2002-01-02 13:11:33 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import MySQLdb
import cgi
import re
# specify the filename of the template file
TemplateFile = " vinyambar.html "
DefaultTitle = " Eressea Umfrage 2001 "
dbname = " eressea "
2002-04-08 10:01:42 +00:00
myurl = " http://eressea.upb.de/cgi-bin/eressea/poll2001.py "
2002-01-02 13:11:33 +00:00
# define a new function called Display
# it takes one parameter - a string to Display
print " Content-Type: text/html \n \n "
def Display ( Content , Title = DefaultTitle ) :
TemplateHandle = open ( TemplateFile , " r " ) # open in read only mode
# read the entire file as a string
TemplateInput = TemplateHandle . read ( )
TemplateHandle . close ( ) # close the file
# this defines an exception string in case our
# template file is messed up
BadTemplateException = " There was a problem with the HTML template. "
SubResult = re . subn ( " <!-- INSERT TITLE HERE --> " , Title , TemplateInput )
SubResult = re . subn ( " <!-- INSERT CONTENT HERE --> " , Content , SubResult [ 0 ] )
if SubResult [ 1 ] == 0 :
raise BadTemplateException
print SubResult [ 0 ]
def ReadForm ( Form ) :
output = " "
if ( Form . has_key ( ' faction ' ) & Form . has_key ( ' password ' ) ) == 0 :
Display ( ' Partei oder Passwort nicht angegeben ' )
sys . exit ( )
faction = Form [ ' faction ' ] . value
password = Form [ ' password ' ] . value
db = MySQLdb . connect ( db = dbname )
cursor = db . cursor ( )
num = cursor . execute ( ' SELECT password from factions where id= \' ' + faction + ' \' and password= \' ' + password + ' \' ' )
if num == 0 :
Display ( ' Partei oder Passwort ung<6E> ltig ' )
sys . exit ( )
fields = " faction "
values = " ' " + faction + " ' "
booleans = [ ' otherpbem ' , ' party ' , ' othertools ' , ' crtools ' , ' magellan ' , ' emap ' , ' ehmv ' , ' echeck ' , ' vorlage ' , ' esurvey ' , ' mercator ' , ' madmax ' , ' slow ' , ' fast ' ]
for field in booleans :
if Form . has_key ( field ) :
fields = fields + " , " + field
values = values + " , 1 "
ints = [ ' age ' , ' country ' , ' turn ' , ' starts ' , ' socializer ' , ' killer ' , ' explorer ' , ' achiever ' ]
for field in ints :
if Form . has_key ( field ) :
fields = fields + " , " + field
values = values + " , " + Form [ field ] . value
strings = [ ' referer ' , ' refererother ' , ' fun ' , ' toolsother ' , ' freetext ' ]
for field in strings :
if Form . has_key ( field ) :
fields = fields + " , " + field
values = values + " , ' " + Form [ field ] . value + " ' "
query = " REPLACE poll ( " + fields + " ) VALUES ( " + values + " ) "
# print query
cursor . execute ( query )
Display ( ' Danke f<> r die Teilnahme an der Umfrage. \n <p><a href= " ' + myurl + ' " >Ergebnisse ansehen</a> \n ' )
def ShowResult ( ) :
db = MySQLdb . connect ( db = dbname )
cursor = db . cursor ( )
results = cursor . execute ( ' SELECT factions.email, poll.freetext, poll.age, countries.name FROM factions, poll, countries WHERE factions.id=poll.faction AND countries.id=poll.country ' )
answers = int ( results )
ages = { }
countries = { }
comments = " <h2>Kommentare</h2> \n "
while results > 0 :
results = results - 1
email , freetext , age , country = cursor . fetchone ( )
if freetext != None :
name = " "
# if email==None:
# email="unknown"
# name = " ("+re.subn('@', " at ", email)[0]+")"
comments = comments + " <p> " + freetext + name + " \n "
if age != None :
if ( ages . has_key ( age ) ) :
ages [ age ] = ages [ age ] + 1
else :
ages [ age ] = 1 ;
if country != None :
if ( countries . has_key ( country ) ) :
countries [ country ] = countries [ country ] + 1
else :
countries [ country ] = 1 ;
personaltext = " <h2>Spielerprofil</h2> \n "
personals = { ' age ' : ' Alter ' , ' turn ' : ' Startrunde ' , ' starts ' : ' Anzahl Starts ' }
for key in personals . keys ( ) :
cursor . execute ( " SELECT AVG( " + key + " ), MIN( " + key + " ), MAX( " + key + " ) FROM poll " )
kavg , kmin , kmax = cursor . fetchone ( )
personaltext = personaltext + personals [ key ] + " : " + str ( int ( kmin ) ) + " bis " + str ( int ( kmax ) ) + " (Durchschnitt " + str ( kavg ) + " )<br> \n "
cursor . execute ( " select count(*) from poll where party=1 " )
value = cursor . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ]
personaltext = personaltext + str ( int ( value ) ) + " der " + str ( answers ) + " Spieler haben schon einmal wegen Eressea eine Party fr<66> hzeitig verlassen. "
funtypes = {
' quitting ' : ' Ich h<> re auf ' ,
' okay ' : ' Geht so ' ,
' greatfun ' : ' Macht gro<72> en Spa<70> ' ,
' bestgame ' : ' Bestes Spiel der Welt '
funtext = " <h2>Spielspa<70> </h2> \n <table> \n "
for key in funtypes . keys ( ) :
cursor . execute ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM poll WHERE fun= ' " + key + " ' " )
value = int ( cursor . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ] )
funtext = funtext + " <tr><td> " + funtypes [ key ] + " </td><td> " + str ( value ) + " </td></tr> \n "
