2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
/* vi: set ts=2:
* Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2000
* Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de)
* Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de)
* Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de)
* Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de)
* Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de)
* This program may not be used, modified or distributed without
* prior permission by the authors of Eressea.
#ifndef BATTLE_H
#define BATTLE_H
2001-02-14 10:17:56 +01:00
/** new code defines **/
/** more defines **/
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
#define FS_ENEMY 1
#define FS_HELP 2
2001-02-14 10:17:56 +01:00
/***** Verteidigungslinien.
* Eressea hat 4 Verteidigungslinien. 1 ist vorn, 5. enth<EFBFBD>lt Summen
#define NUMROWS 5
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
#define SUM_ROW 0
#define FIGHT_ROW 1
#define BEHIND_ROW 2
#define AVOID_ROW 3
#define FLEE_ROW 4
#define LAST_ROW (NUMROWS-1)
typedef struct bfaction {
struct bfaction * next;
struct side * sides;
struct faction *faction;
int lastturn; /* last time this struct faction was involved in combat */
boolean attacker;
} bfaction;
typedef struct battle {
cvector leaders;
struct region *region;
struct plane *plane;
bfaction * factions;
int nfactions;
cvector fighters;
cvector sides;
cvector meffects;
int max_tactics;
int turn;
boolean has_tactics_turn;
int keeploot;
boolean reelarrow;
2001-02-14 10:17:56 +01:00
int dh;
int alive;
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
boolean small;
2001-02-14 10:17:56 +01:00
boolean nonblockers;
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
} battle;
typedef struct tactics {
cvector fighters;
int value;
} tactics;
typedef struct side {
struct tactics leader; /* der beste Taktiker des Heeres */
struct side * nextF; /* n<>chstes Heer der gleichen Partei */
struct battle * battle;
struct faction *faction; /* Die Partei, die hier k<>mpft */
struct bfaction * bf; /* Die Partei, die hier k<>mpft */
const struct group * group;
2001-02-14 02:38:51 +01:00
# define E_ENEMY 1
# define E_ATTACKING 2
int enemy[128];
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
struct enemy {
struct enemy * nexthash;
boolean attacking;
struct side * side;
} * enemies[16];
2001-02-14 02:38:51 +01:00
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
cvector fighters; /* vector der Einheiten dieser Fraktion */
int index; /* Eintrag der Fraktion in b->matrix/b->enemies */
int size[NUMROWS]; /* Anzahl Personen in Reihe X. 0 = Summe */
int nonblockers[NUMROWS]; /* Anzahl nichtblockierender K<>mpfer, z.B. Schattenritter. */
int alive; /* Die Partei hat den Kampf verlassen */
2001-12-10 01:13:39 +01:00
int removed; /* stoned */
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
int flee;
int dead;
int casualties;
int healed;
boolean dh;
boolean stealth; /* Die Einheiten sind getarnt */
2001-12-10 01:13:39 +01:00
const struct faction *stealthfaction;
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
} side;
typedef struct weapon {
int count, used;
const struct weapon_type * type;
int offskill;
int defskill;
} weapon;
/*** fighter::person::flags ***/
#define FL_TIRED 1
#define FL_DAZZLED 2 /* durch Untote oder D<>monen eingesch<63>chtert */
#define FL_PANICED 4
#define FL_HERO 8 /* Helden fliehen nie */
#define FL_SLEEPING 16
#define FL_STUNNED 32 /* eine Runde keinen Angriff */
/*** fighter::flags ***/
#define FIG_ATTACKED 1
#define FIG_NOLOOT 2
typedef unsigned char armor_t;
enum {
typedef struct fighter {
struct side *side;
struct unit *unit; /* Die Einheit, die hier k<>mpft */
struct building *building; /* Geb<65>ude, in dem die Einheit evtl. steht */
