr "elvendears" + +msgid "describe_braineater" +msgstr "Wobbling green vapours drift through the mists to form an eldritch creature that seems to be entirely made up of huge jaws and a long tail." + +msgid "maelstrom" +msgstr "maelstrom" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeleton_d" +msgstr "skeletons" + +msgid "xmastree" +msgstr "christmas tree" + +msgid "h8_p" +msgstr "bubblemorels" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "xmastree" +msgstr "In the winter months, this beautifully decorated tree has a magical effect on the entire forest." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "besiege" +msgstr "BESIEGE" + +msgid "h10" +msgstr "peyote" + +msgid "h11" +msgstr "sand reeker" + +msgid "h12" +msgstr "windbag" + +msgid "h13" +msgstr "fjord fungus" + +msgid "trireme_a" +msgstr "a trireme" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "healing" +msgstr "Heal" + +msgid "h14" +msgstr "mandrake" + +msgid "tower" +msgstr "tower" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Dunkel" +msgstr "dark " + +msgid "h15" +msgstr "rock weed" + +msgid "smod_ship" +msgstr "ship" + +msgid "h16" +msgstr "gapgrowth" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeleton_p" +msgstr "skeletons" + +msgid "h17" +msgstr "cave lichen" + +msgid "h18" +msgstr "ice begonia" + +msgid "MATERIALPOOL" +msgstr "ITEMPOOL" + +msgid "h19" +msgstr "white hemlock" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeleton_x" +msgstr "skeleton" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Blut" +msgstr "blood " + +msgid "nr_guarding_prefix" +msgstr "The region is guarded by " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "giantturtle" +msgstr "giant turtle" + +msgid "magicherbbag" +msgstr "bag of conservation" + +msgid "rustychainmail_p" +msgstr "rustychainmails" + +msgctxt "spellpar" +msgid "direction" +msgstr "direction" + +msgid "halflingspoil" +msgstr "halfling foot" + +msgid "ALLES" +msgstr "ALL" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "songdragon_d" +msgstr "song dragons" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p0" +msgstr "For Seven Mile Tea, boil up a Cobalt Fungus and pour the resulting brew into a Windbag. Catch and filter the liquid that drips out and administer it. This tea allows up to ten men to move as fast as a horse." + +msgid "nr_damaged" +msgstr "damage" + +msgid "aots" +msgstr "amulet of true seeing" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "analyze_magic" +msgstr "With this spell the magician can try to identify the enchantments of a single object. He will get an impression of the operation of all spells that don't exceed his own capabilities. For more powerful spells he will need some luck for a successful analysis." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "rustweapon" +msgstr "Rain of Rust" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p3" +msgstr "Allow a Tangy Temerity to simmer for three hours in a litre of water, then add a grated Mandrake, and sprinkle in a Gapgrowth harvested at full moon. The whole brew should then be allowed to stew for three days in a warm place. This potion increases the strength and endurance of ten men so that they can achieve twice as much in a week." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "drought" +msgstr "Summon Fire Elemental" + +msgid "pegasus_p" +msgstr "pegasi" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p6" +msgstr "To create the brain wax potion, mix the juice of a waterfinder with quite a bit of grated windbag and a pinch of bugleweed. Let this steep for just a minute. When the liquid is only lukewarm, add some rock weed. Using a large spoon, stirr exactly seven times clockwise and then seven times counterclockwise. Fill the vial when the liquid has gone still. The juice gives ten people a 33% chance of an additional attempt at learning a skill." + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p7" +msgstr "A duncebun is a nasty piece of work, negating any attempt at learning a skill, or even causing the subject to forget things! For ten servings knead a rasped fjord fungus, an abraded owlsgaze and a finely sliced spider ivy to a smooth dough. Bake for an hour at moderate heat and brush the result with some cave lichen. Who eats this bread will not learn what he's attempting to learn, and, in case there is no attempt to learn anything, will forget a week's worth of study in his best skill." + +msgid "h20" +msgstr "snowcrystal petal" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "resist_magic" +msgstr "Resist Magic" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "p9" +msgstr "To make a horsepower potion, chop a peyote, a cobalt fungus and some knotroot, and boil it in a bucketful of water. Then add some sand reeker and let the mixture steep for three days. Finally one gives this to the horses to drink, to double their procreation." + +msgid "REGION" +msgstr "REGION" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "songdragon_p" +msgstr "song dragons" + +msgid "sapling_p" +msgstr "saplings" + +msgid "STUFE" +msgstr "LEVEL" + +msgid "kick" +msgstr "KICK" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "recruit" +msgstr "RECRUIT" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "frighten" +msgstr "Song of Fear" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "songdragon_x" +msgstr "song dragon" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "illusionwall" +msgstr "illusionary wall" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summonshadowlords" +msgstr "With the help of dark rituals the sorcerer summons demons from the Sphere of Shadows. These fearsome creatures can walk almost unseen among the living, but their dark aura can be sensed by everyone. Shadowmasters are feared in combat for they are hard to hit and have the ability to drain strength and life force from their victims." + +msgid "nr_herbsrequired" +msgstr "Herbs required" + +msgid "mallornlance" +msgstr "mallorn lance" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "juju" +msgstr "juju-zombie" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "steal" +msgstr "STEAL" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "resist_magic" +msgstr "This spell enhances natural magic resistence. Protected units are less vulnerable to battle magic. The spell protects 5 people per level." + +msgid "ADRESSEN" +msgstr "ADDRESSES" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apepsnake_d" +msgstr "apepsnakes" + +msgid "section_production" +msgstr "Resources and Production" + +msgid "adamantiumaxe_p" +msgstr "adamantium axes" + +msgid "COMPUTER" +msgstr "COMPUTER" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "chaossuction" +msgstr "Chaos Gate" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apepsnake_p" +msgstr "apepsnakes" + +msgid "PARTEITARNUNG" +msgstr "FACTIONSTEALTH" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "imp_d" +msgstr "imps" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "tybied" +msgstr "Tybied" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "name" +msgstr "NAME" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apepsnake_x" +msgstr "apepsnake" + +msgid "KOMMANDO" +msgstr "CONTROL" + +msgid "glacier_trail" +msgstr "the glacier of %s" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "chaossuction" +msgstr "By sacrificing the lives of 200 peasants, the chaossorcerer is able to open a planar gate. This gate can be used during the following week to transfer units to the astral plane. It dissipates at the end of the following week." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_focus" +msgstr "Create An Aurafocus" + +msgid "nr_combatspells" +msgstr "combat spells" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "imp_p" +msgstr "imps" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "owl" +msgstr "owl" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "holyground" +msgstr "This ritual binds various rural spirits to a specific territory to guard the land. In a region blessed in this way the dead won't ever rise from their graves again. Existing undead also shun the sacred grounds and will avoid entering the protected area whenever possible." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "imp_x" +msgstr "imp" + +msgid "silk" +msgstr "silk" + +msgid "manacrystal" +msgstr "astralcrystal" + +msgid "vial" +msgstr "vial" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "unicorn" +msgstr "unicorn" + +msgid "magicstorm" +msgstr "magical storm" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_focus" +msgstr "Creates an aurafocus crystal." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earn_silver#draig" +msgstr "In the dark alleys you can find those who sell curses and hexes on demand - but you can buy the apropriate counterspells from the followers of Draig as well. May it be a love spell for the son of a neighbour or a wart in the face of a rival. For offering these services, the sorcerer charges 50 silver pieces per level." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_of_slavery" +msgstr "Song of Slavery" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_of_confusion" +msgstr "If is used before battle, this chant, taken from the ancient tunes of the cats, might give you the critical tactical advantage. Those under the spell's influence will act uncoordinated and inconsequent due to the nonsensical ideas planted into their minds through the melody. So it is supposed to have come to pass that well-organized armies found their archers up at the front (while the cavalry was back at the camp playing cards) or that even a famous general overslept a battle in his tent, as tale-tellers claim it really happened during the Great Wars in the Old World. " + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "gate_locked" +msgstr "massive locked door" + +msgid "rustyaxe_p" +msgstr "rusty axes" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "an_incomplete_road" +msgstr "an incomplete road" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "plague" +msgstr "In a complicated ritual the sorcerer sacrifices the lives of ten peasants and magically spreads their corpses within the wells of a region." + +msgid "jadee_dress_p" +msgstr "wedding dresses" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magicstreet" +msgstr "Magic Path" + +msgid "crossbow_p" +msgstr "crossbows" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "steal_aura" +msgstr "Steal Aura" + +msgid "mallornbow_p" +msgstr "mallorn bows" + +msgid "horse_p" +msgstr "horses" + +msgid "aquarianspoil" +msgstr "aquarian scale" + +msgid "mistletoe_p" +msgstr "mistletoes" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wyrm_transformation" +msgstr "Wyrmtransformation" + +msgid "sptype_combat" +msgstr "combat spell" + +msgid "laensword_p" +msgstr "laen swords" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "gwyrrdfumbleshield" +msgstr "Astral Guardian Spirits" + +msgid "presspass" +msgstr "presspass" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wdwpyramid_tybied" +msgstr "Web of the Gods" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_antimagic" +msgstr "Create An Antimagic Crystal" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "special_d" +msgstr "special" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "catapultammo" +msgstr "Ammunition for catapults." + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Nebel" +msgstr "mist " + +msgid "dragonhoard" +msgstr "dragonhoard" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tiger_d" +msgstr "tigers" + +msgid "b_defense" +msgstr "defense" + +msgid "fortress" +msgstr "fortress" + +msgid "runesword" +msgstr "runesword" + +msgid "hall1" +msgstr "hallway" + +msgid "PARTEI" +msgstr "FACTION" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "special_p" +msgstr "special" + +msgid "par_building" +msgstr "buildingid" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tiger_p" +msgstr "tiger" + +msgid "nr_addresses" +msgstr "Addresses" + +msgctxt "spellpar" +msgid "race" +msgstr "race" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "calm_riot" +msgstr "Calm Riot" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "//" +msgstr "//" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "special_x" +msgstr "special" + +msgid "flyingcarpet" +msgstr "flying carpet" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tiger_x" +msgstr "tiger" + +msgid "hell_trail" +msgstr "%s" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Hoch" +msgstr "high " + +msgid "fortification" +msgstr "fortification" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "secondweek_d" +msgstr "of the second week" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "enter" +msgstr "ENTER" + +msgid "ERESSEA" +msgstr "ERESSEA" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "airship" +msgstr "These magic runes allow a boat with a capacity of up to 50 weight units to fly for a week and allow the boat to cross land. The enchanted ink's components include a windbag and a snowcrystal petal. " + +msgid "bagpipeoffear_p" +msgstr "bagpipes of fear" + +msgid "herbbag" +msgstr "herbbag" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "astral_disruption" +msgstr "Astral Disruption" + +msgid "cart" +msgstr "cart" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "work" +msgstr "WORK" + +msgid "iceberg_trail" +msgstr "the glacier of %s" + +msgid "silk_p" +msgstr "silk" + +msgid "manacrystal_p" +msgstr "astralcrystals" + +msgid "fog_trail" +msgstr "fog_trail %s" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "show_astral" +msgstr "Astral Gaze" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "skillpotion" +msgstr " The recipe of this potion is a well kept secret. Some even say it couldn't be brewed by mere mortals. One thing is certain though, the drinker receives further insight into any learned skills, which furthers their progress towards the mastery of those skills. " + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "cast" +msgstr "CAST" + +msgctxt "damage" +msgid "wounded" +msgstr "wounded" + +msgid "par_ship" +msgstr "shipid" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dwarf" +msgstr "dwarf" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "irongolem" +msgstr "The more power a magician invests, the more golems can be created before the aura dissipates. Each golem has a 15% chance per week to turn to dust. If you command a golem to 'MAKE SWORD/MAKE CLAYMORE' or 'MAKE SHIELD/CHAINMAIL/PLATEMAIL',it will work 5 iron ingots and disintegrate afterwards. " + +msgid "cookie_p" +msgstr "cookies" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghoul_d" +msgstr "ghouls" + +msgid "santa2004" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' A fat little gnome Gnom on a sled pulled by 8 young dragons flies through the stary night and presents your faction with a solar sail. (To claim this item, one of your units must issue the order 'CLAIM 1 solar sail'." + +msgid "santa2005" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' A fat little gnome Gnom on a sled pulled by 8 young dragons flies through the stary night and presents your faction with a vial of stardust. (To get more information about this item, use the CLAIM and SHOW commands)." + +msgid "santa2006" +msgstr "'Ho ho ho!' A fat little gnome Gnom on a sled pulled by 8 young dragons flies through the stary night and presents your faction with a beautifully decorated tree. (To get more information about this item, use the CLAIM and SHOW commands)." + +msgid "volcano_trail" +msgstr "the volcano of %s" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghoul_p" +msgstr "ghouls" + +msgid "moneybag" +msgstr "silverbag" + +msgid "smod_none" +msgstr "none" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "destroy" +msgstr "DESTROY" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_dreameye" +msgstr "Create a Visioneye" + +msgid "nr_trade_intro" +msgstr "Traders can sell" + +msgid "unknown_unit_dative" +msgstr "an unknown unit" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "stamina" +msgstr "endurance" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Schatten" +msgstr "shadow " + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Hoehlen" +msgstr "cave " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghoul_x" +msgstr "ghoul" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "airship" +msgstr "Airship" + +msgid "sphereofinv" +msgstr "sphere of invisibility" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "plague" +msgstr "Curse of Pestilence" + +msgid "section_battle" +msgstr "Battles" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "entertainment" +msgstr "entertainment" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_road_connection" +msgstr "a connection to another road" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "courting" +msgstr "From the 'Songs of the Elder' by Firudin the Sage: 'This enticing little melody and its ingratiating words will lure the peasants in no time. They will leave home and hearth to follow your lead.'" + +msgid "healing_p" +msgstr "healing potions" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fireball" +msgstr "Fireball" + +msgid "nr_trade_next" +msgstr "," + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "gnome" +msgstr "gnome" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "snowman" +msgstr "Orange nose, black hat, frosty character. A snowman. He'll make a fine guard if you use him in a cold place. (USE 1 snowman)" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "stonegolem" +msgstr "Create Stone Golems" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeletonlord_d" +msgstr "skeleton lords" + +msgid "rustyaxe" +msgstr "rusty axe" + +msgid "mallornsapling" +msgstr "mallorn sapling" + +msgid "permaura_p" +msgstr "permauras" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_of_peace" +msgstr " This powerful spell prevents any attacks. Noone in the entire region will be able to raise his weapon against another. The effect can last for weeks. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "nocostbuilding" +msgstr "Eternal Walls" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeletonlord_p" +msgstr "skeleton lords" + +msgctxt "spellpar" +msgid "buildingtype" +msgstr "buildingtype" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_roi" +msgstr "With this spell the caster can create a Ring of Invisibility. The wearer of this ring will be invisible to all units of other factions, no matter how good their perception skill may be. In an invisible unit, each person must wear a Ring of Invisibility." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sparkledream" +msgstr "Dream" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeletonlord_x" +msgstr "skeleton lord" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "insect" +msgstr "insect" + +msgid "bagpipeoffear" +msgstr "bagpipe of fear" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_rop" +msgstr "A ring of power adds +1 to the power of each spell cast by its' wearer." + +msgid "papyrus" +msgstr "papyrus" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_ror" +msgstr "Creates a ring of regeneration." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "blessedharvest" +msgstr "Blessed Harvest" + +msgid "stat_equipment" +msgstr "May use weapons." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_firewall" +msgstr "a firewall" + +msgid "Herbst" +msgstr "autumn" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "enterastral" +msgstr "Astral Path" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "sparkledream" +msgstr "The mentalist sends a dream to the target of the spell." + +msgid "bow" +msgstr "bow" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_gate_open" +msgstr "a massive open door" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "transferaurachaos" +msgstr "Transfer Power" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Huegel" +msgstr "hill " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "blessstonecircle" +msgstr "This ritual blesses a circle of stones that has to be constructed from stones and some wood before. The druid's blessing turns the circle into a place of great magic that is suitable for rituals of all kinds. It protects from hostile magic and improves aura regeneration. Virgins are said to have been visited by strange creatures in the vicinity of these places." + +msgid "incense" +msgstr "incense" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "elf_d" +msgstr "elves" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "gwyrrddestroymagic" +msgstr "Old legends of the druids say that what normal people call 'magic' consists of elemental spirits. A magician summons these spirits and binds them to various forms to achieve the desired effects. This ritual is able to expel any elemental spirits that have been summoned to this world and thereby dispels any magic on the target." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "shipspeedup" +msgstr "Acceleration" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "clone" +msgstr " This powerful spell can keep the mage from certain death. The mage creates a clone of himself from a small blood sample and puts it into a bath of dragon's blood and thinned water of life. Subsequently he transfers a fragment of his soul into the clone in a complex ritual. If the mage dies afterwards, his soul takes possession of the clone which will serve as his new vessel. There is however a small chance the soul is to weak to reach the vessel in the wake of the mage's death. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "elf_p" +msgstr "elves" + +msgid "elvenhorse_p" +msgstr "elven horses" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "frighten" +msgstr " This warsong sows panic among the enemy front line and weakens their fighting strength significantly. Fear will weaken their sword arm and dread will freeze their shield arm. " + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "ride" +msgstr "RIDE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "stormwinds" +msgstr "Summon Storm Elemental" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "elf" +msgstr "elf" + +msgid "museumticket_p" +msgstr "tickets to the grand museum" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "elf_x" +msgstr "elves" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "sort" +msgstr "SORT" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "draigdestroymagic" +msgstr "At midnight, when the Powers of Darkness are at their peak, the sorcerer can use his powers to destroy enchantments. In order to do so, he draws a pentagram on a surface of the enchanted object and begins calling the Lords of Darkness. The Lords will aid him, but whether he is able to undo the target spell or not depends upon his own power." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowknight" +msgstr "shadow knight" + +msgid "unknown_faction" +msgstr "unknown faction" + +msgid "money" +msgstr "silver" + +msgid "questkey2_p" +msgstr "sapphire keys" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "chaosrow" +msgstr "Madness of War" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "kraken" +msgstr "kraken" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowbat" +msgstr "darkbat" + +msgid "group_help" +msgstr "is helping" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "analyse_object" +msgstr "Analysis" + +msgid "nr_borderlist_lastfix" +msgstr ", and to the " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowknight_d" +msgstr "shadow knights" + +msgid "chainmail" +msgstr "chainmail" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "illusion_d" +msgstr "illusions" + +msgid "angry_mob" +msgstr "Angry mob" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "toad" +msgstr "toad" + +msgid "command" +msgstr "COMMAND" + +msgid "xmas_exit" +msgstr "portal" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "heroic_song" +msgstr "This ancient battle chant lifts the spirit of your troops and helps them withstand even the fear-inspiring aura of demonic and undead beings. A fighter thus fortified against evil will not flee even in the face of terror, and his defenses will be strengthened." + +msgid "firewall_trail" +msgstr "a %s" + +msgid "iceberg_sleep" +msgstr "glacier" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowknight_p" +msgstr "shadow knight" + +msgid "speedsail" +msgstr "solar sail" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "forestfire" +msgstr "This elemental summoning calls a fire fiend, a creature from the deepest hell. The demon will eagerly rush into the forests of a region and set them ablaze." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "illusion_p" +msgstr "illusions" + +msgid "magicstorm_trail" +msgstr "a %s" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "versteinern" +msgstr "Gaze of the Basilisk" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowknight_x" +msgstr "shadow knight" + +msgid "portal" +msgstr "portal" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magicrunes" +msgstr "Protective Runes" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "stormwind" +msgstr "Storm Elemental" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "irongolem" +msgstr "Create Iron Golems" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "illusion_x" +msgstr "illusion" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "number" +msgstr "NUMBER" + +msgid "DEFENSIV" +msgstr "DEFENSIVE" + +msgid "swamp" +msgstr "swamp" + +msgid "firedragon" +msgstr "fire dragon" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "kraken_d" +msgstr "krakens" + +msgid "money_p" +msgstr "silver" + +msgid "jadee_ring_p" +msgstr "Jadee's wedding rings" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "apophis" +msgstr "apophis" + +msgctxt "shipinfo" +msgid "no_info" +msgstr "No Information available for this type of ship." + +msgid "p11_p" +msgstr "peasant love potion" + +msgid "site" +msgstr "foundation" + +msgid "missing_key" +msgstr "Fehler: Unbekannter Schlüssel" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "generous" +msgstr "Song of Generosity" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "kraken_p" +msgstr "krakens" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "sleep" +msgstr "This spell causes several enemies to fall asleep. Sleeping warriors don't attack and defend themselves worse than normal, but they'll wake up if they get hit during combat. " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "tiredsoldiers" +msgstr "This combat spell causes several enemies to suffer from an unnatural tiredness during combat. The soldiers will defend themselves worse than normal and sometimes sink into a slumber instead of attacking." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "incite_riot" +msgstr "Riot" + +msgid "p7_p" +msgstr "duncebuns" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "appeasement" +msgstr "Appeasing Song" + +msgid "dwarfspoil" +msgstr "dwarven beard" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "group" +msgstr "GROUP" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dragon" +msgstr "dragon" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "kraken_x" +msgstr "kraken" + +msgid "artacademy" +msgstr "academy of arts" + +msgid "antimagic" +msgstr "antimagic crystal" + +msgid "mallornseed" +msgstr "mallorn seed" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_aots" +msgstr "This spell enables the caster to create an Amulet of True Sight. Wearing such an amulet, a person can discover anyone wearing a Ring of Invisibility. Anyway, units concealed by the use of their stealth skill will remain undiscovered." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ent" +msgstr "ent" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "dwarfspoil" +msgstr "Sniff... Bleah. Don't they ever wash these?" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "clone" +msgstr "clone" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "vampunicorn" +msgstr "vampiric unicorn" + +msgid "wormhole" +msgstr "wormhole" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "polearm" +msgstr "polearm" + +msgid "unit_p" +msgstr "units" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "pull_astral" +msgstr "Astral Call" + +msgid "ALLIANZ" +msgstr "ALLIANCE" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "eagle_d" +msgstr "eagles" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "toad_d" +msgstr "toads" + +msgid "XEBALLOON" +msgstr "XEBALLOON" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "treewalkenter" +msgstr "Path of Trees" + +msgid "toadslime" +msgstr "pot of toadslime" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "cat_d" +msgstr "cats" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "stonegolem_d" +msgstr "stone golems" + +msgid "shield_p" +msgstr "shields" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "melancholy" +msgstr " With this chant the bard spreads a melancholic, sad mood among the peasants. For a few weeks they will retreat to their huts and not spend any silver in the theatres and taverns. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earn_silver#gwyrrd" +msgstr "Cattle Healing" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "eagle_p" +msgstr "eagles" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "hellcat" +msgstr "hellcat" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_wall" +msgstr "a wall" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "toad_p" +msgstr "toads" + +msgid "section_mail" +msgstr "Dispatches" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "eagle_x" +msgstr "eagle" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "meteor_rain" +msgstr "Meteor Shower" + +msgid "sword_p" +msgstr "swords" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "peacezone" +msgstr "Song of Peace" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "cat_p" +msgstr "cats" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "stonegolem_p" +msgstr "stone golems" + +msgid "spice" +msgstr "spice" + +msgid "dragonhead" +msgstr "dragonhead" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "toad_x" +msgstr "toad" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "cat_x" +msgstr "cats" + +msgid "peasant_p" +msgstr "peasants" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "stonegolem_x" +msgstr "stone golem" + +msgid "b_damage" +msgstr "damage" + +msgid "ocean_trail" +msgstr "the %s" + +msgctxt "raceinfo" +msgid "songdragon" +msgstr "Song Dragons are roughly the size of a fully grown tiger. Their coloring ranges from bright red, through a dark green shade to a deep black. All known dragons of this species display a high level of intelligence and highly developed magical skills. Like their larger cousins, Song Dragons posess a firegland. They love singing and a good meal. From time to time one of these magnificent creatures will bond with a mage. When this happens, the mage is assured of a most loyal and useful familiar at his side." + +msgid "axe_p" +msgstr "axes" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "carry" +msgstr "CARRY" + +msgid "status_avoid" +msgstr "not fighting" + +msgid "see_neighbour" +msgstr "neighbour" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "dragonhead" +msgstr "The head of a dead dragon or wyrm. They say that it has magical powers." + +msgid "dam" +msgstr "dam" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Wild" +msgstr "wild " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_trollbelt" +msgstr "This artifact gives the wearer the strength of a cavetroll. He will be able to carry fifty times his normal load, as well as gain strength and tough troll skin in combat." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "holyground" +msgstr "Sacred Ground" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_gate_locked" +msgstr "a massive locked door" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nymph_d" +msgstr "nymphs" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "orcish" +msgstr "Unknown Effect" + +msgid "section_newspells" +msgstr "New Spells" + +msgid "nr_borderlist_prefix" +msgstr "To the " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "greenscarab_d" +msgstr "green scarab" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "speedsail" +msgstr "A unit setting this sail on a ship temporarily will permanently increase the ship's range by 1." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nymph_p" +msgstr "nymphs" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "flee" +msgstr "Unspeakable Horrors" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "greenscarab_p" +msgstr "green scarab" + +msgid "studypotion_p" +msgstr "brain boosts" + +msgid "stables" +msgstr "stable" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "nymph_x" +msgstr "nymph" + +msgid "goblinspoil" +msgstr "goblin head" + +msgid "longboat_a" +msgstr "a longboat" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "lynx" +msgstr "lynx" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "human_d" +msgstr "humans" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "greenscarab_x" +msgstr "green scarab" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "unholypower" +msgstr "Only whispered the knowledge of performing this ritual is passed to the adepts of the dark academies, for it is one of the darkest that has ever been written down. By calling unholy demons the strength of the living dead is greatly increased and they are turned into undead monsters of immense power." + +msgid "balm" +msgstr "balm" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "transferauratraum" +msgstr "With the help of this spell the mentalist can transfer aura at a ratio of 2:1 to another mentalist." + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "gray" +msgstr "no magic school" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summonfireelemental" +msgstr "Summon Fire Elemental" + +msgid "seed" +msgstr "seed" + +msgid "nr_nb_next" +msgstr ", to the " + +msgid "peasantblood_p" +msgstr "peasant bloods" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "undeadhero" +msgstr "This ritual binds the escaping souls of some casualties back to their dead bodies and thus condemns them to an undead existance under the control of the sorcerer. The ritual affects the corpses of allies and foes alike - no matter on which side of the battle the soldiers fought before their death." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_roqf" +msgstr "Quick Fingers" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "human_p" +msgstr "humans" + +msgid "highland_trail" +msgstr "the highlands of %s" + +msgid "caldera" +msgstr "caldera" + +msgid "h11_p" +msgstr "sand reekers" + +msgid "ZEITUNG" +msgstr "EXPRESS" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Duester" +msgstr "black " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "peasant_d" +msgstr "peasants" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "human_x" +msgstr "human" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "template" +msgstr "template" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earn_silver#cerddor" +msgstr "Jugglery" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "fireball" +msgstr "The sorcerer hurls a ball of concentrated chaos into the ranks of his enemies. It will seriously hurt anyone who gets hit." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summon_familiar" +msgstr "Summon Familiar" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "combatrust" +msgstr "This ritual conjurs up a dark thunderstorm that affects a whole region. The magic rain will let rust any ore and thus destroy many weapons of the enemy." + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "antimagic" +msgstr "It may look like just another quartz, but your magician will tell you tha great power emenates from these crystals. Using it at the begining of a week will release a strong negative energy that reduce the power of all spells cast in the region during that week." + +msgid "HINTEN" +msgstr "REAR" + +msgid "h14_p" +msgstr "mandrakes" + +msgid "HINTER" +msgstr "AFTER" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "seduction" +msgstr " With this song a unit can be bewitched in a manner, which compels them to bequeath a large portion of their possessions to the bard. They will keep enough for their own survival, though. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dwarf_d" +msgstr "dwarves" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "peasant_p" +msgstr "peasants" + +msgctxt "spellpar" +msgid "aura" +msgstr "aura" + +msgid "anonymous" +msgstr "anonymous" + +msgid "FLIEHE" +msgstr "FLEE" + +msgid "log_p" +msgstr "wood" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Finster" +msgstr "gloom " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "deathcloud" +msgstr "By performing a gruesome ritual and sacrificing his own blood the Sorcerer conjurs up a spirit from the Elemental Plane of Poison. It will take the form of a green cloud of toxic gases that envelops a whole region and that will harm anyone within." + +msgid "iceberg" +msgstr "iceberg" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "peasant_x" +msgstr "peasant" + +msgid "h17_p" +msgstr "cave lichen" + +msgid "nr_calendar_season" +msgstr "It is %s of the month of %s in the %d. year of %s. It is %s." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dwarf_p" +msgstr "dwarves" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "worse" +msgstr "Nightmare" + +msgid "nr_spell_modifiers" +msgstr "Modifications:" + +msgid "status_noaid" +msgstr "gets no aid" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dwarf_x" +msgstr "dwarf" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "blabbermouth" +msgstr "Blabbermouth" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "blessstonecircle" +msgstr "Bless Stone Circle" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "roi" +msgstr "This magical artifact has been used since ancient times by Elves to conceal themselves from their enemies. Other races have also learned the value of these rings after encountering Elves - after all the ring makes its wearer invisible to normal eyes, and only magical methods enable the wearer to be discovered." + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Berg" +msgstr "mountain " + +msgid "highland" +msgstr "highland" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "rop" +msgstr "A ring of power increases a magician's power. The level of all the spells he casts will be increased by one without increasing their costs." + +msgid "enterpasswd" +msgstr "insert_your_password_here" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "mining" +msgstr "mining" + +msgid "studypotion" +msgstr "brain boost" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "make" +msgstr "MAKE" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_road_percent" +msgstr "a road that is $percent% complete" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "sparklechaos" +msgstr "Hex" + +msgid "KAEMPFE" +msgstr "COMBAT" + +msgid "nut" +msgstr "nut" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "transferauradruide" +msgstr "The caster can transfer aura at a ratio of 2:1 to another member of the same school of magic with the help of this spell." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "blabbermouth" +msgstr "The persons of the bewitched unit starts to babble without control about what it is said, speaking about their talents, the objects they carry or wear and if the unit is a magician, he or she will even list the spells they know. Unfortunately, this spell does not influence the memory of the subjects and afterwards, the enchanted will realize that they probably talked too much." + +msgid "halberd" +msgstr "halberd" + +msgid "temple" +msgstr "temple" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "sacrifice_strength" +msgstr "This spell allows the magician to transfer part of his magical powers to another magician. Magicians of the seam school will receive half the power invested, magicians of other schoolsreceive receive one third." + +msgid "nr_undercons" +msgstr "under construction" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "cold_protection" +msgstr "This spell enables the druid to magically protect insects from the paralysing cold of a glacier. Under the effect of this spell, insects are able to enter glaciers and act normally there. Ten insects per level can be protected in this way. A Ring of Power increases the number by additional ten." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "route" +msgstr "ROUTE" + +msgid "BURG" +msgstr "CASTLE" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "sparklechaos" +msgstr "The target of this spell becomes subject to a harmless curse." + +msgid "sawmill" +msgstr "sawmill" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "tybiedfumbleshield" +msgstr "Protection from Magic" + +msgid "XELAEN" +msgstr "XELAEN" + +msgid "magicherbbag_p" +msgstr "bags of conservation" + +msgid "seaserpenthead" +msgstr "seaserpenthead" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "shapeshift" +msgstr "With the help of this ritual the mentalist is able to conceal the true form of a target unit. To unknowing observers all persons in the target unit appear to be of a different race." + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "crossbow" +msgstr "crossbow" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "destroy_magic" +msgstr "Destroy Magic" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "magic" +msgstr "magic" + +msgid "see_lighthouse" +msgstr "from lighthouse" + +msgid "nr_schemes_prefix" +msgstr "Schemes of " + +msgid "aoc_p" +msgstr "amulets of the kitten" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "orkdream" +msgstr "Sweet Dreams" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "a_fogwall" +msgstr "a wall of fog" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "winter" +msgstr "winter" + +msgid "wall1_trail" +msgstr "a solid wall" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "double_time" +msgstr "Abstract theories of space and time at last find practical application in this spell which warps the very fabric of time around a person. Such a person has twice as many movement points and doubles their attacks per round for a few weeks." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "direwolf" +msgstr "direwolf" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dreamcat_d" +msgstr "dreamcats" + +msgid "Frühling" +msgstr "spring" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "slavery" +msgstr "Song of Slavery" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "break_curse" +msgstr "Negate Curse" + +msgid "catapult_p" +msgstr "catapults" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "treewalkexit" +msgstr "Ties of Life" + +msgid "lance_p" +msgstr "lances" + +msgid "almond_p" +msgstr "almonds" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "spell" +msgstr "spell" + +msgid "roi_p" +msgstr "rings of invisibility" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "chaosrow" +msgstr "Before the eyes of the enemy soldiers the sorcerer sacrifices ten peasants in a bloody ritual and thereby summons spirits of madness upon the enemy troops. The enemy soldiers will be in confusion during battle and no more be able to follow the commands of their leaders." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dreamcat_p" +msgstr "dreamcats" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "ready" +msgstr "COMBATSPELL" + +msgid "wenige" +msgstr "few" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "help" +msgstr "HELP" + +msgid "b_attacke" +msgstr "attack" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dreamcat_x" +msgstr "dreamcat" + +msgid "mallornseed_p" +msgstr "mallorn seeds" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "treewalkexit" +msgstr "A druid who has traveled to the World of Spirits can use this spell to send level*5 weight units of living or dead matter back to a forest in the material world." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowmaster" +msgstr "shadowmaster" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "fairy_d" +msgstr "fairies" + +msgid "nr_mallorntree" +msgstr "mallorn tree" + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "gwyrrd" +msgstr "Gwyrrd" + +msgid "smod_sea" +msgstr "sea" + +msgctxt "damage" +msgid "exhausted" +msgstr "exhausted" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "clone_d" +msgstr "clones" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "perception" +msgstr "perception" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_of_fear" +msgstr "Song of Terror" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "bloodsacrifice" +msgstr "With this ritual the sorcerer can sacrifice part of his life force in order to gain raw astral power. Experienced mages report that this ritual, once started, is hard to control and that the ammount of power gained in this way varies." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "fairy_p" +msgstr "fairies" + +msgid "rustygreatsword" +msgstr "rusty claymore" + +msgid "an_unknown_unit" +msgstr "an unknown unit" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "direwolf_d" +msgstr "direwolves" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "ironkeeper" +msgstr "Creates a guardian spirit on a mountain or glacier that keeps all factions that are not allied (HELP GUARD) from mining iron or laen as long as it guards the region. The Mountain Guardian is bound to the location where it has been summoned." + +msgid "h20_p" +msgstr "snowcrystal petals" + +msgid "hell" +msgstr "hell" + +msgid "mailcmd" +msgstr "ORDERS" + +msgctxt "spellpar" +msgid "spellid" +msgstr "spellid" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_roi" +msgstr "Create A Ring of Invisibility" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "fairy_x" +msgstr "fairy" + +msgid "ror_p" +msgstr "rings of regeneration" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "troll_d" +msgstr "trolls" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "clone_p" +msgstr "clones" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "direwolf_p" +msgstr "direwolves" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_of_fear" +msgstr "This antique, powerful song, passed down by the cats, will penetrate the hearts of the enemy and bereave them of courage and hope. Both their minds and bodies will be ruled by panic. Shivering with fear, they will flee from the dreadful chants and try to make their escape." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_rop" +msgstr "Create A Ring of Power" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "grow" +msgstr "GROW" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_ror" +msgstr "Create A Ring of Regeneration" + +msgid "plain_trail" +msgstr "the plain of %s" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "keeploot" +msgstr "Save Spoils" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "clone_x" +msgstr "clone" + +msgid "h1_p" +msgstr "tangy temerities" + +msgid "healingpotion_p" +msgstr "healingpotions" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_firesword" +msgstr "'So take the blood of a fierce warrior and apply it to the steel of the blade. Then start calling the Spheres of Chaos. If you did everything to their pleasure, they will send a minor one of their kind to fulfill the sword with his power.'" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_suscept_magic" +msgstr "Song of the Aging Spirit" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "direwolf_x" +msgstr "direwolf" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "troll_p" +msgstr "trolls" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Grau" +msgstr "grey " + +msgid "building" +msgstr "structure" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "living_rock" +msgstr "Living Rock" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "generous" +msgstr "This joyous song will spread like wildfire throughout the region and cause festive spirits in all the population. All the taverns and theaters will be packed to the brim and even the beggars will not go hungry." + +msgid "growl1" +msgstr "Tshrrrk..." + +msgid "growl2" +msgstr "Shhhhhh..." + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "bow" +msgstr "bow" + +msgid "h4_p" +msgstr "cobalt fungi" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "treegrow" +msgstr "Grove of Oak Trees" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "troll_x" +msgstr "troll" + +msgid "leave" +msgstr "LEAVE" + +msgid "weight_unit_p" +msgstr "stones" + +msgid "nr_level" +msgstr "Level" + +msgid "healing" +msgstr "healing potion" + +msgid "vortex_desc" +msgstr "A vortex of pure chaos energy pulls over the region" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghast_d" +msgstr "ghasts" + +msgid "h7_p" +msgstr "knotroots" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "mindblast" +msgstr "With this spell the mentalist directly attacks his enemies' souls. A blast of astral and electrical energy strikes the foes. If a victim fails to resist the magic, he will permanently lose part of his memories. Being the target of this spell for too many times may result in death. " + +msgid "nr_spell_description" +msgstr "Description:" + +msgid "attack_magical" +msgstr "a magical attack" + +msgid "unit_guards" +msgstr "guards the region" + +msgid "pavilion" +msgstr "pavilion" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "spell_d" +msgstr "spell" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "juju_d" +msgstr "juju-zombies" + +msgid "nr_guarding_postfix" +msgstr "." + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "fogwall" +msgstr "wall of fog" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "banner" +msgstr "BANNER" + +msgid "stat_attack" +msgstr "attack" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghast_p" +msgstr "ghasts" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wdwpyramid_gwyrrd" +msgstr "force of nature" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "insectfur" +msgstr "Firun's Coat" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "spell_p" +msgstr "spell" + +msgid "museumticket" +msgstr "ticket to the grand museum" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "illaundestroymagic" +msgstr "This spell allows the mentalist to distinguish between the natural and unnatural dreams of a person, a ship, a building or a region and remove those that are of magical origin." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "juju_p" +msgstr "juju-zombies" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghast_x" +msgstr "ghast" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "use" +msgstr "USE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "seduction" +msgstr "Song of Seduction" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_trollbelt" +msgstr "Create A Belt of Troll Strength" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "spell_x" +msgstr "spell" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "juju_x" +msgstr "juju-zombie" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summonfireelemental" +msgstr "This Ritual summons an angry elemental spirit that puts a drought on the entire region. Trees wither, animals die of thirst and the harvest is destroyed. Workers find little to no work in farming." + +msgid "XEPOTION" +msgstr "XEPOTION" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "undead" +msgstr "undead" + +msgid "p10" +msgstr "berserkers blood potion" + +msgid "toadslime_p" +msgstr "pots of toadslime" + +msgid "p11" +msgstr "peasant love potion" + +msgid "ring" +msgstr "ring" + +msgid "p13" +msgstr "elixir of power" + +msgid "wand_p" +msgstr "wands" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earn_silver#cerddor" +msgstr "The mages of Cerddor truly are the bards of the wizards; they love to use their sorcery to entertain the crowds and to be the center of attention. Even the apprentices study those little magic tricks, which attract and fascinate the people and thus ensnare them into leaving a few coins or more for the artist. By the end of the week, the bard will have earned 50 silver per level. " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "strength" +msgstr "Unknown Effect" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "unarmed" +msgstr "unarmed combat" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "tax" +msgstr "TAX" + +msgid "rustyshield_p" +msgstr "rusty shields" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "promote" +msgstr "PROMOTE" + +msgid "stone" +msgstr "stone" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "forestfire" +msgstr "Fire Fiend" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "auratransfer" +msgstr "Transfer Aura" + +msgid "aurafocus_p" +msgstr "aurafocuses" + +msgid "wente_ring_p" +msgstr "Wildente's wedding rings" + +msgid "apple_p" +msgstr "apples" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summonshadowlords" +msgstr "Summon Shadowmasters" + +msgid "snowball_p" +msgstr "snowball" + +msgid "tree_p" +msgstr "trees" + +msgid "myrrh_p" +msgstr "myrrh" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earn_silver#illaun" +msgstr "No one can read dreams as well as the mages of Illaun. Furthermore, they are also familiar with all other common means of foretelling the future like crystal balls, tarot cards or palms. A mentalist can earn 50 silver pieces per level and week for offering these services to peasants." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "big_recruit" +msgstr "High art of persuasion" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "magicherbbag" +msgstr "Herbs stored in this bag will be much better preserved." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "sell" +msgstr "SELL" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "auratransfer" +msgstr " With this spell the mage can transfer aura of his own to a mage of the same school with a rate of 2:1 or to a mage of a different school with a rate of 3:1. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wyrm" +msgstr "wyrm" + +msgid "birthdaycake" +msgstr "birthday cake" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "oldrace" +msgstr "Unknown Effect" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "armorer" +msgstr "armoursmithing" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "itemcloak" +msgstr "Concealing Aura" + +msgid "an_unknown_spell" +msgstr "an unknown spell" + +msgid "status_aggressive" +msgstr "aggressive" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_resist_magic" +msgstr " This magical song, once performed with vigor, will propagate in the region by wandering from mouth to mouth. It will be heard everywhere. How long the song will last in the public perception depends on the bard's skill. Until it is gone it will give him and all his allies (HELP GUARD) a bonus of 15% to their natural resistance to magic. " + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "contact" +msgstr "CONTACT" + +msgid "dragonhead_p" +msgstr "dragonheads" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "view_reality" +msgstr "Gaze Upon Reality" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "plant" +msgstr "PLANT" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "wisps" +msgstr "wisps" + +msgid "wente_dress_p" +msgstr "tuxedos" + +msgid "catapult" +msgstr "catapult" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "riotzone" +msgstr "Riot" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "headache" +msgstr "Hangover" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "maelstrom" +msgstr " This ritual summons a mighty water elemental from the depths of the ocean. The elemental creates an enormous maelstrom which damages any passing ships. " + +msgid "dolphin_p" +msgstr "dolphins" + +msgid "factiondefault" +msgstr "Faction" + +msgid "NICHT" +msgstr "NOT" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "view_reality" +msgstr " With this spell the mage can glance from the astral to the material plane and recognize regions and units. " + +msgid "vortex" +msgstr "vortex" + +msgid "GIB" +msgstr "GIVE" + +msgid "maelstrom_trail" +msgstr "a %s" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "forestry" +msgstr "forestry" + +msgid "lmsreward_p" +msgstr "Belts of Heroic Legends" + +msgid "academy" +msgstr "academy" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "earn_silver#draig" +msgstr "Minor Curses" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "catdragon_d" +msgstr "catdragons" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "wolfhowl" +msgstr "Timber Wolves" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "song_of_confusion" +msgstr "Song of Confusion" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "skeleton" +msgstr "skeleton" + +msgid "mallornsapling_p" +msgstr "mallorn saplings" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "melancholy" +msgstr "Song of Melancholy" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "bloodthirst" +msgstr "Song of War" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "ointment" +msgstr "When one is severely wounded after a hard battle it is advisable to have some Ointment to hand. Applied to wounds, this magical paste closes them in the blink of an eye. For the preparation the alchemist requires a cobalt fungus, tangy temerity, and white hemlock. A dose of the potion heals up to 400 hitpoints." + +msgid "section_none" +msgstr "Miscellaneous" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "catdragon_p" +msgstr "catdragons" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "songdragon" +msgstr "song dragon" + +msgid "myrrh" +msgstr "myrrh" + +msgid "nr_guarding_unknown" +msgstr "unknown units" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "catdragon_x" +msgstr "catdragon" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "alchemy" +msgstr "alchemy" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "owl_d" +msgstr "owls" + +msgid "wente_dress" +msgstr "tuxedo" + +msgid "BAEUME" +msgstr "TREES" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "owl_p" +msgstr "owls" + +msgid "attack_structural" +msgstr "an attack causing structural damage to buildings" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "antimagiczone" +msgstr "Antimagic" + +msgid "boat" +msgstr "boat" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "dreamreading" +msgstr "Read Dreams" + +msgid "soc_p" +msgstr "sacks of holding" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "magicstreet" +msgstr "By performing these rituals the druid is able to summon a powerful earth elemental. As long as this elemental remains bound to a region, no rain can turn a path into mud and no river can destroy a bridge. All travelers in this region gain the same advantages as if they were travelling on a road. Even swamps and glaciers can be enchanted in this way. The more power the druid invests, the longer the roads remain intact." + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "roadwork" +msgstr "roadwork" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "arch" +msgstr "arch" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "owl_x" +msgstr "owl" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "fish_shield" +msgstr "Shield of the Fish" + +msgid "corridor1_trail" +msgstr "a %s" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dolphin_d" +msgstr "dolphins" + +msgid "join" +msgstr "JOIN" + +msgid "lebkuchenherz_p" +msgstr "gingerbread hearts" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "analysedream" +msgstr "Analyse Dreams" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Tal" +msgstr "valley " + +msgid "ZIPPED" +msgstr "ZIPPED" + +msgid "dir_west" +msgstr "West" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "dreamreading" +msgstr "This spell enables the mentalist to penetrate the dreams of a target unit and gather information about that unit's surroundings. He will receive a report from the corresponding region." + +msgid "roqf" +msgstr "ring of quick fingers" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdragon" +msgstr "shadow dragon" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dolphin_p" +msgstr "dolphins" + +msgid "herb" +msgstr "herb" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "mindblast" +msgstr "Mental Death" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "analysedream" +msgstr "With this spell the mentalist can attempt to detect enchantments on a target unit. He will get an idea of the effect of all spells that don't exceed his own abilities. If a spell is stronger, it takes a little luck for a successful analysis." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "give" +msgstr "GIVE" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "unicorn_d" +msgstr "unicorns" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dolphin_x" +msgstr "dolphin" + +msgid "dir_ne" +msgstr "NE" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_bagofholding" +msgstr "Create A Bag of Holding" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "orkdream" +msgstr "This spell - whose use is forbidden in most cultures - creates an uncontrollable desire for physical love in the victim. The affected persons will rush head over heels into a love affair, unable to think of anything else. Most of them will regret this a few months later... " + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "hail" +msgstr "Hail" + +msgid "hero" +msgstr "hero" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "prefix" +msgstr "PREFIX" + +msgid "SILBERPOOL" +msgstr "SILVERPOOL" + +msgid "section_nr" +msgstr "Notifications" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "firstweek" +msgstr "the first week" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "undeadhero" +msgstr "Undead Heroes" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "unicorn_p" +msgstr "unicorns" + +msgid "catspoil" +msgstr "cat tail" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "show" +msgstr "SHOW" + +msgid "dir_nw" +msgstr "NW" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "unicorn_x" +msgstr "unicorn" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdragon_d" +msgstr "shadow dragons" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "combatrust" +msgstr "Winds of Rust" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mountainguard" +msgstr "mountainguard" + +msgid "tunnel" +msgstr "tunnel" + +msgid "hp_p" +msgstr "hps" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "spring" +msgstr "spring" + +msgid "magicbag_p" +msgstr "magic bags" + +msgid "dragonship" +msgstr "dragonship" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "deathcloud" +msgstr "Death Cloud" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "reanimate" +msgstr "When a warrior dies in a battle, his soul begins its long journey to the stars. With the help of this ritual, the mentalist can try to catch those escaping souls and bring them back to their bodies. The spell does not heal physical injuries, but an affected person will survive the battle." + +msgid "monument" +msgstr "monument" + +msgid "west" +msgstr "west" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "transfer_aura_song" +msgstr "This spell enables the wizard to transfer aura at a rate of 2:1 to another sorcerer of the same school of magic." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdragon_p" +msgstr "shadow dragons" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_firesword" +msgstr "Create A Flamesword" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "roqf" +msgstr "The magic in this ring makes the fingers ten times more nimble. a craftsman can produce ten times his normal quota, and other abilities might also be improved." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "shadowdragon_x" +msgstr "shadow dragon" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "piracy" +msgstr "PIRACY" + +msgid "greatsword" +msgstr "claymore" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "show_astral" +msgstr " The mage kann glance in the astral plane for a short time and perceives all units within an astral radius of level/5 regions. