2002-03-03 18:20:34 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import smtplib
import MySQLdb
import cgi
import re
# specify the filename of the template file
scripturl = ' http://eressea.upb.de/~enno/cgi-bin/standin.py '
TemplateFile = " vinyambar.html "
DefaultTitle = " Vinyambar Parteib<69> rse "
dbname = " vinyambar "
From = " accounts@vinyambar.de "
Errors = " "
db = MySQLdb . connect ( db = dbname )
smtpserver = ' localhost '
# define a new function called Display
# it takes one parameter - a string to Display
def Display ( Content , Title = DefaultTitle ) :
TemplateHandle = open ( TemplateFile , " r " ) # open in read only mode
# read the entire file as a string
TemplateInput = TemplateHandle . read ( )
TemplateHandle . close ( ) # close the file
# for key in Form.keys():
# Content=Content+"<br>"+str(key)+"="+str(Form[key])
# this defines an exception string in case our
# template file is messed up
BadTemplateException = " There was a problem with the HTML template. "
SubResult = re . subn ( " <!-- INSERT TITLE HERE --> " , Title , TemplateInput )
SubResult = re . subn ( " <!-- INSERT CONTENT HERE --> " , Content , SubResult [ 0 ] )
if SubResult [ 1 ] == 0 :
raise BadTemplateException
print " Content-Type: text/html \n \n "
print SubResult [ 0 ]
def ShowPage ( ) :
cursor = db . cursor ( )
maxturn = { }
games = cursor . execute ( " SELECT max(lastturn), game from subscriptions GROUP by game " )
while games > 0 :
games = games - 1
lastturn , game = cursor . fetchone ( )
maxturn [ game ] = lastturn
output = ' <p>Um eine der folgenden Parteien zu <20> bernehmen, musst du zuerst ein <a href= " register.php " >Spielerkonto anlegen</a>. Wenn Du eines hast, markiere die Partei, die Du <20> bernehmen willst, und trage Kundennummer und Kundenpasswort ein. '
2002-03-04 10:34:05 +00:00
query = " SELECT g.id, g.name, s.faction, s.lastturn, s.id, r.name, s.info from games g, subscriptions s, races r where s.game=g.id and s.race=r.race and s.status= ' CANCELLED ' "
2002-03-03 18:20:34 +00:00
results = cursor . execute ( query )
2002-03-04 10:34:05 +00:00
output = output + ' <div align=center><form action= " ' + scripturl + ' " method=post><table bgcolor= " #e0e0e0 " width= " 80 % " border> \n '
2002-03-03 18:20:34 +00:00
output = output + ' <tr><th>Rasse</th><th>Spiel</th><th>NMRs</th><th>Informationen</th><th>Markieren</th></tr> '
while results > 0 :
results = results - 1
gid , game , faction , lastturn , sid , race , info = cursor . fetchone ( )
if info == None :
info = ' Keine Informationen '
2002-03-04 10:34:05 +00:00
output = output + ' <tr><td> ' + race + ' </td><td> ' + game + ' </td><td> ' + str ( int ( maxturn [ gid ] - lastturn ) ) + ' </td><td> ' + info + ' </td> '
2002-03-03 18:20:34 +00:00
output = output + ' <td><input type= " checkbox " name= " accept_ ' + str ( int ( sid ) ) + ' " > <20> bernehmen</td></tr> \n '
output = output + ' </table> '
2002-03-04 10:34:05 +00:00
output = output + ' <p><table><tr><td>Kundennummer:</td><td><input name= " user " size= " 4 " ></tr><tr><td>Passwort:</td><td><input name= " pass " type= " password " size= " 40 " ></td> '
2002-03-03 18:20:34 +00:00
output = output + ' <tr><td><input name= " save " type= " submit " value= " Abschicken " ></td></tr></table> '
output = output + ' </form></div> '
Display ( output )
Form = cgi . FieldStorage ( )
custid = None
password = None
if Form . has_key ( " user " ) :
custid = int ( Form [ " user " ] . value )
if Form . has_key ( " pass " ) :
password = Form [ " pass " ] . value
if ( password != None ) & ( custid != None ) :
cursor = db . cursor ( )
output = " "
if cursor . execute ( " select email, id from users where password= ' " + password + " ' and id= " + str ( int ( custid ) ) ) == 1 :
email , custid = cursor . fetchone ( )
c = cursor . execute ( " SELECT id, faction from subscriptions where status= ' CANCELLED ' " )
while c > 0 :
c = c - 1
sid , faction = cursor . fetchone ( )
if Form . has_key ( " accept_ " + str ( int ( sid ) ) ) :
update = db . cursor ( )
update . execute ( " UPDATE subscriptions set user= " + str ( int ( custid ) ) + " , status= ' ACTIVE ' where id= " + str ( int ( sid ) ) )
output = output + " Die Partei " + faction + " wurde Dir <20> berschrieben. Eine Email mit dem Passwort und weiteren Hinweisen ist unterwegs zu Dir.<br> "
Msg = " From: " + From + " \n To: " + email + " \n Subject: Vinambar Parteiuebernahme \n \n "
Msg = Msg + " Das Passwort f<> r deine neue Vinyambar-Partei " + faction + " lautet \n "
Msg = Msg + " " + password + " \n "
Msg = Msg + " \n Um den Report der letzten Woche zu erhalten, schicke eine Mail mit dem Betreff \n "
Msg = Msg + " ERESSEA REPORT " + faction + " \" " + password + " \" an die Adresse "
Msg = Msg + " eressea@eressea.amber.kn-bremen.de "
server = smtplib . SMTP ( smtpserver )
server . sendmail ( From , email , Msg )
server . close ( )
else :
output = " <font color=red>Fehler in Passwort oder Kundennummer<br></font> "
Display ( output )
else :
ShowPage ( )
db . close ( )