status_t status; /* Kampfstatus */
struct weapon * weapons;
int armor[AR_MAX]; /* Anzahl R<>stungen jeden Typs */
int alive; /* Anzahl der noch nicht Toten in der Einheit */
int fighting; /* Anzahl der K<>mpfer in der aktuellen Runde */
int removed; /* Anzahl Kaempfer, die nicht tot sind, aber
aus dem Kampf raus sind (zB weil sie
versteinert wurden). Diese werden auch
in alive noch mitgez<EFBFBD>hlt! */
int magic; /* Magietalent der Einheit */
int horses; /* Anzahl brauchbarer Pferde der Einheit */
int elvenhorses; /* Anzahl brauchbarer Elfenpferde der Einheit */
struct item * loot;
int catmsg; /* Merkt sich, ob Katapultmessage schon generiert. */
struct person {
int attack : 8; /* (Magie) Attackenbonus der Personen */
int defence : 8; /* (Magie) Paradenbonus der Personen */
int damage : 8; /* (Magie) Schadensbonus der Personen im Nahkampf */
int damage_rear : 8; /* (Magie) Schadensbonus der Personen im Fernkampf */
int hp : 16; /* Trefferpunkte der Personen */
int flags : 8; /* (Magie) Diverse Flags auf K<>mpfern */
int speed : 8; /* (Magie) Geschwindigkeitsmultiplkator. */
int reload : 4; /* Anzahl Runden, die die Waffe x noch laden muss.
* dahinter steckt ein array[RL_MAX] wenn er min. eine hat. */
int last_action : 8; /* In welcher Runde haben wir zuletzt etwas getan */
struct weapon * weapon; /* offensive weapon */
struct weapon * secondary; /* defensive weapon */
} * person;
int flags;
2001-03-04 19:41:27 +01:00
struct {
int number; /* number of people who have flown */
int hp; /* accumulated hp of fleeing people */
struct region *region; /* destination of fleeing people */
struct item * items; /* items they take */
} run;
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
int action_counter; /* number of active actions the struct unit did in the fight */
2001-02-18 13:11:32 +01:00
int kills;
int hits;
2001-02-14 10:17:56 +01:00
struct {
int alive;
int cached;
} row;
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
} fighter;
typedef struct troop {
struct fighter *fighter;
int index;
} troop;
/* schilde */
enum {
typedef struct meffect {
fighter *magician; /* Der Zauberer, der den Schild gezaubert hat */
int typ; /* Wirkungsweise des Schilds */
int effect;
int duration;
} meffect;
extern const troop no_troop;
extern void do_battle(void);
/* for combar spells and special attacks */
extern int damage_unit(struct unit *u, const char *dam, boolean armor, boolean magic);
extern troop select_enemy(struct fighter * af, int minrow, int maxrow);
extern int count_enemies(struct side * as, int mask, int minrow, int maxrow);
extern boolean terminate(troop dt, troop at, int type, const char *damage, boolean missile);
extern void battlemsg(battle * b, struct unit * u, const char * s);
extern void battlerecord(battle * b, const char *s);
extern int hits(troop at, troop dt, weapon * awp);
extern void damage_building(struct battle *b, struct building *bldg, int damage_abs);
extern struct cvector * fighters(struct battle *b, struct fighter *af, int minrow, int maxrow, int mask);
extern int countallies(struct side * as);
2001-02-14 21:09:49 +01:00
extern int get_unitrow(struct fighter * af);
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
extern boolean helping(struct side * as, struct side * ds);
extern void rmtroop(struct troop dt);
2001-04-22 20:14:07 +02:00
extern void rmfighter(fighter *df, int i);
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00
extern struct region * fleeregion(const struct unit * u);
extern boolean enemy (const struct side * a, const struct side * b);
extern struct troop select_corpse(struct battle * b, struct fighter * af);
extern fighter * make_fighter(struct battle * b, struct unit * u, boolean attack);
2001-03-04 19:41:27 +01:00
void flee(const troop dt);
2001-01-25 10:37:55 +01:00