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "demon_d" +msgstr "demons" + +msgid "laen" +msgstr "laen" + +msgid "relativ viele" +msgstr "rather many" + +msgid "and" +msgstr "and" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "demon_p" +msgstr "demons" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "lynx_d" +msgstr "lynx" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "keeploot" +msgstr "This spell prevents damage to a portion of the items that would otherwise be lost in battle. The loss of items is reduced by 5% for every level of the spell, up to a minimum of 25%." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "demon_x" +msgstr "demon" + +msgid "mountain" +msgstr "mountain" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "lynx_p" +msgstr "lynx" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "cerddor_destroymagic" +msgstr " Every enchantment influences the life song, weakens and distorts it. The skillful bard can try to catch the life song, to strengthen it and cleanse the alteration from the song. " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "treegrow" +msgstr "Every branch becomes a sturdy oak where before only one could be grown from a log." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "bid" +msgstr "BID" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "lynx_x" +msgstr "lynx" + +msgid "spear_p" +msgstr "spears" + +msgid "rustysword" +msgstr "rusty sword" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "coldfront" +msgstr "Kills enemies with cold." + +msgid "insectspoil" +msgstr "insect antenna" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "shapeshift" +msgstr "Shapeshift" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "youngdragon" +msgstr "young dragon" + +msgctxt "calendar" +msgid "firstweek_d" +msgstr "of the first week" + +msgid "swamp_trail" +msgstr "the swamps of %s" + +msgid "nr_nb_final" +msgstr "and to the " + +msgid "aoc" +msgstr "amulet of the kitten" + +msgid "balm_p" +msgstr "balm" + +msgid "aod" +msgstr "amulet of darkness" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "maelstrom" +msgstr "Maelstrom" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "zombie_d" +msgstr "zombies" + +msgctxt "border" +msgid "wall" +msgstr "wall" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "trade" +msgstr "trade" + +msgid "dragonblood" +msgstr "dragonblood" + +msgid "aog" +msgstr "amulet of gathering" + +msgid "aquarianspoil_p" +msgstr "aquarian scales" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "calmmonster" +msgstr "Calm Monster" + +msgid "activevolcano" +msgstr "active volcano" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "auraleak" +msgstr "Astral Leak" + +msgid "trollbelt" +msgstr "trollbelt" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "zombie_p" +msgstr "zombies" + +msgid "laenshield" +msgstr "laen shield" + +msgid "BEWACHE" +msgstr "GUARD" + +msgid "h0" +msgstr "flatroot" + +msgid "humanspoil" +msgstr "human scalp" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "ne" +msgstr "northeast coast" + +msgid "h1" +msgstr "tangy temerity" + +msgid "healingpotion" +msgstr "healingpotion" + +msgid "AUSWERTUNG" +msgstr "REPORT" + +msgid "h2" +msgstr "owlsgaze" + +msgid "rm_adamantium" +msgstr "adamantium" + +msgid "h3" +msgstr "spider ivy" + +msgid "h4" +msgstr "cobalt fungus" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "zombie_x" +msgstr "zombie" + +msgid "nr_spell_components" +msgstr "Components:" + +msgid "h5" +msgstr "elvendear" + +msgid "h6" +msgstr "bugleweed" + +msgid "h7" +msgstr "knotroot" + +msgid "h8" +msgstr "bubblemorel" + +msgid "h9" +msgstr "waterfinder" + +msgid "section_errors" +msgstr "Warnings and Errors" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "protective_runes" +msgstr " Drawn on the walls of a building or on the planks of a ship these runes will protect it from magic influence. Every ritual increases the resistance of the building or ship against enchantments by 20%. The effect can be increased by performing the ritual multiple times, but perfect protection is unlikely. The runes last at least three weeks, depending on the mage's skill maybe much longer. " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "ghast" +msgstr "ghast" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "ice" +msgstr "ice" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "create_invisibility_sphere" +msgstr "Create a Sphere of Invisbility" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "research" +msgstr "RESEARCH" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "song_of_healing" +msgstr "The field medic isn't the only one capable of tending the wounds of battle. The bards know a number of magic melodies to enhance the natural healing process of the body. This song is able to close wounds, mend fractured bones and even regenerate lost lims. " + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "nw" +msgstr "northwest coast" + +msgid "adamantium_p" +msgstr "adamantium" + +msgid "seashell_p" +msgstr "seashells" + +msgid "nr_spell_type" +msgstr "Type:" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "template_d" +msgstr "templates" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "melee" +msgstr "melee" + +msgid "birthday_firework" +msgstr "firework" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Chaos" +msgstr "chaos " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mountainguard_d" +msgstr "mountainguards" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "Licht" +msgstr "light " + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "flee" +msgstr "Before a battle the mentalist creates terrifying illusions of hideous creatures that will cause panic among the enemies. Those who believe in the illusions will try to flee from battle." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "ironkeeper" +msgstr "Mountain Guardian" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "enterastral" +msgstr "Ancient arcane formulae permit the magician to transport himself or other units into the astral plane. The magician can transport (level-3) * 15 GE through the transient portal. If the magician is experienced enough to cast level 11 spells, he can also transport units against their will." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "flyingship" +msgstr "Airship" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "template_p" +msgstr "templates" + +msgid "STRASSEN" +msgstr "ROADS" + +msgid "jewel" +msgstr "gem" + +msgid "mallornbow" +msgstr "mallorn bow" + +msgid "horse" +msgstr "horse" + +msgid "thickfog" +msgstr "thick fog" + +msgctxt "prefix" +msgid "flame" +msgstr "flame" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magic_roots" +msgstr "Roots of Magic" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "leaveastral" +msgstr "Astral Exit" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mountainguard_p" +msgstr "mountainguard" + +msgid "clone_of" +msgstr "Clone of %s" + +msgid "travelthru_header" +msgstr "The region was crossed by " + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "template_x" +msgstr "template" + +msgid "questkey1_p" +msgstr "agate keys" + +msgid "soc" +msgstr "sack of holding" + +msgid "hall1_trail" +msgstr "the %s" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "treewalkenter" +msgstr "A great power lies within those places that are pulsing with life. A druid can focus this power and thereby create a gate into the World of Spirits. He can then send level*5 weight units of living or dead matter through the gate." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "draigdestroymagic" +msgstr "Pentagram" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "tiger" +msgstr "tiger" + +msgid "dragonship_a" +msgstr "a dragonship" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "mountainguard_x" +msgstr "mountainguard" + +msgid "unitdefault" +msgstr "Unit" + +msgid "nr_youaredead" +msgstr "Your faction has been eliminated. We hope that you had a good time, and if you liked the game, you should sign up and play again." + +msgid "invite" +msgstr "INVITE" + +msgid "scale" +msgstr "pangolin" + +msgid "cookie" +msgstr "cookie" + +msgid "fairyboot" +msgstr "fairy boots" + +msgid "hp" +msgstr "hp" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "firewall" +msgstr "Wall of Fire" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "cerddorfumbleshield" +msgstr "Countersong" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earn_silver#tybied" +msgstr "If the local alchemist could not help you, you should visit a scholar of Tybied. His potions and tinctures may help when nothing else does. If the cryptic formula under the wooden shoes of the unfaithful husband really helped? - well, the peasant, who isn't capable of reading, will never know. At least it helped the magician... to fill his purse. In one week he can earn 50 silver per level that way." + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "teach" +msgstr "TEACH" + +msgid "ANZAHL" +msgstr "NUMBER" + +msgid "dir_se" +msgstr "SE" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "combat" +msgstr "COMBAT" + +msgid "ao_healing_p" +msgstr "amulets of healing" + +msgid "ocean" +msgstr "ocean" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "headache" +msgstr " Transcript to the lecture of Selen Ard'Ragorn in Bar'Glingal: 'It is said, this spell had its beginnings in the drinking holes of the Westgassen, but every other disreputable quarter is just as likely. Its most important ingredient is about a cask of terrible wine, the cheaper and more unbecoming, the more effective will be the essence. The art to distill this wine into pure essence is far more demanding than the simple brewery of an alchemist. Even more so to bind and conserve it, preventing its natural tendency to evaporate. This can only be accomplished by a master of Cerddor. Say, you manage to produce a vial of this ruby red, shimmering - well, not fluid, but also not exactly vapor - let's call it elixir. More challenges still lie ahead. The effective properties of the elixir are quick to dissipate. Therefore it has to be dribbled into the drink of the chosen victim within days. That is when you masters of infatuation and seduction can truly proof your worth. But take care not to drink of the concoction yourselves, for one taste will ensnare you to the tastes of wine and you will spend a full week on a bender. And as sure as day follows night, a dreadful agony will claim your head afterwards. You will lose knowledge of your best skill, two weeks worth of study just gone. Another word of warning: this spell is very complex. Should you try further spells during