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2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
/* vi: set ts=2:
* Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
* Christian Schlittchen (
* Katja Zedel (
* Henning Peters (
* Enno Rehling (
* Ingo Wilken (
* based on:
* Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace
* Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schr<EFBFBD>der
* This program may not be used, modified or distributed without
* prior permission by the authors of Eressea.
* This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written
* permission from the authors.
#ifndef H_KRNL_UNIT_H
#define H_KRNL_UNIT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
struct skill;
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
#define UFL_DEBUG (1<<0)
#define UFL_ISNEW (1<<1) /* 2 */
#define UFL_LONGACTION (1<<2) /* 4 */
#define UFL_OWNER (1<<3) /* 8 */
#define UFL_PARTEITARNUNG (1<<4) /* 16 */
#define UFL_DISBELIEVES (1<<5) /* 32 */
#define UFL_WARMTH (1<<6) /* 64 */
2004-09-12 11:28:43 +02:00
#define UFL_HERO (1<<7)
#define UFL_MOVED (1<<8)
#define UFL_FOLLOWING (1<<9)
#define UFL_FOLLOWED (1<<10)
2004-08-03 17:34:26 +02:00
#define UFL_HUNGER (1<<11) /* kann im Folgemonat keinen langen Befehl au<61>er ARBEITE ausf<73>hren */
#define UFL_SIEGE (1<<12) /* speedup: belagert eine burg, siehe attribut */
#define UFL_TARGET (1<<13) /* speedup: hat ein target, siehe attribut */
2004-08-03 17:34:26 +02:00
#define UFL_WERE (1<<14)
/* warning: von 512/1024 gewechslet, wegen konflikt mit NEW_FOLLOW */
#define UFL_LOCKED (1<<16) /* Einheit kann keine Personen aufnehmen oder weggeben, nicht rekrutieren. */
#define UFL_STORM (1<<19) /* Kapit<69>n war in einem Sturm */
#define UFL_TRADER (1<<20) /* H<>ndler, pseudolang */
#define UFL_NOAID (1<<22) /* Einheit hat Noaid-Status */
#define UFL_TAKEALL (1<<25) /* Einheit nimmt alle Gegenst<73>nde an */
/* Flags, die gespeichert werden sollen: */
2004-08-03 17:34:26 +02:00
#ifndef HEROES
2004-08-03 17:34:26 +02:00
2004-09-12 11:28:43 +02:00
2004-12-22 01:57:22 +01:00
#ifdef HEROES
2004-08-03 17:34:26 +02:00
extern int maxheroes(const struct faction * f);
extern int countheroes(const struct faction * f);
2004-12-20 11:09:59 +01:00
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
typedef struct unit {
2004-06-21 18:45:27 +02:00
struct unit *next; /* needs to be first entry, for region's unitlist */
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
struct unit *nexthash;
struct unit *nextF; /* n<>chste Einheit der Partei */
struct unit *prevF; /* letzte Einheit der Partei */
struct region *region;
int no;
char *name;
char *display;
int number;
int hp;
short age;
struct faction *faction;
struct building *building;
struct ship *ship;
2004-06-21 18:45:27 +02:00
/* skill data */
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
int skill_size;
struct skill *skills;
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
struct item * items;
struct reservation {
struct reservation * next;
const struct resource_type * type;
int value;
} * reservations;
2004-06-21 18:45:27 +02:00
/* orders */
struct order *orders;
struct order * thisorder;
2004-06-21 18:45:27 +02:00
struct order * lastorder;
2004-06-21 18:45:27 +02:00
/* race and illusionary race */
const struct race * race;
const struct race * irace;
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
struct strlist *botschaften;
unsigned int flags;
struct attrib * attribs;
status_t status;
int n; /* enno: attribut? */
int wants; /* enno: attribut? */
} unit;
typedef struct unit_list {
struct unit_list * next;
struct unit * data;
} unit_list;
extern void unitlist_clear(struct unit_list **ul);
extern void unitlist_insert(struct unit_list **ul, struct unit *u);
extern struct attrib_type at_alias;
extern struct attrib_type at_siege;
extern struct attrib_type at_target;
extern struct attrib_type at_potionuser;
extern struct attrib_type at_contact;
extern struct attrib_type at_effect;
extern struct attrib_type at_private;
extern struct attrib_type at_showskchange;
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
int ualias(const struct unit * u);
extern struct attrib_type at_stealth;
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
void u_seteffstealth(struct unit * u, int value);
int u_geteffstealth(const struct unit * u);
struct building * usiege(const struct unit * u);
void usetsiege(struct unit * u, const struct building * b);
struct unit * utarget(const struct unit * u);
void usettarget(struct unit * u, const struct unit * b);
struct unit * utarget(const struct unit * u);
void usettarget(struct unit * u, const struct unit * b);
extern const struct race * urace(const struct unit * u);
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
const char* uprivate(const struct unit * u);
void usetprivate(struct unit * u, const char * c);
const struct potion_type * ugetpotionuse(const struct unit * u); /* benutzt u einein trank? */
void usetpotionuse(struct unit * u, const struct potion_type * p); /* u benutzt trank p (es darf halt nur einer pro runde) */
boolean ucontact(const struct unit * u, const struct unit * u2);
void usetcontact(struct unit * u, const struct unit * c);
2001-04-26 19:41:06 +02:00
struct unit * findnewunit (const struct region * r, const struct faction *f, int alias);
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
#define upotions(u) fval(u, UFL_POTIONS)
extern const struct unit * u_peasants(void);
extern const struct unit * u_unknown(void);
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
extern struct unit * udestroy;
2002-02-23 17:18:26 +01:00
extern struct skill * add_skill(struct unit * u, skill_t id);
extern void remove_skill(struct unit *u, skill_t sk);
extern struct skill * get_skill(const struct unit * u, skill_t id);
extern boolean has_skill(const unit* u, skill_t sk);
extern void set_level(struct unit * u, skill_t id, int level);
extern int get_level(const struct unit * u, skill_t id);
extern void transfermen(struct unit * u, struct unit * u2, int n);
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
extern int eff_skill(const struct unit * u, skill_t sk, const struct region * r);
extern int eff_skill_study(const struct unit * u, skill_t sk, const struct region * r);
extern int get_modifier(const struct unit * u, skill_t sk, int lvl, const struct region * r, boolean noitem);
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
#undef DESTROY
/* Einheiten werden nicht wirklich zerst<73>rt. */
extern void destroy_unit(struct unit * u);
/* see resolve.h */
extern void * resolve_unit(void * data);
extern void write_unit_reference(const struct unit * u, FILE * F);
extern int read_unit_reference(unit ** up, FILE * F);
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
extern void leave(struct region * r, struct unit * u);
extern void leave_ship(unit * u);
extern void leave_building(unit * u);
extern void set_leftship(struct unit *u, struct ship *sh);
extern struct ship * leftship(const struct unit *);
extern boolean can_survive(const struct unit *u, const struct region *r);
extern void move_unit(struct unit * u, struct region * target, struct unit ** ulist);
extern struct building * inside_building(const struct unit * u);
/* cleanup code for this module */
extern void free_units(void);
extern struct faction * dfindhash(int no);
2001-02-10 15:18:01 +01:00
extern void u_setfaction(struct unit * u, struct faction * f);
/* vorsicht Spr<70>che k<>nnen u->number == 0 (RS_FARVISION) haben! */
extern void set_number(struct unit * u, int count);
extern boolean learn_skill(struct unit * u, skill_t sk, double chance);
2002-05-05 18:59:25 +02:00
extern int invisible(const unit *u);
#ifdef __cplusplus
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00