funtext = funtext + " </table> \n "
playertypes = { ' killer ' : ' Strategiespiel ' , ' explorer ' : ' Erkundung ' , ' achiever ' : ' Aufbau und Entwicklung ' , ' socializer ' : ' Rollenspiel ' }
typetext = " <h2>Spielaspekte</h2> \n <table> \n "
for key in playertypes . keys ( ) :
cursor . execute ( " SELECT AVG( " + key + " ) FROM poll " )
value = cursor . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ]
typetext = typetext + " <tr><td> " + playertypes [ key ] + " </td><td> " + str ( value ) + " </td></tr> \n "
typetext = typetext + " </table> \n "
toolnames = ( ' magellan ' , ' crtools ' , ' ehmv ' , ' echeck ' , ' mercator ' , ' emap ' , ' esurvey ' , ' vorlage ' , ' othertools ' )
tooltext = " <h2>Tools</h2> \n <table> \n "
for tool in toolnames :
results = cursor . execute ( ' SELECT count(*) from poll where ' + tool + ' =1 ' )
if results == 1 :
num = int ( cursor . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ] ) ;
tooltext = tooltext + " <tr><td> " + tool + ' </td><td> ' + str ( num ) + ' ( ' + str ( int ( num * 100.0 / answers ) ) + ' % )</td></tr> \n '
tooltext = tooltext + " </table><h3>...andere</h3> \n "
num = cursor . execute ( " SELECT DISTINCT toolsother FROM poll where toolsother is not null order by toolsother " )
while num != 0 :
num = num - 1
text = str ( cursor . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ] )
tooltext = tooltext + text + " <br> \n "
referernames = { ' friends ' : ' Freunde & Familie ' , ' pbemdirect ' : ' PBEM Webseiten ' , ' other ' : ' Andere ' , ' otherpbem ' : ' Andere PBEM ' , ' searchengi ' : ' Suchmaschinen ' , ' press ' : ' Presse ' , ' yahoo ' : ' Yahoo & Co, ' }
referertext = " <h2>Wie bist Du zu Eressea gekommen?</h2> \n <table> \n "
for referer in referernames . keys ( ) :
results = cursor . execute ( " SELECT count(*) from poll where referer= ' " + referer + " ' " )
if results == 1 :
num = int ( cursor . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ] ) ;
referertext = referertext + " <tr><td> " + referernames [ referer ] + ' </td><td> ' + str ( num ) + " </td></tr> \n "
referertext = referertext + " </table><h3>...andere</h3> \n "
num = cursor . execute ( " SELECT DISTINCT refererother FROM poll where refererother is not null order by refererother " )
while num != 0 :
num = num - 1
text = str ( cursor . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ] )
referertext = referertext + text + " <br> \n "
scenarionames = { ' fast ' : ' Zweimal pro Woche ' , ' slow ' : ' Alle zwei Wochen ' , ' madmax ' : ' Endzeit-Eressea ' }
scenariotext = " <h2>Kommerzielle Szenarios</h2> \n <table> \n "
for scenario in scenarionames . keys ( ) :
results = cursor . execute ( ' SELECT count(*) from poll where ' + scenario + ' =1 ' )
if results == 1 :
scenariotext = scenariotext + " <tr><td> " + scenarionames [ scenario ] + ' </td><td> ' + str ( int ( cursor . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ] ) ) + ' </td> \n '
scenariotext = scenariotext + " </table> \n "
# agefile=open('poll2001-age.dat', 'w')
# countryfile=open('poll2001-country.dat', 'w')
# for age in ages.keys():
# agefile.write(str(int(age)) + '\t' + str(ages[age]) + '\n')
countrytext = " <h2>Heimatl<74> nder</h2> \n <table> "
for country in countries . keys ( ) :
# countryfile.write(country + '\t' + str(countries[country]) + '\n')
countrytext = countrytext + " <tr><td> " + country + ' </td><td> ' + str ( countries [ country ] ) + ' </td></tr> \n '
countrytext = countrytext + " </table> \n "
# agefile.close()
# countryfile.close()
Display ( personaltext + countrytext + typetext + funtext + scenariotext + referertext + tooltext + comments )
Form = cgi . FieldStorage ( )
if Form . has_key ( ' faction ' ) :
ReadForm ( Form )
else :
ShowResult ( )
#| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
#| faction | varchar(6) | YES | | NULL | |
#| age | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| country | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| turn | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| starts | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| otherpbem | tinyint(1) | | | 0 | |
#| party | tinyint(1) | | | 0 | |
#| referer | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
#| refererother | varchar(64) | YES | | NULL | |
#| fun | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
#| socializer | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| killer | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| explorer | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| achiever | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| scenarios | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
#| magellan | tinyint(1) | | | 0 | |
#| emap | tinyint(1) | | | 0 | |
#| ehmv | tinyint(1) | | | 0 | |
#| vorlage | tinyint(1) | | | 0 | |
#| esurvey | tinyint(1) | | | 0 | |
#| mercator | tinyint(1) | | | 0 | |
#| echeck | tinyint(1) | | | 0 | |
#| toolsother | varchar(64) | YES | | NULL | |