the same week, they will be far more difficult to perform.' " + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "sabotage" +msgstr "SABOTAGE" + +msgid "spear" +msgstr "spear" + +msgid "plate_p" +msgstr "platemails" + +msgctxt "describe" +msgid "truthpotion" +msgstr "This simple but very potent brew sharpens the senses of anyone that drinks of it and makes him able to see through even the most complex illusions for one week." + +msgid "tradepost" +msgstr "tradepost" + +msgid "p0_p" +msgstr "seven mile teas" + +msgid "INFO" +msgstr "INFO" + +msgid "STATISTIK" +msgstr "STATISTICS" + +msgid "dir_sw" +msgstr "SW" + +msgid "p3_p" +msgstr "busybeers" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "wolfhowl" +msgstr "During their life in the wilderness, many druids make friends with the wolves who are the oldest friends of the great races. They learn to call many of them with a single howl to aid them in combat." + +msgid "elvenhorse" +msgstr "elven horse" + +msgid "ao_chastity_p" +msgstr "amulets of chastity" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "great_drought" +msgstr "Great Drought" + +msgid "status_flee" +msgstr "fleeing" + +msgid "p10_p" +msgstr "berserkers blood potions" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "maketemp" +msgstr "MAKETEMP" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "reanimate" +msgstr "Resurrection" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "create_bagofholding" +msgstr "This bag encloses a dimensional rift in which up to 200 units of weight can be carries. Horses and other large objects cannot be put into the bag. The bag itself has a weight of 1." + +msgid "questkey1" +msgstr "agate key" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "armor_shield" +msgstr "Shield Shine" + +msgid "questkey2" +msgstr "sapphire key" + +msgid "stat_cut" +msgstr "Is hard to hit by slashing weapons." + +msgid "BAUERN" +msgstr "PEASANTS" + +msgid "p6_p" +msgstr "brain waxes" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "summondragon" +msgstr "Call Dragons" + +msgid "ring_p" +msgstr "rings" + +msgid "VOR" +msgstr "BEFORE" + +msgid "p13_p" +msgstr "elixirs of power" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "trollbelt" +msgstr "This artifact grants its wearer the strength of a cavetroll. He will be able to carry fifty times as much as normal and also in combat his enhanced strength and tough troll skin will serve him well." + +msgid "nr_owner" +msgstr "Owner" + +msgid "nr_template" +msgstr "Template for the next turn:" + +msgctxt "skill" +msgid "espionage" +msgstr "espionage" + +msgid "p9_p" +msgstr "horsepower potions" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "reelingarrows" +msgstr "Whirlwind" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "versteinern" +msgstr "This complicated but effective spell uses the Elemental Spirits of Stone to turn a number of enemies to stone for the duration of combat. The affected persons won't be able to fight any more, but they can't be wounded either." + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "armor_shield" +msgstr " This ritual, to be performed before battle, gives the own troops an added bonus to their armor. Every hit reduces the strength of the spell until it dissipates during battle. " + +msgid "desert_trail" +msgstr "the deserts of %s" + +msgid "catapultammo_p" +msgstr "ammunition" + +msgid "greatsword_p" +msgstr "claymores" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "summondragon" +msgstr "Performing this dark ritual, the sorcerer creates a bait that exhales an irresistable scent to dragons. It is not known whether the dragons come from surrounding regions or if they have their origin in the Sphere of Chaos. The bait will exist for about six weeks, but it must be placed in a tarrain that is suitable for dragons." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "icy_dragonbreath" +msgstr "Icy Dragonbreath" + +msgctxt "damage" +msgid "badly" +msgstr "badly wounded" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "halfling_d" +msgstr "halflings" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "smurf_d" +msgstr "smurfs" + +msgid "mountain_trail" +msgstr "the mountains of %s" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "aura_of_fear" +msgstr "Panic" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "halfling_p" +msgstr "halflings" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "quit" +msgstr "QUIT" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "greenscarab" +msgstr "green scarab" + +msgid "AURA" +msgstr "AURA" + +msgid "smithy" +msgstr "smithy" + +msgid "laen_p" +msgstr "laen" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "incite_riot" +msgstr " By means of this magical chant the mage incites riots in a region. Rebelling peasant mobs prevent taxation and recruiting and almost noone will pay money for entertainment. After a few weeks the mob will calm down again. " + +msgid "longboat" +msgstr "longboat" + +msgid "dir_east" +msgstr "East" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "appeasement" +msgstr "This little melody calms even the wildest orc to a gentle and serene creature who will not even think about putting the singer to harm. The magician may travel to a neighboring region without being harassed by annoying troublemakers." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "coldfront" +msgstr "Coldfront" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "halfling_x" +msgstr "halfling" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "smurf_p" +msgstr "smurfs" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "depression" +msgstr "Song of Melancholy" + +msgid "battle_opponents" +msgstr "Fighting against" + +msgid "GEGENSTAENDE" +msgstr "ITEMS" + +msgid "greatbow" +msgstr "elven bow" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "aura_of_fear" +msgstr "Panic." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "smurf_x" +msgstr "smurf" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "cold_protection" +msgstr "Firun's Coat" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "mallorntreegrow" +msgstr "This ritual greatly increases the effect of the potion. Now every branch becomes a mallorn tree where before only one could be grown from a log." + +msgid "ointment_p" +msgstr "ointments" + +msgid "see_travel" +msgstr "travel" + +msgid "oil_p" +msgstr "oil" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "pull_astral" +msgstr "A magician in the astral plane can summon units from the material world. The magician can bring (level-3)*15 GE through the temporary portal. If he is experienced enough to cast the spell at at least level 13, he can even summon units against their will. " + +msgid "smod_far" +msgstr "far" + +msgctxt "keyword" +msgid "end" +msgstr "END" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "aquarian_d" +msgstr "aquarians" + +msgctxt "iteminfo" +msgid "fairyboot" +msgstr "These leather boots are embroidere with unicorn hair and allow their wearer to walk at twice his normal speed." + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "skillmod" +msgstr "Unknown Effect" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "dreamcat" +msgstr "dreamcat" + +msgid "elfspoil_p" +msgstr "elven ears" + +msgid "moneychest" +msgstr "silverchest" + +msgid "amulet" +msgstr "amulet" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "auraboost" +msgstr "Chaos Gift" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "aquarian_p" +msgstr "aquarians" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "magicresistance" +msgstr "Magic Resistance" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "fairy" +msgstr "fairy" + +msgctxt "spell" +msgid "drain_skills" +msgstr "Shadowbreath" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "sphinx_d" +msgstr "sphinx" + +msgctxt "coast" +msgid "se" +msgstr "southeast coast" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "troll" +msgstr "troll" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "aquarian_x" +msgstr "aquarian" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "meteor_rain" +msgstr "A meteor shower rains down on the battlefield." + +msgctxt "school" +msgid "nomagic" +msgstr "no magic school yet" + +msgid "BZIP2" +msgstr "BZIP2" + +msgid "weight_unit" +msgstr "stone" + +msgid "firesword" +msgstr "flaming sword" + +msgid "nr_spells" +msgstr "spells" + +msgctxt "spellinfo" +msgid "earthquake" +msgstr "With this ritual the druid summons an Elemental Spirit of Earth that brings the ground to shake. This earthquake damages all buildings in the target region." + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "sphinx_p" +msgstr "sphinxs" + +msgid "east" +msgstr "east" + +msgid "status_rear" +msgstr "rear" + +msgctxt "race" +msgid "wolf" +msgstr "wolf" + diff --git a/src/bindings.c b/src/bindings.c index 276fe1dd4..7d9534c21 100755 --- a/src/bindings.c +++ b/src/bindings.c @@ -918,11 +918,16 @@ static void export_locale(const struct locale *lang, const char *name) { char fname[64]; FILE * F; - sprintf(fname, "strings.%s.po", name); + sprintf(fname, "strings.%2s.po", name); F = fopen(fname, "wt"); if (F) { export_strings(lang, F); - export_messages(lang, F); + fclose(F); + } + sprintf(fname, "messages.%2s.po", name); + F = fopen(fname, "wt"); + if (F) { + export_messages(lang, F, NULL); fclose(F); } } diff --git a/src/util/nrmessage.c b/src/util/nrmessage.c index 0f8dbb9d0..0f538639f 100644 --- a/src/util/nrmessage.c +++ b/src/util/nrmessage.c @@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ void free_nrmesssages(void) { } } -void export_messages(const struct locale * lang, FILE *F) { +void export_messages(const struct locale * lang, FILE *F, const char *context) { int i; for (i = 0; i != NRT_MAXHASH; ++i) { nrmessage_type *nrt = nrtypes[i]; while (nrt) { - po_write_msg(F, nrt->mtype->name, nrt->string, "message"); + po_write_msg(F, nrt->mtype->name, nrt->string, context); nrt = nrt->next; } } diff --git a/src/util/nrmessage.h b/src/util/nrmessage.h index 7234d5b2a..7c4201010 100644 --- a/src/util/nrmessage.h +++ b/src/util/nrmessage.h @@ -47,14 +47,7 @@ extern "C" { int nr_level(const struct message *msg); const char *nr_section(const struct message *msg); - void export_messages(const struct locale * lang, FILE *F); - /* before: - * fogblock;movement:0;de;{unit} konnte von {region} nicht nach {$dir direction} ausreisen, der Nebel war zu dicht. - * after: - * fogblock:movement:0 - * $unit($unit) konnte von $region($region) nicht nach $direction($direction) ausreisen, der Nebel war zu dicht. - * unit:unit region:region direction:int - */ + void export_messages(const struct locale * lang, FILE *F, const char *context); #ifdef __cplusplus }